1 minute read
It's prety amazing how so many cool things are happening for those of us working hard to unite the horse world on the EQUUS Television Network. And for the next 7 days we are going to do it again as we bring the largest equine trade show right to your smart phones, iPhone apps and so much more.
We arrived today in Equitana a�er a long day of mishaps but there was no way we were going to let those change the excitement we were feeling knowing we were on our way to the world-renowned event known as Equitana. From the start of our trip on Delta when the plane was delayed because its system wasn't working to us arriving late in Amsterdam missing our connec�on by 5 minutes, we remained excited. Rebooking our flight was next followed by another delay, but once we arrived and were missing one bag, we were too thrilled to worry about those inconsistencies.
Our shutle escort just moved everything in the right direc�on. Even though we arrived too late to set up our booth, the fun Equitana staff greeted us with open arms. Then onto the amazing Atlanta Congress Hotel Essen, a state-of-the-art hotel just footsteps away from the hoo�eats that will be part of this world class event.
So, now it's off to bed so we can get up early to prepare our booth and kick off our first day. I hope you'll join me and CEO John Barlet and the great staff working back at headquarters headed by our crea�ve director Jacqueline Taylor and supported by Ian Barlet who will help us get everything up in rapid succession.
If you've missed what we've already posted about Equitana take the �me to view the wonderful promo and TV News release created by Ian, and my very first zoom interview with the author, trainer, rider and so much more, Christoph Hess designed by Jacqueline https://equustelevision.com/watch/2135, https://equustelevision.com/watch/2131, https://equustelevision.com/watch/2103
There's more to come so keep an eye on what we post and reshare, make comments, ask ques�ons, or just join us as we bring Equitana right to your TV sets so you can watch it a�er you leave each day or be inspired to book your �ckets for this year or the next one. There's so much to see and do but hold on because we are going to make you feel a part of this event.
So, check out some of our traveling pics from today; just a taste of our ini�al journey, and take the ride with us through March 16th when we land back in the USA. It's going to be a wild horseback ride.