to 2011
Spirit of self-help: The Muslim Kidney Action Committee was set up by a group of concerned individuals to educate the community on kidney failure and the impact on the community. Here, MKAC President Ameerali Abdeali (right) speaks with kidney patient Amir Hamzah.
Challenging: Organ donation and transplants were among many complex issues which had to be addressed by the Fatwa Committee headed by Syed Isa as the Mufti.
Syed Isa met Sheikh Jadul Haq Ali Jadul Haq, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar University, at the end of an inter-religious conference in 1984.
Breakthrough: Under the guidance and leadership of Syed Isa, Muis applied innovative approaches to enhance the value of wakaf properties. In 2006, Muis won the International Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Makhtoum Award by the Ruler of Dubai for innovative solutions in Islamic Finance.
Top left Progressive approach: Completion of the Bencoolen Mixed Development Wakaf Project in May 2004. The project was made possible by Muis through the issuance of the first Syariahapproved Musyarakah Bond in Singapore. Bottom left Council members of the Inter-Religious Organisation at the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace in 1976. Top In 1990, Syed Isa appeared before the Parliamentary Select Committee on the proposed Maintenance of Religious Harmony Bill. His responses were candid and reflected his thinking as the Mufti, especially on the importance of religious harmony.
Syed Isa was first appointed to the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony in 1992. (Below) Members of the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony with President Wee Kim Wee at the Istana in 1992.
Syed Isa was conferred the IRO lifetime award at a dinner to recognise his contributions in interfaith work. (Left to right) Sister Theresa Seow, Syed Isa, Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Tan Thiam Lye.
Syed Isa delivering the opening speech at the Asatizah Seminar at Orchid Country Club in 2006. He is an advocate of teacher training which he saw as key to improving the standards in madrasahs.
Syed Isa sharing the proud moment of the first batch of asatizah who have just completed their Professional Diploma in Education programme sponsored by Muis.
Syed Isa at the signing of an MOU for the Joint Madrasah System comprising Madrasah Aljunied AlIslamiah, Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah and Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah (2007).
Syed Isa in the company of primary school students from Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah. The AlIrsyad model was featured prominently on the front page of The New York Times in 2009. To-date, three schools in Indonesia have been modelled after Madrasah Al-Irsyad.
Harmony Centre at An-Nahdhah Mosque was opened in 2006 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. It gives visitors accurate information on Islam and Muslim practices, and also serves to help Muslims better understand other religions.
Syed Isa leading the do’a (prayers) at the opening of Bencoolen Mosque Madrasah. Like other parttime madrasahs at mosques, it also embraces the new Singapore Islamic Education System through holiday programmes where the teaching of Islam is done in a fun, interesting and interactive way.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong launching the Rahmatan Lil ’Alamin Foundation at Muis’ 40th anniversary celebrations on 11 July 2009.
Syed Isa with the Grand Mufti of Syria, HE Sheikh Dr Ahmad Bader Eddin Hassoun. HE Sheikh Hassoun was the second Distinguished Visitor under the Distinguished Visitors Programme (DVP) in 2009. He spoke on “Islam’s Enduring Values for Humanity”
Syed Isa at the Announcement of the Mufti Changeover by Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim (November 2010).
Syed Isa with the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Dr Rowan Williams (middle), who delivered the Muis Lecture in 2008, entitled “Religious Diversity and Social Unity”. This was the first lecture jointly organised by Muis Academy and the Diocese of Singapore.
Syed Isa’s last imam duty as Mufti at Eidul Adha prayers at Al-Muttaqin Mosque.
Public Administration Medal (Gold) 2009 (Pingat Pentadbiran Awam – Emas)
Syed Isa was conferred the Public Service Award (Bronze, 1982), the Public Administration Medal (Gold, 2009) and the Meritorious Service Medal (Gold, 2011).
Meritorious Service Medal (Gold) 2011 (Pingat Jasa Gemilang– Emas)
Syed Isa received the Meritorious Service Medal (Gold, 2011) from President Dr Tony Tan at the 2011 National Day Awards Ceremony.
Meritorious Service Medal (Gold) 2011 (Pingat Jasa Gemilang – Emas)
Bottom Meritorious Service Medal (Gold, 2011) Left Meritorious Service Medal (Gold, 2011) Citation.
PM Lee Hsien Loong congratulating Mufti Syed Isa for the gift awarded to him by the Singapore Muslim community at a special appreciation dinner for Syed Isa (January 2011). The Syed Isa Scholars Award (SISS) was launched at the dinner.
Syed Isa and his wife with PM Lee Hsien Loong at the special appreciation dinner for Syed Isa. He was accorded the title of “Shaikh� at the dinner.