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Play Dates
Many festivals, concerts and other events have been canceled for the forseeable future due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines from North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
All of the events listed here were still on schedule as of press time, but it’s best to check with the individual venue to ensure that the event is still going on as planned.

Each year, guests load up their cars and come to create memories with their families and gaze upon hundreds of thousands of lights on a mile-long drive-thru Christmas light track. Tickets are $25 per car (available on-site only at the entrance of the light show at the end of Rocky Point Elementary School Road). Hot chocolate is available for $2 for a 16-ounce cup. The light show runs nightly from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve. For more information, visit the Facebook page, @christmasinthecountryOHF, or the website, www.christmasinthecountryohf.com.
40 | www.sencmag.com ‘A COVID CHRISTMAS CAROL’

Paramount Theatre 139 S. Center St. | Goldsboro
• Friday, December 11, at 7:30 p.m. • Saturday, December 12, at 3 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. • Sunday, December 13, at 3 p.m.
Admission is $25 (includes a glass of beer, wine or soda, grab-and-go snacks)
Seating is limited, so reservations must be made in advance: www.goldsboroparamount.com/ a-christmas-carol/ or call 919-583-8432
In this year full of unexpected twists and turns, Center Stage Theatre is proud to be returning to the Paramount Theater this December with “A Covid Christmas Carol.”
Charles Dickens’ classic holiday tale will be brought to life as you’ve never seen it: by five socially distanced performers who will portray all the characters you know and love. This version will have heart and laughs, bah humbug and Christmas cheer, and it promises to be fun for the whole family.

Nights of Lights Holiday Open House
at Bellamy Mansion Dec. 17-20, from 4-7 p.m. 503 Market St. Downtown Wilmington
On December 17, 18, 19 and 20, the Bellamy Mansion Museum will host Nights of Lights from 4-7 p.m. Nights of Lights is a free, socially distanced celebration of Christmas. See two levels of the mansion decked out in its holiday finest. Father Christmas will be on hand for safe selfies with the family. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Children get a takehome surprise! Face coverings required of all attendees 5 years old and up. There is no cost for admission, but donations are accepted ($5 suggested). For more information about Nights of Lights, call 910-251-3700 or email cgonzalez@ bellamymansion.org.
Burgaw’s Brightest Christmas Light Contest
Register by Dec. 14; Judging will occur afer 5 p.m. on Dec. 17
Residents inside the Burgaw city limits are being asked to participate in a contest to see who has the best and brightest Christmas lights this holiday season. Participants must live within the city limits and register by visisting burgaw.nc.gov/ rentals by Monday, Dec. 14. Winners will receive prizes, and of course, bragging rights! For more information, contact Burgaw Parks and Recreation, 910-300-6401.
Beary Merry Christmas
in downtown New Bern Every weekend through Christmas
Beary Merry Christmas is a month-long event, in which the downtown New Bern area is transformed into a magical Winter Wonderland. The signature event, “Light Up the Season & Santa’s Arrival,” kicks off the festivities the day afer Thanksgiving with games, crafs and live entertainment. Santa’s holiday home in Bear Plaza is typically open Friday through Sunday during the Christmas season, allowing children to visit with Santa and have a photo. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, reservations to visit with Santa are required. Visit https://bearymerrychristmas.com/ santa-house/reservations/ to sign up. HONOUR: THE MUSICAL

Jan. 23-25, 31 & Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m.; Jan 26 & Feb 2 at 2 p.m. Craven Community College’s | Orringer Hall
Tickets: $15 | available at www.honourthemusical.com or by calling 252-638-8558
The Stanly-Spaight Duel, one of New Bern’s most compelling stories, is the tale of a younger man goading an older statesman. The older man then insults the younger. All in public. In newsprint. Add in the story of Sarah Rice, a favored slave of the Spaights, who had a son by John Stanly. Mix it all together with the knowledge and wit of Bill Hand and the music of Simon Spalding and you have “Honour, The Musical.”

Feb. 5-6, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 7, 2 p.m. Feb. 12-13, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 14, 2 p.m. Thalian Hall Main Stage, Wilmington
Tickets: $32 available at thalianhall.org
Cole Porter’s madcap Broadway musical features the antics aboard an ocean liner from New York bound for London. The musical introduced nowclassics like “You’re the Top,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,” and the title track, “Anything Goes.”
SE North Carolina Magazine | 41

Many festivals, concerts and other events have been canceled for the forseeable future due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines from North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
All of the events listed here were still on schedule as of press time, but it’s best to check with the individual venue to ensure that the event is still going on as planned.
Showtime: 7:30 p.m.; doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets: $45.13 – $109.99 (including fees and sales tax) available at www.wilsoncentertickets.com or by calling the Box Office at 910-362-7999
In celebration of the anniversary of the Beatles’ Abbey Road, RAIN will bring the greatest hits of this epic recording to life, in addition to all your early Beatles favorites. This mind-blowing performance takes you back in time with the legendary foursome, delivering a note-for-note theatrical event that is “the next best thing to seeing the Beatles,” according to the Associated Press.
42 | www.sencmag.com RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR, SENC-STYLE
Although some holiday events have been canceled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a few towns throughout Southeastern N.C. are still planning to have their uniquely Southern celebrations to ring in 2021. A few of them are listed below. All events are on December 31.
New Year’s Eve Block Party in downtown New Bern. The Bear Cub Drop will be at 9 p.m. for the kids, while the Big Bear will drop at midnight! Lots of activities for the entire family are planned, including food trucks, Kidz Zone with inflatables (all free), live entertainment and lots more. For information on the Toyota of New Bern New Year’s Eve Block Party, contact New Bern Parks and Recreation at 252-639-2901.
Third Annual New Year’s Eve Blueberry Drop, downtown Burgaw. The town of Burgaw and Pender County will continue the annual tradition of dropping a lighted blueberry on December 31 from 5-7 p.m., which is midnight GMT. Festivities will take place on Freemont Street next to the Pender County Court House. There will be live music, a photo booth, entertainment, food vendors and more. For more information, call 910-259-1278 or 910-259-2151.
As of press time, the annual Island of Lights celebration in Kure Beach and Carolina Beach had been canceled, and the status of the annual Pickle Drop in Mount Olive was unknown.