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information and nomination forms will be sent to all members with the September issue of The Bulletin in August.

APEA Awards


The APEA Awards are live and you can enter the awards by going to https://www.apealive.co.uk/2023/awards/enter-the-awards/. Deadline for entries: 23rd September 2023.

Jane Mardell Business Manager

Since the last issue unfortunately I have had to have a second decompression surgery on my spine which was in March, but this all went well I am relieved to say. I was back at work after one week, albeit gradually but recovery is a slow process. It took around 4 weeks to be able to walk again properly and go out, apparently caused by years of sport and getting older!

I have been busy working on the 2024 Yearbook which is complete, and this is on track to be delivered to members around 1st October. Organising has also started on APEA Live 2023.

The Bulletin

We are always looking for press releases and articles for The Bulletin. If you have anything you think would interest our readers, please email it to me at admin@apea.org.uk and I will forward it to the editor Brian Humm to approve.

2024 Yearbook

Thanks to all of you that completed entries online for the 2024 Yearbook and to the advertisers who, without your bookings, we would not be able to produce this publication.

The artwork is at the printers and the Yearbooks will be distributed on 1st October. If you have not received your copy by the end of October please let me know and I will chase up your delivery. We only have a limited number of spare copies so you need to contact me by the end of October if you have not received your copy.

Individual/Retired members in the UK and Corporate members overseas will be sent their Yearbooks by standard Royal Mail. Corporate members in the UK will receive their 5 copies by courier which are tracked, so we can follow up any non-deliveries.

APEA Live 2023 – 16th November

Anyone wishing to book a place at the Conference, Exhibition or Awards Dinner should go to https://www.apealive.co.uk/2023/. Please note there are discounts for ‘early bird’ booking. I will be managing the APEA participation and AGM part of the event and

Website Banner Advertising

You can place your banner on the APEA website. This is £200 plus vat for one year. Please contact me at admin@apea.org.uk if you wish to make a booking.

Membership information/Your membership account

You can place your banner on the APEA website. This is £200 plus VAT for one year. Please contact me at admin@apea.org.uk if you wish to make a booking.

Membership information/Your membership account

Please go to your membership account at www.apea.org.uk where you can do the following:

•Download a membership certificate in pdf format

•View previous purchases and invoices

•Change your membership

•Change your email address, contact details and password

•Change your Yearbook entry

•View your downloads

I was hoping that at the time of writing this report that the membership auto renewal system would be working correctly; nearly there, we are having a few glitches so please bear with us. Any problems please email me at admin@apea.org.uk. We had to ask you to manually complete your membership renewals from 14th March 2022 for one year due to new SCA regulations.

Training Courses

All training courses can be viewed and booked on the APEA website at www.apea.org.uk. If you are interested in booking a bespoke training course please email Tom Daly (Chairman of Training Committee) at thomasdaly@apea.org.uk.

New Members

There have been 37 new members joining during January, February and March, details on page 10.

General Assistance

If you need any assistance with general or technical matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at admin@apea.org.uk or on 0345 603 5507. There is comprehensive contact information on the APEA website too at www.apea.org.uk.


0345 603 5507 www.apea.org.uk

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