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Asian Pacific Business Journal

2020 August Issue Issue Number 0130 1548 W. Alameda Avenue, Suite D, Denver, CO 80223| Tel: 303-733-8888, 303-722-8268, Fax: 303-722-7861| cochnews@gmail.com

President Donald J. Trump Is Supporting America’s Students and Families By Encouraging the Safe Reopening of America’s Schools

“We believe many school districts can now reopen safely, provided they implement mitigation measures and health protocols to protect families, protect teachers, and to protect students.” President Donald J. Trump SUPPORTING SAFE REOPENINGS: President Donald J. Trump is advocating for schools to safely reopen this fall to ensure our Nation’s children receive optimal education and care. • By supporting the resumption of in-person schooling, President Trump is standing up for the well-being of American children who need to get back in the classroom and working parents. • Children are at an extremely low risk for a serious illness or death from COVID-19, far less than adults and even less than from seasonal influenza. • The social costs to children and families of keeping schools closed in terms of harm to children’s wellbeing outweigh the risks presented by the safe reopening of in-person classes. ・The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has called for the safe reopening of schools this fall and for in-person classes to resume, citing how schools reduce a child’s risk of abuse, drug addiction, and suicide. ・The AAP has also found that school closures have a “substantial impact on food security and physical activity for children and families.” • The overwhelming majority of public K-12 teachers are young – 92% are under 60 years of age – and in the absence of certain underlying medical conditions are likely at lower risk for serious illness, hospitalization, or death. ・Teachers and students who are at increased risk or higher risk can be protected, and if desired, can choose to work from home. PUTTING AMERICAN CHILDREN AND FAMILIES FIRST: President Trump’s support to reopen schools is based on science, data, and common sense. • The unintended consequences of keeping schools closed could damage our children’s education for years to come and hinder our Nation’s economic comeback. • Cancelling in-person classes and allowing only virtual learning disproportionally harms the education of lower income children. ・During school closures in the spring, students’ math progress in low-income zip codes decreased by roughly 50% and students in middle-income zip codes

billion of which is for K-12 schools – to provide financial assistance and incentives to help schools implement safety measures in their resumption of in-person classes. • President Trump is also calling on Congress to pass the School Choice Now Act, which includes his groundbreaking Education Freedom Scholarships proposal, to give students and families the resources and power to select the right education setting for them. • President Trump delivered $13 billion in funding to states to support K-12 education, which can be used to help schools safely reopen. • The Trump Administration also applauds many States that have utilized Federal CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund dollars to prioritize the safe reopening of schools. • The Trump Administration is also working on a plan to provide millions of reusable face coverings to States for students, teachers, and staff. (From White House)

fell by a third. ・A recent analysis found that if in-person classes don’t resume until January 2021, Hispanic, Black, and low income students will lose 9.2, 10.3, and 12.4 months of learning, respectively. • Each and every parent needs the confidence that when they are on the job their children will be well cared for. ・Over 90% of children aged 6-17 have at least one employed parent – many of whom will have to stay home and care for their child if schools fail to reopen. • Peer countries have sufficiently reopened schools to better educate their children, while the United States has fallen behind with continued closures – potentially leaving our country and our children with a competitive disadvantage. • The education of children is more than an essential business – it’s a • Immigration Law (Employment-Based, Family-Based, top national priority to ensure America can continue Investment, Asylum, Deportation) to aggressively compete • Criminal Law (marijuana, drink-driving, assault, fraud, bail) with the rest of the world. GIVING VITAL AS• Civil Law (contracts, real estate transactions, restaurant sales, SISTANCE: President Trump is giving all stulease disputes) dents and educators the • Family Law (divorce, separation, domestic violence, tools and resources they need to continue learnpropert custody, prenuptial agreement) distribution of property, ing and teaching. • The Centers for • Wills and Trusts (estate planning, probate, trusts, Disease Control and Preasset protection, estate litigation) vention has provided comprehensive guidelines to schools on how to protect and identify high-risk individuals, prevent the spread of the virus, and conduct safe in-person teaching. • The President has called for Congress to pass $105 billion – $70

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Asian Pacific Business Journal

Joe Biden Doesn’t Want Asian Pacific American Parents to Have Educational Choice

“We’re fighting for school choice, which really is the civil rights [issue] of all time in this country. Frankly, school choice is the civil rights statement of the year, of the decade, and probably beyond, because all children have to have access to quality education…A child’s zip code in America should never determine their future, and that’s what was happening. So, we’re very, very strong on school choice.” - President Donald J. Trump “In Joe Biden’s America, Asian Pacific American parents do not have educational choice. Biden permits students to suffer in poorly performing schools, just because of their zip code. He does not care about students because he is more interested getting votes and money from the teachers’ unions.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Republican National Committee, Director of Media Affairs, AAPI Joe Biden’s pitch to the left-wing National Education Association (NEA) was that he would put parents and students last

“You don’t just have a partner in the White House, you’ll have an NEA member in the White House.”Joe Biden What about America’s parents? What about our students? What about educational choice? The NEA has a decades-long record of advocating extreme liberal policies, including adamantly opposing school choice for America’s parents. Not surprising, this massive teacher’s union did not field one question about giving parents choice in education, which is an issue that the majority of American people on both sides of the aisle support, minus those on Team Joe Biden and the NEA. According to a recent RealClear Opinion Research survey of 2,122 registered voters, 64% support school choice “School choice gives parents the right to use the tax dollars designated for their child’s education to send their child to the public or private school which best serves their needs. Generally speaking, would you say you support or oppose the concept of school choice?” Race & Ethnicity: White: 64.4% Black: 67.6% Hispanic: 63.4% Asian: 55.5% Party ID: Democrat: 59% Republican: 75.2% Independent: 60.2% Area: Urban: 69.3% Suburban: 62.6% Small town: 52.5%

Rural: 68.2% Kids in school: Public school: 67.7% Non-public school: 77.4% No Kids in school: 62.3% Joe Biden continues to play politics with his so-called education policy for the American people by being a hypocrite on the important issue of school choice • Before school choice was deemed an evil notion by the radical left wing of his party, Biden defended charter schools. • Now, Joe Biden is for the elimination of charter schools, saying they will be “gone” if he is elected president. • Biden would prevent Asian Pacific American families from having the same choices both he and his sons had, all going to private schools. • Joe Biden’s own brother used the family name to get contracts to operate charter schools for profit. • Biden has a long history of hostility to charter schools, saying that they “syphon money from our public schools.” Bottom line: Asian Pacific Americans have a choice to make in November and if they want a leader who will continue to invest in giving parents and families more choices and opportunities for students to achieve educational success and have a fighting chance to achieve the fullness of the American Dream, then Donald J. Trump is that leader. Whether it is support for school choice in early education to expanding and strengthening education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics President Trump is the undisputed education candidate for Asian Pacific Americans.

2020 August Issue

from “everybody.” The same tax cuts Asian Pacific Americans are benefiting from the most. What Biden is trying to burden the American people with is an average tax increase of more than $1,200. Biden’s tax plan would also reduce our economy’s size by 1.51% and lead to 585,000 job losses. Furthermore, while President Trump doubled the Child Tax Credit; by repealing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Biden would raise taxes on more than 22 million working families. And if Biden got his way and repealed the TCJA, Opportunity Zones, which spurred investments in nearly 9,000 severely distressed communities, would be repealed too. President Trump also expanded the refundable portion of the Child Tax Credit; repealing this would take money out of the pockets of 18.3 million primarily low-income houses. But the scope of Biden’s radical agenda doesn’t end with raising taxes on DAY 1, he also wants to “institutionally change the way this economy functions” too. Bottom Line: The American people cannot afford Joe Biden’s agenda, especially Asian Pacific Americans.

EXCLUSIVE OP-ED: Ronna McDaniel, ‘President Trump has time and again delivered on his pledge to cut taxes and expand opportunities for Asian Pacific American families’

Biden’s Tax Increases Target Asian Pacific Americans The Most

It’s undeniable what Tax Day under Joe Biden would look like: higher taxes for millions of Americans. Asian Pacific Americans are the largest beneficiaries of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, receiving an average tax cut of $2,560. This would not be the case under Joe Biden. Biden’s tax agenda is yet another reminder that Biden and Socialist Bernie Sanders are two sides of the same coin:

Fortune, 7-14-2020

What would be lost under a Biden presidency are the massive tax savings that went to low and middle-income households because of President Trump and Republicans: • In 2019, households making $20k-$30k saw the largest reduction in federal taxes, paid 13.5% less in taxes. • Households making $30k-$40k saw the second largest reduction, paid 11.4% less. • Households making $40k-$50k, paid 10% less. So, let’s review what is in Biden’s agenda: The “first thing” Joe Biden says he would do if he became president is raise taxes. That move would punish 82% middle-income Americans with a tax increase. It’s not just the rich or corporations who need to worry about Biden’s tax hiking agenda. Biden has promised to “take away” President Trump’s tax cuts

Ronna McDaniel is chair of the Republican National Committee. Follow her on Twitter @GOPChairwoman.

Today (7/15) is Tax Day, which serves as a fitting reminder that with less than four months until the November election, never has there been a clearer contrast between two candidates’ tax plans as exists between President Trump and Joe Biden. While President Trump has time and again delivered on his pledge to cut taxes and expand opportunities for Asian Pacific American families, Joe Biden is doubling down on his plan to impose massive tax hikes on millions of middle-class families. Asian Pacific Americans are the largest beneficiaries of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, receiving an average tax cut of $2,560. The kind of tax increases Biden envisions would throw a big wet blanket on the great American comeback President Trump is leading, and is just one of the many reasons voters overwhelmingly trust President Trump to rebuild our economy a second time. This Tax Day is the second time Asian Pacific Americans will file their taxes under the new and improved tax code President Trump and Republicans ushered in. For the second year in a row, we will reap the rewards this simplified, pro-growth, and pro-family tax code brings. Over 80% of middle-income Americans saw a tax cut thanks to President Trump, with lower-middle class households actually experiencing the largest tax cut. (Continued to Page 3)

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Asian Pacific Business Journal

(Continued from Page 2) Nearly 30 more million Americans opted to take the simpler standard deduction, which President Trump and Republicans doubled and saves taxpayers $5 billion each year. And despite doomsday predictions from Democrats, tax relief proved to be the spark that ignited our country’s economic engine, creating the best jobs market in generations. In the wake of tax relief, unemployment dropped to a 50-year low and the economy added so many jobs there were millions of more jobs available than there were workers to fill them. Thanks to our “Paycheck President”, wages went up at the fastest clip in a decade as a result of workers keeping more of their paycheck. The stock market soared to record highs, along with individuals 401k accounts, and so many companies large and small gave bonuses that many workers effectively received a second tax cut. President Trump’s record of economic results stands in stark contrast to what would happen if Joe Biden ever managed to stumble out of the basement and into the Oval Office. We need not guess what Tax Day would look like under a President Biden – all the positive effects of tax relief would evaporate in an instant. He said so himself. Biden is on record saying his first action in office would be to raise taxes on the middle class, which is completely consistent with his 40-plus years as a career politician where he didn’t meet a tax hike he didn’t like. As Vice President, he presided over the slowest economy recovery since World War Two, so it is fitting that the centerpiece of Biden’s economic plan amounts to raising taxes on just about everything he can. Biden’s plan would put working Asian Pacific American families last by cutting the child tax credit in half, a popular provision that President Trump doubled in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Under Biden, the corporate tax rate would increase by a third, giving the U.S. a higher corporate tax rate than even Communist China and leading to the offshoring of good American jobs. No tax is popular, but Biden would bring back perhaps the most unpopular tax of all by restoring the Obamacare individual mandate tax. This would lead to five million low and middle-income households choosing to pay the penalty for forgoing big-government run healthcare. These combined with all the other tax hikes Biden supports, like raising the income tax by $2,000 on a typical Asian Pacific American family of four, would place a four trillion-dollar burden on American families, businesses, innovators and job creators. As our economy rebounds in a record way, the tax increases Biden wants are a burden simply too great to bear and the last thing our country needs. Ronald Reagan once said, “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15,” referring to the traditional tax filing deadline in non-covidtide. Reagan was right, and especially now we can’t afford the tax increases a Biden administration would wreak on our everyday lives and bottom-lines. While Biden has made a career in Washington out of putting our country last, President Trump has put hardworking Americans first throughout his entire

tenure in office, something he will continue to do when the American people re-elect him to a second term on November 3rd.

Joe Biden on Law & Order

“Education and Law & Order are always the priorities of Asian Americans. School Choice provides great opportunity for Asian Americans, but first, all Americans need to be safe from violence. President Trump’s priorities are Asian Americans’ priority. We will restore our economy and ensure access to a good education for all Americans, but to do so, we must re-elect leaders who share our values and priorities.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific American Media Director

Underreported Coronavirus Facts

“President Trump and Republicans continue to produce solutions with real results to confront the Coronavirus. We are making significant progress to re-open America safely.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Media Affairs, Asian Pacific Americans The Trump administration’s aggressive response to the China’s coronavirus is yielding promising results. According to CDC data, the percentage of deaths due to the coronavirus declined for the twelfth week in a row and over 47.3 MILLION tests have been completed. As Surgeon General Jerome Adams reminded the American people, “The mortality rate is significantly lower now than what it was in February and in March. So those cases don’t have to equal consequences.” Reminder: Since January, President Trump and his admin have been confronting the coronavirus pandemic on all fronts from issuing travel restrictions with China to making sure front line responders have the ventilators, PPE, and therapeutics they need. And despite Democrats’ authoritarian calls for a mandatory decree to wear a mask, Americans are already wearing masks at a higher rate than the French, Canadians, the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden.

And there is great news on the coronavirus vaccine front too. There are at least 3 vaccine candidates. Axios reports, “A coronavirus vaccine from Oxford University and AstraZeneca, perhaps the most promising candidate currently in development, appears to be safe and produces an immune response.”

Bottom Line: While Democrats continue to politicize coronavirus to advance their radical agenda and keep America shut down, Republicans and President Trump continue to lead America’s responsible and safe reopening.

The choice is clear: President Trump delivers for Asian Pacific Americans!

“President Trump appreciates the contribu-

2020 August Issue

tions and hard work of Asian Pacific Americans. He supports merit- based education opportunities for Asian American college students and combated hate crime toward the Asian Americans during the Covid-19 pandemic. He slashed taxes and government red tape to support both business and individuals. Please support his reelection on November 3rd to ensure that America continues to be the land of opportunity for us.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian American Media 100 days from now, millions of Americans will head to the polls and vote to re-elect President Trump because of his many accomplishments: President Donald Trump • President Trump stands for law and order to keep our communities and children safe. He supports America’s police officers. • President Trump is leading an “all hands on deck” response to the Coronavirus from testing, to supplies, to vaccines. • President Trump is leading the Great American Comeback: during the past two months, 7.5 million jobs have been added. • President Trump passed the largest middle-class tax cut in a generation with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. • President Trump has been working with the U.S. Department of Justice to combat Asian-American hate crimes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Joe Biden • Biden calls rioters “peaceful protesters” and Biden wants to defund the police. • Biden’s record of responding to pandemics is dismal. • As VP, Biden oversaw the worst economic recovery since the World War II. It took Joe Biden 21 months to add 7.5 million jobs. • Biden would raise taxes on 82% of Americans. • Biden has a record of head-turning comments against Asian Pacific Americans and has continued this behavior during Covid-19. To re-elect President Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot, the Trump Victory campaign’s ground game is unparalleled. • To date, Trump Victory has hired more than 1,500 field staffers. • We have already registered double the number of voters that we registered in 2016. • We have already activated over 1.5 million volunteers. Bottom Line: The enthusiasm for President Trump and Republican policy achievements has fueled the largest ground game in party history. Though President Trump’s record of accomplishments is already long, he continues to accomplish more for the American people. The best is yet to come.

President Trump Has Empowered the Rapid Development of A Vaccine to Fight the Coronavirus

“Asian Pacific Americans are grateful that President Trump has empowered the rapid development of a vaccine to fight the coronavirus. Thanks to the Trump Administration, American businesses are on track to create 500 million doses following the approval of a vaccine. President Trump continues to be laser focused on the health and safety of Americans and securing America’s win against the virus.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific American Media

Asian Pacific Business Journal

Page 4 Biden’s Massive Tax Increase

“Joe Biden’s massive tax increase will hurt Asian American businesses, individuals, and their effort in pursuing the American dream.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific American Media Joe Biden: • Promises to raise your taxes. • Promises to destroy America’s energy sector. • Promises to give tax-payer funded health coverage to illegal immigrants.

On taxes, The Wall Street Journal notes, “[Biden] claims his tax proposals will soak only the affluent, but they won’t raise nearly enough money to finance all of his plans. In the end everyone will pay.” According to one analysis of Biden’s tax plan, “24.7 percent of new tax revenue in 2021 would come from the bottom 99 percent of taxpayers.” This will affect Asian Pacific Americans who are the largest beneficiaries of President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Regarding Biden’s energy policy, instead of fighting for American jobs and our energy independence, Biden doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs for Green New Deal policies. Put bluntly: Over 10 million Americans would be driven out of work with Biden’s fossil fuel eliminating agenda he has taken from Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And in addition to not deporting illegal immigrants, Biden says his taxpayer funded health care plan will cover illegal immigrants. Note: Joe Biden has taken to heart Ilhan Omar’s call for the “dismantling” of the U.S. “economy and

political systems.” By raising taxes on middle class Americans and embracing the Green New Deal, a wholesale embrace of the far left would be ushered in with a Biden presidency. Bottom Line: Joe Biden is the vessel for the radical left’s takeover. Through him they will raise taxes on every American, destroy America’s energy sector, and give taxpayer funded health coverage to illegal immigrants.

Asian Americans Unemployment Rate Drops

“President Trump continues to defy the odds and continue The Great American Comeback. Even during this pandemic, 1.8 million jobs were created in July and unemployment dropped by 1.8% for Asian Pacific Americans. He has shown time and again he is a true champion for the American people” - Dr. Marina Tse, RNC Director of Asian Pacific American Media

1.8 MILLION jobs were created in July, beating expectations. And in the past three months, 9.3 MILLION jobs have been added. And the unemployment rate also declined across the board. The Black unemployment rate dropped to 14.6% in July. The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped 1.6% to 12.9% in July. The Asian unemployment rate dropped 1.8% to 12% in July. The unemployment rate for women dropped 1.1% to 10.6% in July. Furthermore, wages grew 4.8% year over year and 26,000 manufacturing jobs and 592,000 jobs in leisure and hospitality were added in July. Bottom Line: President Trump is the only one on the ballot capable of leading the Great American Comeback. He built the greatest economy in history once, and he’s doing it again. Joe Biden’s agenda of crushing tax hikes and more regulations would halt the comeback in its tracks.

2020 August Issue Biden’s Radical Vice-Presidential Running Mate

“With Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s VicePresidential running mate, they will further surrender to radical mobs, increase taxes, and kill jobs. Hard-working Asian Americans will be hurt by their extreme policies.” -Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific American Media If you’re reporting on Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his Vice-Presidential pick, please consider the following statement from RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "A hiding, diminished, and incoherent Joe Biden didn’t just select a vice-presidential candidate, he chose the person who would actually be in charge the next four years if he is somehow able to win. Kamala Harris’ extreme positions, from raising taxes to abolishing private health insurance to comparing law enforcement officials to the KKK, show that the leftwing mob is controlling Biden’s candidacy, just like they would control him as president. These radical policies might be popular among liberals, but they are well outside the mainstream for most Americans," said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Here's just some of what you need to know about Kamala Harris:

1. GOP War Room, 5/12/19 S.Res. 59, Introduced 2/7/19; Congress.gov, Accessed 7/31/2020 2. CNN’s State Of The Union, 5/12/19; GOP War Room, 7/12/19; GOP War Room, 11/15/18 3. The Washington Post, 3/6/19; The New York Times, 1/17/19 4. The Washington Free Beacon, 5/16/19; Bloomberg, 6/27/2019; CNBC, 6/27/2019 5. Politico, 5/15/19 6. Politico, 6/24/20


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2020 August Issue

Asian Pacific Business Journal

Biden and Harris are Coming for Your Health Care

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to take away your private health care, which provides choices for people. Private health care is extremely important for individuals in need to choose their own doctors to help protect their health in a timely and effective way.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific American Media Harris leads the charge for a $32 TRILLION government takeover of health care, that would outlaw private insurance and kick nearly 180 million Americans off their insurance plans. And they both support giving taxpayer funded health coverage to illegal immigrants. The American people are going to reject Biden and Harris’ health care plan, just like one Iowa voter told Harris during the primary: “Leave our health care system alone.”

Joe Biden’s Policies Will Hurt Our Country

“Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, along with the other speakers at the DNC Convention, know their policy proposals are wrong for Americans, that’s why they spent more time speaking out against President Trump, instead of touting their policies. Joe Biden would raise taxes on 82% of Americans, the bloated Green New Deal would cost thousands of jobs and send energy bills skyrocketing, and they would use your tax dollars to subsidize health care for illegal immigrants. It further proves that the Democrat Party’s agenda have gone to the extreme left. All of these policies will destroy the middle class, the American economy, and Americans’ safety”. - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific American Media Raising Taxes Biden says the “the first thing I would do” is raise middle class taxes. Immigration Biden promised to end illegal immigration detention “across the board,” and to not deport illegal immigrants who have committed felony-like offenses in other countries. Government Health Care for Illegal Immigrants Biden supports government health care for illegal immigrants. Government Takeover of Health Care Biden supports a government takeover of health care. Destruction of Private Health Insurance Not only does Biden’s plan not allow Americans to keep their private health insurance, it guarantees “massive disruptions to private coverage.” Green New Deal Biden supports the Green New Deal, “radical decarbonization,” and eliminating fossil fuels even if that means sacrificing hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs. Biden even sees coronavirus as an “opportunity” to push the GND. Death Penalty Biden supports an end to the death penalty. Repealing Trump’s Tax Cuts Biden says the ”first thing I would do as president is eliminate the President’s tax cut.”

President Trump’s 2nd Term Agenda: Fighting for You!

“The Republican Party stands for the values of freedom, democracy, prosperity, peace, justice, a strong nation, and community safety. President Trump’s policies empower Americans, and all those who come to the United States through the legal channels, the opportunity to contribute to our great American experiment and achieve a better, beautiful life.” - Dr. Marina Tse, Director of Asian Pacific Media Building on the incredible achievements of President Donald J. Trump’s first term in office, the President’s re-election campaign today released a set of core priorities for a second term under the banner of “Fighting for You!” President Trump’s boundless optimism and certainty in America’s greatness is reflected in his second-term goals and stands in stark contrast to the gloomy vision of America projected by Joe Biden and Democrats. President Trump will further illuminate these plans during his acceptance speech Thursday at the Republican National Convention. Over the coming weeks, the President will be sharing additional details about his plans through policy-focused speeches on the campaign trail. President Trump: Fighting for You! JOBS • Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months

• Create 1 Million New Small Businesses • Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America • Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs • “Made in America” Tax Credits • Expand Opportunity Zones • Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence ERADICATE COVID-19 • Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020 • Return to Normal in 2021 • Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States • Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics • Cut Prescription Drug Prices • Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System • Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums • End Surprise Billing • Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions • Protect Social Security and Medicare • Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services EDUCATION • Provide School Choice to Every Child in America • Teach American Exceptionalism DRAIN THE SWAMP • Pass Congressional Term Limits • End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses • Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States • Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens DEFEND OUR POLICE • Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers • Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers • Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism • Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice • End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial END ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AND PROTECT AMERICAN WORKERS • Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition • Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members • Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks • End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families • Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers • Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially INNOVATE FOR THE FUTURE • Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars • Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System • Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National HighSpeed Wireless Internet Network • Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air. Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans AMERICA FIRST FOREIGN POLICY • Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home • Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share • Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength • Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans • Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System

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ment officer. I echo our first lady Melania Trump’s speech at our Republican Convention about ‘an amazing place called America--a land that stood for freedom and opportunity.’ This is why myself, and so many in the APA community are working hard to re-elect President Trump and Republicans.” - Dr. Marina Tse, RNC Director of Asian Pacific American Media “I know I speak for my husband and the entire family when I say we have not forgotten the incredible people who were willing to take a chance on the businessman who has never worked in politics. We know it was you who elected him to be commander in chief. And we know it is you who will carry us through again.” “My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one and my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering. I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know you are not alone. My husband’s administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone. Donald will not rest until he has done all he can to take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic.” “It is in times like this that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through kindness and compassion, strength and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our future. Businesses stepped up, and volunteers stepped in. People were eager to share ideas, resources, and support of all kinds with neighbors and strangers alike.” “Growing up as a young child in Slovenia, which was under communist rule at the time, I always heard about an amazing place called America -- a land that stood for freedom and opportunity. As I grew older, it became my goal to move to the United States and follow my dream of working in the fashion industry.” “After 10 years of paperwork and patience, I studied for the test in 2006 and became an American citizen. It is still one of the proudest moments in my life, because with hard work and determination I was able to achieve my own American dream. As an immigrant and a very independent woman, I understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have.” “Donald and I are also inspired by the millions of Americans who wake up each day with a simple yet courageous goal of providing for their families and keeping them safe. You are the backbone of this country. You are the people who continue to make the United States of America what it is, and who have the incredible responsibility of preparing our future generations to leave everything even better than they found it.” “Just as you are fighting for your families, my husband, our family, and the people in this administration are here fighting for you. No matter the amount of negative or false media headlines or attacks from the other side, Donald Trump has not and will not lose focus on you. He loves this country and he knows how to get things done.” “I encourage people to focus on our future while still learning from our past. We must remember that today we are all one community comprised of many races, religions, and ethnicities. Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong, and yet we still have so much to learn from one another.” “With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals. I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice, and never make assumptions based on the color of a person’s skin.” “To mothers and parents everywhere you are warriors. In my husband, you have a president who will not stop fighting for you and your families. I see how hard he works day and night. And despite the unprecedented attacks from the media and opposition, he will not give up. In fact, if you tell him it cannot be done, he just works harder.”


“I came to this country as a foreign student with limited English and little money. I worked my way up, starting by waiting on tables to pay for my college tuition. Despite English being my second language, I became a public school teacher and later a high ranking State & Federal Govern-

First Lady Melania Trump delivered a heart-warming address at the RNC Convention.

2020 August Issue

Asian Pacific Business Journal

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Recover Better Together Taiwan can help Jaushieh Joseph Wu Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of China (Taiwan) In 2020, the world has been hit by an unprecedented public health crisis, with the effects of COVID-19 being felt across every aspect of people’s lives. This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the United Nations—the mission statement that stands at the very heart of the inclusive multilateralism the world needs so much at the present moment. Now more than ever, the global community must make a concerted effort to forge the better and more sustainable future called for by the UN and its Member States. Taiwan is ready, willing and able to be a part of these efforts. With less than 500 confirmed cases and seven deaths, Taiwan has defied predictions and successfully contained COVID-19. We managed this without lockdowns; schools were only closed for two weeks in February. Baseball games also restarted in April. Initially, cardboard cutouts stood in for the crowds, but by mid-July games were back in full swing, attended by as many as 10,000 spectators. This has all come in no small part due to Taiwan’s quick response measures, including the establishment of a Central Epidemic Command Center, the implementation of stringent border controls and quarantine procedures, and transparent information-sharing. We also took swift action to ensure an adequate stock of medical supplies for our world-class health care system. And after making sure we had enough supplies to look after our own people, we started providing medical equipment and supplies to other countries in serious need. By the end of June, Taiwan had donated 51 million surgical masks, 1.16 million N95 masks, 600,000 isolation gowns, 35,000 forehead thermometers, and other medical materials to more than 80 countries, including the United States, Taiwan’s diplomatic allies, and European nations. We have also joined forces with like-minded democracies to explore the development of rapid test kits, medicines, and vaccines. Working together for the greater good is how the world will defeat COVID-19. In the Declaration on the Commemoration of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the United Nations, governments and heads of state acknowledge that only by working together in solidarity can we end the pandemic and effectively tackle its consequences. They thus pledge to make the

UN more inclusive and to leave no one behind as the world looks to recover from the pandemic. Similarly, in remarks at the High-level Segment of the UN Economic and Social Council on “Multilateralism after COVID-19: what kind of UN do we need at the 75th anniversary?” in July, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that networked, inclusive, and effective multilateralism would aid global efforts to promote recovery and the continued implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We cannot agree more. However, this vision seems lacking when Taiwan—one of the world’s model democracies and a success story in containing the current pandemic—continues to be barred from taking part in and exchanging experiences and information with the UN system. Even as the pandemic has made the international community acutely aware of Taiwan’s unjust and discriminatory exclusion from the World Health Organization and the UN system, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) continues to press the UN to use an erroneous interpretation of the 1971 UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 (XXVI) as the legal basis for blocking Taiwan. The fact is that this resolution does not address the issue of Taiwan’s representation in the UN, nor does it state that Taiwan is part of the PRC. In fact, Taiwan is not, nor has it ever been, a part of the PRC. Our President and legislature are directly elected by the people of Taiwan. Moreover, border controls instituted during the pandemic offer further evidence to counter the PRC’s false claims. The UN must recognize that only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent its 23.5 million people; the PRC has no right to speak on Taiwan’s behalf. Not having Taiwan’s input in the UN is a loss to the global community, and will hamper Member States’ efforts to regain normalcy and implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in full and on time. By drawing on its outstanding work on the SDGs, Taiwan can help countries better recover from the disruption caused by the pandemic. Our economy has proven resilient: the Asian Development Bank forecast that Taiwan’s eco-

nomic performance in 2020 would be the best among the Four Asian Tigers—the only one to show positive growth. Moreover, many of our SDG indicators—including gender equality, economic growth, clean water and sanitation, reduced inequality, and good health and wellbeing—have reached levels comparable to OECD countries. Our ongoing efforts to implement the SDGs coupled with our proven pandemic response put Taiwan in a much better position than most to help the global community in tackling the ongoing challenges facing humanity. In fact, Taiwan has long been assisting its partner countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Pacific with their development goals in such areas as clean energy, waste management, and disaster prevention. So we are already able to help—yet we could do that much more if given the chance to participate in UN activities, meetings, and mechanisms. Unfortunately, the 23.5 million people of Taiwan are denied any access to UN premises. Taiwanese journalists and media outlets are also denied accreditation to cover UN meetings. This discriminatory policy stems from the wrongful claims of and pressure from an authoritarian state, and contravenes the principle of universality and equality upon which the UN was founded. “We the peoples of the United Nations determined . . . to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights . . . [and] the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small”—thus begins the UN Charter. The ideal of upholding human rights and fundamental freedoms for all laid out in this text must not remain empty words. As it looks ahead to the next 75 years, it is never too late for the UN to welcome Taiwan’s participation.

Asian Pacific Business Journal

2020 August Issue

Page 7

How to Protect Your Social Security Number From Theft

With the dramatic increase in identity theft, what can be done to protect your Social Security number (SSN) from these would-be thieves? Here are some ideas. Do not carry your Social Security card with you. Your parents were encouraged to do this, but times have changed. You will need to provide it to a new employer, but that is about it. Know who NEEDS your Social Security number. The list of people or organizations who need to have your number is limited. It includes: • Your employer. To issue wages and pay your taxes. • The IRS. To process your taxes. • Your state’s revenue department. To pro-

cess your state taxes. • The Social Security Administration. To record your work history and track future benefits. • Your retirement account provider. To enable annual reporting to the IRS. • Banks. To enable reporting to the IRS. • A few others. Those who need to report your activity to the government (investment companies, for example). Do not use any part of your Social Security number for passwords or account access. Many retirement plans use your Social Security number to enable you to access their online tool. When this happens, reset the login and password as soon as possible. Do not put your Social Security number on any form. Unless a business has a legal need for your number, do not provide it. Common requestors of this number are insurance companies and health care providers. Simply write,

“Not available due to theft risk” in the field that requests your number. If the supplier says they need it, ask them why. Do not note your full Social Security number on any form. If you are required to give out your number, try marking out the first five numbers (i.e. xxx-xx-1234). Do not put your Social Security number on your checks. If requested by the government to place your number on a check to apply a payment, simply put the last four digits on the check. Never give your number out over the phone or in an e-mail. Remember to periodically check your credit score with the major agencies to ensure your data has not been stolen. Once stolen, it is often difficult to get a new SSN issued.

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Cases in the U.S.

Updated August 26, 2020

Cases by Jurisdiction

tion’s health department website, click on the ju- the bars to see the number of new cases by day. risdiction on the map. Deaths by Jurisdiction This map shows COVID-19 cases reported by U.S. states, the District of Columbia, New York City, and other U.S.-affiliated jurisdictions. Hover over the maps to see the number of deaths reported in each jurisdiction. To go to a jurisdiction’s health department website, click on the jurisdiction on the map. Cases & Deaths among Healthcare Personnel Data were collected from 4,355,851 people, but healthcare personnel status was only available for 1,012,298 (23.2%) people. For the 144,799 cases of COVID-19 among healthcare personnel, death status was only available for 101,839 (70.3%).

This map shows COVID-19 cases reported by U.S. states, the District of Columbia, New New Cases by Day York City, and other U.S.-affiliated jurisdictions. The following chart shows the number of new Hover over the maps to see the number of cases COVID-19 cases reported each day in the U.S. (From CDC Website, Updated August 26, reported in each jurisdiction. To go to a jurisdic- since the beginning of the outbreak. Hover over 2020)

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Asian Pacific Business Journal

2020 August Issue

ACCESS TO CARE Aim High Chiropractic believes that every person has the right to access high quality healthcare whether or not they have health insurance. Our Access to Care initiative offers several low cost or free programs for our community through our 4 clinics. It is our goal to provide education to our community and to help as many people as we can to achieve healthy, happy lives and have their bodies and minds perform at their best. It is a big part of our mission. For instance, did you know that Aim High treats victims of crime through advocacy and outreach programs? There are community resources for people who have suffered domestic violence, mugging, child abuse, elder abuse, and more. The Victims Compensation Fund through your local district attorney’s office can often times provide funding for medical treatment after being injured due to a crime. The Victim Rights Act (VRA) in Colorado ensures that crime victims are treated with fairness, respect, dignity and that they are free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse. The VRA also helps to ensure that victims are informed of critical stages of the criminal justice process and that they may be present for, and heard, at certain stages as well. Victims of crime and/or their advocates can contact the VRA Compliance Program to request help or File a Formal Complaint concerning an alleged violation of their rights. We also provide Information For Agencies to help them understand and comply with the Victim Rights Act. Aim High also provides care for our front-line

heroes fighting the Coronavirus in our hospitals. Our Frontline Support Program. If you are a healthcare worker, you may qualify for this program and receive free care to keep you healthy and reduce your stress while boosting your immunity. Aim High offers free pain evaluations for our community. During this time of flu and COVID, you don’t need to suffer silently in pain because you are afraid to go to the ER or urgent care. And we take the worry away if you don’t have health insurance. Aim High will do a free pain evaluation to determine what your best course of action will be to relieve your pain. Aim High currently offers a $120 CARE program. If you have pain in your body that is extreme, may worsen without treatment but you do not need hospitalization, the CARE program includes a oneyear discount on membership plan, your initial exam, x-rays, report of findings and two chiropractic adjustments with therapies. Aim High are also experts in treating personal injuries, like care accident injuries, pedestrian injuries, slip n falls, on the job injuries, bicycle injuries and more. We have been doing it for 24 years and have helped more than 320,000 patients during that time heal and return to function. Are you high risk or apprehensive to come into the clinic for an appointment during the time of COVID or flu? Aim High offers Telemedicine appointments. You can chat face to face with the Aim High doctor, discuss your issues and get a recommended treatment plan. We will also arrange for delivery of specific

equipment to your home with a customized exercise plan for your particular injury or pain complaint. Do you need fabric masks to comply with recent statewide mask wearing orders? Call Aim High, we have some for free for you and your family. You can call Aim High with any questions or to find out more about any of these programs. Our goal is to make a positive difference in the health and lives of our patients and our larger community. We speak English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese. We offer same day appointments and four locations throughout Metro Denver that are open extended hours for your convenience. Call Aim High today, feel better tomorrow! 303.922.2977 www.mydenverchiropractor.com

Steve Aoki, Daniel Dae Kim, Darren Criss, Rep. Judy Chu Launch Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Biden “AAPIs Assemble!” Program

Yesterday (8/25), musician Steve Aoki, actor and producer Daniel Dae Kim, actor, producer and singer-songwriter Darren Criss, and Representative Judy Chu launched the Biden for President national Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) for Biden “AAPIs Assemble!” Program with a Nevada virtual event. The event also featured a pre-taped message from Senator Kamala Harris. Following the event, Assemblywoman Rochelle Nguyen, Assemblywoman Brittney Miller, and Nevada AAPI Council Chair Ash Mirchandani kicked off a virtual phone bank for AAPI volunteers in Nevada to call and text fellow AAPIs around the state to rally support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

“When my mother arrived in the United States from India, she understood that the core of her new home in America is that we not only strive for success, but to leave our country better than we found it,” said Senator Kamala Harris. “That’s the approach she instilled in me, and I know many of you are working toward that same end. ” “Voting is at the very heart of our democracy and

who we are as a society,” said Representative Judy Chu. “During the most consequential elections in our lifetime, it’s critical that we do everything we can to ensure that the voices of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are heard loud and clear. The AAPI vote has tremendous power and potential.”

“We can’t fight for representation in areas like the media if we don’t fight for ourselves in the biggest arena of all — the government. ...I believe Joe Biden will stand up for the AAPI community,” said Daniel Dae Kim. “We must raise our hands and exercise the power we have as American citizens and make our voices heard. Every race matters, and every vote matters.” “AAPI’s can literally make the difference between victory and defeat for Joe Biden. If we band together, there are enough of us to change the outcome of this election,” said Steve Aoki. “If AAPI’s and Japanese Americans turn out in record numbers, we could put Joe Biden over the edge. Every single vote counts.” “There is no better time to harness this incredible power than right now,” said Darren Criss. “We’re

going to come out on the right side of history on this coming election.” “The power of us lies in all of us being engaged,” said Ash Mirchandani. “It’s never been done on a national level where you have had so many AAPI stalwarts and leaders trying to come together to make a change. I’m excited, hopeful and confident that we’re going to make this change in the White House.” “I’m very excited to be able to formally endorse Joe Biden’s presidency,” said Assemblywoman Rochelle Nguyen. “I’m excited to see so many of our AAPI community here in Nevada to show the rest of the United States what we can do when we mobilize, get people together, get our message out there, and engage otherwise unengaged voters.” “Joe understands that we are a multi-faceted, diverse nation. With Senator Harris as Vice President, all that makes Asia is going to be represented in the White House in such a beautiful way,” said Assemblywoman Brittney Miller. “This is a lot of hard work, but this is how we win. We know our republic is at stake. Our democracy, our beliefs, our foundation, what we believe is at stake. We have to give it all we have all the way until those polls close on November 3rd.”

Asian Pacific Business Journal Publisher: Wendy Chao President: Frank Chao Editor: Alysia Lee

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