Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia
Summary Report on Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia Organized by South Asian Disability Forum (SADF) Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD) British Council Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP)
14-20 November 2014 APCD Training Building, Bangkok, Thailand This report is available in a text format for persons with visual impairments and blind persons free for charge. Please contact for further details.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary
Outline of Training
Programme 6 Bangkok Appeal on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Girls and Women with Diverse Disabilities in South Asia
List of Participants
Annex: Beijing+20 Review Side Event: Mainstreaming Women with Disabilities
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Women with disabilities in South Asia face various levels of discrimination due to disability and gender, as well as their countries’ developing world status. In developing countries, including the South Asian region, women constitute up to three quarters of all persons with disabilities. Many governments in the region, however, have yet to incorporate the concerns of women with disabilities in legal frameworks, policies, and action plans for disability and gender in line with Article 6: Women with Disabilities of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In order to bring more awareness to barriers faced by women with disabilities in the region, 10 women leaders with disabilities from South Asia, including Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, took part in the Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia at the APCD Training Building in Bangkok, Thailand, from 14-16 November 2014. The Training was organized by the South Asian Disability Forum (SADF), the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), the British Council (BC) Pakistan, and the Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International and Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP), as an activity of the South Asian Disability and Development Initiative (SADDI). The Training was aimed at developing the leadership skills of women with disabilities in South Asia. It also increased their know-how in creating modules on gender, empowerment, and personal development. A training manual that addresses UNCRPD’s Article 6 and Goal 6 (Ensure Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment) of the Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real”, 2013-2022 was also set up during the three-day Training. The Training served as preparation for the Mainstreaming Women with Disabilities Side Event at the Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review, held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, from 17-20 November 2014. The event also gave Training participants a venue to promote the advocacies of women with disabilities, including gender equality and inclusive society, as well as engage and build stronger ties with decision-makers and government delegates from their respective countries.
KEY OUTCOMES 1. Women leaders with disabilities were given an opportunity to share and apply their knowledge, experiences, and skills in creating a just and inclusive society where women with disabilities live with dignity, respect, and equality. 2. The “Bangkok Appeal on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia” was developed. 3. Women with disabilities from South Asia were given an opportunity to raise the voices of women with disabilities at the Beijing+20 Review. 4. Women with disabilities were able to develop their skills in engaging and collaborating with multi-stakeholders with regard to fundamental human rights and a just and inclusive society for all.
Reviewing the “Bangkok Appeal on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Girls and Women with Diverse Disabilities in South Asia” document
Group photo with Training participants
BACKGROUND The Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review was held from 17 to 20 November 2014 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. The participants included ministers and senior officials in Asia and the Pacific, including civil society representatives in observer capacity. In this connection, the Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities was proposed ahead of the Conference.
OBJECTIVES 1. To organize a three-day Training focusing on the capacity building of women with disabilities in Pakistan and other South Asian countries; 2. To organize a four-day training focusing on the empowerment of women with disabilities in Bhutan, Pakistan, and other South Asian countries in conjunction with the Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review; 3. To organize a side event on women with disabilities at the Beijing+20 Review by SADF, APCD, BC and CHEF in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Asia Pacific Women with Disabilities United (APWWDU) as a member of the Asia-Pacific Beijing+20 Civil Society Steering Committee
EXPECTED OUTCOMES 1. Information and knowledge regarding women with disabilities in South Asia will be demonstrated and shared with ministries and/ or senior officials of governments in Asia and the Pacific; 2. A side event is going to be conducted successfully by women with disabilities in South Asia in cooperation with regional partners; 3. The “Bangkok Appeal on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia” will be developed and shared with government partners.
Women with disabilities discussing issues of gender equality and women’s empowerment
PROGRAMME Day 1 : Friday, 14 November 2014 09:00-09:30 Welcome • Registration 09:30-10:00 Introduction of All Participants - Ms. Sadia Rahman • Welcome note by Mr. Akiie Ninomiya, Executive Director APCD • Housekeeping notes 10:00-10:30 Overview of the SADDI Project - Ms. Sadia Rahman • Background • Key objectives • Overview of the workshop 10:30-11:15 Expectations Tree – Mr. Atif Sheikh • Interactive exercise to support participants to share their expectations from the three-day workshop 11:15-11:30 Tea Break 11:30-12:15 SADDI – Theory of Change - Ms. Sadia Rahman • Interactive exercise to discuss needs of women with disabilities • Building link with the Theory of Change 12:15-13:00 Cover Story – Mr. Atif Sheikh • Identifying aims and indicators of success for the SADDI project 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:00 Disability and Gender - Ms. Abia Akram and Ms. Sadia Rahman 15:00-15:30 Overview of the Leadership Modules - Ms. Abia Akram and Ms. Sadia Rahman • Personal development • Leadership • Gender and empowerment • Disability 6
15:30-15:45 15:45-16:30 16:30-16:45
Tea Break Working Groups to Review Learning Outcomes for Each Module - Ms. Abia Akram and Ms. Sadia Rahman Plenary Session - Mr. Atik Sheikh • Feedback on learning outcomes • Group consensus Closing – Mr. Shafiq Rehman • Review • Feedback
Day 2: Saturday, 15 November 2014 09:00-09:30 Reflections – Mr. Shafiq Rehman 09:30-10:15 Theory of Change – Ms. Sadia Rahman • Review outcomes and outputs • Discuss barriers • Refer to cover story exercise 10:15-10:45 Identity and Culture – Ms. Asifa Ali • Map out personal strengths and external challenges 10:45-11:15 Success Story 01 – Participants • Focus on advocacy on rights on women with disability 11:15-11:30 Tea Break 11:30-12:15 Advocacy – What Does It Mean for Us? – Mr. Atif Sheikh 12:15-13:00 Planning Advocacy Activities - Ms. Sadia Rahman • Ideas and tools 13:00:-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14:45 Leadership and Disability - Who is a Successful Leader for Us? – Ms. Abia Akram 14:45-15:15 Personal Development Plan – Ms. Abia Akram 7
15:15-15:30 15:30-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:15
Tea Break Community Mapping - How Our Areas Look to Us – Ms. Asifa Ali and Mr. Shafiq Rehman Action Planning – Instructions - Ms. Sadia Rahman Closing/Review and Feedback - Mr. Atif Sheikh
Day 3: Sunday, 16 November 2014 09:00-09:30 Reflections – Ms. Sadia Rahman 09:30-10:15 Stakeholder Mapping – Ms. Asifa Ali 10:15-11:15 Action Planning – Ms. Sadia Rahman and Mr. Shafiq Rehman • Continued in country/small groups 11:15-11:30 Tea Break 11:30-12:30 Action Planning – Ms. Sadia Rahman and Mr. Shafiq Rehman • Presentations • Group to give feedback and input 12:30-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:15 15:15-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:15
Skills Audit – Ms. Sadia Rahman • Group to review skills needed for action planning/plenary session to discuss personal development plan Lunch Evaluations and Feedback – Ms. Asifa Ali Certificate Ceremony Closing Speeches Tea Break Closing
BANGKOK APPEAL ON GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWERMENT OF GIRLS AND WOMEN WITH DIVERSE DISABILITIES IN SOUTH ASIA Recognizing the significance of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other international and regional instruments on disability and development, in particular, Article 6 on Women with Disabilities of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Goal 6 on Ensure Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment of the Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real”, 2013-2022, by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP); Noting the need to implement the South Asian Disability and Development Initiative (SADDI) by the South Asian Disability Forum (SADF), the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), the British Council, the Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International and the Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP), on a collaborative basis, which was intensively discussed by women with disabilities in South Asia through the SADF Strategic Planning Workshop on 1819 November 2013 as well as the Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia on 14-16 November 2014;
Gir ls
nd and a Reco Wo er Equ ngkok All gnizin men A a g th F wit lity an ppeal reg orms e si io g o hD d o Wo nal in f Discr nifican ivers Empo n men imin ce o stru w eD wit isab ermen h D with D ments ation f the U aga Em isab on isab ilitie t of in nited p d il s in Unit owerm ities (C ilities o isabilit st Wo Natio men ns C Sou f th ed N ent y R P a eU of D th A atio nit nd de (CED onven ns E the In ) and sia Noti che Goa ed Nati velopm AW) a tion on con on nd om l 6 ons the e (SA ng the n S o ic t, in th Co Eli D and trateg on E n Cen DI) by eed to part er inte minati nsu nventi y to Soci te re G imp icula rnati on on o al C “M Edu r on the So le o a o e n r, nal of k m n m u e th Dis d cati mis A abil th Asi ent the (ST on sion the Rig er Equ e Righ rticle and it E a F ts a 6 o h for disa P), on orum y (APC n Disa South n Asi t Real” lity an of Pe Asi bilit (CH b a co rs a an D), d an y Nov ilities E d th , 2013-2 Wom ons in S llabora F) Inte the Bri Forum Disab e e m e 02 Paci n b Dis abil er 201 outh A tive ba rnatio tish C (SAD ility an fic (E 2, by ’s F), ities ou 3 n d si si SCA the in S as well a thro s, whic al and ncil, th the A Develo P ); We ug outh the pm hw e C sia-P a h e S a a om Asi s the R h the docu ereby pre cific nt Init a on SA s inte pecia e 14-1 gional DF Str nsive l Tale hensi Develo iative in re ments unanim v ly d n 6N T p ove rainin ategic iscu t Exch e Healt ment wit ference of Beij ously hD mb er 2 g on E Plannin ssed b ange P h and isab to Art ing +2 recom 014 mp y men 0 re g ilitie icle wo rogra W ; owe 1. s an 6 of giona d the rme orksho men w m Reg th l dG nt o ard p oal e Unit review follow less of f W on 18 ith in 6 e in g of th d N o om g en w -19 ack irls a f their e In ation 2014 a to be now n so in ith s s che ledg d wom cial, e on S Conv well a clude 2. co ed a d s e trate entio Exis t all n wit nomic n on global in the gy: ti , re h leve o rev the div ng la ls to divers ligiou iew utcom erse ws R ig e sa in ach an e d hts acce n ieve of P 2015, isab nd cu ss to eeds o d poli lt gen erso il ci f ura hea der ities 3. ns lth, girls a es sho sh l backg Lea equ n u edu d ality ould rou cati d wom ld be nd deci ership be re and on, sion o live en wit viewe hum reco s, the ri -ma f girls h liho d gh an ri gnize a kin od, divers and d a ts ghts g pro nd wo u so e p cial nd d g . cess men pro isabilit raded w at a tect ll le ith div ion ies, en in the vels erse and su co . disa oth ring th ntext er se bilit o ies rvic eir equ f Pre sho sen e a s. l ted uld at th at th be in W e eU clud nited omen Lunch ed in eon Nat with Side D ions the Ev Co isabil ent nven ities tion in th on Mai Cen e Bei nstre ji tre, Ban ng+20 aming g R 17 N kok, T eview ovem haila ber nd 2014
We hereby unanimously recommend the following to be included in the outcome documents of Beijing +20 regional review in 2014 as well as global review in 2015, in reference to Article 6 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Goal 6 of the Incheon Strategy: 1. Regardless of their social, economic, religious and cultural backgrounds, the rights of girls and women with diverse disabilities should be recognized and acknowledged at all levels to achieve gender equality and human rights. 2. Existing laws and policies should be reviewed and upgraded in the context of diverse needs of girls and women with diverse disabilities, ensuring their equal access to health, education, livelihood, social protection and other services. 3. Leadership of girls and women with diverse disabilities should be included in the decision-making process at all levels.
Presented at the Luncheon Side Event on Mainstreaming Women with Disabilities in the Beijing+20 Review at the United Nations Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand 17 November 2014
Ms. Sonam Deki Ms. Khencho Lazhom Ms. Sonam Wangmo
Disabled Persons’ Association of Bhutan, Administrative Staff National Institute of Traditional Medicine Hospital, Senior Telephone Operator Disabled Persons’ Association of Bhutan, Executive Director
Ms. Rama Dhakal
Nepal Disabled Women Association, Chairperson
Ms. Afshan Afridi
National Forum of Women with Disabilities, Coordinator (KPK)
Ms. Saima Aslam Ms. Sumaira Gul Mr. Aman Khan Ms. Tanzila Khan Ms. Maria Qureshi Ms. Zahida Qureshi Mr. Shafiq Rehman Mr. Ali Shabbar Mr. Atif Sheikh Ms. Maria Zia
National Forum of Women with Disabilities, National Coordinator Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International , Officer Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International, Project Manager Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, Coordinator (Punjab) National Forum of Women with Disabilities , Coordinator (Punjab) National Forum of Women with Disabilities , Executive Director Milestone, President Special Talent Exchange Program, Project Manager Special Talent Exchange Program, President Sightsavers, Assistant Manager
Ms. Manique Gunaratne
The EFC Network on Disability, Executive Trainer
Sri Lanka
Mr. Muhammad Bilal Ms. Munazza Gilani
Sightsavers, Manager (Projects) Sightsavers, Country Head
Mr. Muneeb Ahmad Ms. Asifa Ali Ms. Sofia Bano Ms. Ferhat Raza Ms. Nagina Tahir
Special Talent Exchange Program Special Talent Exchange Program Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International National Forum of Women with Disabilities Special Talent Exchange Program
Ms. Saika Moriya
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability
Ms. Abia Akram Ms. Sadia Rehman
Special Talent Exchange Program, Project Manager British Council, Head of Programs
Mr. Akiie Ninomiya Mr. Ryuhei Sano Ms. Nongluck Kisorawong Ms. Duangnarumol Dokruk Ms. Sachiko Flores Ms. Nongnuch Maytarjittipun
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, Executive Director Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, General Manager Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, Administrative Manager Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, IKM Manager Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, Networking Officer Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability, Executive Secretary to the Executive Director 12
Accessible for Persons with disAbilities
Accessible for Persons with disAbilities
South Asian Disability Forum
255 Rajvithi Rd., Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +66-(0)2-3547505 | Fax: +66-(0)2-3547507 Email: | Website:
724-G, Street 178, G-11/1, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel:+92-(0)51-2220110, Fax: +92-(0)51-2220176 Email:
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD)
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD)
724-G, Street 178, G-11/1, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel:+92-(0)51-2220110, Fax: +92-(0)51-2220176 Email:
255 Rajvithi Rd., Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +66-(0)2-3547505 | Fax: +66-(0)2-3547507 Email: | Website:
South Asian Disability Forum
Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia
MAINSTREAMING WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES IN THE BEIJING+20 REVIEW SIDE EVENT 17 November 2014 | United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok Thailand
2 T E
7 T E
S Group photo with the “Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia� of participants Panel discussion on the importance mainstreaming women with disabilities
Sharing experiences the Beijing+20 Side Event Participating in the Asian and Pacific Conference onat Gender Equality Review and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing +20 Review
Panel discussion on the importance of mainstreaming women with disabilities
Participants sharing their views on women with disabilities
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The South Asian Disability Forum (SADF), in cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), the British Council (BC), the Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International, the Asia Pacific Women with Disabilities United (APWWDU), and the Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute (KODDI) held the Mainstreaming Women with Disabilities in the Beijing+20 Review Side Event at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand, on 17 November 2014. Aimed at highlighting a regional focus on the inclusion of women with disabilities, the Side Event gave women with disabilities in South Asia an opportunity to take part in the discussion process of the Beijing+20 Review, to develop their capacity in engaging and collaborating with other stakeholders, and to encourage dialogues among various groups towards the promotion of human rights and justice for women with disabilities. Held alongside the Asian and Pacific Conference on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Beijing+20 Review from 17-20 November 2014, the Side Event gave participants of the Regional Training on Empowerment of Women with Disabilities in South Asia a chance to share their experiences and insights about important issues faced by women with disabilities.
Summary Report on Mainstreaming Women with Disabilities in the Beijing+20 Review Side Event Organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) South Asian Disability Forum (SADF) Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD) British Council Comprehensive Health and Education Forum (CHEF) International Korea Disabled People’s Development Institute (KODDI)
17 November 2014 United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand This report is available in a text format for persons with visual impairments and blind persons free for charge. Please contact for further details.
17 November 2014 | United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok Thailand