Propeller Magazine March 2014

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HONORING HI COM~MMENT ~ 15 ROGER CARR IS AWARDED WITH <PION ALLEN SR. MEMORIAL LEADERSHIP AWARD ~DEPARTMENTS From The Editor From The Top: Risk Managecf1ent This Date in History Spotlight On: San Dimas, CA Rooster-Tales: 60 Years of Service Inside the Cockpit: U.S. A-Team Scorer's Forum YOU MAKE THE CALL Category Corner PRO OPC Stock Outboard Modified Outboard SLT Inboard In Pictures


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J\ s the American Power Boat fiAssociation's legacy continues to grow, the Association's Honor Squadron Committee inducted two new members at the 2014 APBA Annual Meeting in Reno, NV. Two people who dedicated their lives to APBA boat racing were given the honor of being forever enshrined in APBA history, John Schubert and Steve Warnock. "The Honor Squadron honors a lifetime of achievement. It is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any member in the APBA," Honor Squadron member and committee member Mark Weber said. "What I look for (when voting) is how wellrounded the member is as far as their racing accomplishments and what they have done to give back to the association. "When you see someone who has held positions at every level of this association and then was a racer on top of that, you know that they care about APBA." For 25 years, Schubert traveled the world doing what he loves, racing power boats. Being first exposed to power boats as an 8-year-old boy, Schubert began driving boats when he was 11 or 12 but his dad wouldn't let him race until he was 14. Racing an A-Stock Hydro in 1953 at the

age of 14, in his 3-point Jacoby Hydroplane, Schubert qualified for the National Championships in Liverpool, NY. The next year brought a step up to B-Stock Hydro and at the Divisional Championships he set a 5-milel 3 lap competition record of 48.996 MPH. The following years saw Schubert in the winner's circle with remarkable consistency and focus. "My second year of racing I set a competition record and placed fourth out of 16th at Nationals. It was a labor of love, and boat racing still is," Schubert said. "I am so thrilled. I couldn't be happier, I actually cried when I got the news that I was going to be inducted into the Honor Squadron." Schubert's accomplishments and service to APBA have been nothing short of spectacular. Even while attending the Merchant Marine Academy from 1957 to 1961, Schubert still managed to find time to race C-Stock Hydro, and in 1960 he won a High Point Title. Through the 1960s, Schubert raced numerous classes in numerous categories, winning several High Point Titles, National Championships and set multiple competition records. However, Schubert is most proud of his experience racing tunnel boats for the OMC Team.

"That was the crest of my career, and anybody will tell you that in the late '60s and early '70s, the head to head racing between OMC and Mercury was fantastic," Schubert said. "We got to race all over the world. That is what I consider to be the epitome of my career." However on the flip side of that, when Schubert was racing in Paris in a six hour race, he drove the first two hours, while the co-driver drove the second two and Schubert was going to close it out. ''At 5 hours and 10 minutes I had a 20 minute lead so they told me to slow down," Schubert said. The minute Schubert let up on the competition his engine blew and he lost his lead. Then racing in Berlin a little while later, Schubert was leading that race as well and again his engine blew up. "Even though my career was short lived and I didn't get all the wins I would have liked, I am very happy the way things turned out." Even through his racing career Schubert was involved more than just on the water. In the late '60s he became Region 3 chairman for the PRO Classes and was named Deputy PRO Commissioner. Schubert was instrumental in getting PRO Classes added to Stock Outboard races in Region 3.

In 1978, toward the end of his racing career, Schubert built the first 45SS prototype engine and presented it to the Stock Outboard Racing Commission and it was passed. In the 1990s Schubert continued to build engines for various classes winning both National and World Championships. Schubert's love has never wavered and to this day it only continues to grow stronger. Growing stronger in his legacy is Stock Outboard driver Steve Warnock. Beginning his racing career in 1971 in Beloit, Wisc., Warnock never looked back. "(Steve) took his commitment to the sport very seriously. Before he died he said to me that he wanted to get into the Honor Squadron and he asked me if I would submit a letter for him," Steve's daughter Rachel said. "He was heartbroken when he didn't get in and he ended up passing away three months later." Even though his induction came posthumously, Steve's family couldn't have been any more proud. When he first got into power boat racing Steve had quite the learning curve, not winning his first National Championship until 1985. From then on, he couldn't be stopped. Steve won the 25SSH National Championship in 1986, 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1991. He also won High Point Titles

in 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991 and 1994. In 1987 he was the National Champion in 15SSH. Steve also set competition records in 1981 and 1983 in B-Stock Hydro. In 1986 and 1988 Steve was the UIM/APBA World Champion in the 25SSH. In 1990 he was inducted into the APBA Hall of Champions. "I think Steve winning in Dayton was a big deal. It took him so long to win his first National Championship," Steve's brother Phil said. "That was a really big deal for him." As Steve's racing career continued to grow, so did his involvement in APBA. Some people stop driving, and then channel their energies towards the APBA as an organization. Steve however, was able to drive and contribute to APBA and its membership. Steve was the Vice President of the Stock Outboard Category from 1990 to 1994. Later, he was a Stock Outboard Commissioner. He continued his national involvement through the APBA Board of Directors and as a Council Member at Large . He served on the APBA Promotions Committee and APBA Insurance Committee, including a term as Chairman of the Insurance Committee. He was also on the APBA By-Law Committee Task Force to help streamline APBA's by-laws. Steve coordinated the first joint Stock Outboard and Modified Outboard National

Championships at Wakefield, Mich., in 1992. This has now become a routine joint championship venture for the Stock and Modified Categories. "In my mind there was no other future for him," Phil said. Steve's involvement continued in Region 7 by selling Region 7 races at such sites as: Merril, Wisc.; Beloit,Wisc.; Burlington, Wisc.; Oshkosh, Wisc.; Pleasant Prairie, Wisc.; Lake Zurich, Ill.; and Wakefield, Mich. from 1984 to 2011. He loved to work with groups in order to obtain sponsorships and to conduct races. He was Race Chairman at endless local races and the Wakefield National Championships. "Having achieved everything he could have achieved as a driver, the Henry Menzies Award, the Hall of Champions and after he met success as a driver he spent a lot more time focusing on politics," Rachel said. "The Honor Squadron was really important to him because it was as though his family would be celebrating everything he did. This was something that just meant a lot to him."





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ate in 2013 PRO Racing lost one of its most loved and valued members. Howard Anderson Jr. passed away on Sept. 19,2013, and at the 2014 APBA Annual Meeting, the PRO Commission wanted to something to honor Howard's legacy.

he has always sat on the commission," PRO Chairwoman Kristi Ellison said. Instrumental in PRO Racing, the PRO Commission wanted to do something a little different than just name another award after somebody.

"We wanted to do something. Howard contributed to the commission for years and years. As far back as I can remember

Every year the PRO Commission gives away a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving student in the city where their Nationals are

held. Going forward the scholarship will forever be known as the Howard Anderson Jr. Professional Outboard Racing Memorial Scholarship "Howard loved the kids. I mean he loved the kids. He knew who all the kids were and watched as they all progressed in their racing careers and started out in K-Pro. He remembered all of them," Ellison said. "I
















































::~~~,~~:;~~~;;~E':~;;10::f Howard's leadership the PRO category maintained its strength and took the tough step of mandating reinforced capsules into three of the fastest PRO classes. Mter losing a friend that blew over testing, Howard made it his mission to bring more safety to PRO Racing. "He accomplished his goal without offending. He was really good at that," Penny said. "He loved the people and he loved to help and give back," Howard's grandson Colin Rucker added.

think (the scholarship naming) was pretty fitting. Steve Greaves and I tossed that back and forth and thought that he would be very honored by that." Taking the young perspective drivers under his wing, Howard did all he could to help them get involved in the sport he loved so much. Howard would always take the time to say hello to the children. Every year at the PRO Nationals, Howard would go out of his way to talk to the local kids, walk up the hill and get every one of them a wristband, get them signed in, take them down to his trailer and have them work all weekend, according to Howard's step-daughter Sheryl Rucker. "He knew that boat racing started with kids," Rucker said. Beginning his racing career as a 12 year-old boy in 1969, Carl Lewis remembers looking up to Howard. "Howard really was the best of the best in all aspects, in life and racing. You just looked at him on a pedestal and said, 'I want to be him one of these days,'" Lewis said. "When I was a kid Howard Anderson was racing and taught me well." Howard also taught the likes of Unlimited drivers, who started in PRO racing,]. Michael Kelly,]W Myers and Chip Hanauer. "He was a good role model. I think they respected him a lot," Howard's wife Penny Anderson said. Standing on the shore watching the boats go by and the rooster-tails fly at the Sammammish Slew race as a boy, Howard was hooked. For 58 years following,

Howard raced boats. Howard began racing in 1950 with a homebuilt B-Utility Runabout, his first trophy came three years later. Anderson moved into the 500cc Hydro, 700cc Hydro, 1l00cc Hydro and 1l00cc Runabout classes. As a three-time National Champion, his equipment set several records. "What he loved about boat racing was the people," Penny said. "He also liked the competition. There was a challenge to him because he did his own work. He had a mechanic who was a friend, but he liked having his hands on it and then going out there and seeing what the outcome was." Boat racing was so much a part of Howard's life, as owner of Anderson Marine, Inc., in Edmond, Wash., he offered space to APBA members and clubs at boat shows across the country to promote boat racing. A lifetime member of the Seattle Outboard Association, he supported SOA and APBA with equipment, time and money. Howard served

At Howard's funeral service it was announced that the PRO Commission retired his racing number R-12. "In recognition of Howard's lifelong contributions to the sport of outboard racing, the PRO Commission has approved retiring his number R-12 forever," Steve Greaves said in September. "(With the scholarship) we wanted to do something that was very special and connected him back," Ellison said. "Howard's thing was getting new kids into racing, getting kids in a boat and getting them on the water. This is just so fitting and it's so perfect."


111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIISCORERS FORUMII




Roger Carr is awarded with Don Allen Sr. Memorial Leadership Award

Meeting through Ernie Dawe in the 1980s, Roger Carr and Don Allen Sr., formed a friendship that would last a long time. At the 2014 APBA Annual Meeting in Reno, NV., Carr was rewarded for all of his years of service to the APBA by being given the Don Allen Sr. Memorial Leadership Award, named after his friend. "He is the perfect candidate for it. Roger does whatever needs to be done at the races," Don's wife Laurie said. "Not only did he use to race but he stayed involved and is just plain helping out all the time. I think he is the perfect candidate for what the Don Allen Award stands for." Given annually, the Don Allen Sr. Memorial Leadership Award recognizes the service and contributions of an individual to the American Power Boat Association in the areas ofleadership, officiating, safety or other activities contributing to the benefit of the APBA not directly related to the racing of a specific boat.

For the past six years the award has been give out to the best of the APBA, and this year it was Carr's turn to receive the distinguished honor. "It's pretty prestigious and it's quite an honor to me," Carr said. "Don was a great referee and a great worker for APBA and to get an award that was named after him is a pretty big something." Doing anything he can for the sport he loves, Carr has held a number of positions over the years, including being the Stock Outboard and Formula 1 ChiefInspector. Beginning his inspector career 20 years ago, Carr works all of the races in Region 12 and some in Region 15. His involvement however doesn't stop there. Carr has been the Region 12 chairman for 19 years. At the time of taking over, the former Region 12 chairman became ill and was unable to continue. "Somebody needed to step up and do it, so I did," Carr said; and

he's never looked back. "It's encouraging that people still support me after all of these years. It's real rewarding to know that people support me and believe in the job that I'm doing." Joining some elite APBA company, Penny Anderson, Ernie Dawe, George Thornhill, Brian Small and Tracy Trolian, Carr couldn't be more proud to be representing his friend Don Allen Sr. "I knew Don and we were friends. He came out here and worked several races and he even drove my boat one time at a Winter Nationals," Carr said. "I know the whole family and I consider them part of my boat racing family and this is quite an honor. "Powerboat racing is a big part of my life, it's my hobby. I don't want it to go away so I'll do what I can to keep it going."




ongratulations to Tracy Johnston, recipient of the 2005 Scorer's Achievement Award. I get tired just thinking about all she did in 2005 as a Chief Scorer-and she even managed to race a little, too. Tracy was in charge of the Stock and J Class Nationals, OPC World Championships in Trenton, MI, Stock and Mod Winter Nationals in Ocoee, ~lorida last spring, and many more events. Her mentors include Laurie AlIen, Delores Hearn and Linda Hauenstein. Knowing they would be in Ft. Lauderdale when the award was presented, I contacted

Don Allen hugs Trot}' Johnston; Tracy with dad Tom Johnston. the AlIens. They wanted to be a part of the presentation. What fun to watch the person receiving the award begin to figure out what is happening. What fun to watch people present an award to someone they really love. I am so proud of this award and what it means to the APBA scorers. Good job, Tracy. When you see Tracy and see her gold pin, tell her again how proud we are of her. The Scoring Seminar was a big success. AlI the chairs were filled early. Of course I am not sure why. Was it because everyone attending knew they would be "filled to the brim" with so much educational material, or because of the fun we have with all the questions and answers flying back and forth? And then, of course, the prizes themselves have become a unique part of our play time. It doesn't matter why-they came, and we filled them full of information. Speaking of information, the scorers' notebooks are available again. These are packed with a lot of fact sheets, and are updated every year. I do have a few left. If you want one, email me (or call) and I will be glad to mail you a notebook. APBA's Vintage and Historic Division continues to grow and grow. Stan Fitts, a member of the Scoring Committee, attends their events in the Northeast area. Stan wanted to increase communication between scoring and Vintage members. Stan plans to communicate with Vintage Chairman Tom Bertolini, and request that a representative from Vintage act as a scoring/registration liaison. Members of the scoring committee will work with this liaison to answer any scoring/registration questions they may have. We hope to learn from them and in return be able to provide any 4.




scoring and registration assistance that would help Vintage and Historic. GOOD NEWS! The Minor Release is good for one year! Angela Sprinkle and Dennis Liggett of K&.K spent time with the Scoring Committee. We reviewed the insurance requirements for the Minor Waiver and here is how the system will work. • The two-sided Minor Waiver form is the same as in 2005. • It must be signed by one or both parents or legal guardian (same as 2005). • When signed, it will be good through November 1,2006. • The receipt will not be attached to the bottom of the form. Instead, a receipt will be given that resembles a business card. APBA Headquarters will provide sheets of these preprinted cards on perforated paper to the Chief Scorers of each event. We hope to have the cards printed on colorful paper for easy identification. I am writing this just after the Annual Meeting, so some details are incomplete. But the plan is to have the following information on the card: • Minor's name • Race Site • Date of issue • Scorer's signature and APBA number. The minor will then keep this card and present it at each race instead of signing a new waiver each time. The 2006 Scorers' Handbook is available on the APBA website under "Downloads". It is full of information that can help you as an APBA scorer. If you have questions, please contact any member of the Scoring Committee. They would really like to help. -

Sally Titus, Chair, Scoring Committee

Our Pit Kid for March is Haley Thompson from Cordova, MD. She is the daughter of Arlene and Don Thompson, who own the S-Litre hydro UBatt Boat." Haley is in kindergarten at Chapel Districts Elementary School, and she enjoys dance and bal· let. Sh{! loves being at the races, especially playing with her friend Hannah MUler. Haley turns 6 this month. Happy Birthday, Haley! -Laurie UClem" Hoppe

Some ofyou may have met Valerie Lighthart at either the Stock Nationals or at The Labor Day Races in Lock Haven, Penn., this past summer as she scoured the pits with her tripod and video camera. This young lady is the newest member ofthe U.S. A-Team and was brought onto the team for her expertise in film and video. Her plan is to produce a variety ofpromotional videos and documentaries regarding The U.S. A-Team and boat racing. Question: We have heard that there are plans to produce a documentary on The U.S. A-Team for the 2014 season, and that you're in charge of that project. Is this true?

Valerie Lighthart: Yes, I'm planning to accompany the team to the 2014 World Championships in Chodziez, Poland in order to shoot footage for a 20 minute documentary. The film will be designed to illustrate the excitement of the sport, the World Championship Event, and to showcase the great originality of what the A-Team is doing for international racing. I believe very strongly in this aspect of the team and I really want to help highlight that." Q: Why will you make the documentary 20 minutes?

VL: This documentary isn't just to put up on the internet, it will also be for submission to film festivals. In the film festival setting we will have a higher chance of getting accepted if the piece runs less than 20

minutes. Having a film shown at a film festival opens numerous doors for exposure; you gain opportunities to get in newspapers, on radio shows, and possibly even TV. If there is support from the public we will make a longer piece next year. Q: This seems like a very ambitious project. What are some of your goals for the film?

VL: I'd like to maximize exposure for boat racing and for the team. For example, as well as submitting the documentary to film festivals and distributing the project online, I'd like to help gain publicity for the sport of power boat racing and to recognize the hard work and dedication that comes with competing in motorsports at a high level. Many people don't really understand boat racing in general. Mter I went to my first race, I realized how this sport isn't just a hobby. For so many people it's more of a lifestyle. Now I can understand why so many people marry the sport, it's easy to fall in love with.

Q: Why do you want to submit the documentary into a film festival?

VL: Film festivals are a good way to showcase the unique aspects of the sport, network with people who liked the project, and gauge audience reaction in a live setting. Ideally, I want the documentary to inspire people to become supporters of The U.S. A-Team, even if it's just through social media. It's also a good way to educate them about the Team, its goals, accomplishments and the sport in and of itself. We definitely want it to be exciting and informative, which is terrain I'm excited to navigate." Q: How will this project compare to some of the things you've been involved with in the past?

VL: I've done some theater and film work, but mostly either onstage or in a crew position. This is going to be one of my first big directorial projects, as well as my first international one. I've written, performed in, directed and assisted in production for a number of projects, but nothing quite on this scale. I have faith that this is going to be a really great project considering the amount of support and help I've gotten from the team thus far. It's really a group effort and considering how well these young people race, I'm really looking forward to how well they can cooperate in the filmmaking process. Q: Now, you're still in high school, and your internship is unpaid, so how are you planning on funding this project? VL: I've started a Kickstarter campaign

.... ........ ..... ... ... ........ ........ ..... ........ ......... ........ ..... ... ... ........ ...... .. ........ ..... ........ .. ....... ........ ..... ... ... ......... PROPELLER in the hopes that I'll be able to garner the necessary funds and premature interest in the project. The goal is about $4,500 minimum to make sure this happens, but we're hoping to hit the $8,000 mark. That will allow us to get some much needed equipment. This covers about everything from traveling expenses, some necessary equipment, legal precautionary measures and hopefully some left over to submit the film to festivals. Festival fees can pile up

when you're aiming for a large audience. You don't always get accepted to have your film shown, so the goal is to send it out to a lot of places, and it's usually around $20 minimum to even submit it for consideration. It's the sort of thing that really opens doors, not just for the U.S. A-Team, but for the world of boat racing too. My hopes are that this documentary will really get a lot of people looking into the sport of powerboat racing. I can't even


begin to say what the outcomes will be, since there is really such great potential.

Ifyou'd like to support this project, donations can be made through Kickstarter online, or by making donations to the US. A-Team. Just write in "Documentary" in the "for" section ofyour check and mail to: US. A-Team, 143 Parke Ave, Quincy MA 02171.



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REGION 7: 5/31-6/ 1 9/ 12-9/ 14

Whitney Point, NY Redwood, NY

Modified, Stock, Juni or




Modified, Stock, Stock Classic, Juni or

6/27 -6/29

Rock Falls, IL

Special Eve nt, PRO, Modified, Stock, SLT, Juni or


Rising Sun, IN

Vintage, Inboa rd, OPC

Bay St. Louis, MS

Vintage, Inboa rd



Special Eve nt

4/ 19-4/20


Special Event, Jet Ri ver Race r PRO, Modified, Stock, Juni or

REGION 3: 4/26-4/27

Millville, NJ

Modified, Stock , Juni or

6/7 -6/8

West Milford, NJ

Inboa rd

6/7 -6/8

Lock Haven, PA

Modified, Stock, Juni or

8/30-9/ 1

Lock Haven, PA

Modified, Stock, Juni or

10/ 11-10/ 12

Millville, NJ

Modified, Stock, Juni or


REGION 9: 5/ 10-5/ 11



Castle Rock, WA

Rock Hall, MD

Inboa rd, Juni or


St. Maries, ID

Special Eve nt, Jet Ri ver Race r

Kent Narrows! Chester, MD

Inboa rd, Juni or

6/27 -6/29


Vintage, Inboa rd, Inboa rd Endurance


Huntington, WV



Moses Lake, WA

Mod ifi ed, Stock, Juni or


Hampton, VA

Inboa rd

9/27 -9/28

New Martinsville, WV

Inboa rd, Offshore, PRO, Modified, Stock, OPC, Drag, SLT, Juni or

3/ 15-3/16

Oroville, CA

Special Eve nt, Vintage, Inboard, Inboa rd Endura nce, PRO, Mod ifi ed, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, SLT, Junior


Nicolaus, CA

3/ 1-3/2

Lakeland, FL

Inboa rd, Stock, OPC, Juni or

3/21 -3/23

Tavares, FL


Special Eve nt, Vintage, Inboa rd, PRO, Modified, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Juni or

4/ 11-4/13

Jesup, GA

PRO, Modified, Stock, Juni or

7/ 11-7/13

Sparks, NV

5/ 17-5/ 18

Stuart, FL

Special Eve nt, Vintage, Inboa rd, Offshore, OPC

Special Eve nt, In boa rd, PRO, Modifi ed, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Juni or

10/ 18-10/19

Nicolaus, CA

9/27 -9/28

Hernando, FL


11 / 1-11 /2

Tavares, FL


Special Eve nt, Vintage, Inboard, PRO, Modified, Stock, Stock Classic, OPC, Juni or

San Dimas, CA

Special Eve nt, Inboa rd, Inboa rd Endurance, Modified , Stock, OPC, Juni or

5/9-5/ 11

Atlanta, GA

Inboa rd,OPC


Knoxville, TN


Highlands, TX

OPC, Juni or



REGION 12: REGION 6: 3/8-3/9



Vintage, Inboa rd, PRO, Modified, Stock, OPC, Juni or

6/ 14-6/ 15

Walled Lake, MI

Inboa rd

6/27 -6/29

Bay City, MI



Pittsburgh, PA



Waterford, MI

Vintage, In boa rd, Stock, Juni or


Portsmouth, OH



8/23 -8/24


Vintage, In boa rd, Juni or

4/ 13


*Racing Calendar dates are subject to change *Please visit!races for an up-to-date race calendar

REGION 10 Region 10 members showed in force at the APBA National Meeting in Reno, many of us proudly wearing our" 12s" and Seahawk colors. One of the things that became clear to us really quickly was that the drought that is affecting northern California and Nevada is definitely going affect racing in those states, as well as southern Oregon. Larry Darneille explains this in his Cal Ore River Racers update: "The Cal-Ore River Racers 2014 rules' meeting was held the Lucky Seven Casino in Smith River, Calif., on Jan. 12. Change comes slow to Cal-Ore as the ignition rule has been in place for 54 years with the Mercury stock magneto the only legal ignition. In 2014 the electronic ignitions have been added as long as it is a 12 volt fixed timing unit. They are not allowed to have a programmed curve. The piston rule was also changed to any piston manufacturer as long as the piston meets the Mercury stock specification for the 44 cubic inch engine.

The other primary discussion was alternate plans for events in the case of low water. The drought seems to be hanging on so Cal-Ore will have contingency plans in place. Ideas range from single or double elimination single boat time trials over available water, single or double elimination drag races, pared elimination heats on an oval course, and of course a show and shine. Hopefully southern Oregon and northern California have sufficient spring moisture for a successful season."

Mexico will host the UI.M. World Jet Boat Championship, May 3rd thru May 11th. USA teams led by drivers Ryan Ringer of Gold Beach, Ore., and Ross Schlotthauer of Post Falls, Idaho, will compete against teams from Mexico, Canada and New Zealand for the world title." Ron Morrison represented our group of Vintage racers in Reno. Here's his report for this month: APBA Associate Vintage Membership

Our Jet River Racers are busy planning a busy season as Kyla Sawyer reports: "The 2014 USA Jet River Marathon race season will include three action-packed competitions on Idaho rivers. The first race in the series launches at Riggins, Idaho with the 30th Annual Salmon River Jet Boat Races, April 18th thru April 20th. Teams then travel to St. Maries, Idaho for the 2nd Annual Race the Joe! Jet Boat Race happening Memorial Day Weekend, May 23rd thru May 25th. The final USA race takes place at Lewiston, Idaho, Aug. 22nd thru 24th with Thunder on the Snake!

''A new type of vintage APBA membership has been brought forward by the region Vintage category coordinators and the Vintage category chairman. It would be for non-owning, non-driving/riding individuals involved with the Vintage category, primarily crew and family members who are around the boat at regattas. This proposal has been sent forward to APBA headquarters with a "make it happen" recommendation. Present practice for individuals who otherwise lack an APBA membership, and intend to be around a boat in the pits, is to buy a $10 single event membership (pit pass) at each regatta. This

• ....___ PROPELLER ...................... ......... ........... ........... ........... .................. ... .......... .......... !!REGION ROUNDUP!! new membership would be a regular APBA season one with pit pass authorization. A price in the $50 range has been suggested. It would not replace the single event membership but could be a better option for owners and regulars on the circuit. It's not a done deal yet, so stay tuned.

Risk Management Means You For most regattas insurance is a major, if not the major, part of budgeted costs. Actively and pro-actively addressing risk and safety is an essential part of regatta management. A designated regatta official, the Risk Manager, is now a required part of the race committee. But, APBA is making a strong point that everyone associated with the regatta, in whatever capacity, must see himself/herself as a Risk Manager. All who are active in the pits need to be attuned to risks and safety issues there, attending to the easy fixes and reporting larger problems to the Risk Manager or the Race Chairman. It is part of our motto in Region 10 Vintage, "Be Safe, Have Fun".

Vintage High Point Going National The Region 10 Vintage High Point program awards points for boats appearing at an event, going in the water at a regatta, and participating a heat at a regatta. Such a program model is now being considered for a like Vintage National High Point program. The Region 10 program gives credit for the things we work toward and value in Vintage, showing up, running and participating. And at the end of the season it awards a trophy, like the other categories in APBA, to the team that has done it best. John Krebs, the Vintage Chairman likes the program we have conceived here. Look out, we may soon have national points chasing in the Vintage Category too. I can see a Florida based Vintage Jersey Speed Skiff arriving in the pits at the October Mahogany and Merlot Vintage event at Lake Chelan in Washington looking to solidiÂŁ}r a points lead for the National High Point Championship." Other commitments prevented perennial Region 10 meeting attendee Jim Codling from attending the events in Reno. Still, Jim and the Seattle Inboard folks have kept him busy. Here's what Jim has to say:

"I wanted to talk a little this month to our racers and their folks about Medical Insurance, and you the drivers. We really don't know what new health care laws have done to all our health plans as of yet. When we sign up for the new plans, have you all researched what the new things it covers and more importantly what the new plans do not cover? Some of you are still on your parent's insurance and there probably are not many changes to those plans. However, does this insurance cover you for racing? Be sure you find out in a casual way about our amateur racing. Be sure you talk up all the safety things we have. Please remember your APBA insurance is the supplementary policy, not the primary. Remember, your first night at the hospital could cost you $50,000 or more. More than a couple of my friends have stopped racing after losing their health coverage with a job change or for other insurance reasons, so be sure of your status. So, all of us need to be aware of the dangers we face in any form of racing and to make sure you are covered, otherwise my advice is sit it out till you can get adequate health insurance for yourself. Our race costs are now approaching between $8,000 and $9,000 an event. More expensive races cost well over $15,000 due to county or city requirements. So you can, see if you divide the approximately $11,000 in costs by 40 entries, that puts the entry fees at $275.00 per boat. So all you racers need to help find us some sponsorship from towns, city sources, park grants, you name it and we need it, ask what you can do to help. On the better news side of the paper, Seattle Drag and Ski is signing up some sponsors for Soap Lake, where Terry Anderson is our race chairman, and Jack Sipila and Jerry Dugan have signed a new sponsor for Black Lake to replace the Little Creek folks who were so great to work with for the past six years or so. The new site at Oak Harbor says they are ready to go, so we have some good news. SIRA and Seattle Drag and Ski are still mulling over a race on Lake Sammamish. It is tough to lose an event 20 miles from Seattle.

We are now well into the planning of the Jet Chevrolet event, The Run For The Records at the end of April. I will have the new state spill plans done for both clubs by Feb. 1st, as part of the new rules for Thurston County. So get those boats ready to roll." And, in the "this just in" Department, TIRA Commodore Ana Cappelletti sends us this important news update on the Inboard Western Divisionals: "There have been many changes already in Tacoma Inboard and the year is just beginning. We regretfully are announcing that Moses Lake will not be taking place for the 2014 season. It was also the place where the Western Divisionals were scheduled. Since this race is not taking place we made a rebid at the National meeting in Reno. So we are here to announce that the Westerns will be at Spanaway. " Seattle Outboard has successfully completed assisting the Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum in building five new J-Hydros for new racers. We were able to accomplish this over an eight week period working just one day a week, thanks to an excellent design from Ed Karelsen; wizard construction engineering and facilities by Don Kelson; and a small army of SOA volunteers who assisted the new racers in building their crafts. Now we have new racers searching for motors, safety equipment and busy planning test sessions. Plans are well underway for SOA to host the crown jewel of small outboard racing, The APBA Nationals for Stock Outboard, Modified Outboard and Junior Classes. Final arrangements are being worked out to also have this event host the first-ever UIM World Championship for J - Hydros. Entries are expected from Qgtar and possibly the UK. JW Myers, the brainchild behind all this, is also arranging to have entry fees covered for our J drivers. How cool is that?

/ /Patrick Gleason / /Ron Morrision //Jim Olson / / Ana Cappelletti / /Jim Codling

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The 2014 Annual Meeting has come and gone. I think it was a great venue for the meeting with lots of restaurants and real reasonable rates. Region 12 was really represented at this meeting with Robby Devine getting in the HOC in Inboard and Dave Rankin getting in the HOC in Inboard Endurance. The whole Skelton Race Team was there to root on their driver RJ West as he got in the HOC. Gordon Jennings III was the Junior Classes Up and Coming Driver of The Year. Steve Warnock was awarded the Tammy Dawe Advocate Award. Steve was from Wisconsin and did a lot for Stock Outboard racing over the years. At the Friday evening category awards there was a reunion of people who had

attended the 1974 Dayton Stock Nationals, the largest boat race ever held. Ron Hill and Dave Bryan were a couple of people who had been there in 1974. Our Stock commissioner, Jeff Conant, was there and was very active as was Dean Wilson for the OPC category. Dave Rankin is also the Inboard commissioner and was at the Inboard meetings. Ted Kolby was there as the chairman of the Inboard Endurance category. Roger Carr, our region chairman, won the D on Allen Award which he richly deserved. Bunker and Marlee Hill were there and attended the meetings to keep informed. Dave Hale also came and attended the Stock Outboard meetings and many others. Bob Williams was also in attendance and if! have missed someone I apologize. In February, Region 12 will be on hand at the LA Boat Show as we were last year. At the show Dave Hale hopes to sign up some people for our first driving

Oroville Time Trials March 15-16, 2014 Thermalito Afterbay 1 hour north of Sacramento

Surveyed 1/4 Mile and Kilometer Courses

school. This will be held on Friday~i1arch 7 at Puddingstone before the second race of the year in Region 12. This race will be possible because of all of the hard work that Scott Schatz puts into things; Scott was also at the Annual Meeting. At this meeting Fred Miller retired from doing the HOC. The HOC was Fred's idea and he has put this all together for some 40 years. I hate to see Fred go but I add my congratulations for a job well done and thanks for all of your enthusiasm and hard work. I drove to the meeting and there wasn't much snow on the Sierras. They just got some this week and hopefully more is on the way as California is in a drought. I wish some of that snow falling in the East would head our way.

/ /Ernie Dawe

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