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3 PM
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8 6
28 47
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53 118 265 Hoarders
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›› S.W.A.T. (2003, Action) Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell. A Los ››› Only the Brave (2017, Drama) Josh Brolin, Miles Teller, Jeff Bridges. MemAngeles SWAT team must protect a criminal. (CC) bers of the Granite Mountain Hotshots battle wildfires. (CC) Woods Law “No North Woods Law “When North Woods Law North Woods Law “Don’t North Woods Law “Mid- North Woods Law 184 282 North Room for Error” Duty Calls” “Shakedown” Feed the Bears” summer Mayhem” Payne Prince Prince Prince Prince ›› Fist Fight (2017, Comedy) Charlie Day, Ice Cube, Tracy Morgan. (CC) 124 329 Payne The Mon- Deadliest Catch Mysteri- Naked and Afraid “No Safety in Numbers” Two pairs Naked and Afraid The Naked and Afraid “Man 182 278 Destroy-Second arch ous fishing charts. of survivalists tough it out. (CC) Panamanian jungle. vs. Amazon” City Big City Big City Big City The Owl Ladybug Ladybug Miraculous World: Lady Big City Big City Big City 172 290 Big Greens Greens Greens Greens House & Cat & Cat Dragon Greens Greens Greens 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportCtr SpoCenter NBA Mock Woj SEC Storied Cheerleading Madden Draft Edition 2021 Humanitarian Awards 30 for 30 143 209 E60
Killer Kids (CC)
››› The Perfect Storm (2000, Suspense) George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg. A fishing boat sails into the storm of the century. (CC) North Woods Law “Triple North Woods Law “Lead- North Woods Law “Circle Threat” ing the Way” of Life” ›› Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008) Martin Lawrence. (CC) Naked and Afraid The Naked and Afraid “All jungles of Panama. Falls Down” (CC) Liv and Liv and Liv and Liv and Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie The Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. E60
51 122
29 260
60 139
618 132
15 30 55 183
Killer Kids
›››› Forrest Gump (1994) Tom Hanks. North Woods Law “Last Days of Winter” ›› Ride Along (2014)
Naked and Afraid “The Naked and Afraid 21 Pain Forest” (CC) days in Sabah, Borneo. Descendants (2015, Children’s) Dove Cameron, Kristin Chenoweth, Sarah Jeffery. (CC) The Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. Track and Field American Track League. (N)
Valerie Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Girl Meets Valerie Trisha’s Trisha’s The Kitchen “Sizzling BBQ Brawl BBQ can be Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games Home Farm Home Southern Southern Summer” (CC) eaten anytime. (Part 1 of 5) (CC) (Part 2 of 5) (CC) Back to the Future (1985, Comedy) Michael J. ››› Back to the Future Part II (1989) Michael J. Fox. Marty’s ››› Despicable Me (2010, Children’s) Voices of ››› Despicable Me 2 (2013, Children’s) Voices of Steve Carell, 180 311 ››› Fox, Christopher Lloyd. (CC) time traveling is threatened by a dangerous rival. (CC) Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand. (CC) Kristen Wiig, Benjamin Bratt. (CC) Life Shogun Fights World Wild Ride Polaris Golf Life Focused Icons Tennis Classics The Ten Tennis Classics ATP Miami Final. 416 676 Tennis Golden Golden A Very Merry Mix-Up (2013, Romance) Alicia Witt, Christmas Land (2015) Nikki Deloach. After inheriting Let It Snow (2013) Candace Cameron Bure. An exec12 Gifts of Christmas (2015, Romance) Katrina Law, 185 312 Girls Girls Mark Wiebe, Scott Gibson. (CC) (DVS) a tree farm, a woman plans to sell it. utive has a change of heart. (CC) (DVS) Aaron O’Connell, Donna Mills. (CC) The High Note (2020, Comedy-Dra- ››› The Aviator (2004, Biography) Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett. Howard ›› Disturbia (2007, Suspense) Shia ››› Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) Daniel The 100-Foot Wave (CC) 300 501 ›› ma) Dakota Johnson. (CC) Hughes produces movies and flies airplanes. (CC) LaBeouf, David Morse. (CC) Kaluuya, LaKeith Stanfield. (CC) to Fabulous “A New Fixer to Fabulous “She Fixer to Fabulous (CC) Renovation Island “Out Renovation Island “Bot- Renovation Island “This Renovation Island “Set in Renovation Island “Eye 112 229 Fixer to Fabulous (CC) Fixer Lease on Life” Said Yes!” (DVS) of Gas” (CC) toms Up” (CC) Build is a Beach” Stone” (CC) of the Storm” Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) 120 269 Modern Marvels (CC)
SHOW 711 318
This Week W/ George Secretly Pumped! Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- American World of X Games World of X Games Paid Pro- Paid ProStephanopoulos Awesome gram gram gram gram Athlete (N) (CC) (N) (CC) gram gram Pet VetAll In With CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (CC) Face the Nation (N) (CC) Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Formula E Racing London E-Prix. From One Shot PGA Tour Golf 3M Open, Final Round. (N) (Live) (CC) Team Laila Ali gram gram gram East London’s docklands. (N) Away (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Basketball, Cycling, Water Polo, Canoe/Kayak, Swimming, Rowing. Men’s basketball (U.S. vs. France); cycling (women’s); wa2020 Tokyo Olympics Basketball, Cycling, Water Polo, Canoe/Kayak, Swimming, Rowing. Men’s basketball (U.S. vs. 5 ter polo; canoe/kayak; swimming; rowing. (N) (Live) (CC) France); cycling (women’s); water polo; canoe/kayak; swimming; rowing. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Basketball, Cycling, Water Polo, Canoe/Kayak, Swimming, Rowing. Men’s basketball (U.S. vs. France); cycling (women’s); wa- 2020 Tokyo Olympics Basketball, Cycling, Water Polo, Canoe/Kayak, Swimming, Rowing. Men’s basketball (U.S. vs. ter polo; canoe/kayak; swimming; rowing. (N) (Live) (CC) France); cycling (women’s); water polo; canoe/kayak; swimming; rowing. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Golf ReGolf ReFormula E Racing London E-Prix. From One Shot PGA Tour Golf 3M Open, Final Round. (N) (Live) (CC) 17 CBS 17 News at 8:00am CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (CC) Face the Nation (N) (CC) Attorneys on Call sorts Int. sorts Int. East London’s docklands. (N) Away (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Upper R’m Paid Prog. Kids News Comm Attkisson Makeover American Ninja Warrior Carbonaro Street Goldbergs Goldbergs Seinfeld Seinfeld TMZ (CC) 22 Paid Prog. D Bibey First Baptist Church
PARMT 96 241
5 PM ROH Wrestling
Morning America ABC 11 Eyewitness News at 9AM 11 Good (N) (CC) (N) (CC)
Word for The Whole Living Truth Brain Game FOX News Sunday With 50 Education Matters Chris Wallace (N) 28 I Believe R. Jeffress Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Criminal Minds 47 NCIS: New Orleans
ESPN 33 ESPN2 34
10 AM
July 25, 2021
SL-Suddenlink D-Dish DTV-DirecTV
July 23 - 29, 2021
Guy’s Grocery Games (Part 3 of 5) (CC) ›› Minions (2015), Jon Hamm (CC) Kickboxing A Royal Christmas (2014) Lacey Chabert. Music Box (CC) Renovation Island “Race to the Altar” Modern Marvels (CC)
David Jere- Joel Osteen Paid Pro- My Nightmare Landlord (2020, Suspense) Caroline Ruthless Realtor (2020, Suspense) Christie Burson, › The Boy Next Door (2015, Suspense) Jennifer Killer Dream Home (2020, Suspense) Maiara Walsh, miah (N) (CC) gram Harris, Ignacyo Matynia. (CC) Lily Anne Harrison, Brian Ames. (CC) Lopez, Ryan Guzman, John Corbett. (CC) Eve Mauro, John DeLuca. (CC) View From ››› Blades of Glory (2007) Will Fer››› The Invisible Man (2020, Horror) Elisabeth ›› Underwater (2020) Kristen Stewart, ››› Gangs of New York (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day-Lewis. A man ››› Confessions of a Dangerous 515 the Top rell, Jon Heder. (CC) Moss, Oliver Jackson-Cohen. (CC) Vincent Cassel. (CC) vows vengeance on the gangster who killed his father. (CC) Mind (2002) Sam Rockwell. (CC) 331 Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. SpongeBob ››› Rio (2011, Children’s) Voices of Anne Hatha- The Loud The Loud The Loud The Loud The Loud The Loud The Loud The Loud SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob 299 Power Rangers way, Jesse Eisenberg. (CC) House House House House House House House House Bar Rescue “Tanked and Bar Rescue “Tears for Bar Rescue A historical Bar Rescue “Come Home Bar Rescue “Phishing for Bar Rescue A Cape CaBar Rescue “Bromancing Bar Rescue The Bamboo Bar Rescue “Fish Out of Bar Rescue “Rickety 241 Toasty” (CC) Beers” (CC) landmark bar. (CC) to Roost” (CC) Answers” (CC) naveral area bar. the Stone” (CC) Beach Tiki Bar. Blue Water” (CC) Rockin’ Rhonda’s” ››› Four Weddings and ›› A Call to Spy (2019, Historical Drama) Sarah ››› Winter’s Bone (2010, Drama) Jennifer Law››› Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Bradley Coo››› I Love You, Man (2009, Comedy) Paul Rudd, The End The End 545 a Funeral (1994) Megan Thomas, Stana Katic. (CC) rence, John Hawkes. (CC) per, Jennifer Lawrence. (CC) Jason Segel, Rashida Jones. (CC) (CC) (CC) Twilight ›› Daredevil (2003, Action) Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner. A blind ›› Deep Impact (1998, Drama) Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni. A large ››› Blood Father (2016) Mel Gibson. An ex-con ›› Cowboys & Aliens (2011, Science Fiction) Daniel Craig. Extra244 The Zone attorney fights crime at night. (CC) comet is on a collision course with Earth. (CC) must protect his daughter from a vicious cartel. terrestrials attack a 19th-century Arizona town. (CC) Touching Jentezen Turning Robert Jef- Winning Joel Osteen Daily Hope Jackson In Touch PowerPoint It is Written Power Frankie Dave and Hagee Min- BethBeyond Michael Kerry 372 Steven Furtick Lives Franklin Point fress Walk (CC) Mini Change Mazzapica Kate istries el-Heaven Blessed Youssef Shook George Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld The Cube Oksana Mas- The Cube “Will They or MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park in Miracle Miracle ››› Star Wars: The 247 George Lopez Lopez ters and Aaron Pike. Won’t They?” Boston. (Taped) (CC) Workers Workers Force Awakens (2015) ››› The Story of Vernon & Irene Castle (1939) ›› Cause for Alarm (1951) Loretta ››› The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968) Anthony Quinn, Sir Laurence Olivier. ›››› The Best Years of Our Lives (1946, Drama) Fredric March, Myrna Loy. Bon246 Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers. (CC) Young, Barry Sullivan. (CC) A Russian archbishop is selected to succeed the pope. (CC) Three World War II veterans come home. (CC) (DVS) fire-Vanit. Youseff David Jeffress Higher Aim In Touch Worship Worship Love BlessLife Fred Price Dorinda Gaither Gospel Hour Paid Prog. Prayer On Purpose Nurturing Jeffress Say Yes Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey 280 Say Yes
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019, Horror) ›› The Longest Yard (2005, Comedy) Adam San- ››› Born on the Fourth of July (1989) Tom Cruise. An idealistic ›› Death at a Funeral (2010) Keith 736 327 553 ›› Zoe Colletti, Michael Garza. (CC) dler, Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds. (CC) Marine returns from Vietnam as a paraplegic. David, Loretta Devine. (CC)
50 138 245
94 106 304
63 188 338
43 105 242
WGN-A 64 239 307
›› The Art of War (2000, Suspense) Wesley Snipes, Anne Archer, Maury Chaykin. (CC) NCIS: New Orleans “The NCIS: New Orleans (CC) NCIS: New Orleans ›› Taken 3 (2014) Liam Neeson. Bryan Mills is ››› Wanted (2008) James McAvoy. An office drone becomes part ›› Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Kyle Chandler. Godzilla Third Man” (CC) Tracking a sniper. framed for the murder of his ex-wife. (CC) (DVS) of a secret society of assassins. (CC) (DVS) collides with Mothra, Rodan and King Ghidorah. Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden The Golden Girls “The Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Audit” (CC) Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Your Move Amazing Carrie Underwood - My Little House on the Prai- Little House on the Prai- Little House on the Prai- Little House on the Prai- When We Last Spoke (2019, Drama) Corbin Bernsen. Two aban- ›› Fireproof (2008, Drama) Kirk CamFacts (N) Savior: Live rie “The In-Laws” rie (CC) rie (CC) rie (CC) doned sisters live with their grandparents in 1967. (CC) eron, Erin Bethea. (CC) Tokyo 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics Men’s Soccer -- Brazil vs Cote 2020 Tokyo Olympics: 2020 Tokyo Olympics Fencing. (N 2020 Tokyo Olympics Boxing, Judo, Taekwondo, Weightlifting, Tokyo Olympics Archery. (CC) Canoe Slalom. (CC) d’Ivoire. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Women’s Handball Same-day Tape) (CC) Surfing. (N Same-day Tape) (CC) Olympics Mass P. Stone Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man