Propeller Magazine February 2014

Page 1

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2014 APBA Regatta Insurance: Part II This Date in History Rooster-Tales:

Russell Hill, Jr. Inside the Cockpit:

Tony Lobardo Suited for Safety You make the call Category Corner

Modified Outboard Junior Classes Stock Outboard In Pictures Region Roundup

Region 8 Region 10 ....or"路r'n 11





WRITTEN BY / / RYAN BERLIN COMMUNICA TlONS DIRECTOR For 17 drivers, as the 2013 racing season came to an end, all of their hard work paid off. This year in Reno, Nevada, of those drivers were inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions. For 40 years Fred Miller has been coordinating the Hall of Champions. This year Miller steps down from his position

and the 2013 class will be the last he inducts. Inducted for the third straight year, PRO driver Jay Walls,Jr has really begun to hit the prime of his career. Walls had one of the most incredible seasons in all of PRO Racing and he has no plans of slowing down.

Making his first trip to the Hall of Champions in 20 years, Inboard Endurance driver David Rankin put in a lot of hard work and energy to make sure his boat ran well all season and he succeeded. Congratulations to all of this year's APBA Hall of Champions inductees.

Event Insurance Rate Comparison Regatta Liability and Participant Accident Insurance Two-Day Event


Stock Outboard, Modified Outboard, and PRO Junior Class, Oregon River Race, SLT Outboard Drag (Stand Alone Event) OPC Non Series Event OPC Series Event (PD, Power Boat Super League, and F-l PROP) Inboard Inboard Endurance Vintage & Unlimited Vintage Jet River Offshore P1 (stand-alone events) Offshore with Large classes Stand-Alone Testing Testing on the Friday before a sanctioned event

Driving School (standalone Inboard events) Driving School (standalone OPC events) Driving School (standalone SO, MO PRO, and Junior Classes events)


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n 1974 Fred Miller took it upon himself to help add some prestige to the American Power Boat Association. Four decades later, induction into the APBA Hall of Champions is something that every driver strives for.

Previous to 1974, the Marine Gulf Hall of Fame honored APBA drivers after every season. Honoring drivers from 19391973, some people felt that the voting was subjective and drivers weren't always rewarded for their accomplishments on the water.

"It was a big honor for all of us to get into the Gulf Hall of fame, and it went on through 1972," Miller said. "In early 1973 there was an oil embargo and we were rationing gas in the U.S. At the same time Gulf announced that 1973 would be their last year as a sponsor and 1974 would be they last presentation, which covered the 1973 season." Having been elected twice and sitting in on the selection process, Miller knew some of how the process worked. When Gulf ended their hall of fame, Miller decided something needed to be done to carry on the honor of a hall of fame. After doing his homework and making a presentation in 1973, the initial idea wasn't thought too highly of by APBA officials. "In 1973 I made a presentation to the council. It was turned down or at least not acted upon," Miller said. At the 1974 APBA Annual meeting Miller was asked to join Bob Norshkog, who was president at the time, in his suite for a discussion about the Hall of Champions. Miller explained the differences between the Gulf Hall of Fame, which was nothing more than a popularity contest, according to Miller; and his Hall of Champions. "In Bob Norshkog's suite I showed him the criteria that we would use for all of the categories," Miller said. "I had gone to the categories for two years now at this J?oint trying to get the criteria down and flIre President agreed, 'alright, let's do it.'" By the time Miller got the go-ahead the 1974 season had already ended. It was decided that the presentation for the 1974 drivers would be done along with the 1975

drivers at the next meeting. At the Miami Boat Show in January of 1976,34 drivers were honored and inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions. The inaugural 1974 class consisted of 17 drivers from eight different categories. "When the Hall of Champions came out it became more of an accomplishment based criteria for deciding who qualified to be in the Hall of Champions," original 1974 Hall of Champions inductee Howard Pipkorn said. "From my standpoint that made it more merit based instead of who you know and it was a great honor to be a charter member of that group and it's something I'll always cherish." As the years have passed, Fred Miller's creation has grown into something that every driver wants. Being inducted into the Hall of Champions is the "seal of approval" on a long accomplished season, according to Pipkorn. "I'm glad that Fred basically got the Hall of Champions in movement," original 1974 Hall of Champions inductee Paul

Grichar said. "I consider it a privilege and honor to have been blessed with being inducted in the original class." "Freddie has done a heck of a job keeping the wheels on this," original 1974 Hall of Champions inductee Ron Hill said. "Over the years, this is something that people really look forward to get into." After 40 years of coordinating and running the APBA Hall of Champions, Fred Miller will be stepping down. Taking over his position will be the team of Ernie Dawe and Tracy Trolian. "Tracy is a super gal and there is no more likeable in the world and nobody has done more for APBA than Ernie has," Miller said. "The Hall of Champions is the jewel of APBA, I like to say. One of the big things we have to sell to other groups is the Hall of Champions. "I just think the Hall of Champions will continue to get better and the way technology in the communication industry continues to evolve, who knows what it will be in five years."

Setting goals is what can help a boat racer getfrom one race to the next. Doing anything to accomplish those goals is what makes champions. This year Stock Outboard Driver Tony Lombardo achieved his goal ofbeing inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions. Lombardo knows that he couldn't have done it alone and he couldn't be any more proud ofhimselfor the people that helped him get there. Question: How did you first get into boat racing? Tony Lombardo: I worked for a gentleman that raced Crackerboxes. I started going to the races and crewing for him and the next thing you know I was running C-Stock Hydro, OSY and it just kind of evolved from there.

Q: Getting started in Crackerboxes, how do you make the move to Stock Outboard? TL: I run so many different classes that I don't think there is a huge difference. I think it it's a little bit easier to make that

It is

a little more difficult in the smaller classes because you don't have that horsepower so you have to be more precise on your starts. I have ran so many classes that it is just another boat.

are kind of rebels or outcasts and we just bonded real well together and we went all over the place together. Jean was like a mother figure to me and Dan was like a father figure. We just got a long very well together. It was a very easy relationship.

Q: How hard have you had to work this year to get into the Hall of Champions? TL: I worked very hard. Every year it's not easy. It takes a little bit of luck and a lot of work. I kind of lucked out this year. I wasn't going to be able to go to the APBA Stock Nationals because I started a new job and I guess luckily for me it was flooded out and it opened up the door. I just stayed

Q: Driving as many different classes as you do in all the different categories, which class would you say is your favorite to compete in? TL: A-Hydro is definitely my favorite. I just like the boat being small. You have to have a good start. There are not a lot of people that come through the pack so the competition is real tight. It is much more difficult to driver. The playing field is about as even as it can get.

Q: Has there been anybody who has

focus. Somebody one told me to just win races and the rest will take care of itself.

mentored you

TL: When I first got into boat racing I really didn't know anybody. I didn't come from a racing family so I really didn't have that knowledge and Dan and I had very similar personalities. I think he may have been seeing himself in me. We both

Q: What does it mean for you this year to be inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions? TL: For me it is very, very special because even up to the point of Dan's passing, the Hall of Champions was our goal. I know

that Dan, that's what he wanted. I even missed one of his services to go to a race to make sure that this goal was accomplished. It means a lot to me and I'm sure that it would have meant a lot to Dan too.

Q: Having accomplished this goal, what does your boat racing future hold?

TL: The sky is the limit, ya know. My plan is to keep racing. I'd like to maybe race some more Inboard classes, maybe one day Unlimiteds. I love Stock Outboard. I feel that is kind of my home. I just want to keep boat racing.

Q: What is it that you love so much about boat racing?

TL: The APBA is something special. It is a big family sport. You go to the races and there will be the Weber Family, the Allen Family or the Hearns. It is a very special type of sport that maybe most sports don't have, where the whole family is involved. It is just a nice thing to be a part of.

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INBOARD Three decades of great Inboard racing have broughl LARRY LAUTERBACH to the Hall 01 Champions three limes. lauterbach, 01 Chester, MD , designed and built both his 2001 winning rides: the National Modified 11200 MURJR'S LAUTERBACH SPECtAL and the 2.5 Litre Modilied, ' A-29 SPECIAL EDITION . He won 2001 High Points, Eastern and Western Divisionals and Summer Nationals in both classes and a 5 mile/4 lap record in National Modified. His lather Henry, son Brandon, owners Sandy Thompson and Bobby Murray, Jr. cheer him on, with sponsors Dunn Enterprises and Bobby Murray Chevrolet. l'HIlTos: CIwlLElUwRFt, T...:, MORGAN

TOM PAKRADOONI of Glen Mills, PA has raced and won for 11 years, but this is his first time winning APBA's highest prize. Backing comes from his wife Kim, children Michael, Lauren and Beth, riding mechanic Martha Atkins and sponsors RC Engines, Dewald Propellers and STEFS. His Jersey Speed Skill #7 ROLLING THUNDER is a familiar sight out in front. 2001 honors include a World Championship , Summer Nationals, Eastern Divisionals and High Points. Tom is known for pitching in at race sites, and for help· ing competitors with his "mobile hardware store. " Speed records? "I wish," says Pakradooni. But there's always next year. l'HIlTos: TRAC"I MoRoAN .... CDIJIIIm (If T"" PAlIIAOOCII



1996 induclee LANSE HASELRIG ("The Genlleman of the Drivers") of West Los Angeles, CA returns to the Hall of Champions to be han· ored for an outstanding 2001 season. His 1790 MY PLEASURE GN·1 was the boat to beat. Haselrig, who has raced everything from Offshore to Ski Boats lor 30 years, garnered the most points in all Inboard Endurance classes with 3,923. Sponsors Rayson Craff Boats, Rush Marine, Pedro Enterprises, Peter Guy RaCing Engines, Lanse's Auto Body and Drawls Clothing saw their investment payoff. His wile Pamela, children Ronald and Ingrid and six grandchildren can be very proud. l'Imos: Ml.RK BIAS III) MAIlRI:E SI'«IIIQ J


II's three Hall of Champions trips in a row for KYLE HANNON of Hillsboro, OR - in only live years of racing! With support from his parents Rick and Linda, Kyle's 2001 season surpassed the previous two. He sel a lotal 01 five 2001 speed records in J Hydro (FOREVER YOUNG) and J Runabout (CRANK IT UP). Once again he won National (J Runabout) and Region 10 High Points. He won the Western Divisional Championships and second place in both J Nalionals. 2001 awards include the Hank Bowman Award, Region 10 Oulstanding Driver honors and Ihe George Babcock Award. I'IIuros: CIINIl Bo........... Rot.UO DECHm


In a 23·year driving career, MICHAEL HANSON of Bonneylake, WA has won Nalional tilles and set records in 2.5 Lilre. He drove into the spollight In the U·9 JONES RACING as the fastest qualifier in three out of six events. The most thrilling was the Detroit Gold Cup Race. After franlic laslminute boat repairs, Hanson (and owners Mike and Lori Jones) celebrated their first Gold Cup win, and fourth place in High Points with four podium lInlshes. Support carne Irom TUbby's Grilled Subs, Skyway Park &Casino, Fiesta Bowl & Casino and Sun Harbor Mortgage. Hanson's home team includes wile Tonya, son Trevor and daughter Aubree. !'!mos: PAIl Kooa UIIl Bu TAllOII


_ ._ PROPELLER b._



Oh, how the F-l fans waited lor this one! In a class long dominated by the Seebolds, GREG FOSTER ("Mad Man Across the Water") 01 Anaheim Hills, CA won in Saskatoon (for the third time in a row); and took second in both San Diego Baylair and Windsor, CO. Ahard-Iought 2001 P.R.O.P. Tour ended with Foster one point ahead otTerry Rinker; two points ahead 01 Tim Seebold. That's close! Sponsor SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAtNT and owners Craig and Scott Wendt cheered on the Mercury powered DAC boat. Foster, with wife Sheri and children Staci and Cody, looks lorward to defending his title in 2002. I'HoTO$: Pw. Kala. AllllIllJIIUlilf GASl FomA



In 28 years 01 racing JOHN BROGE 01 Wyandotte, MI has overcome 6-loot waves, nail-biting linishes and some tough drivers. In 2001 experience paid 011 in the Pro Tunnel Tour and APBA SST 45 High Points Championships. (John won the PIT title in the last heat 01 the last race, by 3/4 point, over Rodney Schuh.) Broge also won the SST 45 World and National Championships to the cheers 01 his wile Lynn and children J.R. and Leland. Broge is the first ever to win all lour SST 45 championships in the class's 15¡year history! 2001 sponsors were Toner Tool, Dunne Graphics, Lockeman's Hardware and Boats, and Bob Broge. l'Holos: Ltc SaunuI AlII UsA RrmoaE. ALLAN HUNTING 01 Inver Grove Heights, MN had yel another great year in the Sport Cclass. For the liflh time, this 10-year racing veteran won the class National Championship In Kankakee. He also won the Sport CHigh Points Championship for the lifth time in 2001. For good measure, Hunting also nailed \he 2001 Sport CDivisional Championship and the U.I.M. World Championship. The season's overall outstanding performance earned Hunting the Twin Cities Powerboat Association's Driver 01 the Year Award. Allan and his wile Amy are celebrating his lirst Hall 01 Champions induction. His . 8 boat is sponsored by Progressive Auto Insurance. PHoTOS: Bill T.nOll PROFESSIONAL RACING OUTBOARD

12-year racing veteran and triple threat PAUL FUCHSLlN of Dixon, CA comes to the Hall 01 Champions again lor the first lime since 1992. He raced a consistently strong 2001 season in three classes, winning the PRO Nationals in 350ccR, 500ccR and 1100ccR. He set two 3/4 mile competition records and won High Points titles in the 350 and 500 classes. "Fuchslln" translates as "LiHle Fox, " and Lil' Fox Racing definitely lives up to its name. Encouragement and support come Irom his crew chiel and father, Richard Fuchslin; HOOccR deck rider Joe Johnson (01 whom Paul says "I couldn't ask lor a bener deck rider, ") Jan Buhlert; Chad Fountain and Rick Taylor. PHoTos: TIIII lolA STEVE GREAVES 01 SeaHle, WA and his wife Sheri have made this trip a few limes belorethis is Steve's seventh time in the Hall of Champions. Racing all lour Antique classes, PRO Chairman Greaves won High Points in Antique CService Runabout lor the 13th consecutive year in 2001. He also set 5 mile/ 4 lap records in ACSR and ACRR. Second place in the ACSR Western Divisionals and third place at the Nationals added to his point totals. Alate season flip sidelined Greaves for awhile, but he will be back In 2002 to add more laurels to a distinguished 37-year racing career. PHoTos: APBA, ..' COi.R1ISl Of Sri'll GREAVES

JEFF HARRIS (throttles) 01 Greenville, NC and WYATI FOUl Super Vee 146 lNETlX. Apromising start in Daytona Beacl that, however, the pair never missed a beat. They ilion the' the National Championship race in St. Petersburg. This is I Harris; and alirst lor Fountain. Appropriately enough, the I Racing Super Vengines. Wyan's father Reggie helped kee support as well from JeR's wite Lori and their children Mici daughters Sarah and Grace. Sponsors are lnetix, Lake CUI Fountain Powerboats. Owner Randy Hartmann has a team

ThroHleman TRES MARTIN of Davie, FL and owner/driver 1 tough Factory II lield in their F2-94 TEAM VIRGIN. They ra ning F2 is a 38' Top Gun powered by twin Mercury Racing! 2001 was during a heated National title race at St. Petersb help injured racer Dominic Guido, whose boat had llipped, the World Championship, and the High Point Champlonshll Tres, who has raced since the age of 16, has twice been ni World titles before the 2001 season. He has the unwaveril Mitchell, Alexander and Megan. The team was buoyed by

JOHN TOMLINSON 01 North Miami, FL on throttles and dri, Super Cat 114 DRAMBUIE ON ICE. They set a Kilo record, Nationals, the World Champinship and the FORCE Series C 01 Champions lor the third time (he was also inducted in 1! Wakelietd lend support. This is Fuller's first trip to the Hal years). Fuller's wife Jodi and children Allie, Reynolds, Jai Montano-Hartmann Motorsports and sponsors Drambuie 31 from this Super Cat team in 2001 . I'IMlTOS: PAUl KEMI!l, .... McU\J)1

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'lTAIN (driving) of Grimesland, NC were a class act in their ~ ended in Wyatt's being sidelined with dehydration. After i9h Point Championship with 102710131points, along wilh return trip to the Hall of Champions for 1999 inductee I am pilots a 39' Fountain, powered by twin 750HP Mercury I the boat dialed in throughout the season. They had full l13el , Christie and Kelly; and Wyatt's wife Rae and their mberl and Marine, Montano-Harfmann Motorsports and 10 be proud 01. PIIOTOS: JIMMci..AutHJI "~D PAUl. KEMl!l.


'000 KLINDWORTH 01 Christiansled, Virgin Islands outran a n Super Cat as well , making for a busy season. Their winiOOHP EFI engine packages. One 01 Iheir shining moments in urg, Fl. They started In fourth position. Aner stopping 10 Ihey still wenl on 10 win the National title. They also won ) - In Onshore's biggest class - with 888 total pOints. Imed Throttleman of Ihe Year and had several National and Ig support 01 his wife Robin and children Jessica, Red, financial support from Todd's wallet. I'IIoro:s COURm!Y OFT!.\M VII.I.

ler HUGH FULLER of Clearwaler, FL sel a lasl pace in the won High Points lIIith a season tolal 01922, and ilion the :up. Filteen-year raCing veteran Tomlinson returns 10 the Hall 196 and 1999). His wile Donna Tomlinson and son Johnathan I 01Champions, (but then he has onlV been racing for two islee , Hugh III and Reagan cheered Irom shoh!. Owner ld Lake Cumberland Marine celebrated a superb showing





scon CLARK of Stillwater, NY has raced both Stock and Modified classes for seven years. For the second straight year, his performance in Modified Outboard has brought him to the Hall of Champions. In 2001 Scott won High Points in both Band CMod Hydro. He racked up Ihe points by winning the Nationals in both classes (piUS the CMod Hydro North American Championship). He also set a 1-mile record in the class. And, once again Scott Clart won the Paul Kalb Award for the highest overall point tolal. His father Jack Clart sponsors the boats, and Clart's wife Lisa cheers him on. 1'IIoro:s: L10 StHllITTII! !HO COIIITESY OF Sam CuII(

MOD I FIED OUTBOARD STOCK OUTBOA R D EDWARD HEARN 01 Valparaiso, IN returns lor dual awards in Modilied and Stock Outboardlor the third limel This year marks his fourth induction in Slack Outboard, and his third in Modified, in 23 years 01 racing. Ed started the season early in Crescent City, FL, but flipped and broke an engine. Unlike the previOUS glOriOUS year, he managed only a B Slack Hydro win. He went home, built an A engine and rebuilt his B engine, and tried again. The season continued with bumps, scrapes, breakage, cold (Burfington) and heal (Alexandria). Hearn persevered, and made it to some 33 races in Stock alone. He also found time to marry Anna Butkovsky and to mentor her brother Jonathan and his Mercury engine in J Class in Ihe 2001 season. The pace was grueling. Ed says, "I was spread as thin as I ever had been ••• " Persistence paid on, howeyer. Nationals lIIins in A Mod Runabout, AMod Hydro and BSR earned him phenomenal points lotals - nearly 20,000 points in Stock Outboard alone. Hearn won High Points Championships in AMod Runabout, B Stock Runabout and BStock Hydro. As the new Stock Outboard Chairman, he may be 100 busy lor the race course in 2002 - or not. The past season was great incentive. He says, "Alter a lerrible star!. 2001 turned out to be a pretty good season." PlIIlfO$: T,.... £.$"""'. RIItMO DICHIRT ""0 oournm (f £oW.utO HWIN STOCK


RICHARD RUNNE 01 Oceanport, NJ is back in the Hall of Champions for the third time. Once again, his CStock Runabout ' 4-J SHERI'S NIGHTMARE led the pack in a very tough class. Runne swept Ihe Nationals, Winter Nationals, and High Points, as well as placing second in the Eastern Divisionals. While his wile Sheri and son Dylan cheered him on, Runne scored 8769 points in 20 races. His 15-race average was 466 points. All in all, 2001 was another great season for Richard Runne in a 32-year racing career. PlmIlS: RIlUN) Oa:HlJll'. ..0 COUIl1UY Of RICHA-OOR_


JOEL WIEGEL of Franklin, PA raced his CSlack Hydro J20SSH to a stellar 2001 season. This is his lirst induction into the Hall 01 Champions in 25 years 01 racing, although he has won his share 01 National Championships. Wiegel placed third in CSH and lourth in 20SSH at Ihe 2001 Stock Nationals, but won the Dlvisionals and National High Poinls in both classes. Nine first places out 0115 races in bolh classes put him on top. Wiegel also won the CSH Winler Nationals tille and placed second in 20SSH, to be honored by the Three Rivers Outboard Racing Association. Peggy Wilson and daughter Julene Martin oner encouragement. PHOm:

ROlNlo D ~CIW!T Me Trw... EArowo


REGION 9: 9/12-9/14

Redwood. NY

Modified , Stock, Stock Classic, Junior

5/ 10-5/ 11

Bay St. Louis. MS

Vintage, Inboa rd


10/11-1 0/12


Castle Rock. WA

PRO, Modified, Stock, Juni or

Millville. NJ

Modified, Stock, Junior


St. Maries. 10

Special Eve nt, Jet Ri ve r Race r

West Milford. NJ

In boa rd

6/27 -6/29

Burley. 10

Lock Haven. PA

Modified , Stock, Junior

Vintage, Inboa rd, In boa rd Endurance

Lock Haven. PA

Modified , Stock, Junior


Moses Lake. WA

Mod ifi ed, Stock, Junior

Millville. NJ

Modified , Stock, Junior 3/ 15-3/16

Oroville. CA

Special Event, Vintage, Inboa rd, Inboa rd Endurance, PRO, Mod ifi ed, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Unli mited , SLT, Junior


Nicolaus. CA

Special Eve nt, Vintage, Inboa rd, PRO, Modified, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Juni or

7/ 11-7/13

Sparks. NV

Special Eve nt, In boa rd, PRO, Mod ifi ed, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Juni or

10/ 18-10/19

Nicolaus. CA

Special Eve nt, Vintage, Inboa rd, PRO, Modified, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Juni or

REGION 11: REGION 4: 6/21-6/22

Kent Narrowsl Chester. MO

In boa rd, Juni or

REGION S: 3/1-3/2

Lakeland. FL

In boa rd, Stock, OPC, Junior

3/21 -3/23




Jesup. GA

PRO, Mod ifi ed, Stock, Junior


Stuart. FL

Special Eve nt, Vintage, In boa rd, Offshore, OPC

9/27 -9/28

Hernando. FL


11 /1-11 /2




Walled Lake. MI

Inboa rd

6/27 -6/29

Bay City. MI



Waterford. MI

Vintage, Inboa rd, Stock, Juni or


Portsmouth. OH


Laporte. IN



REGION 7: 5/30-6/1

*Racing Calendar dates are subject to change *Please visit for an up-to-date race calendar



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• PROPELLER ... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ....... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. ...... ... ...... .. ...... .. ........ .

PRO racer Jay Walls Jr. makes his third straight induction into APBA's most hallowed hall //20

... ............................................................................................................................................................. PROPELLER -.S ' . Walls thought that he would have a legitimate shot to win the 350-Hydro National Championship.

Hitting the prime of his career, Jay Walls Jr, from Danville, Ind., is making his third consecutive trip to the APBA Hall of Champions. "He is just so enthusiastic. This kid loves boat racing," PRO Chairwoman Kristi Ellison said. "He's a real up and comer. He just really loves boat racing and is very helpful and very friendly to everybody." However, when Walls is on the water, he races to win. Having one of the most dominant seasons in Professional Racing Outboard history, Walls won almost everything he competed in this season; including four National Championships. Competing for the first time in Kingston, Tenn., for the 2013 PRO Nationals walls ran in five classes, winning a championship in C-Service Hydro, C-Racing Hydro, C-Service Runabout and C-Racing Runabout. Walls is the first person ever to win a National Championship in all four Antique Classes in the same year. "When I go to a boat race, I just go to win. There is no other spot to be but out front,"Walis said. "One of the things that everybody kept telling me at this year's Nationals was that I was the first guy ever to win all four Antique Classes. I figured it had been done before but Steve Greaves came up to me at Nationals and said 'you're the first guy to do it.' I couldn't believe it. "It's still had to realize that I did that. It really is crazy. I just can't believe it." Having won four National Championships this year isn't even the most impressive thing Walls did this year. Upon arriving in Kingston, and talking with his team,

In a boat that was built in the late '80s, "I was always told that if I ran that on a short course I would really put it on and have a chance,"Walls said. However, the only problem is that his 350-Hydro was in his garage back in Danville. Mter the nearly 400 mile trip to get to Kingston, Walls and his dad, Jay Sr., drove back to Danville, loaded their boat and equipment up in 22 minutes, made the 400 mile journey back to Kingston just in time to start testing. "Man, that was the longest drive of my life," Walls said with a laugh. "We got it setup, tested it and everything ran well and it was fun. I had a really good time doing it." Even though he finished fourth overall in 350-Hydro, Walls won plenty of other races throughout the 2013 season. Walls won Eastern Divisional titles in C-Service

Hydro, C-Racing Hydro and C-R.-:cing Runabout. Running in a combined total of 27 races, Walls earned 12,382 total points and won the Colonel Green Round Hill Trophy. "(Winning the Colonel Green Round Hill Trophy) was something I didn't even expect. It was toward the end of the year and we were at our last race when we started talking about it,"Walis said. "Some of the biggest names in boat racing are on that trophy and it really is something. We didn't expect it. Having set the goal, we're going to try and do it again this year." Setting goals is what gets walls through what can be a lengthy race season. Setting a large goal creates a lot of smaller goals, according to Walls. The large goal Walls has set year in and year out? Getting into the APBA Hall of Champions, and the last three years everything he and his crew have worked for has been accomplished. W"In order to get into The Hall you have to win Divisionals, High Points, Nationals and set records. It is really hard to put into words how awesome it is,"Walis said. "I never thought I'd be in the Hall of Champions once, let alone three times. "The Hall of Champions is pretty much why we race. Boat racing is one big family and this is the biggest family reunion right there."

I've known for a long time that my brother would die; his 25-year fight with prostate cancer has been winding down for months and it finally ended December 9th. Russ was always my big brother. I knew he loved me, but sometimes I wondered. When I was three, Russ started to take me to the market on his bicycle. The problem was my foot was caught in the spokes and I broke my ankle. I never held it against him. I was sick more often than not until I was 12, when I got my tonsils out. Because barbers looked like doctors, I'd scream my brains out when I got a haircut. Russ would take me to the barber shop when he got a haircut so I'd get used to the barbers. He called me "the little monster." My parents came to California from Denver in 1935, broke. They had $5 and two kids when they landed in California. By the time I was born in 1944, my dad owned a duplex, a house and 22 acres in Lake Elsinore. California had been good to our family. My sister and brother used to race their bicycles in front of our house, until Russ crashed into the neighbor's car and put a big dent in the trunk with his head.

Russ had trouble in school. When he came home from kindergarten, he told my mom he and the teacher were the smartest two people in the room. My mom thought it was nice that he included the teacher. The school must have thought Russ was pretty smart, as they skipped him two grades. He went from third grade to fifth in one day. When Russ graduated from high school, he was just IS-he would not turn 16 until October. Our family always thought that skipping two grades deminished his social skills, but I think he was just not a social person. In fact, the word "nerd" might been created just for my brother. When World War II ended, Russ was 14-years old and he wanted to race boats. There were no race motors available, as all outboards had been sold to the government for the war effort. My dad happened to see a "war surplus" auction and stopped to see what they had. He noticed that some of the fire fighting water pumps were powered by KRJohnson ''A:' motors. My dad bought 22 KRs at this auction. Russ' job for the next 22 days was to take these motors apart.

There were some midsections around but no gearcases. To build a gearcase you needed gears. Russ and my dad figured out how to make gears and how to read the spec sheet. They figured if they made smaller gears, they could make a small gearcase and still make spec. My dad made some patterns, and George Peak cast the parts. Russ and my dad built a KR "N motor. Until Russ's dying day, he said he could assemble that "It' motor blindfolded. Russ Jr. did things to the KR that were years ahead of its time, like a "squared" rotary valve on the crank. This ''A:', with Russ driving, won the 1949 William Randolph Hearst Regatta, with 32 ''A:' Hydros in the race. My dad made about 15 more gearcases from this pattern, then traded it to Pep Hubbell for my first bicycle. However, Russ was the designer of this pattern. It was much smaller than "factory" gearcases, but was legal under the rules as it was measured in only one spot. Mter this, Orlando Toragainti won five straight APBA and NOA National Championships with Hill gearcases, designed by Russ Hill,Jr. When Russ finished high school, he went to work for Randolph "PEP" Hubbell, who made parts for outboard racing engines.

................................................................................. ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ................................... .. PROPELLER Russ was the main machinist and probably the main engineer. Russ worked for Hubbell until he went into the Army in 1953. Around this time, Russ, John Drake and Tom Gouldstone were the best of friends. They made plaques for their cars that said, "Prop Nuts."John Drake's dad built Lee Wallard's 1951 Indy 500 winning motor. John was given a new Mercury KG-7, as Mercury was one of the sponsors. Russ and John both dated Phyllis Winger, who was the only female in the John Wayne Movie "Island in the Sky". Though John and Russ dated the same girl, they never seemed to be in competition about it. Wherever Russ and John went, they dragged me along, and Phyllis was often with us. John treated me like a brother. When Russ was drafted into the Army in 1953, they said he'd be in Korea by Christmas. America voted in a new Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower and Russ was sent to Germany. The Korean Conflict ended but Russ was still in the U.S. Army. In Germany, they had these new machines called computers. Russ had a job there, putting punch cards into the computer. He worked the night shift, so he'd sleep on this "block-long" machine called a computer. When the machine quit shaking, Russ would wake upend add more cards to the machine. When Russ returned from the Army, boat racing had changed and so had the world. He started college at Long Beach State and wanted to study computers, but they were unheard of. So, he dropped out and went



Ofl)r Motors, to see what they had to offer. John was building the Drake Ofl)r V-8 but having troubles. I asked John Drake if he wanted my brother's help. Two weeks later, Russ quit Mattel to go to work for his lifelong friend John.

to work for Rheem Manufacturing. Mter becoming the head computer person at Rheem, Russ went to work for Northrup to work on the Kennedy Space Program. In 1959, Russ married Judy Cordes and they had two children, Georgie and Russell Lawrence "Bunker" Hill, III. In the early 1960s, Russ was very active in the American Power Boat Association. He was a Commodore, Region Chairman and Senior Vice President. Russ facilitated the merger of the Valley Speedboat Association and the United Speedboat Association into the SCOA (Southern California Outboard Association). SCOA is still a club today. Russ also started the Pacific Offshore Powerboat Association (POPBRA) along with Sandy Kemp. POPBRA established Offshore racing in California. Not long after being married and having Georgie (named after our Las Vegas Aunt Georgie) Russ went to work for Mattel Toys. Because Russ ran the computers at Mattel, he knew more about the company than the owners. Russ actually made a boatload of money trading Mattel stock and working at MatteI. In 1973, when Russ ran for APBA President, he said computers could score everyone's High Points, but most people didn't know what a computer was. Mter I won the 1978 Parker Enduro, my sponsor Brad Miller wanted to build a KT boat to beat Cosworth's KT. I stopped in to Drake Engineering, builders of the Indy

For the next two years, Russ ran Drake Engineering. They applied for and got several government contracts. They built a drone engine that may be flying in drones today. Russ's main effort was with Chrysler. Lee Iaccoca wanted an Indy motor, but Chrysler was in bankruptcy and buying a race car motor wasn't in the cards. Though Goodyear worked closely with Russ, the Drake V-8 didn't make it as a race motor. Russ closed Drake Engineering, and leased the building to RICOH. John Drake later built water pumps for all the Indy Honda cars. Years passed. Georgie and Bunker Hill both raced Stock Outboards. All of us stayed active with APBA. Six years ago, Russ's granddaughter Marlee Hill started racing. I think everyone in Regions 11 and 12 felt Russ was a legend at every race he attended. He always worked hard to help anyone and everyone. Russ never won a National Championship or set a world record. He raced in style and took losing with a smile. In his last years of racing he did win eight straight D- Hydro races. (I was second in every race ... ) He quit at the end of that season, saying he had kids to raise. Russ lost his first wife to bone cancer 27 years ago. He married Carolyn 25 years ago this past September. Russ and Carolyn made a great couple. How she put up with Russ was always a topic of family conversation. Mter Russ retired from Northrop/Boeing, where he had managed the Stealth Bomber Project's computers, he retired to build 68 houses. This housing "project" cost Russ a lot of money. Though this was quite a blow, he continued to grow his telescope business and worked for TransAmerica where between salary and stock options his finances recovered. Russ' "Sea Scopes" business has 65 telescopes on piers and viewpoints nationwide. Bunker has t aken over the telescope business.



. . . . .___ PROPELLER / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /CATEGORY CORNER/ /







































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\.W. . .&_c- PROPELLER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////liN PICTURES//

.. ...... .. ...... ... ...... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ...... .. ... PROPELLER




REGION 8 The Twin City Power Boat Association had its 50th anniversary banquet on Nov 30, at Vannellis in Forest Lake, Minn., where the following awards were given for the 2013 TCPBA racing season. Driver of the Year-Jeff Krischano Man of the Year-Doug Kruse (Rescue Boat Driver) Woman of the Year-Deb Halver Rookie of the Year-Joey Stricker (GT pro racer and scorer volunteer) Most Improved Driver-Jessica Olson SST 60 Hard Luck Driver of the year-Tyler Welch Special Mention (Crew) Award-Travis Roy Jeff Wilson Award - Tony Fortuna and Jeff Larson

REGION 10 There's a certain challenge in writing the column for the February Propeller: Not the least of which is that with a press deadline of January 6, much of the "big" APBA news

Congratulations to Everyone. 2013 was a great year for Region 8 to say the least, and 2014 looks to be even better. We are hoping to have some exciting announcements to come in 2014, along with some new race sites. 2014 TCPBA tentative schedule Classes- GT Pro, Sport C, VP 75, Hobby Stock, Formula V, SST-60, SST-120, SST200 and Formula 150 • Minneapolis Boat show 1/30-2/2 • St Paul Boat Expo 3/6-3/9 • Cannon Falls, MN 5/17-5/18 • Champlin, MN 6/8 • Detroit Lakes, MN 6/14 - 6/15 • Little Falls, MN 6/21-6/22 (Tentative) • Crosby MN 7/26-27 in February will be about what happened (or didn't happen) at the APBA National Meeting at the end of January. We don't know what's going to pass or not pass at this point. Who won this or that .....who got or didn't get in the Honor Squadron .... so we can't really talk about that.

• Superior WI 8/2-8/3 (Tentative) • Crane Lake, MN 8/9-8/10 • Forest Lake, MN 9/13-9/14 Final Notes.

Congratulations to: David McCormick Region 8 Chairman and Merv Bjork Region 8 Vice Chairman In 2014 Region 8 hopes to continue to grow in a positive manner that not only helps the TCPBA, but also help the APBA do the same. Here's to a safe 2014 racing season.

/ /David Garza

There's no racing to speak of in the Northwest right now. There's some boat building going on with a little testing here and there, and at press time, more APBA members in the Northwest are more wrapped up about what the Seahawks are going to do in the playoffs. By the time this

............. ..................... ..................... ..................... ....................... ................. ................... ........................ PROPELLER "oS ' . issue appears, the Super Bowl will be over. Word has it that an unprecedented event is taking place this year, and Kyle Bahl is actually getting the Captain Bahl's painted for the 2014 Season. Rich Runne will be so proud. The SOA Club Party is next weekend, so we cannot yet tell you who won the Service Award, the Sportsmanship Award, the Club High Point Award, the Nelse Lundstrum Spirit Award or anything else from that. Even our monthly reporters are a little shy on news, but all were kind enough to send us a few thoughts; beginning with Ana Capelletti, who tells us the TIRA news: "During the winter season, people are working on boats, motors and clubs preparing for the 2014 season; as well as attending meetings and celebrating the holiday season with family and friends. Happy New Year everyone on behalf of TIRA. We are looking forward to what 2014 will bring to our region and club. In writing this, the APBA Annual Meeting is quickly approaching and we wish safe travels to all those attending." Down in Grants Pass, here's the word from Larry Darneille and the Cal-Ore River Racers: "The planning for the 2014 Cal-Ore season continues with the rules meeting making adjustments for the addition of classes for the 2014 season. The D-Stock Runabout Marathon class will be sanctioned for at least three venues in 2014. The DSR course will vary from the river hydro courses, except at Gold Beach, Ore., on the Fourth of July. One new DSR is being built at Darneille Boats for Robert Williams of Las Angeles, and one mystery driver from the Midwest is planning on a trip to Oregon for the Gold Beach race. It is planned for 2014 not to include any classed rapids in the DSR courses. Hopefully the very dry and cold end to 2013 in Southern Oregon and Northern California will lead to a wet 2014 with replenished rivers and a very successful season." Things are also low key for our Vintage Group. Ron Morrison tells us their news:

"Time flies. It's February already and the 2014 racing season in Region 10 is moving from wishful thinking to be here soon. Vintage meetings, award events, internet chats and chance encounters have afforded the gossip mill to grind on. Mter some rumbles and stumbles, the Region 10 Vintage Division leadership has been cemented. Along with elected coordinator Jim Olson, David Kancianich has been appointed a Vintage official for the region. The scuttlebutt is that Dave will use his size and down and dirty longshoreman creds to police the bad actors in the Vintage ranks. Dave will speak softly but Jolynn will have the big stick close at hand for his use. In the continuing odyssey that is Dave Cossette, it is being speculated that he will be transitioning his three hydros to Vintage. Jeff Schneider, of the 2013 Region 10 Vintage High Point Calypso II team, is reported to have a New Year's resolution as a result of being so tough on the competition last year. He'll smile more, stress his people skills, let his soft side dominate and take it easy in 2014. Paul "Kiwi" Russell is planning a trip home next winter to coincide with the boat racing season in New Zealand. If"down under," southern hemisphere exposure, with a side helping of boat racing, is or might be added to your bucket list, then check in with "Kiwi." Coordinator Olson actually plans to pilot a Vintage boat in 2014 and in his revised rewrite of the Region High Point rules, he is trying to slide in a "bonus" paragraph where the elected region coordinator gets extra points for each Vintage heat he actually drives. A series of special event match races between Kirk Rogers and Billy Cousin (River Rat), with big money on the line, can you believe it? Be careful what you hear, truth is elusive." Well, the one thing we all can look forward to is to see what kind of news Jim Codling can come up with. With his finger on the pulse of all things boat racing, we can always count on Jim for something interesting to say: "Winter is here and most of our boats are in bed but some are getting a much needed overhaul. Our Sportsman Entry class is up to six or seven boats now, with two more in the pipeline. Their enthusiasm is catching on as other older racers are tabbing some

"young guns" to run their new SE hulls this coming year. Our Montana guys say it is darn cold there, but the auto business is good meaning a lot of cars are banged up and hydro money is looking better all the time. The Silver Clouds are packed so pops' Jimmy is happy, so Justin and Steph have time to take care of the two cute little guys. These equal one happy set of grandparents. The Grand Prix fleet is stable but I have not heard of any new boats coming on for the '14 season. GP West has some new officers who are looking for some great new venues for our upcoming season. Meanwhile, several of our race sites are trying to get the fast supercharged boats to their sites for the summer shows. Some of our sites are struggling for money for the shows we bring. While the mayors squirm about the costs, the legal guys say the insurance is absolutely mandatory. In the good news side of this, the 01' propeller guy, Rick Sandstrom, is reporting a new insurance rate for the coming season. A drop of about $400 to $500 per weekend, that's well done guys, so thanks if it comes about. As I am writing this report the Thurston County folks are making changes to their 2014 requirements for racing in their county, it is always something. A lot of our members are venturing to Reno for the APBA Annual Meeting, so by the time you all read this, all these new ideas will be drawn and quartered for the future of the our Association. New West Coast training schools for Inboards at three sites are proposed, and some Inboard funding to help with the costs of putting on the school. The IRC has bought an older 5-Liter Hydro for the school's use this year. The plan is to get another boat for the California area, probably a runabout hull. Our Inboard racers are still reeling from Kyle Bement's passing in Arizona, with many of our racers looking for capsules and or dropping down to slower classes. The J - Project at the Hydro Museum has five kids with Inboard roots running Junior Classes at Inboard events in 2014. This will

. . . . .___ PROPELLER ... : ................ ........... ........... ........... .·········· ······· ······················ ············ //R EGlON ROUNDUP// solve the ?roblem of dad racmg someplace and the kid somew~ere else, as we should have enough boats m the class to run two places on a weekend, which was the intention of APBA from its inception. John Walcker is recovering from the knee surgery, heck; we have him almost rebuilt now so Chelan is in good hands. Now if we can hustle up a sponsor for the Unlimited, things will be good. Terry Anderson is moving on the Soap Lake event with the blessing of the club and the town council,


Under the skilled guidance, confident leadership and relentless determination of Dan Wiener, Dutch Squires and Ross Wallach a new team of officials, working together in both Region 11 and Region 12, is now in place to cover the challenge facing those who wish to conquer the rugged offshore course of the California Coast and the relentless waters of the Pacific Ocean. Two hearty racing teams have courageously taken on that challenge as 2013 came to a close and the teamwork of the newly established officiating personnel stepped right up to assure a legitimate contest. The Lucas Oil Ocean Cup Challenge in October started at sunrise on October 12th, from the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco and was run by Nigel Hook, Dan McN amara, and Andy Hindley in Lance Ware's 48' APISA. They cleared the starting point beneath the South Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge at 8:32:10 a.m., PST. They arrived at the stern of the ~een MARY in Long Beach at 6:23:01 where they were greeted by Mike ~indazzi, the Special Events Chairman of Region 12 of the APBA. APBA representatives on the start boat were Gloria Crim, Referee and Frank Banducci, Inspector on board the Willard Marine 43' Assault High Speed Interceptor piloted by Dave Gutierrez. (This was one of the officials' boats used in the recent America's Cup Races in San Francisco Bay) Mike ~indazzi, the Timer from Region 12, served as the APBA Official monitoring the run at various way points during the run with a gps. He was assisted by Mike Reagan, the 1984 record holder who greeted the warriors with the

the event is moving into its second year. Both Seattle Drag and Ski and Seattle Inboard are looking for a hole in the schedule to put the Lake Sammamish race back in. A lot of our racers enjoyed the year end event, so it is being juggled with a new Oak Harbor race. It looks like a lot of work left to do. Guess I better get on it; good luck at the meeting, work prevents me from going this year, after 29 years of going. Oh well, next year is coming." checkered flag from the finish boat, a 37' Sunseeker Sportfisher captained by Larry Smith the Team Scarab designer of the APIS, at the finish line beneath the stern of the ~een Mary .

T he second challenge took place on the same general course. Golden Gate to ~een Mary, with John "JR"Rogers piloting Bob Russell's 50' Outerlimits Offshore catamaran, "Outlaw" seeking the Marani Bell Trophy. With an elapsed time of 8:15:5, they pulled into Long Beach, to be greeted by Ross Wallach, with a new endurance record for a catamaran. Once again, it was the APBA Team of Gloria CrimReferee, Mike ~indazzi-Timer and Frank Banducci-Inspector, who served as the APBA officials supervising the endurance run, this time for the Marani Bell Trophy. With Crim, Banducci and ~indazzi officiating the run, it's looking like this is the "go to" team when seeking an endurance record run from the Golden Gate to the ~een Mary. (Note of interest: The first such endurance run was made in 1929, the year Banducci was born) Local boat builder Mike Breslin of Black Widow Customs in Lakeport, Calif., is putting together a big effort to help get the GT boats on the water here in Region 11. Breslin has built four "tunnels" as he calls them, and has placed them two to a trailer for the purpose of making them available at club races here in the Region. They are an OPC Category boat and are currently running in Region 8, according to Breslin. He hopes to build more of these economical race boats in order to see the boat count reach the number required for "National" status. When asked what kind of dollars it

And that's just about it. Racing Season cannot come soon enough.

/ /Patrick Gleason / /Ron Morrision //Jim Olson / / Ana Cappelletti / /Jim Codling

will take to own one of these babies, Breslin stated that a race ready rig will run right around $4,000." "This will include a 25 horse power gas powered outboard motor (33 cubic inch maximum) of any make running an aluminum prop on a stock short shaft unit."When asked what kind of speed we can expect he said that they will run right around 50 miles per hours. "They used to run out here and there must me 30 of them in garages throughout Region 11. Maybe we can get some out on the water if we can get the newer ones out to our races." Can't say he isn't trying to do his best to generate interest in boat racing. Keep up the good work, Mike. We need more like you. Let's see. Black Widow Customs of Lakeport along with Composite Craft in Modesto and we are looking at a nucleus of boat builders right her in central California. Not to be outdone, Ron Hill in Region 12 is making progress with his proto type boat which he calls a "Stadium Racer,"which is a slightly longer version of the boats in Japan which run in para - mutual races. Can't talk boat building without a mention of Ernie Dawe in Region 12; he is the builder of the Dawecraft boats. Looks like California is making some great strides to accommodate boat racers and APBA Racing. Support your local boat builder. Region 11, under the supervision of Chairman Bill Boyes and N COA Commodore Julian Rucki, will be hosting the Time Trials set for March 15th and 16th, 2014 at the Thermalito Mterbay and the event will be open to all APBA Classes. The relatively new % mile straight

.. ............ .... ............. .... ................. ............. .... ............. .... ................. ................... ........... ...... .................. PROPELLER "oS ' . away course will again be offered along with the traditional Kilo. You can run for APBA records as well as DIM Records at this event. Region 11 Vice Chairman Gloria Crim will once again make up a nice complimentary poster as a memento suitable for display among your other racing keepsakes to commemorate your

REGION 12 I hope everyone had a good holiday season. By the time you read this the APBA Annual Meeting will be over and I am waiting to see what the Inboard category does, if anything, about capsules in flat bottoms. I don't like to editorialize but it is time that this is done. We have talked about mandating them several times over the years and we were always told that if we did this they would leave APBA. Since this would affect Region 12 more than any other region, I have always been hesitant to do this, but I don't want to go to the races anymore and see any more drivers killed, when in my opinion it could be prevented. I don't think that anyone goes to sporting events to see people get killed. They want action and like flips but when someone is killed it just ruins people's lives. Flat bottoms are very fast boats and if there is no capsule the driver has the same or less amount of protection that a J driver has. There is a big difference in a 1,500 lb., boat and a 100 lb., boat. One reason that the APBAJunior Classes were created is so that we could get kids from Inboard families racing. I feel that over the past few years that this has taken place and I thought, "wow this is neat." But at 16 years of age these same kids can then go and race their dad's Pro Stock or Super Stock and go well over 100 mph, with little or no protection. It is argued that this is cost prohibitive and won't work in a flat bottom boat. I have talked to drivers and it is very doable, as to cost I have been told that a SS engine can cost as much as $30,000. Compare this to say $10,000 for a capsule which means it is one-third the cost of the engine. In SST-45 you can buy a complete power head for $2,800 and a capsule will cost you $4,000 the expense for the 45 driver is much greater percentage wise. This

speed attempt if you do not make a record. The record makers/breakers will be given notification and accolades by the governing body, APBA. For those of you who need capsule training, you might want to let Frank Banducci (510-223-4519) know so he can set up a

is not neat and I sincerely hope that the Inboard Commission takes a real hard look at flat bottom capsule in their meetings. As usual, Region 12 has a lot of activities. IMCO sterndrives had their usual Christmas Party and introduced their latest sterndrive. IMCO is big in Offshore Racing; they also make almost every gas tank known to man. Mter eating a "free lunch" at IMCO, I headed to Long Beach Marine Stadium to meet up with Bob Brown (Past Powerboat Magazine editor, current promoter of the Havasu Boat Show) and the legendary Larry Smith. Larry is the "father" of Scarab Boats by Well-Craft. Larry is working with Torqeeto Electric Outboards. Larry is planning to run his 40 HP Electric Outboard for a record run at the Oroville Kilo Trials this February. The Blue Water Resort and Casino has inked a contract with River Dave's Place for the 2014 336 Enduro, October 24th and 25th, 2014. River Dave Johnson and Scott Schatz, (Mr. P-9 Cracker Box) will again be the race director. The 2014 336 Blue Water Resort and Casino Enduro will have Lucas Oil as the main sponsor. Lucas Oil owns MAV-TV. MAV-TV has feathered Drag Boat Racing at Phoenix, Irvine, Calif., and Lucas Lake, MO. Teague Marine will probably a top billing sponsor again this year. Hill Marine, and Signature Propellers will be sponsors, also. A couple of issues ago I asked for input from SST-45 drivers about the possibility of a mini enduro in conjunction with the Parker Enduro 336. Well we have a new 45 driver in region 12 who is a friend of Dave Johnson, or River Dave, the person who is the driving force behind this event and he wants to see if it is feasible. Walt Hollis is the new driver and he said that the following is the plan for the event if it were to happen. Six mile laps with the

session before the Time Trials. Your name and directory information will be placed on his waiting list and he will notiÂŁ}r you of the date during which the capsule training will be held in his backyard pool. He will turn on the solar heat, too.

/ /Frank Banducci whole course in sight of the Casino,judge's stand. The Enduro runs 12 mile laps but at this year's event Gordon Jennings said that he was never out of sight of a patrol boat. Total miles would be 100 and there would be significant prizes and purses. It is so great to have a new driver take an interest in trying to do something for his class and I encourage Walt to keep being involved. If you would attend, Greg Jacobsen already has said he and his son Hayden would be there, we need you to contact me at or Walthollis@ yahoo. com. There is no need to pursue this if no one is going to come. Keep in mind that this race is at the end of October so that if you destroyed some equipment you would have all winter to get it back in shape. The most exciting additions to the 2014 336 Enduro will be a Mini Boat Enduro and Division I will become a "bracket race" class with 11 minutes per lap rule. This class is for the grass roots racer, but I believe there will be many old timers racing Division I, as any boat will be legal, you just can't make a lap in less than 11 minutes. If you break 11 minutes, you will lose that lap in the lap count. I'm not really a believer in solar power or electric power, but I am a believer in Enthusiasm. I've been working with Cal Poly Pomona on their Solar Powered race boat. This year's championship is in Dayton, Ohio. I've also been working with the high schools in SoCal. Their championship is in May. They limit their championships to 72 high school teams. I'm hoping to have some solar boat races at APBA events. Both high school and college students have a lot of enthusiasm. We've had two different World Record Runs in Region in the month of December. One run was for diesel power and the other was, I don't know what. But both records

. . . . .___ PROPELLER ...................................................... ········································· ·········· //R EGlON ROUNDUP// were broken. San Francisco to Long Beach was ran by Nigel Hook, Dan MacNamara, Lance Ware and Andy Hindley. While the second record was also from San Francisco to Long Beach but was ran on pump gas and the boat was piloted by Bob Russell and John Rogers. Ernie Dawe has been busy, as usual. He built Casey Wright a new C - Hydro. He's fixing Mike Wright's and Ron Hill's A - Hydro (This boat had a little accident. It fell off the trailer and got dragged for several miles). Scott Schatz started the repair, but Ernie is finishing it up. Ernie is also building a Solar Powered boat for Cal Poly Pomona. I'd like to congratulate Gordon Jennings, III. on his National High points Championships in AXS Hydro. He beat out some great competition, to mention a few, Senior Rookie of the year, Dave Hale . Junior Rookie of the year, Britney Schwarzenbach. While I'm congratulating people, my hats off to John Schubert for his induction to the APBA Honor Squadron. Region 12 has lost long time APBA

members and supporters in December when Russ Hill Jr. and Mary Ballou passed away. Molly was always a hard worker for APBA, being a past council member at large. My brother was a past Senior VP and region chairman. Russ was one of the second generation of the Hill family that raced, his son Bunker is third generation and granddaughter Marlee, a fourth generation racer. At one time Russ was very active at the local, regional and national levels of APBA. He was the vice president of APBA back in the '60s and he raced for many years in both the Alky(pro) and Stock categories. I for one will miss this half of "science and education." We've had new a new baby. Emma ~indazzi had her baby in early October, allowing plenty of time for husband Mike to run the Enduro. We had visitors from Japan and Minnesota in October. Randy Pierson came and drove the Enduro. It was his first Enduro since 1997. Masura Wada came over to get driving lessons from RJ West and to watch the Enduro. He was the guest of Ron and Laurie Hill. Masura is considering racing the Enduro in 2014.

Chad and Corey Hill are expecting child number two this month. Jordan Hill will make Jake Hill a great sister, we are sure. Chad Hill will have under gone back surgery, from boat racing test injury, by the time this is printed. Thumbs up to Emilio Manjares, COR racer, as his collar bone has healed from his Parker accident. Emilio and Greg Ronkainen finished a very respectable third place in the Blue Water 336 in the Apple Valley Marine #9 Baker. While I'm mentioning Apple Valley Marine, Britney has a new Dawe A - Runabout. I'm glad to report that Jimbo McConnells' brother, Pete, is recovering well from his recent heart attack and still has his sights on the nine second class in drag boats this year. Congratulations to Tom Buckles, "Bucks Up Racing" and driver David Rankin for their induction to the Hall of Champions ... .! know Tony Lombardo is a Region 11 driver, but he races here with us. Congrats, also, Tony.

/ /Ernie Dawe / /Ron Hill




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