2 minute read
Why I’m Part of WelcomeHomeOC
Alan Dauger
Co-Founder of A&M Properties AAOC Member Since 1974 Number of Units Owned/Managed: Approximately 1,960 WHOC Network Partner Since 2019 Number of WHOC residents housed/units occupied: Approximately 17–20 units
Julia Araiza
Independent Rental Owner Founder of Pacifica Company AAOC Member Since 1972 WHOC Network Partner Since 2019 Number of WHOC residents housed: 4
Alan Dauger, co-founder of A&M Properties, was eager to join the WelcomeHomeOC property provider network because he knew the program was going to be beneficial economically to his company.
“In the more than two years that we’ve been a part of WelcomeHomeOC, the experience has been great. The residents are screened properly, we’ve been able to fill vacancies quickly with quality residents, and the WelcomeHomeOC team is professional and communicative when any issues have arisen,” said Dauger.
He also feels good about giving back to the Orange County community. “Of course, there’s the added benefit of being able to help individuals that need a safe place to live and are having a hard time finding it on their own.”
Julia Araiza’s decision to become a part of the WelcomeHomeOC property provider network was an easy one, motivated by the combination of wanting to do what was best for her business and fulfilling a desire to help those in need directly around her.
“I appreciate that my apartment will earn rent from the date that WelcomeHomeOC accepts it for their program. They pay rent while they are matching us to a resident, and also during the HUD approval process,” said Araiza.
To other property providers who may be considering becoming a part of the WelcomeHomeOC network, Araiza says, “You take a chance with every tenant you rent to. Take this chance for the good of your business and our community, and you may be pleasantly surprised.”
WelcomeHomeOC (WHOC) is a program from Orange County United Way’s United to End Homelessness initiative that provides financial incentives and other assurances to property providers who rent units to individuals, Veterans, and families with a housing voucher from Public Housing Authorities.
500+ People Housed 100% of Rent Paid On Time Zero Reported Evictions 95% Retention Rate After 12 Months 75+ Property Providers in the Network
• Signing bonus • Security deposit • Holding fee • Damage mitigation fund • Consistent and on-time rent payment • Enhanced customer service and assistance • Vacancies filled quickly
For more information or to join the WelcomeHomeOC property provider network, please contact the WelcomeHomeOC property engagement team at welcomehomeoc@unitedwayoc.org, or schedule a 20-minute chat with our team: http://bit.ocuw.org/meetwhoc