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Branch Reports

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Southern Course

Southern Course

West Midlands

The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at the Council Chamber of Atcham RD.C., Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, 23rd March, 1971.


The meeting was welcomed by Alderman Shaw, Chairman of the Public Health Committee, Atcham RD.C. He spoke of the heavy responsibility carried by people who were concerned with safety in petroleum installations.

The Branch Chairman, Mr. T. Keith, Cannock V.D.C., expressed the thanks of the Branch for this welcome.

Present 30 members and 2 visitors.

Apologies for Absence 10 apologies were received.

Minutes of Previous Branch Meeting The Minutes of the previous Branch Meeting held at Cannock on the 5th March, 1970, having been previously circulated, were approved and sig!led as a correct record.

Report of Secretary-Treasurer and Branch Representative The Report and Balance Sheet, having been previously circulated, were accepted and approved.

Election of Officers and Committee The following were elected :_ Chairman Mr. R P. Holdaway, Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures, Shrewsbury. Vice-Chairman Mr. T. Burn, Chief Fire Officer, Stoke-on-Trent. Committee Mr. K. C. Hughes, Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures, Stafford. Mr. J. R Lewis, Fire Officer, Walsall. Mr. G. Balshaw, Weights and Measures Inspector, Shrewsbury. Honorary SecretarY-Treasurer, Branch Representative Honorary Auditor It was resolved that the Executive Committee be authorised to appoint an Honorary Secretary-Treasurer, a Branch Representative, and an Honorary Auditor at their meeting and that the present holders of those posts continue in until such appointments were made.

Next Branch Meeting An offer was made, on behalf of Mr. T. BUrn, for Stoke-onTrent as the venue for our next meeting. This was accepted with thanks, subject to a mutually convenient date. Any Other Business (a) Life Member - H. Griffiths.

It was proposed by Mr. K. C. Hughes and seconded by

Mr. T. Keith that Mr. H. Griffiths be made a Life Member of this Branch as a mark of appreciation for the invaluable services he has rendered. This was approved unanimously. (b) Branch Rules.

A copy of the revised Model Branch Rules approved by the National Council were previously circulated together with proposed insertions by the Branch Executive Committee. These were introduced by Mr. D. Hall,

Chairman of the Council's Constitution and Rules


Agreed that the Model Branch Rules be adopted for this Branch.

Talk After lunch a talk was given on "Fire Protection on Petroleum Filling Stations" by Mr. F. W. Marbidge, M.B.E., Senior Fire Prevention Officer of Shropshire Fire Brigade. He gave a short history of the involvement of Fire Brigades in petroleum and associated matters, and went on to describe various fires and behaviour under different climatic conditions. In passing he made a suggestion that perhaps it would be of advantage if a "permit to work" be required for maintenance work on petrol filling stations, and that all workmen should be instructed in the dangers associated with petroleum, e.g., when acetylene welding underneath a car.

A recent B.S. Classification of fires no longer classified electrical fires as such. Class A - Solids. Class B - Liquids or liquefiable solids. Class C - Gases. Class D - Metals.

An attempt was being made to distinguish between different types of Fire Extinguishers :Water - Red - for wood, paper, textiles" etc. Foam - Cream - for flammable liquids. Dry Powder - Blue - for flammable liquids and electrical equipment. C.O.2 - Black - for flammable liquids and electrical equipment. . 'd Vaporising liquid (B.C.F.) _ Green - for flammable hqUl s.

There are two types of dry powder - one general and one for metal fires.

It was now accepted that lO lb. dry powder was roughly equivalent to 2 gallon foam in experienced hands.

He recommended that any fire extinguisher should conform to the Fire Offices Committee Rules on Approval or be constructed to British Standard Specification.

There was then a convincing demonstration in the open air of the efficiency of various types of extinguisher on a petrol fire.

The meeting had a general discussion on the points mentioned and Mr. Harbidge answered a number of wide ranging questions. It was generally agreed that more training was necessary for attendants, both in the handling of petroleum spirit and in the operation of fire extinguishers.

Mr. Murphy of Wellington proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker and this was carried unanimously.

The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Branch to Mr. D. Corfield and to Atcham R.D.C. for their co-operation and hospitality.

East Midland

The Annual General Meeting of the East Midland Branch was held at the Guildhall, Grantham, on Wednesday 21st April, 1971.

Present The Chairman, Mr. B. S. Pike, and 44 members.

Apologies 22 apologies were received.

Official Welcome At the morning session members learned from Mr. C. W. Howkins, Grantham, of the death of the Mayor of Grantham who had promised to open the meeting. Mr. Howkins then welcomed members to the meeting on behalf of the Corporation of Grantham. The Chairman, Mr. B. S. Pike, thanked Mr. Howkins for the welcome and members then expressed their regret on hearing of the death of the Mayor. It was agreed that a letter conveying the condolences of the Branch should be sent to the Corporation of Grantham.

Minutes The Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at Chesterfield on Wednesday, 4th November, 1970, were confirmed and signed.

Membership There was one application for Ordinary Membership and one for Associate Membership which were submitted and approved.

Mr. W. H. Matthews, Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures for Derby, informed members that he was attending his last meeting as a member of the East Midland Branch and tributes were immediately made by members. Mr. J. Bantoft, Derby, referred to the long history of the Matthews family in the Weights and Measures profession. He reminded members of the fact that Mr. Matthews was a founder member of the former Midland Group and had always given support to the East Midland Branch and taken an active interest in the affairs of the Association generally. The Chairman endorsed these remarks and it was unanimously agreed that Mr. Matthews be made a Life Member of the Branch. Mr. Matthews thanked members for the honour and emphasised how much he had enjoyed being a member of a body which consisted of members from so many various professions.

Annual Report of Secretary-Treasurer The Secretary reported that there were now 69 Local Authority Members, 14 Associate Members, and that during the year ended 31st December, 1970, Branch membership had increased from 108 to 124 Ordinary Members and from 11 to 14 Associate Members.

Reports were given of meetings held during the year and of the highly successful Course of Instruction for Petroleum Officers held at York University from 6th to 8th July, 1970. The Secretary reported that the suspension of postal facilities had had some effect on the organisation of a similar Course of Instruction for Petroleum Officers by the Northern Division Education Committee which was held at York University from 13th to 15th April, 1971. Nevertheless it was hoped that all applicants from the East Midland Branch had been accepted.

As requested by members the Secretary reported that a letter of appreciation had been sent to Mr. R. P. Holdaway for his past services as the Editor of The Bulletin. A letter of thanks from Mr. Holdaway was read out to members.

The financial position of the Branch remained satisfactory although Branch Meeting expenses were higher than usual.

Annual Report of Branch Representative !he Branch Representative gave his report on the proceedmgs of the Council. He informed members of the continuing success of the Association's Model Code and that a second re-print had been made. A Badge of Office for the Chairman of the Association was approved and purchased by the during the year and the Branch Representative Informed members that a replica of the badge could be produced for Branches wishing to purchase one for their own Chairman at a cost of about £25.

Members were informed that Council after surveying the of the various Branches had decided that in the mterests of uniformity Model Branch Rules should be produced and circulated to the Branches. A considerable amount of work had been carried out in producing these Model Branch Rules and it was the wish of the Council that -all. Branches should adopt these Rules subject to the approprIate amendments.

The Branch Representative reported on the Residential Courses scheduled for 1971. In addition to the Courses at yniversity and Surrey University the Council had Its approval to the first Advanced Petroleum Seminar whIch was to be held at York University from 4th to 7th July, 1971. A further Advanced Course had been provisionally booked from 16th to 19th July, 1972.

A new Model Code for Underground Garages and MultiStorey Car Parks was being considered by the Home Office and the Branch Representative reported that 't I' to not th t th H 1 was p easmg e a ome Office had invited a representative from the ASSOCiatIon be on its Working Committee. Mr. R. E. J. Roden, . . Immediate Past Ch-aI'rman of th e A . t' ssocla Ion had been mVlted by the Council to be its representatoive. . The Branch Representative informed members that, as mstructed by the Council had he en informed of their concern regardmg . a petroleum officer's pow ers . I t' m re a IOn to hazards of oil-fired and gas-fired central heatmg umts. garages. Members were referred to the to a 'Published in the January 1971 Issue of the ASSOCiatIOn s Questions and Answers Bulletin.

New Branch Rules A copy of the Council's Model Branch Rules and· amendments suggested by the Executive Committee had been circulated to members. After some discussion it was agreed that the Branch Rules adopted on 12th October 1967, be revoked, and that in substitution thereof, the Model Branch Rules approved by the Council of the Association on the 9th September 1970, be accepted as the Rules of the East Midland Branch, subject to certain amendments being approved by the Council of the Association.

Chairman's Badge of Office A coloured sketch of the Badge of Office of the Chairman of the Assodation was shown to members who were asked if a similar badge should be purchased for the Branch Chairman at a cost of about £25. It was thought that a Chairman's Badge would introduce an air of formality and it was agreed that the success of Branch Meetings had in no small way been due to an aIr of informality. It was suggested that a decision be deferred for twelve months and it was finally agreed that a Chairman's Badge should not be purchased.

Election of Officers The following were elected :_

Chairman C. W. Howkins, Grantham.

Vice-Chairman M. T. Lucas, Scunthorpe. Honorary Secretary-Treasurer J. Birks, Chesterfield.

Committee J. Bantoft, Derby. F. D. Bates, Premier Tank & Pump Co. R. E. Clarke, Leicester City Fire Service. D. T. Jones, Beeston & Stapleford V.D.C. Branch Representative J. Birks, Chesterfield.

Auditor J. Bantoft, Derby.

Installation of Chairman

Mr. C. W. Grantham, was installed as the new Branch Chairman by the retiring Chairman, Mr. B. S. Pike. Date and Place of Next Meeting It. wa.s agreed an invitation by Barrow-upon-Soar Rural District Council t d accep e . to hold the next m t' ee 109 t R hI a ot ey b e


A talk was then given Mr. C. W. Howkins entitled "The Petroleum and hiS Duties". Mr. Howkins said that the purpose of talk was to convey to members the full extent of I to re ate the duties and d I" some e Icate powers of situations a petroleum ffi d 0 cer an he had experienced as a petroleum hwondered how many petroleum officers were ami lar Wit all the various Regul t' d h. h' a IOns an Orders w IC were so Important and yet so rarely discu ed . d '1 h . ss . etal at t e courses and meetings of the AssocIatIOn. Mr. HowklOs then gave a most detailed talk on the everyday duties and problems of a petroleum officer and from the discussion which followed it was clear that the subject chosen had provided members with a good opportunity to bring forward and discuss their own experiences and problems.

At the afternoon session a talk entitled "Detection of Explosive Mixtures with particular reference to Petroleum Vapours" was given by Mr. Gordon Seaman, Product Specialist on Portable Instruments, Mines Safety Appliances Co. Ltd. Mr. Seaman demonstrated some of the latest sophisticated explosimeters to members and explained their construction, use and maintenance. He discussed the advantage of metal filters over charcoal filters in the detection of dangerous explosive limits and referred to twin filament instruments which were more sensitive than single filament instruments.

At the end of the talk and demonstration members had gained invaluable instruction in the use of explosimeters and from the questions asked and problems discussed it was clear that an explosimeter is an essential item of a petroleum officer's equipment.

It is hoped that an article on Petroleum Vapours by Mines Safety Appliances Co. Ltd. will appear in a future issue of The Bulletin.

A vote of thanks was given to both speakers by Mr. M. T. Lucas of Scunthorpe. The meeting was then concluded and tea taken by the kind invitation of Grantham Corporation.

South East Midland

The Annual General Meeting of the South East Midland Branch was held at the Municipal Building, Friars Square, Aylesbury, on Wednesday, 21st April, 1971. 27 members were present.

Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held at the Corn Exchange, Bedford, on Tuesday, 6th October, were confirmed. Matters Arising from the Minutes The Secretary reported that the resolution regarding the need for regulations to control the storage of L.P.G. passed at the last meeting was forwarded to the Secretary of Association. The Secretary had subsequently informed .hlm that the resolution had been placed before the Council of the Association, and had been discussed for some time. The Secretary of the Association further stated that the Home Office had the situation well in mind and have actually produced a model code for the storage of L.P.G., but it was not at all sure whether the Home Office or the Department of Trade and Industry would enforce any regulations. If the Home Office were made responsible any regulations would no doubt be sent down to Local Authorities to enforce but should it be the Department of Trade and. Industry Factory Inspectorate might well be the enforclOg authOrity.

Correspondence The Secretary read a letter he had received from the previous Chairman of the Association regarding the provision of a Chairman's Badge of Office. It was resolved that the matter lie on the table.

The Secretary read a letter he had received from Mr. C. James of Bletchley U.D.C., regarding the difficulties he was experiencing in the flooding of manhole chambers. In some cases it had been found almost impossible to keep them dry and frequent baling out had become necessary. On occasions he had found small electric pumps being used for this purpose and since these pump motors were not flameproof he had had to forbid this practice. In new installations he was now requiring a 3 inch drainpipe to be built into the manhole chamber which led through the petrol interceptor to the normal surface water drainage system. He felt that this was preferable to hand baling of petrol contaminated water which went direct into the drainage system.

Several members mentioned that they experienced similar trouble in keeping manhole chambers dry and most thought the drainpipe idea was a good one. No one could see any objection to it and Mr. James promised to let members know if any snags arose.

Election of Officers The following officers were elected :Chairman E. L. F. Welch of St. Albans City. Vice-Chairman J. A. Fish of Hemel Hempstead Borough. Secretary R. E. Dust of Oxford City Treasurer R. D. Hill of Oxford City. Branch Representative to the Executive Council W. Hetherington of Witney U.D.C. Auditor R. Morgan, Chief Prevention Officer, Kidlington. Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman. Immediate Past Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

Secretary's Report The Secretary's Report was received.

Treasurer's Report The Treasurer's Report was received. A proposal by him that the Association be asked to increase the capitation fee to 37!p to cover increased costs, particularly postage, was not seconded, the Branch Representative to the Executive Council explaining that any such application would be unlikely to succeed.

Branch Rules A long discussion took place on the proposed Branch Rules which had been submitted by the Executive Council with an invitation to Branches to accept them without amendment. Several amendments were proposed and it was finally resolved that the Branch Committee should take a closer look at the Rules and report back their proposals at the next Branch meeting.

Date and Place of Next Meeting It was resolved to accept the kind invitation of Mr. R. H. Mann of Letchworth U.D.C. to hold the autumn meeting there, and the Secretary was instructed to make arrangements with Mr. Mann, the business of the meeting and the date to be left to the Chairman, Secretary and Mr. Mann. Address and Demonstration Mr. John Beer, Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures for the City of Worcester, then addressed the meeting on the Petroleum Spirit (Conveyance by Road) Regulations 1958. After lunch he gave a practical demonstration of the examination of a road tanker at the Esso Repair Depot, Gatehouse Close, Aylesbury. He urged all members to take steps to ensure that road tankers based in their area complied with the Regulations since it was clearly laid down in the Regulations that Local Authorities were the enforcing body. Vote of Thanks Mr. Fish of Hemel Hempstead proposed a vote of thanks

Mr. Beer for. his most interesting address and in partIcular the practical demonstration. Also to Mr. R. Walker of Ayles?ury for making arrangements for the holding of meetI?g, to Mr. Williams of the Esso Depot for his kmdness m makmg available a tanker for the demonstration. The vote was carried with acclaim.


The Annual General Meeting of the Northern Branch was held at Teesside Fire Brigade Headquarters on Wednesday 19th May, 1971. " Present The Chairman, Mr. H. Johnson and 12 representatives. . Beffore the meeting commenced an interesting demonstratIon 0 "SI' " IX was . given by the Penetone Company Limited. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from ._ .

Darlington C.B.C. North Riding C.C. Mr. W. Rhind of Applied Research and Engineering Limited. Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes . I of the' prevIous . meetmg, which had been clrcu ated, were accepted as a tru matters arising therefrom. e record. There were no

Secretary's Report The C Hon. Secretary '1' reported that he had attended all held and these had been fully reported in

The Association ship stood at 758 was U f t" con mumg to progress and memberd d . n ortunately Northern Branch had not expan e and he asked tho to join and attend meetings. se present to encourage people

Meetings were taking B A SEE F A C pI ace b etween the Association and . . . . . . . on odes of Practice and the Home Office them over regulations. They had been asked d r mma. a representative to serve on a sub committee ea 109 Wit a Model Code for underground carparks.

Two successful schools had been held, a Southern one in Surrey and a Northern one in York and for the first time an advanced school was to be held at York in July. The Hon. Secretary mentioned that there were still vacancies on this course if representatives knew of anybody interested.

The Chairman, after thanking Mr. B. W. Thacker, also commented on the regulations for plastic petroleum containers and mentioned that these were now coming into authorised shops.

Mr. P. Cartwright of Hartlepool proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Thacker which was passed unanimously. Election of Officers It was proposed and seconded that Mr. H. Johnson should be re-elected Chairman for the following year and this position he accepted.

Mr. Thacker had expressed a wish to relinquish the duties of Hon. Secretary owing to other commitments and some discussion took place on this appointment, which also included representation of the Branch at Association meetings. It was eventually proposed and seconded that Mr. P. H. Cartwright should be appointed Hon. Secretary and he accepted the appointment.

Model Branch Rules A copy of suggested Branch Rules had been sent to all members as it was felt by the Association that all branches should have a set of standard rules. Discussion took place on the annual subscription to the Branch of 25p per member which would be matched by a similar contribution from the Association and it was suggested that a letter could be written to all members requesting this. It was decided that this would be too expensive a matter and it was agreed to leave the question of members' contributions.

It was 'agreed that a quorum for the Annual General Meeting should be one-third of the membership and that twenty-eight days' notice of the Annual General Meeting should be given.

It was felt that an executive committee should be appointed consisting of the Chairman, Secretary and two other members. Mr. J. B. Newton of Skelton and Brotton V.D.C. and Mr. W. Scanlan of Easington were proposed and agreed to serve on this committee.

The Branch Rules were duly accepted. Any Other Business A of a warning symbol for corrosive substances, which would be coming into operation on 1st July, 1971, was passed round the table for inspection. The Chairman referred to the Teesside Order No. 2 and said his Council had. sought to control the parking of tankers and vehicles carrYIng Inflammable substances and toxic liquids. He also felt t?at the was making progress and at last was beIng recogmsed.

Mr. Johnson told members that the Teesside Fire Brigade had accumulated a set of photographs in connection with petroleum tankers which he offered to lend if required.

Mr. Cartwright raised the question of disposal of disused petroleum tanks and wondered if a list could be produced of firms prepared to deal with these tanks. One or two firms were mentioned and it was agreed that Teesside Fire Brigade would compile a list for distribution to members.

Mr. Thacker reported that the Association had now a Chairman's Badge of Office which was used for the first time at the Association's General Meeting. He had received a letter from the past Chairman suggesting that Branches could get smaller replicas for Branch Chairmen to wear, at a cost of approximately £20, complete with collarette and case. The Association would make an interest free loan to any Branch wishing to purchase one. The Chairman did not feel it was necessary for this Branch to have one and it was generally agreed that no action should be taken on this matter.


The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held at the Town Hall, Scarborough, on Wednesday, 19th May, 1971.

Present The meeting was attended by the 16 members shown in the Attendance Register and J. Short, Esq., Chairman of the Association. In the absence of Mr. E. L. Darwin, the Branch Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, Mr. P. Murray took the chair.

Apologies The following members sent apologies :E. L. Darwin, F. H. Benson, A. Poxton, H. E. Fletcher, R. Beever and M. T. Clegg. Welcome to the Chairman of the Association Mr. Murray introduced Mr. J. Short to the members and expressed the Branch's pleasure at the effort he had made to attend. Mr. Short commented upon the manner in which the Branch's opinions had been brought forward by their representative, Mr. Peacock, and in congratulating the latter on his election as Treasurer to the Association, forecast that with a Scotsman as Chairman and a Yorkshireman as Treasurer, the Association's funds would be well looked after in the ensuing year.

Mr. Short stated that the final stages in the following matters had now been reached :(a) Proposed Model Code for L.P.G. storage. (b) Proposed Model Code for multi-storey car parks. (c) Emergency procedures.

He commented upon the possible effect of the impending local government re-organization. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting for 1970 The Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting had been circulated before the meeting and were taken as read. After being moved by Mr. Sample and seconded by Mr. Hildred the minutes were signed by the Vice-Chairman as a true record. Matters Arising out of the Minutes It was moved by Mr. Hildred and seconded by Mr. Skelton that a small replica of the Chairman'S badge of office, complete with collarette, be purchased from Messrs. Thomas Fattorini Limited for the sum of £20.11!. The motion was carried unanimously.

The Vice-Chairman enquired whether the press had been invited and expressed the opinion that it would be advantageous to do so on future occasions.

Chairman's Report The Hon. Secretary reported that, due to the illness of Mr. Darwin, a report was not available.

It was unanimously agreed that a letter be sent to Mr. Darwin wishing him a speedy recovery.

It was moved by Mr. Murray, seconded by Mr. and unanimously agreed that the Hon. Secretary be Instructed to again circularise all the local the Branch area who were still not members of the AssociatIOn.

Treasurer's Report The Hon. Treasurer gave a verbal account after his regrets for being unable to provide a printed and audited statement. The matter was deferred until the accounts had been audited.

A unanimous vote of thanks was given to Mr. Sample after being moved by Mr. Murray and duly seconded.

Report of the Hon. SecretaryGeneral Council Representative This report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Vice-Chairman moved a vote of thanks to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. C. T. Peacock, who is to retire from the local government service shortly. He thanked him for th7 in which he had carried out his duties from the InCeptIOn of the Branch in 1965 to the present day and a unanimous vote of thanks was given and best wishes for a long happy retirement were expressed. Mr. Peacock rephed, thanking them for the privilege of having represented, and for having the honour of serving the Branch for so years and for the loyal support he had received at all times.

Mr. Hildred proposed and Mr. Hendry seconded that Mr. Peacock be elected an Honorary Member of the Branch. This was passed unanimously and Mr. Peacock, in accepting, expressed his pleasure at the honour.

Election of Officers and Committee The following were elected :-

Chairman It was moved by Mr. Murray and seconded by Mr. Sample that Mr. Darwin be re-elected as Chairman. An addendum by Mr. Peacock that should Mr. Darwin be unable to accept, Mr. Murray be elected as Chairman and Mr. Hendry elected as Vice-Chairman was duly seconded and the motion agreed to unanimously.

Hon. Secretary and Representative on Genera! Council The Chairman asked for a volunteer from those present. As none was forthcoming various members were suggested but none was able to undertake the appointment. Of the members not present it was thought that Mr. Benson of Leeds Fire Service would be an excellent choice and discussion was deferred until Mr. Benson could be contacted by telephone.

Hon. Treasurer Mr. R. Sample.

Branch Committee Messrs. Gascoigne, Hendry and Ashurst.

Hon. Auditor Mr. Hendry. Any Other Business The Hon. Secretary reported on the unusually large amount of work, due to the many meetings concerning the Codes of Practice, that had devolved upon Mrs. J. Hinchcliffe and it was moved by Mr. Hildred and duly seconded that she be paid an increased honorarium in recognition and that the Branch's thanks be extended to her.

At 12.45 p.m. the meeting was adjourned until after lunch.

After lunch the Vice-Chairman reported that he had been unable to cont' ct Mr. Benson by telephone. He suggested that Mr. Pear )ck might be willing to continue as Hon. Secretary pra tem. Mr. Peacock agreed and the motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.

The Hon. Auditor reported that he had audited the Hon. Treasurer's accounts and that they were in order.

The Chairman then closed the Annual General Meeting.


A meeting of the Branch was held at the Town Hall, Scarborough, on Wednesday, 19th May, 1971.

Present The Vice-Chairman, Mr. P. Murray and 16 members.

Apologies The following members sent apologies :E. L. Darwin, F. H. Benson, A. Poxton, H. E. Fletcher, R. Beever and M. T. Clegg.

Minutes of Last Meeting As the Minutes had been circulated they were taken as read. Mr. Cresswell moved that they be signed as a true record and Mr. Havercroft seconded the motion which was carried unanimously.

Matters AriSing out of the Minutes Mr. Wilson pointed out that some authorities did not allow off-set fill-pipes even when a sealed gauge with a "fail-safe" device showing the capacity as being full was to be used. He stated that the Code made provision for such arrangements but appeals took so much time to settle that such a course was virtually impracticable.

Correspondence The Hon. Secretary reported as follows :-

Messrs. A. M. G. Zuurbier had offered to give a talk on instruments for gas detection. It was agreed that the offer be accepted provided they dealt specifically with petroleum.

Mr. J. W. Black of Avery-Hardoll Limited had retired. The sending of a letter by the Hon. Secretary conveying the Branch's best wishes was approved.

The retirement of Mr. R. P. Holdaway from the post of Hon. Editor and the taking over of the post by Mr. B. W. C. Thacker.

A letter of appreciation from Mrs. J. Hinchcliffe with reference to the payment of an honorarium.

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