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Executive Director’s Message AAOC’s Technological Evolution Continues
AAOC’s Technological Evolution Continues
By DaviD J. CorDero exeCutive DireCtor
To say that technology played a critical role in keeping society moving during the COVID-19 pandemic would be an understatement of epic proportions. Certainly, for the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC), our investments in communications and information technology upgrades, and our quick adoption of video conferencing and webinars in the early days of the pandemic shutdown allowed us to keep the association’s business operations and member services running smoothly and seamlessly.
While the pandemic resulted in AAOC fast-tracking its adoption of certain technologies and platforms, these steps were part of a “technological evolution” that had actually begun preCOVID, as part of a larger association modernization plan aimed at enhancing service delivery to members, achieving previously unrealized operational efficiencies, and establishing business continuity to ensure association resiliency in the event of an unforeseen disruption in operations.
As we all got settled into online meetings, education classes, and other member programs and services, the next phase in AAOC’s technological evolution quickly came into focus. It was time for a new website and a more functional, reliable, and user-friendly association management system that would provide an enhanced online experience for our members.
AAOC launched its new website and member database last month and members have been encouraged to visit the website, create their new login credentials, and get familiar with their Member Compass. The Member Compass allows you to maintain your account, register for events, make secure online payments that process immediately and are reflected on your account in real time, and so much more.
To get started, you will need to create a new account login and password. Your previous username and password will not work on the new website. Member account numbers have also been discontinued. Additionally, other individuals who are affiliated with your member account will need to create their own account profiles using their email address. Duplicate email addresses cannot be used for multiple accounts and profiles.
Once you have logged into your account and accessed the Member Compass, your Dashboard will show your membership status, upcoming event registrations, and any outstanding invoices, plus your profile information, account history, current and past event registrations, and transactional history. Members will also be able to register for meetings, education programs, and other association events, make updates to their profile information, view and pay invoices, securely store payment information, and many other functions. Additionally, if you are the Primary Contact or Billing Contact on the account, or you have been granted management access for your company, you will be able to update most company information, including adding and updating staff members and their contact information.
The launch of the new website and member database is an exciting and significant step forward in AAOC’s technological evolution and modernization efforts, and there is more to come in the months ahead. If you have already created your new account login and password, you have hopefully also explored your Member Compass, made updates to your profile and other account information, and checked out the new website with its improved functionality, features, and content. Again, there is more to come in the months ahead. If you have not yet accessed your account and updated your profile, don’t delay. Visit www. AAOC.com/login to get started. For more information about accessing your member account, see pages 36–38 in this month’s issue of Apartment News.
Finally, if you have questions or need assistance, a member of the AAOC staff would be happy to help. Simply contact us at (714) 245-9500 or membership@aaoc.com.
Do you know…
AAOC has continually fought and prevailed against Rent Control in Orange County since 1961?