5 minute read

Editor’s Report

I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year, although it seems ages ago now, I hope you are recovered from any over indulgence!

2009 Yearbook


With this issue of the Bulletin you will find a form that shows the contact details that we currently hold for you on the APEAMembership database and a table of ‘Trade Directories’. If you wish to be included in the 2009 Yearbook please complete the form by ticking the ‘Directories’box that you wish to be listed under and then faxing the form to me on 0845 603 5507 or you can post it to the APEAoffice.

You receive one free ‘Classified’entry which is your contact details and one free entry on the ‘Directories’page. You can tick additional ‘Directory’boxes but there is an additional charge for these which is detailed on the form.

Even if you do not wish to advertise in the Yearbook you need to complete the form and return it to me to be included in the Yearbook. I will record the details of everyone that has returned their form.

If you wish to have alternative contact details included in the Yearbook to the ones that are detailed on the form then please amend the form and return it to me.

As with every year, the forms need to be returned to me by 1st April in order for the diaries to be printed and distributed on 1st October.

Additional forms can be downloaded from the Publications page of the APEA website at www.apea.org.uk

You can benefit from the following if you wish to advertise in the Yearbook:

•All existing ‘Bulletin’ advertisers receive a 50% discount off the 2009

Yearbook rates

•Any advertiser taking out a full page advert in the 2009 Yearbook is entitled to a Website banner free of charge for one year on the APEAWebsite

•All APEAmembers are eligible for one free entry in the Classified listings and in the Trade Directory, please tick the relevant Trade Directory articles on the booking form

If you wish to advertise please contact me for a booking form or you can download one from the Publications page of the APEAwebsite.

2008 Membership

Thanks to all of you that renewed your membership by 1st January. If you have not already done this I would be grateful if you can make your payment for 2008 as soon as possible. This will help reduce the number of reminders that I send out each year.

This can be made by via the APEA website on the ‘Membership’page, by cheque or by credit card.

Please contact me on 0845 603 5507 or by email at admin@apea.org.uk should you need assistance.


Thank you to all of you that have contributed to this issue of The Bulletin.

Please send me any news items, press releases or articles for the June 2008 issue and I will pass them onto our Editor for approval.

We are always pleased to receive contributions from our members and it ensures that the Bulletin remains and interesting and informative read.

2008 Calendar

I hope you all received the 2008 50th Anniversary Calendar that was posted in December to you. Thanks to all of you that have sent comments of praise for the publication.

Bulletin Advertising

Thanks to all of you that renewed your advertising for the 2008 issues of the Bulletin and thanks to new advertisers too.

Remember that if you book in all four issues you receive a 25% discount and we are able to offer discounts for those of you that wish to book for more than one issue but less than four issues too.

The advertising rates remain unchanged for 2008 and are listed on our website on the ‘Publications’page at www.apea.org.uk

If you would like to book advertising in the Bulletin for 2008, please call me on 0845 603 5507 or email me at admin@apea.org.uk for a booking form.


The Blue Book is available at the discounted rate of £40 to APEA members.

If you wish to purchase a copy please contact me on 0845 603 5507 and I will be able to provide you with details on obtaining a copy.

We also publish the Code of Practice for Ground floor, multi storey and underground car parks. This can now be downloaded directly from the APEA website.

APEAMembers £11.00 Non APEAMembers £21.00


Thanks to all of you that have booked on the APEAtraining courses.

The 2008 dates are detailed on page 68 of this issue of the Bulletin and are also on the APEAwebsite at www.apea.org.uk where you can book online or download a booking form.

I am arranging bespoke courses for various companies which enables members to receive training at a discounted rate and at a time and location suitable to them.

If you are interested in hosting a bespoke course for your company please do not hesitate to contact me.

We can offer discounted rates for these courses if you are able to provide a venue and catering.

You can book online from the Training page on the APEAwebsite at or you can download a booking form from our website training page, just click on the course you are interested in and the course details and form are displayed or please contact me by email or by phone and I can email you a copy.

Also anyone booking a training course now, that is not an APEAmember will automatically receive membership to the APEA.

New Members

There have been 35 new members joining during October, November and December 2007 and details can be found on page 11.


The website continues to be a useful site for information and to make online bookings and payments. I am glad so many of you are using it.

If you wish to contribute anything to the site please feel free to log on and go to the APEAResource Centre where you can submit your article for approval.

There is a ‘Help’pull down menu if you need some assistance. If you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

You can also use the website to change your contact details, just logon and you will be able to access your record. If you cannot remember your logon details please contact me.

General Assistance

Finally if any of you need any assistance with general or technical matters, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0845 603 5507 and I will endeavour to help.

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