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Harry Houdini
America’s Top Dog
8 p.m. on A&E
Some of the dogs who suffered the heartbreak of coming in just behind the winner return to battle it out for the last remaining spot in the upcoming Season 2 grand finale in the new episode “The Comeback Dogs.” Working dogs face off against underdogs for their last chance to be America’s Top Dog.
Motherland: Fort Salem
10 p.m. on FREE
The new episode “Irrevocable” finds Raelle (Taylor Hickson) desperately fighting for her life, just as the Army and the Spree converge on a secret stronghold of the Camarillo. In the middle of all that drama, the thirst for revenge on the part of Abigail (Ashley Nicole Williams) and Khalida’s brother Adil (Tony Giroux) only keeps escalating.
Man vs. History
10:03 p.m. on HIST
Storyteller and historian Bil Lepp explores the daredevil career of “The Real Houdini” in this new episode by putting his very own twist on this showman’s death-defying stunts, testing whether it’s possible for a human to survive a plunge over Niagara Falls. Lepp also investigates the controversial 1926 death of daredevil aviator Bessie Coleman.
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WUNC ^ 2 2 2 2 PBS NewsHour (N) Å Flavor, NC “Pork” Å North Carolina Weekend Å
Finding Your Roots With Henry
Louis Gates, Jr. “Freedom Tales” Jesse Owens: American Experience Å (DVS) American Experience “The Fight” Joe Louis fights Max Schmeling. Amanpour and Company (N) Å
WTKR # 3 3 3 3 3 News 3 News at 6pm (N) CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Å The List (N) Å NCIS “The First Day” Gibbs helps Palmer deal with trauma. Love Island (N) Å FBI: Most Wanted Barnes faces a life-changing decision. Å
News 3 at 11pm
Late Show-Colbert
WSKY $ 4 4 4 4 4 Be a Millionaire Be a Millionaire The Goldbergs The Goldbergs Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Family Guy Å Family Guy Å King of Queens King of Queens Dish Nation (N) Imp. Jokers WITN _ 7 7 7 News at 6:00pm Nightly News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Men’s Diving, Track and Field, Gymnastics. (N) (Live) Å News WNCT )
9 On Your Side Evening News Ent. Tonight Family Feud NCIS “The First Day” Å (DVS) Love Island (N) Å FBI: Most Wanted “Anonymous” 9 On Your Side Late-Colbert
WAVY * 10 10 10 10 10 WAVY News 10 at 6pm (N)
NBC Nightly News - Holt
Entertainment Tonight (N) Å
The Olympic
Zone (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Men’s Diving, Track and Field, Gymnastics. Men’s diving (springboard final) track and field (finals/semifinals) men’s and women’s gymnastics. (N) (Live) Å WAVY News (N)
News ABC World News Judge Judy Judge Judy The Goldbergs Home Economics The Conners black-ish To Tell the Truth Å (DVS) News Jimmy Kimmel WVEC ` 13 13 13 13 13 13 News Now at 6:00PM (N) Å ABC World News Wheel of Fortune “Great Outdoors” Jeopardy! (N) Å The Goldbergs Å (DVS) Home Economics Å (DVS) The Conners Å (DVS) black-ish Å (DVS) To Tell the Truth Norman Lear; Bob Saget; Joel McHale. Å (DVS) 13 News Now at 11:00PM (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live! Å
WHRO / 15 6 6 15 15 TBA
World News PBS NewsHour (N) Å
Finding Your Roots With Henry Jesse Owens: American American Experience “The Fight” Amanpour and Company (N) Å WGNT ; 5 8 8 27 27 Judge Judy Judge Judy News 3 News at 7P (N) Penn & Teller: Fool Us Å Superman & Lois Å News Inside Edition (N) RightThisMinute black-ish WTVZ A 20 11 11 33 33 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Family Feud Family Feud Dateline A father’s fight for justice. Chicago P.D. “Erin’s Mom” Å Chicago P.D. “What Do You Do” Dateline “Finding Savanna” Å WVBT K 12 5 5 43 43 Extra (N) Å WAVY News 10 at 6:30pm
WAVY News 10 at 7p on Fox 43
TMZ (N) Å LEGO Masters “Hats Incredible!; One Floating Brick” The teams create wearable hats. Å (DVS)
WAVY News 10 at 10p on Fox 43
Sportswrap Entertainment Tonight (N) Å Extra Å WPXV Q 16 17 17 49 Chicago Fire “Down Is Better” Chicago Fire “A Man’s Legacy” Chicago Fire Å (DVS) Chicago Fire “Foul Is Fair” Chicago Fire “Slamigan” Chicago Fire “Law of the Jungle”
HBO 511 301 301 300 501 Small Town ››› War Horse (2011) Emily Watson. A horse sees joy and sorrow during World War I. Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union (N) The White Lotus “Recentering” Small Town
HBO2 512 303 303 301 502 Personal History David Copperfield The White Lotus Å The White Lotus “Recentering” Last Week To. › Swimfan (2002, Suspense) Jesse Bradford. Å To Be Announced
MAX 531 315 315 310 515 ›› Kin (2018, Science Fiction) Myles Truitt, Jack Reynor. Å ›› Wendy (2020) Devin France, Yashua Mack. Premiere. Å ›› A Very Brady Sequel (1996) Shelley Long. Å ››› Talk to Me
SHOW 551 351 351 318 545 ›› 21 Bridges (2019, Action) Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller. Å ›› Shooter (2007, Suspense) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña. Å The Chi “A Raisin in the Sun” Å Black Monday Flatbush Mis
TMC 571 365 365 327 553 ››› Fist of Fury (1972) Bruce Lee, Miao Ker Hsiu. (Subtitled) Å Becky (2020) Kevin James, Lulu Wilson. Å › House at the End of the Street (2012) Jennifer Lawrence. Å ›› The Rental
A&E 25 26 26 118 265 ›› Den of Thieves (2018) Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber. Å America’s Top Dog (N) Å Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars
AMC 52 39 39 131 254 ››› Gran Torino (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood, Christopher Carley. Å ›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks. A slow-witted Southerner experiences 30 years of history. Å ››› Fury (2014) Brad Pitt. Å
ANPL 61 47 47 184 282 North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law: Wildside “Raising Gators” (N) North Woods Law North Woods Law BET 59 73 74 124 329 ›› Ride Along (2014) Ice Cube, Kevin Hart. A cop invites his sister’s boyfriend to join him on a shift. Å Tyler Perry’s The Oval (N) Å Celebrity Family Feud Å Celebrity Family Feud Å
CNBC 45 37 37 208 355 Mad Money (N) Å The News With Shepard Smith (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics Skateboarding. (N) (Live) Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics Canoe. (N) Tokyo Olympics
CNN 24 29 29 200 202 Situation Room With Wolf Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Cuomo Prime Time (N) (Live) Å Don Lemon Tonight (N) (Live) Å Don Lemon Tonight (N) (Live) Å
COM 49 50 50 107 249 The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å Drunk History Drunk History Drunk History Drunk History The Office Å The Office Å
CSPAN 19 95 95 210 350 Public Affairs Events Å Politics and Public Policy Today Å
DISC 39 24 24 182 278 Deadliest Catch Å Deadliest Catch: On Deck (N) Å Deadliest Catch Josh and Casey use frontier medicine. (N) Å Deadliest Catch: Bloodline Å Hunting Atlantis Å
DISN 30 61 61 172 290 Back of the Net Big City Greens TBA Big City Greens Big City Greens Big City Greens Sydney-Max Sydney-Max Big City Greens Big City Greens Gabby Duran Sydney-Max
ESPN 26 28 28 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN Original Documentaries The Basketball Tournament Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å
ESPN2 27 27 27 143 209 Daily Wager (N) (Live) NFL Live Å ESPN Original Documentaries NBA Summer League Basketball Teams TBA.
FOOD 55 44 44 110 231 Chopped Melted cheeses. Å Chopped “Cauliflower Power” Chopped The chefs work with pate. Chopped “Ballpark Baskets” (N) Chopped “Basket Buzz” Å Chopped “Beasts and Bourbon”
FOXNEWS 43 66 66 205 360 Special Report With Bret Baier (N) FOX News Primetime (N) Å Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Å Hannity (N) (Live) Å The Ingraham Angle (N) (Live) Å Gutfeld! (N) Å
FOXSPO 57 69 69 Golf Life AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour Braves Live! MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at St. Louis Cardinals. From Busch Stadium in St. Louis. (N) (Live) Braves Live! MLB Baseball
FREE 60 62 62 180 311 ››› Hercules (1997) Voices of Tate Donovan. Å ››› The Incredibles (2004, Children’s) Voices of Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter. Å Motherland: Fort Salem (N) Å The 700 Club Å FX 51 58 58 136 248 ››› World War Z (2013, Horror) Brad Pitt. Å ›› Alita: Battle Angel (2019) Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz. Premiere. Å ››› Bumblebee (2018, Action) Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena. Å
HGTV 54 38 38 112 229 Good Bones Å Good Bones Å Good Bones (N) Å Good Bones “Episode 8” (N) Å House Hunters Hunters Int’l House Hunters Hunters Int’l
HIST 42 34 34 120 269 History’s Greatest Mysteries New investigation of the Roswell crash. History’s Greatest Mysteries Ben Smith visits Jesse Marcel’s family. Man vs. History “The Real Houdini” Man vs. History Å
INSP 461 15 15 259 364 Cheyenne “Big Ghost Basin” Å Gunsmoke Å Gunsmoke Å Mountain Men “Crash and Burn” Wagon Train Å Gunsmoke Å Gunsmoke Å Gunsmoke “Aunt Thede” Å LIFE 31 32 32 108 252 Rizzoli & Isles “Love Taps” Å Rizzoli & Isles “Sister Sister” Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles “5:26” Å Rizzoli & Isles Maura is abducted. Rizzoli & Isles “Murderjuana” Å
MSNBC 53 65 65 209 356 The Beat With Ari Melber (N) Å The ReidOut (N) (Live) Å All In With Chris Hayes (N) Å The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams
MTV 41 41 41 160 331 ›› The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) Mila Kunis, Kate McKinnon. Å Teen Mom 2 Å Catfish: The TV Show (N) Å True Life Crime (N) Å Catfish: The TV Show Å
NICK 37 31 31 170 299 Patrick Star The Loud House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å
PARMT 33 30 30 241 241 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ›› Fast & Furious 6 (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. Hobbs offers Dom and crew a full pardon for their help. Å ›› Walking Tall (2004, Action) The Rock, Johnny Knoxville. Å
SYFY 64 57 57 122 244 ››› Apollo 13 (1995, Historical Drama) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton. Å WWE NXT (N) Å ››› The Fifth Element (1997) Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm. Å TBS 46 63 63 139 247 Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Miracle Workers Miracle Workers Wipeout Å TLC 56 42 42 183 280 Call in the Cheapskates So Freakin Cheap Little People, Big World Å Little People, Big World (N) Å Doubling Down With the Derricos Doubling Down With the Derricos TNT 28 36 36 138 245 ››› Mean Girls (2004) Å ››› Crazy Rich Asians (2018, Romance-Comedy) Constance Wu, Henry Golding. Å (DVS) ››› A Star Is Born (2018, Romance) Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Sam Elliott. Å (DVS)
TOON 48 59 59 176 296 Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad American Dad Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Family Guy Family Guy
TVLAND 62 46 46 106 304 Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King of Queens
USA 29 45 45 105 202 2020 Tokyo Olympics Men’s Volleyball, Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. Å 2020 Tokyo Olympics Track and Field. (N) (Live) Å Tokyo Olympics