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I Love, I Love, I Love My Calendar Whirl
Every day, Every day, Every day of the year!
Before we get into next year however there is one announcement I am going to start with—
If you are considering running for office in the Primary Election next March, December is when filing closes —visit your county Registrar of Voters for information—
• Orange County Registrar of Voters https://ocvote.gov/ candidates
• Riverside County Registrar of Voters—https://voteinfo.net
January—You Start the Year Off Fine gifts and sweet treats our legislators will give our industry.
March—In Washington, D.C., We’ll Work Across thet Aisle!
A number of state laws go into effect January first. At our General Membership Meeting this past September, AAOC Lobbyist Ron Kingston provided a great breakdown of the legislative session— and at the January General Membership Meeting, on January 10th, Mike Brennan will be providing a legal update. Register now to attend the meeting— https://www.aaoc.com/events/generalmembership-meeting-january-2024.
February—A Sacramento Valentine

California’s Primary Election will occur on March 5th, but even better— Join us in Washington, D.C. for NAA Advocate, where we will be among the voices communicating NAA’s legislative policy priorities to our California congressional delegation. Advocate will be held March 12–13, 2024. Find out more information and register— https://www.naahq.org/advocate.
April—CalRHA Leg Day Will Make You Smile!
As for this article—That’s right, I’m going Neil Sedaka for this one. As we look ahead to 2024, it is important to have a concept of what our industry is looking at each month—and what you should be prepared for as multifamily housing providers and leaders.

Well, it will be two days late—but February 16th is the deadline to introduce bills for the 2024 state legislative session. I can’t wait to see what kinds of
Just as we do with NAA Advocate in Washington, D.C., we will do in Sacramento for CalRHA’s Legislative Day. Keep your eyes open for informa- tion if you are interested in joining AAOC for this informative, two-day advocacy session with our state lawmakers. You can help make a difference.

May—Maybe Things Won’t Go Wrong
California’s budget is supposed to be passed by this point in the year and campaign season will not yet be in full swing. So, celebrate our nation’s birth, and recommit yourself to being an engaged part of the democratic process.

August—Sine Die’s Gonna Steal the Show who will be supportive of our industry and our issues. It’s never too early to contribute, so make your online contribution at https://www.aaoc.com/store/ aaoc-candidates-pac, or mail checks payable to “AAOC PAC” to 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92701.

Also, don’t forget that September 30th is the deadline for Governor Newsom to sign or veto bills.
The last day for legislative bills to clear their houses of origin in Sacramento is May 24th. Expect AAOC to be sending out a lot of “Calls for Action” this month—and be ready to respond.
NAA Apartmentalize Attendance Will Be Strong
August marks the close of candidate filing and initiative qualification, so we will know all of the candidates and ballot initiatives that will appear on the November General Election ballot. We will be calling upon you to let us know about the candidates who you know, and whether they will be fair and supportive on rental housing industry issues.

What’s better than hearing about public policies and seeing the industry advance than by doing it in Philadelphia —where American Policy got its start? Join your peers from around the country at the premiere rental-housing industry conference and trade show— NAA Apartmentalize! Find out more information and register at https:// www.naahq.org/apartmentalize.
July—Like a Firework About to Blow
August 31st will also the final day to pass bills in Sacramento for the 2024 legislative session, so be ready to respond to a final round of “Calls to Action” as AAOC continues to protect and promote the rental-housing industry!

September—We Light the Candle on Campaigning
As far as rhyming schemes go, this one was a stretch. Labor Day is typically the symbolic kick off date for campaign season—and we need your PAC donations to help support the candidates

Many Political Ads Have We Seen?
October is the month that our messaging and action on key ballot initiatives will be critical
• Defeat the Justice for Renters Act— https://justiceforrenters.org/
• Support Repeal the Death Tax— https://reinstate58.hjta.org/
• Support the Taxpayer Protection Act—https://taxpayerprotection.com/
• Defeat Santa Ana Rent Control
Are all essential issues for us—and there will be more. Make your online contribution to AAOC’s Multi-County Property Rights PAC today—https:// www.aaoc.com/store/aaoc-issues-pac, or mail checks payable to “AAOC MultiCounty Property Rights PAC” to 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92701.
November—We’ll Give Thanks to Victory Watch — continued on page 18