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The AAOC Multifamily Career Center features: www.AAOC.com erty owners to withdraw from the rental market, all the residential units, and unnecessarily evict renters, “… [d]estabilizes their lives, kid’s education, their safety net, and affects the community as a whole.” c. SB 567 forces property owners to pay exurbanite relocation costs to renters who do not require relocation but are evicted by mandate. a. SB 567 would punish a property owner with punitive legal damages and the required payment of a renter’s attorney’s fees and litigation costs related to said “material breach”.
II. SB 567 does not provide provisions for property owners who may suffer from medical emergencies and are physically and/or mentally incapable of occupying as a primary residence for 12 consecutive months, but instead determines these emergencies are a material breach.
SB 567 exposes a property owner to legal liability from a renter and the state for the same cause of action relating to said “material breach”; this could force a property owner to pay double the litigation costs.

SB 567 prevents a successor in interest, for an entire decade, from pursuing business opportunities to reintroduce residential rental units to the general public, which conflicts with the legislature’s longstanding goal to increase housing opportunities in California.
SB 567 is a guise to prevent property owners from taking possession of their own property.
Generally, residential rental property title holders include multiple property owners who are natural persons. In most cases a residential rental property owner, who is a natural person, does not have recorded ownership of at least 51% in the property based on shear math. b. SB 567 prohibits a property owner, who is a natural person, and has recorded ownership of less than 51% from taking occupancy via “Just Cause”. c. Additionally, SB 567 also prohibits a property owner’s spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, parent, or grandparent from taking occupancy via Just Cause if the natural person property owner has recorded ownership of less than 51%. a. In many instances of repair, intentional damage to a building is required to determine the magnitude of damage that needs to be repaired. Ironically, however, a permit is required to engage in this type of investigation. b. SB 567 makes conducting repairs almost impossible because it prevents a property owner from relocating a renter in a damaged unit until a permit is issued, while simultaneously preventing a property owner from providing notice to the renter that relocation is necessary in order to complete the repairs.

V. SB 567 would cause significant delays in repairing or substantial remodeling if a property owner is required to wait until a permit has been issued to provide Notice to renters to relocate.
The two measures are representative samples of bills that we are opposed to this year. Stay tuned.
Ron Kingston is President of California Strategic Advisors and Legislative Advocate for the Apartment Association of Orange County. For questions regarding this article, please call AAOC at (714) 245-9500.

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