9 minute read
AAOC Trade Show & Conference Celebrates the Strength of the Multifamily Industry
Orange County’s multifamily industry turned out in force for the Apartment Association of Orange County’s 51st Annual Tradeshow & Conference on Thursday, May 5, 2022, at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa.
Nearly 1,200 rental-housing providers attended the show, with more than 300 people lined up early just to enter when the doors opened at 9 a.m. An immediate buzz could be felt throughout the exhibit hall, and the energy and enthusiasm of the show attendees and exhibitors only grew over the course of the day. It was truly a great day for making connections, generating leads, and celebrating the best of the multifamily industry.
This year’s education seminars featured: “The 5 Keys to Dealing with Difficult People” with nationally recognized ‘Apartment All Star’ and corporate trainer Rommel Anacan (The Relationship Difference), sponsored by Kay Properties & Investments; “2022 Legal Update” featuring Tyler Greer, Esq. (Duringer Law Group, PLC), sponsored by WASH Multifamily Laundry Systems; “Online Reputation:
The Surprising Cost of a Bad Review
and How to Overcome It” featuring Laura Lemansky (Rent Path), sponsored by Perch Wealth; and “Winning
Property Management Strategies”
featuring Paul Julian (Advanced Real Estate Services) and Marco Vartanian (Sullivan Property Management), sponsored by FPK Security.
Additionally, this year’s Maintenance
Demonstration Zone — Sponsored by
Optimum Seismic featured instruction on “General Maintenance & Repair” with Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.; “Water Heaters 101” and “DIY Plumbing Tips” with California Rooter & Plumbing; and “Roofing Maintenance Strategies” by McCarthy Roofing.
Show attendees also enjoyed participating in the always popular Trade Show Bingo, carrying their cards and having them stamped by the participating exhibitors, hoping to have their card drawn and winning a $500 cash prize.
The show culminated with the presentation of Booth Awards to the following exhibitors: Most Fun & Original — Collier’s International: Swanson Apartment Team; Best Use of Theme — Orange County Housing Authority; Best Use of Product — Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.; and Best Overall Booth — California Rooter & Plumbing.
Immediately following the conclusion of the show, attendees and exhibitors who wanted to do some final network-
Trade Show — continued on page 44

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L to R: Adam Bryan (American 1031) talks DSTs and commercial real estate issues with Rich Lombardi.

L to R: The team from Intersolutions: Property Management Staffing Specialists — Kristie Kelley, Caroline Nicol, Michael Benton, and Laura Aliberti. L to R: The team from Optimum Seismic — Guillermo Whitman, Ali Sahabi, Andrea Aguilar, and Jared Duke. Optimum Seismic also sponsored this year’s Maintenance Demonstration Zone.

The team from Lloyd Pest Control.

L to R: Deborah Biggs (Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP), Mikel Persky-Hassman (WASH Multifamily Laundry Systems), and Asia Pham (Schroeder Property Management) L to R: Liz Juarez and Irving Gallegos (Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.).

Mercedes Shaffer (Investing in the OC) discusses real estate investment strategies with a show attendee.

L to R: Staling Ngoy and Erika Rojas (ATI Restoration). With Brad Bellflower by their side, the team from Apartments.com: Shannon Kelly, AJ MacDonell, and Adriana Mamola are all smiles and ready for an exciting day at the AAOC Trade Show & Conference.

Michael Post (FPK Security) is at his assigned post and ready to discuss security service options for multifamily and commercial properties.

Team members from Fairfield Residential are all smiles as they prepare to enter the exhibition hall.
The team from Bear Windows & Doors. L to R: Jim Van Dyke & James McCormick (Argos Home Systems).

L to R: Abraham Jaimes, Carmine Galimi, and Vincent Aviani (Kay Properties & Investments). Cal Bath & Restoration gives a big “thumbs up” to the AAOC Trade Show & Conference.

L to R: Korbin Duley (Sullivan Property Management) moderates the “Winning Property Management Strategies” seminar featuring Marco Vartanian (Sullivan Property Management) and Paul Julian (Advanced Real Estate Services). AAOC President Frank Alvarez (Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.) leads the general maintenance session in the Maintenance Demonstration Zone.

L to R: The superheroes from Orange County United Way — Acsa Juarez, Amanda Grill, Kristine Peters, and Jenna Milazzo, who are fighting to end homelessness through the WelcomeHomeOC program.
A large audience gathered to hear keynote speaker and Apartment All-Star Rommel Anacan share “The 5 Keys to Dealing with Difficult People.”
Laura Lemansky (Rent Path) imparts her wisdom and expertise during her “Online Reputation: The Surprising Cost of a Bad Review and How to Overcome It” seminar.

Michelle Hartman (WASH Multifamily Laundry Systems, Inc.) and her trusty llama companion.

The team from PRC Restoration chat with two show attendees. The team from Farmers Insurance: Theresa Simes Agency.

L to R: The OC Professional Maintenance Team - Hector Barragan, Sophia Hannibal, and Jennifer Barragan. Derrick Laughlin (KD Electric) discusses the services his company provides their multifamily customers.

L to R: Elsa Laufer (WASH Multifamily Laundry Systems) and Staling Ngoy (Restoration Management Company). Deepa Gurajic and Anayeli Martinez (Apex Window Décor) answer a show attendee’s question about window treatment options for her apartment.

L to R: Gloria Baker (Stuart & Gloria Baker Properties), the lucky winner of $500 morning bingo card cash drawing, with AAOC Executive Director David Cordero. L to R: Carrie Floyd & Diana James (The Liberty Group) with Stefanie Koslosky (Arize).

L to R: Members of the AAOC Team — Gissel Cuevas, Chip Ahlswede, and David Cordero share a lighthearted moment as they prepare to draw the card of the $500 morning bingo card winner. L to R: Jessie Childers (Santa Fe Management) and Emil & Irina Cioban (Strattford Capital, LLC) were all smiles as they reconnected at the AAOC Trade Show & Conference.

The Orange County Housing Authority, winner of the 2022 “Best Use of Theme” booth award. Mariposa Landscapes, Inc., winner of the 2022 “Best Use of Product” booth award.

Team members from Advanced Management Company take a moment to pose for a photo. L to R: Members of the AAOC Team — Spartacus Avina, Debbie DiBernardo, Gissel Cuevas, and Van Vo are all smiles.
L to R: Rob Bivens and Eddie Ellard (Symmons) discuss plumbing fixtures with a show attendee.

L to R: AAOC Board Member Nathan Poth (LoCali Management Group) and AAOC Executive Director David Cordero.

ing convened in the outdoor Courtyard for AAOC’s first ever Trade Show Fiesta
— Sponsored by Dedicated Transpor-
tation Services (DTS). Those in attendance were treated to some live music while also enjoying some cold beverages and tray-passed appetizers. Thank you to Entertainment Sponsor: ADT Multifamily, Bar Sponsor: PRC, Inc., and Food Sponsors: Arize, Bluefrog Plumbing & Drain, Buffalo Maintenance, Inc., Interlink Multifamily Staffing, LoCali Management Group, Multiteam Services, Inc., and USGI: Upland Group.
Of course, the AAOC Trade Show & Conference would not be complete or possible without the support of Platinum Sponsors: CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team, and JP Morgan | Chase Commercial Term Lending; Gold Sponsors: Crown Building Services, Inc., JLE Property Management, Inc., Mariposa Landscapes, Inc., and RedRock Technologies; Wi-Fi Sponsor: Cox Communication; Lanyard Sponsor: Marcus & Millichap; and Coffee Sponsor: VERO.
Mark your calendar now for the 2023 AAOC Trade Show & Conference, currently scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 2023, at the OC Fair & Event Center.