
22 minute read
Branch Reports
by apeauk
Deficiencies in category (b) were, of course, ignored and in the case of category (a) a letter was sent requesting that the necessary works be carried out as ·a concomitant licence renewal. So far as category (c) was concerned, '1t must be remembered that the really hazardous cases had already been weeded out. A decision was taken that category (c) cases would continue to be accepted for licence only so long as no major alterations were made at the premises 'and no application for transfer of the licence was received. (After all people should not lightly be put out of business because of policy changes following local government re-organisation). A letter was sent to the licensee pointing out that no approval of any transfer or major alteration would be forthcoming unless the premises were brought wholly into line with the Council's standards. (A similar letter is sent with every subsequent renewal of the licence). It was anticipated that this approach would ensure virtual eradication of the 'major defect' cases within a decade. Now some seven years after the decision was taken nearly two-thirds of the category (c) cases have either dis·appeared or been satisfactorily redeveloped.
In Retrospect Looking back on ·the exercise ,in Greater London it all went surprisingly smoothly. This was achieved in no small measure by pre-planning. There are a number of lessons to be learned, as I 'see it. It is important that new inspectors should have a quick run round their districts immediately after re-organisation so that they can introduce themselves to licensees and inform them of the new address to which notification, etc., should be sent-as I have previously mentioned this is conveniently done by means ofa printed hand-out. On ,the administrative side, the essential is to use every device to buy sufficient time to deal with problems in an orderly and sensible manner. Miscellaneous In London we found that as 'D' day approached the existing authorities became more and more reluctant to deal with new proposals. It became necessary to set up machinery whereby the Greater London Council was able to deal with the proposals on 'an unofficial basis before 'D' day. Effectively a small skeleton staff had to be deployed as the need arose. In taking their laissez-faire attitude some officers of the old authorities were well-intentioned. Others, to put it crudely, had just lost interest.
Communications In an organisation such as exists in the Greater London Council Petroleum Branch, internal communications play a vital role. We created our organisation with the idea of keeping 'a man on the ground in touch with the public. In doing this we could, if we were not care ful, make this man remote from Head Office. Our only contact with him could be by correspondence plus the daily 'phone call he is required to make to Head Office 'to pick up urgent messages. This we make a point of ensuring that there are regular meetings between Head Office staff and inspectorate. Once a quarter there is a join't meeting of Head Offiee staff and the inspectorate at which problems are discussed. A paper is read, so far as is possible by a member of Head Office staff or the inspectorate, ,although we do have guest speakers on matters of particular interest. Once a month Heads of Divisions have a meeting with senior inspectors under the chairmanship of the Head of the Branch. Once a fortnight each senior inspector has a meeting with his district inspectors. Information flows both ways, policy and decisions down; feed-back and comment up.
The Annual General Meeting of ,the Branch was held at Aberdeen on Friday, 23rd March, 1973. Present 37 membe·rs were present. ApolOgies 11 apologies for absence were received. The meeting was officially 'opened, and the delegates welcomed by Lord Provost John Smith of Aberdeen, who was thanked by ,the Branch Chairman, Mr. Ken McLeod, for giving of his time to perform the opening ceremony and for the warmth of his welcome.
The morning session was devoted to a talk on submerged pumping systems as marketed by Tokheim Corporation, United Kingdom Divis-ion, presented by Itheir General Manager, Mr. O. B. Rankine. With the aid 'Of slides and a working model, he gave a full 'account of the method of 'Operation of the pumping unit and associated components, and demonstrated tthe cbangesin .the layout of ·tanks, pipelines and dispensing points tha1t could be made, 'Offering not 'Only greater efficiency but also savings in initial costs. At ques·tion time he dealt fully with points raised by members and was able tc expand on 'Some 'Of ·the points raised dUl'ling his talk in the ·subsequent discussion period. At the close of ,the session he was thanked on behalf of the Branch by Mr. Bruce Collier.
The Branch was entertained to lunch by Aberdeen Corporation, at which the Branch Chairman Itook the opportunity of :thanking the Corporation for the excellent arrangements and hospLtaHty prov.ided for the meeting. Councillor Urquhart 'acknowledged on behalf of the Corporation. Minutes The minutes ·of the Annual General Meeting held at B.P. Refinery, Grangemouth, 'on 14th March, 1972, copies of which had previously been circulated, were approved.
Secretary and Treasurer's Report The report of the Secretary and Treasurer, copies of which had been previously circulated, was approved.
The Chairman drew attention to the fact that membership had been regularised in accordance with the new Branch Rules.
Report by Branch Representative The report by the Branch Representative to the of the Association, copies of which had been preVIOusly circulated, was approved.
Mr. Short, Branch Representative, speaking of his report, drew a:ttention to Item 3(c) and -intimated that the Council had agreed to underwrite the holding of a Northern Branches School at Lancaster University from 20th to 23rd August, 1973. The school would be a basic one for officers who had not previously attended a COurse.
Accompanied by the Branch Chairman, he had attended a meeting at which the decision was taken to proceed with the course, and ithe Branch Vice-Chairman Elect, Mr. Turnbull, had been appointed to a sub-committee of four to carry out the arrangements.
Mr. Turnbull gave bl1ief details of progress ·to date and stated that he would be attending 'a meeting on 27th March to progress the 'arrangements. Further details as they became available would be circulated to Authorities by the Secretary.
The Secretary gave details of a Southern Branches School to be held at Surrey University from 8th to 1 Hh April, at a cost of £25 per person. A few places were still available and ,anyone wishing to attend ,this course should contact the Course Organiser, Mr. C. R. Peskett, Chief Public Health Inspector, Godalming.
Before leaving ,this item, the Chairman paid tribute to Mr. Short, 'the Branch Representative, for the work he had done in this capacity over the past six years.
The Chairman reported on .the Special General Meeting of ,the Association at Barrow upon Soar on nth October, 1972 and gave his 'impression of the future outlook of the Associa:tion in the light of Local Government r-organisation. Correspondence The Chairman read a letter from Mr. R. P. Holdaway, Association Chairman, apologising for being unable ,to attend the meeting, 'and stating that the resignation of Mr. Short from the Council of the AssocIation had come as an unhappy surprise. He stated that as Branch Representative and Secretary, Mr. Short had done so much to establish such a flourishing Branch and the support of its members has been a source of satisfaction to the Association.

Annual Subscription 1974 After some discussion and guidance from the Chairman, Mr. Baird moved that in view of ,the uncenain position of the Association, no Branch subscription should be levied for the year 1974. He was seconded ?y Mr. Clementson. Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. CollIer, moved that the subscription remained the same for 1974. On a vote being taken, it was decided that the subscription remain unchanged. Election of Officers and Committee The Chairman remarked that he had now come th to, e 't pom he had been waiting for all year, when he handed reins to his successor. One nomination had been , being that of Mr. R. S. L. Anderson of Ayr Chairman declared him elected, wished him well ID hIS Y of office and invited him to take the Chair.
In accepting office, Mr. Anderson ed assur members . il'ty . he would discharge his duties to ,the best of hIS ab : the fur:therance of the aims 'and objects of theh Br:n: thanked the retiring Chairman for the work e a don: during his year of office.
The eX'act number of .. nommatIOns h ving a been received, 'ttee the remaining office bearers and members of commI were elected 'as follows :Chairman R. S. L. Anderson (Ayr County). Vice-Chairman G. E. Turnbull (Edinburgh). Honorm'Y Secretary-Treasurer J. Short (Paisley). Five Members to serve on Committee G.Arneil (Mid and East Lothian). H. B. Collier (Clydebank and Dumbarton). R. A. Harris (Dumfries). J. Kerr (Forth Ports Authority). D. McGregor (StirHng). Branch Representative to Council of the ASSOciation R. S. L. Anderson. Auditors
R. McGill (Clydebank 'and Dumbarton). S. Steadman (Dunbartonshire).
Place of Next Meeting . C unty The Chairman intimated that he had consuJrted Jus I Clerk with a view to having the next Annual Genera B anch ing in Ayr. It was agreed to remit this matter 11:0 the r Executive Committee.
Other BUSiness. . The Secretary 'intimated 'that there would b hort ' e s meetmg of the of the Executive Committee following the closure meeting.
Vote of Thanks te Before 'the meeting concluded, Mr. Il Tumbu raposed P ess a vo of the of thanks to all Who had contributed ,to surr the accmeeting, in particular, Aberdeen CorporatIOn ommodation 'and hospitality prov.jded and fO; l1::e presence meeting. of Lord Provost Smith who 'So 'ably opene ongratulate<l Mr. Rankin of Tokheim U.K. Ud. was ItO be C submerged on the excellent paper he had onElrick, Chief pumping systems. Thanks were also due to d r. the Branch Inspector of Weights and Measures, Aber for Chairman, the Executive Committee and t a letter be their efforts. It was unanimously agreed t . a the apprecsent to the Town Clerk of Aberdeen, hospitality iation of the Branch for 'the faCIlitIes a provided.
The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held Saffron Walden R.D.C. Offices, on Thursday, 26th Aprll, 1973.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Mr. C. W. Parcell, Hunts. and Godmanchester, who welcomed the 21 members present. Six apologies were received.
Chairman's Report The Chairman, Mr. C. W. Parcell, reviewed the activities of 'the BI'anch during his year of office and spoke at some length on what he the future of the Association might be. He emphasised to members .thatafter Local Government re-organisation, when many members presently administering petroleum legislation would cease to have the responsibilitty, they would nevertheless be involved in petroleum storage by virtue of other professional interests and responsibilities. Mr. Parcell thought that many of our present members may then well wish to take up associate membership of this body in order to keep abreast of developments in ,the petroleum field, and also to retain the valuable contacts which have been a unique feature of the Association.
In finalising his report, the Chairman thanked members for what he termed 'an enjoy'able term of office' and he wished the Branch and the Association a most successful future.
Honorary Secretary-TreasurerBranch Representative's Report The Honorary Secretary-Treasurer-Branch Representative, Mr. J. W. Frid, Oity of Cambridge, in presenting his report to the meeting dealt firstly with the Branch accounts which had been previously circulated to members. He told members that the balances were similar to the previous years and were adequate for the Branch's purposes.

The HonoI'ary Treasurer -asked that the Branch record their thanks to the services of the Auditor, Mr. Hoyle, South Cambridgeshire who had so willingly assisted him again. This was 'agreed. There were no comments from members regarding the ·accounts and it was proposed by Mr. Scrivener, seconded by Mr. Lee, 'that the statement of account be accepted. This was agreed. The Honorary Secretary then went on to apologise to members for the delay in holding the Annual GeneI'al Meeting and also for the fact that no provision had been made for any Branch 'activity during the afternoon. This was due to the fact that other arrangements which included a visit to the Ford Motor Company experimental seotion, Bas'ildon, had fallen through at a late date. Mr. Frid went on to inform members that during the year he had received 'a number of enquiries from Branch members regarding various aspects of petroleum work and this had been deaht with either by himself or by .the Chairman of the Association's Reference and Legal Committee. He hoped that recipients of the advice were assisted by the various comments. The Honorary Secretary then informed members that the Association's membership continued at a much higher level during this year of Local Government organisation than had been expected and that he hoped thlS was 'an 'augury for the future.
The Honorary Secretary reported that during the year, the Association had received considerable correspondence from ,the Home Offiffice, Instrtute of Petroleum and other bodies interested and involved in the safe handling and storage of petroleum 'and it was becoming quite clear that the Association's views on ,these matters were being sought in ever-increasing volume. Some of the correspondence mentioned by the Honorary Secretary resulted in considerable discussion by the meeting on the subjects of glass reinforced fibre interceptors and tanks, pitch fibre cable ducts, and the aotion of sulphates upon concrete ins1lallations. The Honorary Secretary concluded his report by thanking the officers and members of the Branch for their assistance and interest during the year.
Election of Officers for the Ensuing Year The Chairman, Mr. C. W. Parcell, informed the meeting that there had been one nomina'tion received for the office of Chairman for the year 1973-74; this being Mr. H. Scrivener (the Branch's Vice-Chairman) Saffron Walden R.D.C. Mr. Scrivener was then elected and duly installed as Chairman of the Branch. He thanked members for the honour which they had paid him by electing him to office and he assured members that he would do his utmost to serve the best interests of the Branch during the year.
The Chairman asked for nominations for the office of Vice-Chairman and the name of Mr. E. B. Brown, City of Cambridge, was put forward by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Lee. This was carried by the meeting and Mr. Brown was duly elected Vice-Chairman of the Branch for the year 1973-74.
It was proposed by Mr. Wookey, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that Mr. J. W. Frid 'continue in office as Honorary SecretaryTreasurer-Branch Representative and after Mr. Scrivener had thanked him on behalf of the Branch for his past services, Mr. Frid was duly elected.
It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by the Honorary Secretary, that the Branch Committee be thanked for their previous services and be 'asked to continue in office. This was carried and Mr. Cl ark, Southend, and Mr. Lee, Chelmsford, were duly re-elected. The names of Mr. Hoyle, South Cambs., and Mr. Hill, City of Cambridge, were proposed and seconded as Audi,tors for the year 1973-74. This was agreed by the meeting.
Any Other Business Under this item, the venue for ·the next meeting was raised and it was suggested that this be held in ,the autumn Felixstowe. It was Ieflt for the Branch Chairman and Honorary Secretary to make arrangements for this meeting.
A vote of thanks was proposed to the Saffron Walden Council and Mr. Scr,ivener for the accommodation and hospitality which had been afforded to members and this was agreed. The meeting's appreciation was shown in the usual way.

Wessex & South Wales
The Annual General Meeting of the Branch was held on Monday, 7-th May, 1973 at Stokefield House, Castle Street, Thornbury. Present The Chairman and 14 members.
Councillor F. W. Perry, J.P., Chairman of the Thornbury Rural District Council ,attended ,the opening of the me'eting and eX'tended a welcome to ,the members. In his interesting address of welcome, he recalled originally welcoming members to ,the inaugural meet,ing of .the Branch held 1n December, 1968. He expressed pleasure that on more than one occasion the ,Branch had av'ailed themselves of the facilities which the were happy and willing ,to provide. lIe referred brIefly to Ithe re-organisa'tion of Local Authorities and ,their duties which would affect both him personally and most members of the Association. He allied himself with members in the problems involved with these changes and wished all members well for the future. '
Mr. T. L. Cox, ,as Branch Chairman, replying to ,the welcome, expressed his personal pleasure '<lit once again meeting Councillor Perry and the sincere thanks of the Branch for all that Councillor Perry personally and ,the Thornbury Council had done to facilitate the formation of the Branch and ,the holding of numerous meetings, and in this connection he referred to the work of the Branch Secretary. Minutes The minutes of the Branch Meeting held at Thornbury on Monday, 16th October, 1972 which had been circulated with the agenda, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising Arising fl10m the minU'tes the Chairman drew members' attention ,to the problems of the Association in consequence of Local Government re-organisation. Apologies The Secretary reported receipt of apologies from 14 members.
Chairman'S Report The Chairman presented his report which was accepted.
Branch Representative's Report Mr. S. W. D. had expressed his regret at being unable to attend ,the meeting due to his involvement with the problems of Looal Government re-organisation .in the North and West pal'lts of the County of GloucestershIre. Due to a clerical oversight -the report which he had prepared had not reached the Secretary in time to be presented to the meeting. In the circumstances -the meeting. decided .that the Secretary ,should circulate the report WIth the mInutes of this meeting.
Treasurer's Report This report which had been circulated with the agenda was presented by ,the Honorary He. drew attention to a typing error whIch had occurred In the totalling of the finanoial statement which had resulted liD the pence figures of the credit column being ·in reverse order. Thecorreoted figures should read £44.34p. He further stated that ,the Honorary Auditors had now examined and certified the accounts. On the proposition of Messrs. Bames and McCulloch, the meeting accepted the report.
Arising from this report the Secretary drew attention to four recently joining associate members from the Dorchester area, three of whom were present at this meeting. The Chairman extended a welcome to them and introduced them to the meeting.
The meeting received and considered the minutes and recommendations of 'the Executive Committee Meeting held at Thombury on 19th March, 1973. The report of this meeting had been circulated with 'the agenda and considerab!e discussion took place in 'respeot of Petroleum . ID consequence of the re-organisation of Local AuthOl'ltIes statutory duties.
At this s'tage in ,the meeting various members their views and ouUined 'the position in their areas. Mr. Adams, Swindon B.C., expressed ,the vIev: that in certain areas mixed disciplines might be in,:olve? ID licensing of petroleum spirit. Mr. Barnes, CardIff CIty, saId that many County Councils had not yet appointed shadowcommittees and ,that ,the steering committees with re-organisation have tended to not be too speCIfiC ID their recommendations relating to petroleum.
The Cha'irm'an and several members spoke and the view ,that the Association will be needed 'as a vehicle for professional respect in relation to petroleum duties. In these circumstances indiV'idual officers may pay the membership fees.
The Chairman expressed ,the thanks of the Branch Ito Messrs. F. H. Lewis and Captain Poeton for acting as Honorary for the past year. The meeting noted with appreclabon ,the result of correspondence which the Branch had had wIth the Department of ;the Environment and the Home Office concerning night deHvery of fuel oil, etc. Mr. T. K. Blackwell, Sherbome U.D. and others, outlined with which they had been involved, the dIfficultIes being to locate the source and/or the culprIts. Election of Officers
Chairman The Secretary outlined .the pos,ition regaroing Mr. CheLtenham Borough, and Mr. Crowther, GIOUce;er_ CIty, spoke of the serious 'illness which Mr. Clark had s.u . ed The Cha' . pprecul'tiOn . . many members spoke ID a . hed
Mr. Clark s 'lD'terest in the work of ;the Branch and hIm 'a speedy recovery, and 'it was unanimously pro? an that Mr. Maurice Clark, Cheltenham B., be elected ChaIrffi for the enSUing year.
Vice-Chairman Assistant DiVisional Office J J Newport h . r . ones, aVI!lg been nominated, was unanimously Borough .• ted VIce-eleo ChaIrman,
At 'thi' t .. s Junc ure the Chairman ed congra'tula,t Assistant DivISlonal Officer Jones on his promotion,
fIonorary Secretary-Treasurer The present Secretary, Ron Huntington, h.aving expressed his willingness to continue, was re-appomted SecretaryTreasurer for the ensuing year. Branch Representative Station Officer L. Haggett, Merthyr Tydfil C.B. Fire Brigade, was appointed Branch Representative for the ensuing year. The Chairman expressed .the sincere thanks of the Branch to Mr. S. W. D. Harris (retiring Branch Representative) fOI the work which he had done for .the Branch during the past years and said that members fully appreciated his involve· ment with the work of the organisation. Executive Committee The following members were appointed Committee :to the Eyecutive
D. Addison T. K. BIackwell
R. Crowther
L. Haggett
J. J. Storey
V. Rowlands Port of Bristol Sherborne U.D.C. Cloucester City Merthyr Tydfil Bath C.B. LlaneUi R.D. Surveyor Engineer W.&M. F.B. W.&M. P.H.
Honorary Auditors The retiring Auditors having indicated .their willingness .to serve for a further term, Messrs. F. H. Lewis, Cheltenham B. and Captain Poeton, Port of Bristol, were unanimously re-elected Honorary Auditors for the ensuing year. Scrutineers It was decided not to appoint Scrutineers until such time as it became essential to do so. Correspondence The Secretary reported upon various correspondence with which he had been involved. Future Meetings In 'the discussions it was generally felt that it would be advan.tageous to hold 'the October meeting further 1nto the West Country. T. K. BIackwell, Sherborne U.D., having indicated his willingness to assist in this matter, Lt was agreed .that efforts be made to hold the meeting a't Sherborne at a date to be fixed in October. Arising out of this discussion many members expressed an interest to visit the Fire Services Training School at Moreton-in-the-Marsh. who ha? already had an opportunIty of visit.ing It mdlcated the Wide appeal which such a visit would cover among the wide range of professional associations in the Branch. The Committee thereupon resolved that the Secretary endeavour to make arrangements for such a visit, either during Ithe last two weeks of June or the Middle weeks of September. It was thought that if numbers permitted, j.t might be possible to extend an invitation to a limited number of members from another Branch.

The meeting 2.15 p.m. adjourned for lunch and was reconvened for Address
At the afternoon session, Mr. R. Crowther, Gloucester City, introduced .the subject of the use of submersible pumps in connection wIth 'installations at service stations. :Et was appreciated that since the decision to ask Mr. Crowther to talk on this matter 'The Bulletin' had featured articles on it. Nevertheless, as Gloucester City had been ?ioneers. in this type of installation, it was felt much useful mformatlOn could be gleamed from the first-hand knowledge Crowther. Briefly he explained 'the installation as of a pump in a small 'tube operated by a small h.p. electnc motor operating three 'in Hne' impellers, which build up to 30 p.s.i. The ins·tallation being totally enclosed, fully protected :and with overload safeguards. There was no danger of a spark causing any fire or explosion. The decision to alloW the instanation was arrived at providing ·the Home Office had no objection. In the event the Home Office had objection. In licensing the installation the Local AuthOrity placed the full onus for the safe operating of the installation on the Petroleum Company. The 'advantage so far as distribution was concerned was that it allowed a complete blender station operating with only two storage tanks, with ring main must distribution with draw-off points at each pump. There be never less than 1 r dia. pipes to each of the pumps in use. It was true that there was a slight drop in delivery pressure dependant upon the number of pumps in use ·at any ·one time. Nevertheless, any sudden drop in pressure immediately shut off .the whole ins·t;allation. Questions were asked concerning the effeot of leaks or of 'accidents, and Mr. Crowther outlined the circumstances of a practical and unintentional test on such a system when a pump was accidentally pulled over .the less than half a pint loss of petrol. Many members ,took part in the ensuing discussion from which the following facts emerged. The submersible pumps can e'asily be removed for reconditioning and replacing in a simple operation lasing approxImately half an hour. The dispenser hoses must be 'plain' not 'corrugated'. Two pumps will deliver to six dispenser pOints and the pressure will give eight gallons per minute. It must be appreciated that in this type of ·installa.Non, the name 'dispenser points' replaces the old name of pumps.
There was a general vote of thanks from the meeting to Mr. Crowther.
Any Other Business Mr. Barnes, Cardiff City, expressed the view that it might be as well for ·the Branch to take up with the National Secretary the requisition of a reappraisal of 'boundaries fOl the Association in the light of the changes of names fOI of Wales, i.e. Monmouth now being Gwent, Glamorgan bemg made into Mid, West and South, etc., and in respect of Bournemouth and Christchurch being transferred from Hampshire to Dorset. It was agreed that this be taken up with the Na'Nonal Secretary.
Several members raised the question of the workload caused by the annual issue of licences each December. Mr. Addison, POt1t of Bristol, mentioned that the G.L.C. licence for three years. Annual licences invariably cause peak loading. Members expressed various views of the manner in which they overcame ·this peak loading period and Mr. Barnes, Cardiff City, ·outlined bis scheme of four vis'its per installation per year without regard to the particular lieens'ing date.
The meeting concluded with light refreshments provided by the kind hospitality of the Chairman of the Thornbur)l Rural District Council.