2 minute read
Apartment News
2 - Pool Maintenance & Safety
Tuesday, 1–2 pM, online
4 - Riverside Multifamily Mingle
Thursday, 5:30–7:30 pM, encanTo apar TMenTs, corona, see page 40
8 - Mosquito Prevention & Management
Monday, 10–11 aM, online
9 - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, 6 pM, online
15 - Welcome Home OC
Monday, 10–11 aM, online
17 - General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, 7–8:30 pM, sanTa ana elks lodge
18 - SB 721 Balcony & Deck Inspection
Thursday, 1:30–2:30 pM, aaoc office, see page 68
22 - Active Shooter Response Training
Monday, 10–11:30 aM, aaoc conference rooM
23 - Insurance Webinar
Tuesday, 1:30–3 pM, online
29 - Memorial Day
Monday, office closed
13 - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, 6 pM, online
14 - General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, 7–8:30 pM, sanTa ana elks lodge
21 - CRHP Summer #1
Wednesday, 6–9 pM, online
22 - 1031 Exchange
Thursday, 1–2 pM, online
28 - CRHP Summer #2
Wednesday, 6–9 pM, online
29 - Lunchtime Learning
Thursday, 12–1 pM, online
Published by the Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, a subsidiary of the Apartment Association of Orange County.
The Resources You Want — The Representation You Need — Since 1961
525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125 Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 245-9500 • Fax (714) 245-9505 • www.aaoc.com n Executive Director – David J. Cordero n Editor in Chief – David J. Cordero n Advertising & Media Sales Director – Debbie M.
n Design & Production – Dave Moeller/Graphic Angles n Printing – Sundance Press
The contents of the Orange County Apartment News may not be reproduced without written permission. The opinions expressed in any article in the Orange County Apartment News are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Apartment Association of Orange County or Apartment News This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject manner covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal service or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. Publisher disclaims any liability for published articles, typographical errors, production errors or the accuracy of information provided herein. While Orange County Apartment News makes efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided herein, publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation, expressed or implied, of the advertiser or any products or services offered. We reserve the right to reject any advertising or editorial copy. NOTE: Unless stated otherwise permission to reprint magazine articles is granted on the condition that full credits are given to the author or to other sources and to Apartment News
Mission Statement
To promote, protect and enhance the rental housing industry by providing programs and services that enable our members to operate successfully, and by supporting our members’ interests legislatively in order to preserve private property rights.
Officers n President John Tomlinson n First Vice President Randy Combs n Second Vice President Denise Arredondo n Vice President
Legislative Council Nathan Poth n Treasurer Laurel Dial n Secretary Julia Araiza n Sergeant at Arms Rick Roshan n Immediate Past President Frank Alvarez
Directors n Christine Baran n Alan Dauger n Amy Fylling
Directors Emeriti n Ronald Berg n Vicki Binford n David A. Cossaboom n Craig Kirkpatrick n Stefanie Koslosky n Stephen C. Duringer n William R. Gorman n Jerry L’Ecuyer n Nicholas Dunlap n Nick Lieberman