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Pitt County Government



Greenville has 18 boards and commissions that serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council. All boards and commissions consist of volunteers appointed by the City Council to serve specific terms. The City Clerk’s office maintains a bank of applications from residents who would like to serve on a board or commission. For most city boards, the applicant must reside within Greenville city limits to be considered for an appointment. Call the City Clerk’s office at 329-4420 or access an application form online at www. greenvillenc.gov. A completed application may be: ► Submitted through the city’s website. ► Faxed to the City Clerk’s office at 329-4435 ► Mailed to the City Clerk’s office, PO Box 7207, Greenville, NC 27835 ► Hand delivered to the City Clerk’s office at City Hall, 200 W. Fifth Street.

Affordable Housing Loan Committee

Established: February 1994 Duties: Approve loans for firsttime homebuyer down payment assistance, home mortgages, and elderly homeowner rehabilitation loans; make recommendations to city council regarding the purchase of land to be used for affordable housing developments, creation and set up of loan pool mortgage agreements with other financial institutions and making changes in funding allocations by funding category Meeting time: Second Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the council chambers, third floor of City Hall

Board of Adjustment

Established: September 1981 Duties: Hear and decide appeals concerning zoning issues, applications for special use permits, and requests for variances under zoning ordinance terms Meeting time: Fourth Thursday of each month (third Thursday in November and December only) at 6 p.m. in council chambers, third floor of City Hall

Environmental Advisory Commission

Established: March 1975 Duties: Recommend matters of environmental concern and serve as a technical adviser to the city council Meeting time: First Thursday of each month, excluding July, at 5:30 p.m. in council chambers, third floor of City Hall

Firefighter’s Relief Fund Committee

Established: January 1907 Duties: Administer state supplemental retirement funds for retired firemen Meeting time: Quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month at any given time in the first-floor conference room of Greenville’s police and fire-rescue building, 500 S. Greene St.

Greenville Utilities Commission

Established: March 1941 Duties: Supervise and control the management, operation, maintenance, improvement and extension of public utilities Meeting time: Third Thursday of each month at noon in the Greenville Utilities Board Room, 401 S. Greene St. Workshops are scheduled as needed. Web: www.guc.com

Historic Preservation Commission

Established: December 1988 Duties: Recommend to city council properties or districts for designation as historic Meeting time: Fourth Tuesday of each month, excluding December, at 6 p.m. in City Council chambers, third floor of City Hall

Housing Authority

Established: May 1961 Duties: Promote safe and sanitary public housing in the city Meeting time: Last Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m., at the central housing authority office, 1103 Broad St.

Human Relations Council

Established: February 1972 Duties: Organize and implement programs dealing with problems of human relations, and promote understanding, respect, good will, and equality of opportunity for all citizens Meeting time: Fourth Thursday of each month, excluding July, at 6 p.m. in the third-floor conference room of City Hall

Multimodal Transportation Commission

Established: January 2021 Duties: Advance and encourage multimodal options for the citizens and visitors of Greenville and provide advice and recommendations to the city council on issues related to public transportation, bicycle, and pedestrian related issues. It was created out of the former Bicycle and Pedestrian and Public Transportation and Parking commissions which were dissolved in 2020. Meeting time: Third Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 9:15 a.m. in the conference room of the G.K. Butterfield Transportation Center, 600 S. Pitt St.

Neighborhood Advisory Board

Established: May 2008 Duties: Serve as a liaison between neighborhood associations and the city to discuss common concerns and advocate for joint projects Meeting time: Third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. in the third-floor conference room of City Hall

Pitt-Greenville Airport Authority

Established: June 1967 Duties: Operate and maintain the jointly-owned city and county airport; establish rules and regulations for operation of the airport, landing field and related facilities Meeting time: Third Wednesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. in the conference room of the airport terminal building at the Pitt-Greenville Airport, Airport Road

Pitt-Greenville Convention and Visitors Authority

Established: July 1987 Duties: Oversee spending of the occupancy tax revenue; advise and assist in the promotion of activities and programs aiding and encouraging travel, tourism and conventions Meeting time: Third Thursday of odd months, except July, at 5:30 p.m. in the third floor conference room at City Hall. Web: www.visitgreenvillenc.com

Planning and Zoning Commission

Established: June 1956 Duties: Act in an advisory capacity to conduct planning studies within the city and its extraterritorial areas, prepare and adopt plans for achieving objectives for future development, and administer and enforce planning and zoning regulations Meeting time: Third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council chambers, third floor of City Hall

Police Community Relations Committee

Established: September 1996 Duties: Serve as a liaison between the community and police over concerns and serve as an advocate for programs, ideas and methods to improve relationships between the community and the police department Meeting time: Second Tuesday of each month, excluding July and August, at 6:30 p.m.; location is determined

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