CSU magazine vol.21 no.3

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vol. 2 1 •

no. 3

school ties • Baby Bucs • Class Notes

FAITH & politics The Faith-Filled Journey of Tim Scott ’88 U.S. House of Representatives

Including 2011 President’s Report

C S UMa g a z i n e . c o m CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 1

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Class of 2031... be there.

Faith. Education. Vision. Ambition. Excellence.

Cameron Weiss, son of David ’03 and Stephanie Weiss

At Charleston Southern University you can help preserve the essence of your beliefs long after your worldly possessions have faded. Donors can make a valuable contribution to the future of Charleston Southern while taking advantage of federal and state tax laws which can allow reduction of income taxes, lower gift and estate taxes or provide income during the donor’s lifetime. Help us transform the lives of the generations to come.

For additional information about Office of Planned Giving contact:

Lili Gresham Director of Corporate Relations and Planned Giving 843-863-7517 legacy@csuniv.edu

c h arles ton souther n. edu/l eg acy

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from the president

Dear Friends, There is much going on at Charleston Southern. Our academic year has started with a 10 percent increase in new students and a total enrollment of 3,298 students, and our residence halls are at full capacity. The campus has a fresh, new look too. We have completed the second phase of our $16 million residence hall renovation project. The new brick walkway enhances the Reflection Pond, and construction of the new Christian Leadership Building continues at the center of campus. Ground was broken during Homecoming for the new Athletic Center to house football and track & field locker rooms and training facilities. In this issue we are pleased to highlight our graduate, Tim Scott, a United States Congressman. Tim shares his thoughts about keeping his faith strong as he lives in the public eye. In addition to news about what’s happening around campus, you’ll find a feature on our new campus minister, Jon Davis. Jon is not a stranger at CSU. He first served as an assistant football coach in the ’90s. Most recently he has been pastor of Summit Church and the head of the CSU Fellowship of Christian Athletes program. You will also find our annual list of donors in this issue. We are grateful for the continued support of our faithful donors who are investing in the lives of our precious students.


Jairy C. Hunter, Jr.



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a publication of charleston southern university

volume 21 number 3 Fall 2011

about the cover:

Editorial Staff: Jan Joslin ’82, Editor, Director of Publications John Strubel, Director of Integrated Marketing Sherry Atkinson, University Relations Officer Christi Pearson, Web Developer Contributing Writers: Koryn Van Dyke Yarosz ’11 Kathy Douglas Snyder ’77 Contributing Photographers: Kara Butler ’13 Peter Finger Lili Gresham ’02 Tam Odom ’03 Jessica Paetzke ’15

CSU Magazine is published three times a year by the university relations office for alumni and friends of Charleston Southern University. Address changes should be sent to advancement@csuniv.edu or CSU Advancement Office, PO Box 118087, Charleston, SC 29423-8087.

Tim Scott ’88, is serving his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the First District of South Carolina.

charlestonsouthern.edu CSU Magazine on the web: csumagazine.com

Design and layout by:

One Poston Road, Suite 190, Charleston, SC 29407 843.747.0025 • www.issuu.com/apgpub Richard Barry, President Bob Durand, Senior Art Director Maggie Barry, Financial Services Director Printed by:

345 Dreher Road, West Columbia, SC 29169 803.791.1786 • fax: 803.794.9487 • www.sunprintingusa.com

© 2011 Charleston Southern University

2 CSU magazine CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 2

correction: The last issue of CSU Magazine carried an incomplete list of Nursing Endowed Scholarships. Please see the correct listing below: Nursing Endowed Scholarships American Heritage Life Scholar Endowed Bonnie T. Weathersbee Nursing Endowed Capture Your Dream Nursing Endowed Charleston Southern University School of Nursing Endowed Deanna Young Avant Nursing Endowed Floyd David Stovall Memorial Nursing Endowed Jill Caroline Hunter Nursing Endowed John Eric Moore & Julian C. “Jack” Moore Endowed Joyce and Frank Mixson Nursing Endowed Lillian S. Smith Nursing Endowed Lisa Sineath Nursing Endowed Margaret Lightsey MacMillan Payne Nursing Endowed Suzanne Gasque Nursing Endowed The Jenzabar Foundation Endowed William Randolph Hearst Nursing Endowed A PUBLICATION OF CHARLESTON SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY

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contents school ties

44 aby Bucs B 41 Class Notes 45 Memorials 46 Graduates inspire


Faith & Politics the faith-filled journey of tim scott

students at first Chapel

47 Three receive 2011

grace awakening

Alumni Awards

by John Strubel

48 Reflecting on My Parents’ Sacrifice

by Jan Joslin


12 Nursing Master’s Student Receives Scholarship Personnel promoted in student affairs 37 CAPS Adds Online Concentration

38 Five Inducted into Hall of Fame 39 Charleston Southern University plots digital future

40 Construction Update

13 President’s Report 2011 The annual honor roll of donors, highlighting those who have generously contributed to the University from June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011, is inside.


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FAITH & politics The Faith-Filled Journey of

Tim Scott He spends his time as a freshman congressman hobnobbing with some of Washington’s elite. His aides follow him everywhere, guarding his precious moments, even at his alma mater, where he’s scheduled an hour for videotaping and an interview. When he arrives on campus on an August afternoon, the heat index has climbed to 112; he has already spoken to a chamber of commerce, attended a luncheon and has a full afternoon scheduled. For his formal photograph, we select a wingback chair in the lobby of the Chapel, and when he sits down he laughingly discovers that the chair reclines. He’s on his home turf, among friends, feeling comfortable and relaxed. Halfway through the interview, his feet hit the floor, he rests his arms on his knees, leans forward and speaks with intensity – because now we’re talking about Tim Scott’s faith.

by Jan Joslin photos by Sherry Atkinson

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“As a country, I want to correct where we’re wrong and emphasize where we’re right. My goal is to be a public servant who seeks divine wisdom

the faith factor

keeping it real

“Politics is my mission field,” said Scott. “I don’t do it well all the time, but I am an ambassador for the Lord’s love all the time.” And Scott knows sometimes that love has to be tough. He is serious about the teaching about Christians and government authorities found in Romans 13. “As a country, I want to correct where we’re wrong and emphasize where we’re right,” said Scott. “My goal is to be a public servant who seeks divine wisdom from the Lord.” Scott, a Lowcountry native, was attending Presbyterian College on a small football scholarship when he gave his life to the Lord. “I decided that the Lord wanted me to do something with my life besides play football,” said Scott. He received a Christian Leadership Scholarship from Charleston Southern and Morris Street Baptist Church which allowed him to enroll at CSU. Scott describes his time at Charleston Southern as a time where he was back at home, surrounded by people who loved him and were committed to the Lord. “One of the things that happened during my four years at CSU was the ability to learn how to think, how to process, how to plan, to uncover my potential,” he said. “The Lord’s Word, the Bible itself, is an opportunity to excavate, to dig into it and bring out the pearls and the jewels that are important for what He has called you to do. And you discover that on this campus in a way that is very meaningful, and I believe it was part of the foundation that serves me today,” he said. He credits his professors, especially Dr. Gerald Hasty of the political science department, with showing him that our country needs politicians with strong character. “At that point I can’t pretend I was thinking about going to Congress, but I was thinking about finding ways to serve the country. I always felt like the Lord had given me a promise that if I would do all that I could do with what I had that he would expand it and make it something valuable.”

Life in the public eye in Washington, D.C., can be brutal. The pull of power can be enticing. Scott meets with his prayer partner when he is in Charleston. “Having that prayer partner is critically important to staying true,” he said. “I recently read a book by Tim Keller called Counterfeit Gods,” said Scott. “I believe all men have an idol. It is either the Supreme God, or we are making an idol of something which is less than the Supreme God.” Scott credits spending time with people, scriptures and prayer with keeping him grounded. “Coming home is good, too,” he said. “The more time I spend with God, the less I am like myself – which is a good thing. “It’s so important to have a relationship with Jesus that’s alive,” said Scott. “Your relationship can’t just be what you experienced last week, or last year. I always want to feel my best days of faith are still ahead, that my heart is aching for what makes God’s heart ache. Right now I am more in love with Jesus and desperate for His wisdom and presence than I’ve been in a long time.”

from the Lord.” – Tim Scott

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the mentor Scott credits the late John Moniz, who owned a Chickfil-A restaurant in Northwoods Mall, with turning his life around and pointing a directionless high school student toward a life of purpose. These days, Scott serves as a mentor to several people. He is passionate about helping others realize their potential and is a frequent speaker on the topic. “We all have the power of influence,” said Scott. Three things shape what we do when we mentor others. “You have to maximize the purpose – to realize the specific purpose you are called to fulfill,” said Scott. He cites Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” “This doesn’t necessarily mean material prosperity, but it is based on God’s plan for you,” said Scott. “Understanding His purpose allows you to fulfill His plan.”


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Scott is a planner, and he wants others to plan as well. “I like to say I’m with the GOP – goals on paper,” Scott joked. “To maximize your experience here on earth, you have to plan.” Scott stressed that mentors have to understand their potential. “You have to understand God’s purpose to understand your potential,” he said. He likes to use the example of a mother’s purpose. Her purpose isn’t to be a friend to her children, but to parent her children. Over time the relationship changes, but her initial purpose is to parent. “As you mature, you understand God’s purpose for you more – it leads to more illumination,” he said. “Missing this notion of purpose lets us drift, and we don’t maximize our potential.” Scott is realistic about the problems facing our government and leaders. “I see the problems of our nation and our survival,” said Scott. “I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, when my life is in His hands, I am safe as I can be.” The freshman congressman from South Carolina is right where he wants to be.

YouTube.com/CharlestonSouthern View Tim Scott’s interview on faith, politics and his time at CSU

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By John Strubel

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photo by Peter Finger

Jonathan Davis moved to the Lowcountry in May 1991, three months before his contract began as an assistant football coach at Charleston Southern University. He lived alone and worked for no pay – his wife, Lynette, left behind in New Jersey, worked to support both of them – to pursue his dream in the competitive world of college athletics. He caught the football bug as an assistant head coach at Holy Cross High School in New Jersey, followed by a graduate assistant position at Temple University. He worked long days and nights hoping to climb the college football ranks and brand his name synonymous with the game. Football stole his heart and became his identity; wins and losses were the measuring stick; his purpose in life was defined by a slice of brown pigskin held together by eight stitches. The game of football had assumed the place of God in Davis’ life. “Football was my God,” confessed Davis. “If anything got in the way of football, if anything got in my way of being a head football coach at a major university, whatever that might be, it was going to move out of the way. I was married to football.” College football has its unwritten rules. To win, you must be focused. No distractions. When Temple learned Davis was married he almost lost the job. When he found out he prepared his wife, Lynette. “If Notre Dame calls and they say I can’t be married, I’m leaving you,” he told her. The comment wasn’t some offhanded wisecrack – it was a stone-cold promise. There was no way a relationship, a marriage, was going to stand between Davis and his dream job. “My wife was devastated,” Davis said. “Our marriage was struggling because of my selfishness, and she showed grace. That was a defining moment in my life. To see her forgive and love and care for me, when I was selfcentered … I praise God that he saved me from myself.”


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photo by Peter Finger


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Davis was a believer. He sold himself to family, friends and the university as a Christian. But the truth was God was a redshirt freshman who was praised after a big win or called on as a “good luck charm” during a close game. Davis would reach out to Him when a friend or family member was ill; when He didn’t respond as expected, bitterness took over. It was 1992 on the University of Alabama at Birmingham football field Davis hit rock bottom. “I remember it being the lowest point in my coaching career,” he said. “I’d never felt such emptiness. Here I was coaching my heart out – and feeling emptiness. I needed Jesus.” This was his personal grace awakening. Davis rededicated his life in 1993 and continued to coach at Charleston Southern, but he was certain the Lord was preparing him for something new. In 1998, Davis was offered a head coaching job at a junior college in Kansas. He turned down the offer. A year later he was offered the job as head football coach and director of athletic ministry at North Greenville, again, he said no thank you. “Jon, you’ve worked your whole life for this, to be a head coach, what’s going on?” asked Lynette. Davis said he felt God leading him into ministry. “God began to slowly wean me out of football,” said Davis. “When God moved in, the Holy Spirit moved in, and I rededicated my life; I was not the same person. My idol was football. God was secondary, not a priority in my life. It just shows you the power of God.”

a verse comes to life

YouTube.com/CharlestonSouthern Jon Davis talks about Grace Awakening

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Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come. – Psalm 71:18 Psalm 71:18 is Jonathan Davis’s life verse. He believes God gave it to him while in seminary. Davis said he didn’t know why, or even what the significance of the verse was – it was just there. In his mind, his thoughts, his prayer. In December 1997, Davis began pastoring Summit Church and later the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In 2003, he began teaching, adding assistant campus minister duties a year later. This past summer he was promoted to campus minister at Charleston Southern, replacing Clark Carter, who was promoted to dean of students.

“When I said yes that I would do this, it was a Tuesday,” said Davis. “That Tuesday night we baptized 45 people. That’s when I knew God’s hand was in it. “I don’t know how else to describe the Holy Spirit except like Jesus said in John 3:8, ‘The wind blows where it chooses’ and to see the Holy Spirit just open our eyes and let us experience Him. I can’t imagine anybody that was there (Grace Awakening) not being able to look back at this and it be one of their top five spiritual mile markers in their life. “To impart and declare the power of God to the next generation is what gives me hope. What we’ve seen with Grace Awakening, God is doing something with this generation. I see the believers in this generation that really want to learn from people that have been there. So, I see my life verse being played out before my eyes, and I just knew that God was in it.”

grace awakening As campus minister, Davis is responsible for leading a campus dominated by young people. He is witnessing to believers and nonbelievers, some are teenagers, others adults. Davis defined his new role as campus minister as all-inclusive. “Pastoring is not pastoring a church, it’s pastoring a community,” he said. “I’ve taken that mindset to campus, that I’m not just pastoring the ministries on this campus that I’m trying to pastor everybody on this campus, regardless of where they are in their faith, I’m going to try and pastor them. That’s my heart.” According to Davis, the transition from coach to pastor at CSU was natural. The University’s vision of integrating faith in learning, leading and serving has been gaining momentum. “There are some strong believers on campus among faculty and staff,” he said. “To see the encouragement on this campus, to see people fired up about God and see this as a ministry and not a job – it inspires me.” Davis said today’s college students are entering into a season when they “make the biggest decisions of their lives.” Careers, marriage, responsibility, accountability, suddenly life takes a sharp 90-degree turn, an experience Davis is all too familiar with. “If you’re not careful, when you’re in college it can become a very selfish time because it’s all about what I’m going to do with my life, what I’m doing, who I’m going to be with,” he said. “So, to get people to live outside themselves is the challenge – to see people, instead of being takers become givers. That’s really why I enjoy what I do, and I’m so thankful to the Lord and this University for giving me that opportunity.”

photo by Tam Odom

a personal grace awakening


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“Grace is not only the favor of God that we don’t deserve. It’s also the power to do what we can’t do ourselves. His grace is enough in the midst of our weakness.”

photo by Tam Odom

– Jonathan Davis


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Nursing Master’s Student Receives Scholarship


arah Hathcock started her nursing undergraduate studies in 2001. Since then she has managed a full schedule with a job caring for her family and furthering her education. She is currently studying to receive her master of science in nursing. Her diligent work has earned her the American Sub-Contractor’s Roy H. Lightsey Jr. Scholarship for $2,500. Hathcock attributes her ability to handle the challenging nursing classes at Charleston Southern to her faith, family and friends. She and her husband, Michael, have a daughter and a son. She works at her daughter’s school, Oakbrook Elementary, as the school nurse.

by Koryn Van Dyke Yarosz

She said, “Nursing is one of the most amazing callings that a person could ever accept because it gives you the opportunity to serve God, your community and promote wellness.” After she receives her master’s degree in December she hopes to obtain a faculty position where she can “prepare future nurses to practice nursing with competency and compassion.” “Sarah is an outstanding graduate student who has maintained a 4.0 GPA in the program and is on track to graduate in December with our second graduating class,” said Dr. Tara Hulsey, dean of the Derry Patterson Wingo School of Nursing.

Personnel promoted in student affairs


he student affairs division promoted several staff members this summer. Rev. Clark Carter ’87, former campus minister, is the new dean of students. Carter provides leadership for student discipline,

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student life, campus ministries and the general oversight of the work of the associate dean and assistant deans in the division. Carter says serving as campus minister helps in his role as dean of students. “It helped me to get an up-close and personal view of the great potential of our students,” said Carter. “In today’s world, we hear so much negative news about college students. Words like lazy and directionless are often used to describe them. But I have found that so many of our students are hardworking, faithful and passionate about serving the Lord and others. “I also still see myself as a minister of the gospel. God called me into vocational ministry 28 years ago…and that call will never change,” said Carter.

by Jan Joslin

“These promotions and new appointments will strengthen the student life department’s partnership with our academic colleagues to build a thriving learning community built on learning, leading and serving,” said Dr. Rick Brewer, vice president for student affairs and athletics. Dr. Hester Young is the assistant dean of students for student services. Young provides leadership for career planning, service learning and multicultural programming. Corey Humphries ’04, ’09 MSCJ, is assistant dean of students for campus life. Humphries provides leadership for residence life, campus security, student activities and recreational services. Barbara Mead continues to serve as associate dean of students for student development. Mead provides leadership for the Counseling Center, international students and life skills programming.


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2011 President’s Report


photo by Kara Butler

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t


Board of Trustees Each member of the Board of Trustees is elected by the South Carolina Baptist Convention for a term of five years. The purpose of the board is to oversee the formulation of policy necessary and appropriate to accomplish the University’s mission and vision. Mary Ann Bishop R. Jason Caskey B. Caleb Coffin ‘93 W. Russell Drake Robert H. Edwards

Kenneth M. Evans Terry H. Ezell ‘81 Daniel J. Inabinet ‘84 C. Dale Lusk James T. Martin Jr.

Franklin G. Mason Frankie J. Melton Jr. ‘95 Robert E. Pierce III ‘85 Douglas A. Reeves Larry Alan Rogers

Kenneth B. Sandifer ‘77 Brian G. Saxon Timothy J. Spurling Gloria J. Thiem Harold H. Wall

Johnny E. Ward Jerry M. Williams R. Scott Woods

Buc Club Board of Directors The Buccaneer Club Board of Directors assists in supporting University athletics through planning, promoting and securing resources for the athletic program. Members serve a three-year term and may serve additional terms without interruption. Members contribute a minimum of $1,000 per year during their term. DeAndre Arnold D. L. Aydlette Jr. Thad Bell Luke Blackmon William A. Blanton William P. Bowers Darrell Bragg Rick Brewer ‘77 ‘96 Coy H. Browning ‘93 Matthew Brownlee ‘92

Bobby R. Bryant Joe Calandra Robert Davis Joe Dettrey Mike Frost Mike Giunta Buddy Gray Troy Herndon ‘69 Charles Hester Charles Hirschman

Women’s Council

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 14

Chris Lanoue ‘05 Charlie Ledford ‘77 Jesse Lodge Mike McCann ‘07 ‘11 Levoy McCray ‘89 Barbara Mead Jay Mills Jan Mims ‘82 David Misher ‘08 Brooks P. Moore ‘72

Bob Odom Bob Ott John Paglia Rob Scharstein David E. Thiem ‘05 Robert Tisdale ‘70 Eric Walke ‘10 William A. Weathersbee Frank Williamson ‘71

Alumni Board

The Women’s Council serves through numerous service and fundraising projects to beautify the campus and provide scholarships to worthy students. Tutti Beasley Marcia Brantley Patti A. Childress Jean Crosby Mary Davis Phyllis J. Evans Linda Fick Nancy Gunter Barbara Law Hamn Sissy Hunter ‘88 Jean Inabinet ‘77 Susan Johnson ‘70

Vincent E. Hoover Jr. Sissy Hunter ‘88 Dan Jaicks Wilbur Johnson David Jones John Kammeyer ‘74 David Kelemecz James Kirkpatrick Seth Kupferman, M.D. Joseph Land

Elaine Ling ‘73 Lisa Main Claudette McCall ‘73 Judy Moody Polly Moore Freda Ott Lynthia Piccione DeAnna Trout Diane Walker Joan Wheeler Shirley Whitfield Kaye Wren Susan Yohe

Established in 1982, the Alumni Board assists alumni in staying in touch with the University and assists alumni in investing in the future of their alma mater. Officers


R. Aaron Dunn ‘82 Anne Turner ‘86 ‘89 Rex Divine ‘85 Tony Fountain ‘85 Edna Edwards Williams ‘99

Stephen Cadwallader ‘83 Scot Reed Carnell ‘91 Daniel W. Cross IV ‘90 Hope S. Harrison ‘88 Mary Palmer Hutto ‘90 ‘94 Kristin Moore ‘06 Lecius Moorer ‘00 Deborah Vinson Spencer ‘02

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Presidential Council Member

Board of Visitors The Board of Visitors support group enables the donor to participate personally with the University and its students. It is a channel for the involvement and networking of distinguished citizens and leaders who are interested in furthering the University’s mission and providing assistance in the areas of scholarships for students, planning, promoting and resource development. There are four levels of giving opportunities available. Companies funding membership are listed in italics.

Board of Visitors { Presidential Council } Each member serves a two-year term and contributes a minimum gift of $10,000 annually. Members benefit from title sponsorship for BOV scheduled activities, President’s Club Dinner and Scholarship Luncheons and meet and discuss key issues with members of the Board of Trustees, the president and senior cabinet members and private social gatherings. Members of the Presidential Council are featured throughout the President’s Report. Anonymous Barnes and Noble College Booksellers Brian Stark Benefitfocus Shawn Arthur Jenkins ‘95 Force Protection, Inc. Gregory Troy

Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union James H. McDaniel

SC Federal Credit Union Troy Hall

Jenzabar, Inc. Robert A. Maginn Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Spurling

Piggly Wiggly Carolina Co. Inc. Sandra Rabon

Young Clement Rivers, LLP Wilbur E. Johnson

Board of Visitors { Executive Council } Each member serves a three-year term and contributes a minimum gift of $5,000 annually. Members of the Executive Council serve on the Executive Council of their choice to advise and support a particular college or school (College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, School of Business, School of Education, School of Nursing); the opportunity to interact with faculty in member’s areas of interest and, if appropriate, speak to students or serve on discussion panels; and an invitation to attend selected social gatherings with dean and faculty. Charles B. Angle Robert W. Ashby R. Jason Caskey Cary Chastain W. Russell Drake Robert H. Edwards Randy E. Eller

Kenneth M. Evans Todd Gallati Jerry Patrick Gazes ‘74 Stephen Lawrence Gritzuk ‘04 Keith Allen Hewitt ‘71 Duncan L. McGoogan Thomas Lee Rhodes ‘75

Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, Inc. Founded in 1873, Barnes & Noble is part of the nation’s largest bookselling enterprise. Over the years, the company has established a reputation for operating the finest, most service-operated campus and community bookstores in the nation. Barnes & Noble serves more than 625 colleges and universities of all sizes from coast to coast, including many of the nation’s top academic institutions. All bookstores are customized to meet the specific needs of their community and feature superior retail standards, highly professional management, quality merchandise, state-of-the-art technology and innovative store design that is environmentally focused for the future.

V. Lynn Singleton Boyce L. Smith Johnny E. Ward Kevin B. Welch Jeff C. Whittington

Board of Visitors { Leadership Council } Each member serves a four-year term and contributes a minimum gift of $2,500 annually. Leadership Council members are afforded access to selected outstanding seniors who possess potential as future employees and formal recognition in University publications and local media outlets. Michael Kevin Alford, CFP®, MBA ‘95 Donald P. Balderson Jeffrey J. Coghlan Brett A. Corder Richard B. Daniel ‘92

William B. Daniel ‘71 Robert E. Davis IV Hugh D. Durrence Marie K. Griffin Thomas C. Hulsey ‘74

Robert F. Motley Robert J. Nagy Bert Pooser Robert C. Whitten Mary F.D. Williams ‘81

continued on next page >>

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t


<< board of visitors continued from previous page

Board of Visitors Each member serves a four-year term and contributes a minimum gift of $1,000 annually. Board meetings are scheduled in March and October with spouse trips available in conjunction with the meetings. Other benefits include an invitation to the President’s Club Dinner, the spring Scholarship Luncheon, additional selected University events, a quarterly networking breakfast and recognition in University publications. Harold H. Adams Jr. ‘69 EdiVania F. Arena Barry Sullivan Armstrong ‘68 Billie F. Attaway Jr. David Baggs Charles R. Bailey Jr. Durwood J. Barton Paul B. Barton John Beahm Timothy C. Bennett Dayna C. Berenyi ‘84 ‘96 Kenneth M. Betsch Franklin C. Blanton William A. Blanton John Boatwright Paul S. Bolen A. Kennerley Bonnette Jr. Richard Joseph Bonnette ‘72 Gary D. Brantley Jim Brantley Ronald E. Brantley Sidney A. Brantley Bret L. Bremberg Patricia Brewer Robert J. Brinson Jason H. Brittain David G. Brown David Brown R. Keith Brown Dexter X. O. Bunch Douglas C. Burnette Jeffrey D. Burns ‘85 Edwin Carl Burrell Jr. ‘68 Joseph N. Byron Jr. ‘73 Barbara Horton Caldwell Robert A. Caldwell Paul G. Campbell Jr. Lalla Lee Campsen Charles Cantore Richard K. Carlisle Charles W. Carpenter ‘84 Wade T. Caughman Kay C. Cauthen Tommy B. Cauthen Kevin Roscoe Chafin Converse A. Chellis IV Reginald Chesson Patti A. Childress Rosanne H. Christo ‘94 William C. Collins George C. Conoly ‘72 Peter J. Copeland ‘04 W. Ed Corbin Jr. Gene Michael Corvino ‘04 Scott Joseph Corvino ‘90 Mary E. Cosby J. Kevin Crain Chip Crane Daniel W. Cross IV ‘90

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 16

Thomas Franklin Crumpton ‘05 F. Rudy Cullum III Henry D’Antonio Daniel W. Davis Jeffery L. Deal Joseph Lee Debney ‘03 William H. Dennis Ronald Edgar DeWitt Sr. ‘70 Jason M. Donahue Dennis E. Drew Roseann W. Drew R. Aaron Dunn ‘82 R. Malcolm Edwards Robert H. Edwards Thomas W. Edwards Jr. ‘75 Carl W. Ehmann Rebecca J. Engelman Todd Ericsson Belinda Ezell Terry H. Ezell ‘81 Steven L. Farmer George Scott Fennell Gerald M. Finkel F. Leon Fleming Jr. ‘81 William Theodore Ford ‘75 Anthony G. Fountain ‘85 Peter Freissle Michael J. Frost ‘69 Faythe R. Furman James C. Furman Richard W. Furman Kevin Wiley Futrell ‘89 Stephanie L. W. Ganaway-Pasley ‘06 Samuel E. Gandy ‘76 James L. Gardner Jr. Preston Eugene Garrett ‘75 David Gerhardt Ronnie M. Givens Lee Glover James H. Goodman Bill Goodwin Jr. Dennis L. Gore ‘78 James Bruce Gowdy ‘88 Bernard Arthur Grant ‘68 John Robert Gray ‘70 Faye Breland Gresham ‘73 Richard L. Gritzuk Larry K. Grooms Terry J. Gunn Daniel W. Guy ‘69 Kim L. Hairfield John L. Hall Tony E. Hall Virginia A. Hamilton-Hartzog Fitzhugh N. Hamrick F. William Hargrove Randolph H. Harley Flynn T. Harrell

William C. Haselden Sr. Dowm M. Hawley Samuel W. Hayes Martin Healy Paul J. Heinauer Michael Ray Herrin ‘73 Eric Hinton John A. Hodges James E. Hoisington Elizabeth R. Holder Paul K. Hooker Jackie Horton Samuel M. Horton John L. Hosey Kay Merie Hosey ‘90 Christine L. Hunter Jairy C. Hunter III Oswaldo Hurtado Daniel J. Inabinet ‘84 Wilson Virgil Inabinet Jr. ‘72 James K. Jarrett Danny Johnson ‘81 Jeryl W. Johnson Patricia C. Johnson Ronald F. Johnson Dan E. Jones ‘93 James H. Jones Keith G. Jones Sr. ‘03 Mary Joseph Jason S. Jurkowski ‘99 Joseph Kassim Lane S. Kelley Edward M. Kennedy III Judith C. Kneece Hetz Luther Carl Knight ‘73 Linda Celestina Lang ‘98 Tom Leonard John Davis Lesemann ‘68 Elaine L. Ling ‘73 C. Dale Lusk Emory S. Main Steven S. Marshall ‘98 James T. Martin Jr. Franklin G. Mason Claudette McCall ‘73 Jack N. McCathern Sr. Douglas G. McElveen Douglas W. McFarland Timothy P. McGlame Douglas S. McIlvaine James E. Merritt Cheryl A. Merschen William L. Merschen James R. Metts Chris Miller Kip D. Miller R. Wayne Mills ‘71 Bryan Mise John Mitchell

Sue E. Mitchell Joyce P. Mixson Thad Money Mike Montei James A. Moody Wayland E. Moody Brooks P. Moore ‘70 Polly L. Moore Travis Michael Moore Hazel A. Moorer Lecius Laverne Moorer ‘00 Colleen M. Moring Lester Lee Moulder ‘72 ‘03 Eugene Murray Esther Lorscheider Nash ‘94 Rodney R. Neal ‘76 Jeff Nickels J. Edward Nolan J. Edward Norris III Robert Novello Jose’ A. Noy Donald F. Nye ‘75 John S. Olson Bobby F. Ott Freda T. Ott Robert E. Ott ‘00 Kay Coker Ott-Ward Jerry Chad Owens ‘03 L. Vernon Owens Dana Patrick Painter ‘84 James L. Parker Jr. Jim Pascutti James Lawrence Pasley ‘75 Margaret L. M. Payne William W. Peagler III Mickey Perry Harold L. Phillips Tony Pope Helen Endsley Powers ‘09 Robert L. Pratt Charles R. Price Jr. Claudius H. Pritchard Jr. Mary V. Propes-Jackson Matt Provost George T. Quinn Eric E. Radabaugh Albertine Radding John Colt Ramsey ‘73 Robert S. Randall Douglas A. Reeves Charles F. Rhodes Sr. Jeanine G. Rhodes Robert D. Robbins Karl J. Robinson Malcolm N. Robinson Mark A. Robinson William M. Robinson Jr. Ryan Rodkey James P. Rooney Sr. ‘72

Edward Leonidas Rowell ‘81 Cynthia Sabou ‘04 Claudia W. Sanders Eugene William Sanders III ‘98 Beverly Marsh Sandifer ‘78 Kenneth Berton Sandifer ‘77 Dale Saulisbury Vito A. Scarafile Robert Scharstein Harry L. Schickling ‘75 Terrye C. Seckinger Ellen Thurmond Senter ‘68 Elizabeth T. Shealy J. Scott Shepherd Jr. ‘93 Ruthie Simmons Lloyd E. Sineath H. McRoy Skipper Jr. ‘72 David V. Smith ‘96 J. Larry Smith Mark M. Smith Maxine E. Smith Walter W. Smith ‘82 Euclides Solivan Jr. James D. Southern Odell Steele Elona C. Stevens Jeremy M. Stipkala Randall K. Sturkey Nathan B. Sullivan Joseph F. Tallon ‘69 John P. Tankersley III ‘88 Ann S. Taylor Jeff S. Taylor Charles B. Teague Jennifer H. Thiem O. L. Thompson III ‘71 W. Rosser Thrash Cherie Dawn Tolley John D. Trout Craig Tuck George L. Tupper Jr. Geneva Anne Turner ‘85 ‘89 Charles H. Van Rysselberge Chad Van Slooten Elizabeth Diane Walker James W. Walker Jr. Harold H. Wall Steve E. Ward Charles K. Warren Wayne Waters William A. Weathersbee David R Weiss ‘03 J. Scott Wells William A. Whatley James Rick White William G. White Sr. Walter R. Whitman Liticia Whitten John Lewis Wiggins III ‘75

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Presidential Council Member Stacy Edgar Wiggins ‘93 ‘98 Charles A. Williams Henry Williams Jerry M. Williams Mevelyn Williams

Michael E. Williams Michael G. Williams Rebecca R. Williams Steve Wray Joe R. Wren

C. Ray Wrenn Mela Wyeth John W. Wyndham Fred A. Yohe Joe Young

Endowed Scholarships


The following friends have established scholarship endowments to assist students in achieving their dream of a top-quality education.


$100,000 - $249,999

HORTON CHURCH MUSIC ENDOWED Dr. W. Gregory Horton* Mrs. Barbara Horton Caldwell


$500,000 - $999,999 JIMMIE AND PATRICIA BREWER ENDOWED Mr.* & Mrs. Jimmie Brewer Mr. Brad Brewer JOHNNY RHODES FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. Johnny B. Rhodes* Mrs. Jeanine G. Rhodes Mrs. Katherine R. Smith Mrs. Peggy R. Fain DR. T. WALTER BRASHIER FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. T. Walter Brashier

$250,000 - $499,999 CHARLESTON HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH ENDOWED The members of Charleston Heights Baptist Church Mr. Clifford E. Johnson Mrs. Nina A. Hickman W. FLOYD WHITFIELD ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Floyd Whitfield JEFF C. WHITTINGTON FAMILY ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. Jeff C. Whittington MASON FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. Franklin G. Mason RUTH M. JONES ENDOWED Ruth M. Jones*

* Deceased

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 17

WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST ENDOWED William Randolph Hearst Foundation

JOYCE AND FRANK MIXSON ENDOWED J. CARLISLE MCALHANY MINISTERIAL Mrs. Joyce P. Mixson ENDOWED Dr. J. Carlisle McAlhany* TROY G. KNIGHT MEMORIAL Mrs. Judy C. McAlhany ENDOWED Friends & family of Troy G. Knight CHARLES NEILL MOORE ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. L. C. Knight Dr. J. Frank Mixson* Mrs. Joyce P. Mixson CSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ENDOWED HENRY AND DERRY WINGO Charleston Southern University Alumni ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. Henry C. Wingo* JAMES R. METTS ENDOWED Sheriff James R. Metts, EdD JOHN F. & RUTH B. MCGEE ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. John F. McGee JIM SETTLE TRACK & FIELD ENDOWED W. NORRIS LIGHTSEY ENDOWED Dr. Michael J. Frost Dr. & Mrs. W. Norris Lightsey* Mrs. Margaret L.M. Payne ROBERT H. EDWARDS FAMILY ENDOWED NELL PEEPLES LIGHTSEY ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs.* Robert H. Edwards Dr. & Mrs. W. Norris Lightsey* Mrs. Margaret L.M. Payne THIEM FAMILY ATHLETIC ENDOWED FRANK & EMILIE SMITH CHRISTIAN Mr. David Thiem MINISTRY ENDOWED Dr. Gloria J. Thiem The estate of Mr. Frank W. Smith FRANK & EMILIE SMITH ENDOWED The estate of Mr. Frank W. Smith



$50,000 - $99,999

DR. AND MRS. JAMES H. STORM FAMILY ENDOWED Friends & family of Dr. & Mrs. James H. Storm Mrs. Suzanne Williams Mrs. Jenny Atkinson

DR. AND MRS. FRED K. NORRIS JR. ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. Fred K. Norris Jr.


WARD FAMILY ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. Johnny E. Ward

Benefitfocus is the largest healthcare benefits software provider in the U.S. Our products and services give a competitive edge to carriers, employers and brokers as they seek to provide a streamlined customer experience to shop, enroll in and pay for all their benefits. Benefitfocus understands the health benefits community and knows that in this ever-changing landscape the consumer experience must stand out. That is why we make it our priority to serve the people most important to an insurance provider’s business – the customers. Our Carrier Solutions help healthcare insurance payers realize greater value through promoting customer acquisition and retention with user-friendly and stateof-the-art technology and video solutions. Benefitfocus systems bring benefits providers into a world of real-time transactions removing inefficiencies while ensuring timely, accurate transactions that save time and money. As a partner with Benefitfocus, carriers join the largest network of connected providers in the nation. With this alliance, carrier partners experience seamless integration of multiple systems while protecting their members’ sensitive information. All this, incorporated with a culture of anticipatory service, guarantees that our team of experts are always looking for opportunities to enhance our product services and solutions. Benefitfocus Employer Solutions are designed to help employer groups get the most out of benefits investment. These products provide innovative tools and resources that empower employees to make informed decisions about their health and wellness. As a single portal, Benefitfocus HR InTouch™ builds community with Web 2.0 applications making it easy to engage employees. We know that it is important to simplify and streamline processes as employers are faced with the rising cost of healthcare and increasingly complex benefits choices each year. Benefitfocus’ comprehensive suite of solutions integrates seamlessly with each other so companies can utilize them together, or in any combination they may choose. Benefitfocus. All Your Benefits. One Place.

continued on next page >>

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t << endowed scholarships continued from previous page

$25,000 - $49,999 SULLIVAN FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. Hewlett K. Sullivan

LISA SINEATH NURSING ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Sineath T.B.HANKINSON ENDOWED Mr. T. B. Hankinson* MARY ANN BISHOP ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. G. David Bishop JOHN AND MARY NORRIS ENDOWED Mr. John E. Norris Jr.* Mr. William M. Norris FIRST CITIZENS BANK ENDOWED Mr. Tom Trouche First Citizens Bank POST & COURIER – J. DOUGLAS DONEHUE COMMUNITY JOURNALISM Dr. Pierre Manigault The Post & Courier Susan Sanders The Post & Courier Foundation SHAYLOR AND GENEVA WALTERS ENDOWED Dr. Shaylor O. Walters* Mrs. Geneva Walters & Family SOUTHERN FAMILY ATHLETIC ENDOWED Mr. and Mrs. James D. Southern Mr. William G. Southern* Mrs. Alice R. Southern BARTOW JAMES & ERNESTENE PRIESTER YOUMANS ENDOWED Mrs. Ernestene P. Youmans* LORETTA B. DANIEL ENDOWED Mr. and Mrs. William B. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Daniel JENZABAR FOUNDATION ENDOWED Robert A. Maginn, Jr. CEO MATTIE LEIGH FRANCESE ENDOWED CSU Women’s Council HAROLD AND VIVIAN ROWELL ENDOWED Mr.* and Mrs.* Harold L. Rowell

DR. JOHN A. HAMRICK ENDOWED Dr. John A. Hamrick* Mrs. John A. Hamrick

LILLIAN S. SMITH NURSING ENDOWED The Lillian S. Smith Foundation William F. Quattlebaum

PAYNE FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. C. Ronald Payne* Mrs. Margaret L.M. Payne

FRANK AND ELAINE LING ENDOWED Family & Friends of Frank and Elaine Ling

GEORGE H. NEWTON CHRISTIAN ENDOWED Mr. William J. Newton* Sauldam Baptist Church

BLACKWELL FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. & Mrs. Danny R. Blackwell

HORTON FAMILY ENDOWED Dr. W. Gregory Horton* Mrs. Barbara Horton Caldwell


DR. DAVID W. CUTTINO MUSIC ENDOWED Mr. Robert W. Harrell Sr.* Dr.* & Mrs. David Cuttino


WELTON H. & MARY FRANCES CATOE FAMILY ENDOWED The estate of Welton H. & Mary Frances Catoe Ms. Ann S. Taylor

FRANCES CANNON ENDOWED The estate of Frances Cannon Mrs. Jeanine Rhodes


EVANS FAMILY ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Evans




CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 18



BOBBY R. BRYANT ENDOWED Mr. Bobby R. Bryant BURGER KING/SCOTT WEHNES/ JOSH BENDER ENDOWED Burger King Corporation Family & Friends of Scott Wehnes J. FRED BUZHARDT JR. AMERICANISM ENDOWED J. Fred Buzhardt, Jr.* Joseph F. Buzhardt, III CAPTURE YOUR DREAM NURSING ENDOWED CSU Nursing Faculty, Students & Friends CHARLES K. AND SUSAN J. CONNELLY ENDOWED Mrs. Susan J. Connelly* JUSTIN E. COPE MEMORIAL ENDOWED Family & friends of Justin E. Cope Mrs. Kimberly Cope Mr. Billy Garrett CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH ENDOWED The members of Cornerstone Baptist Church Dr. Shaylor O. Walters* Mrs. Geneva M. Walters CSU NURSING ENDOWED Friends of Charleston Southern University





To $24,999



ALEX AND CATHY HARVIN FAMILY ENDOWED Representative C. Alex Harvin III* Representative Cathy B. Harvin* JOE F. HAYES JR. ENDOWED The family of Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Hayes Jr. ERNEST AND EMILY HITE ENDOWED Family & Friends of Ernest & Emily Hite Mrs. Emily H. Hite DR. JAIRY C. HUNTER JR. MBA ENDOWED Dr. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. CAROLYN KILLEN HUNTER OUTSTANDING CHRISTIAN TEACHER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD Dr. & Mrs. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. JILL CAROLINE HUNTER NURSING ENDOWED Mrs. Jill McElheny HUNTER/LANCASTER ENDOWED First Baptist Church Lancaster, S.C. HUNTER/MORIAH ASSOCIATION ENDOWED Moriah Baptist Association MABEL ETLING INFINGER ENDOWED The estate of Mabel Etling Infinger Betty Infinger Murray RON AND DIANE JACKSON ENDOWED Rev. Ronald B. Jackson Sr. VERA JOHNSON ENDOWED Dr. Vera F. Johnson KEVIN D. KEYES MEMORIAL ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. William Keyes EVELYN HICKS LITTLEJOHN ENDOWED Mr. Broadus R. Littlejohn Jr.* CLEO T. MCALHANY ENDOWED Dr. J. Carlisle McAlhany* Mrs. Judy C. McAlhany LEWIS E. MCCORMICK ENDOWED First Baptist Church Mullins, S.C. Dr. Lewis E. McCormick

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COL. D. K. NORRIS ENDOWED Norris Foundation Wachovia Trust Department

J. R. WEBER ENDOWED Dr. Joseph R. Weber * Mrs. Joseph R. Weber

JOHN E. NORRIS JR. ENDOWED Mr. J. Edward Norris, III Mrs. Alice T. Norris


DR. H. CLYDE ODOM ENDOWED Mr. James Ruppert* Dr. H. Clyde Odom


GENE AND FREDA OTT FAMILY ENDOWED Freda T. Ott JAMES H. OUZTS MEMORIAL ENDOWED Mrs. Florence Jeffcoat LOUIS PASSAILAIGUE MEMORIAL ENDOWED Mrs. Clifford R. Passailaigue DR. CHESTER F. RUSSELL ENDOWED Remount Baptist Church N. Charleston, S.C. HAL AND ANNE RUSSELL ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Russell Jr. SANDY SANDERS MEMORIAL ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. Jamie E. Sanders FRANCIS RICHARD SCOBEE ENDOWED Dr. V. June Scobee Rodgers HARRY AND NAN SCHICKLING ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. Harry Schickling KATHRYN MOYE SHARPE ENDOWED Mr. William Sharpe Dr. Kathryn M. Sharpe * BETTYE AND DAVID SHEALY ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. David Shealy STOVALL FAMILY ENDOWED Mr. & Mrs. James Stovall F.D. STOVALL NURSING ENDOWED Family of Mr. Floyd D. Stovall Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rusty E. Bruns


Presidential Council Member

Force Protection, Inc. Force Protection, Inc. is a leading designer, developer and manufacturer of survivability solutions, including blast- and ballistic-protected wheeled vehicles currently deployed by the U.S. military and its allies to support armed forces and security personnel in conflict zones. The Company’s specialty vehicles, including the Buffalo, Cougar, Ocelot and the related variants of each, are designed specifically for reconnaissance and other operations and protect their occupants from landmines, hostile fire, and improvised explosive devices (commonly referred to as roadside bombs). Complementing these efforts, the Company is designing, developing and marketing the JAMMA, a new vehicle platform that provides increased modularity, transportability, speed and mobility. The Company also develops, manufactures, tests, delivers and supports products and services aimed at further enhancing the survivability of users against additional threats. In addition, the Company provides long-term life cycle support services of its vehicles that involve development of technical data packages, supply of spares, field and depot maintenance activities, assignment of skilled field service representatives, and advanced driver and maintenance training programs. For more information on Force Protection and its products and services, visit www.forceprotection.net.


* Deceased

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 19

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t


The Legacy Society Each member of The Legacy Society has remembered the University through a bequest intention, charitable trust, life income plan, life insurance, endowed scholarship or other estate planning technique. Membership in The Legacy Society is activated when the donor notifies Charleston Southern University that he or she has made the commitment to the University. Anonymous* Pete & Beth (Worthy ‘88) Adamczyk Harold H. Adams Jr. ‘69 Robert W. Ashby Durwood J. Barton John E. Black ‘72 Linda Alford Black Dr. Tony (‘69) & Susan Blanton Dr. & Mrs. Ken Bonnette Dr. Daniel W. Cross IV ‘90 W. Russell & Vicki Drake R. Aaron Dunn ‘82

Robert (‘69) & Marian G. (‘69) Gallager Ms. Lili Beth Gresham ‘02 Dr.* & Mrs. John. A. Hamrick Jackie & Earlene Horton Dr. Jairy & Sissy (‘88) Hunter Jairy C. Hunter III, MD Christine L. Hunter, MD Daniel J. Inabinet ‘84 Ruth M. Jones* Ronald Edward Klepper* L. Celestina Lang ‘98

Dr. & Mrs. James T. Martin Jr. Dr. Franklin G. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Kip Miller Brooks P. Moore ‘70 Mr. Julian C. Moore Berlin G. Myers William D. (‘84) & Debra K. (‘86) Nicholson Steve & Micki Ogburn Gene* & Freda Ott Mr.* & Mrs. C. Ronald Payne Marjorie E. Peale*

John (‘73) & Jane Ramsey Byron A. Reid, Attorney at Law ‘72 John B. Rhodes* L.H. Rowell* Robert H.* & Nina Ritter Harry (‘75) & Nan Schickling Bill* & Alice Southern Jim & Pat Southern David T. Spell Jr. ‘71 Elona C. Stevens Jeremy M. Stipkala, Ph.D., J.D. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Stovall

Dr.* & Mrs.* Otto M. Strock Lt. Col. Joseph F. (‘69) & Martha Tallon Mr. David Thiem ‘05 & Dr. Gloria Thiem Johnny E. & Sandra B. Ward Dr. & Mrs. Bert Welch Mrs. Debra Williamson William G. White Sr. Floyd & Shirley Whitfield Fred L. & Susan R. Worthy Ernestene P. Youmans* Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Zeigler Sr. *Deceased

Lifetime Membership of the President’s Club This program recognizes the lifetime giving of individual donors and ensures that we always remember those who through their generosity have been so vital to the University’s success.

President’s Gold Club Life President’s Bronze Club Members ($1,000,000+) Life Members ($100,000 - $249,999) Mrs. Bobbie Horton Caldwell Dr. & Mrs. W. Floyd Whitfield

President’s Silver Club Life Members ($250,000 - $999,999) Dr. Harold H. (‘69) & Mrs. Cora Adams Jr. Dr. & Mrs. T. Walter Brashier Mrs. Patricia Brewer Mrs. J. Walter Carpenter Mr. Robert H. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Evans Dr. Michael (‘69) & Mrs. Annette Frost Dr. Franklin G. Mason Mrs. Judy McAlhany Mrs. Joyce P. Mixson Mrs. Jeanine Rhodes Mr. David (‘05) & Dr. Gloria J. Thiem Mr. & Mrs. Johnny E. Ward Dr. & Mrs. Jeff C. Whittington

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 20

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. G. David Bishop Dr. Jairy C. & Sissy (‘88) Hunter Mr. & Mrs. G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Dr. & Mrs. John F. McGee Sheriff & Mrs. James R. Metts Mr. Julian C. Moore Dr. Amy Nolan ‘94 Dr. J. Edward Nolan Dr. & Mrs. Fred K. Norris Jr. Mrs. Freda T. Ott Mr. Harry L. (‘75) & Mrs. Nan Schickling Mr. David W. Schimpf ‘81 Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Sineath Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Spurling Dr. & Mrs. Hewlett K. Sullivan Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John G. Wellman Mr. Fred K. Werts

President’s Club Life Members ($25,000 - $99,999)

Dr. & Mrs. R. Malcolm Edwards Mr. & Mrs. James C. Furman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Garrett Ms. Sue Geesey-Jean Mr. W. Boyd Altman Mrs. Marguerite J. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ashby Dr. & Mrs. James H. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. John D. Atchison Capt. & Mrs. John L. Hall Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Bailey Jr. Mrs. Jane Hamrick Dr. Carl Baker Mr. & Mrs. F. William Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Banks Mr. Troy (‘69) & Mrs. Linda Herndon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barton Mrs. Frances F. Holliday Mrs. Linda Blackmon Mr. Francis Humphries Dr. & Mrs. Danny R. Blackwell Dr. Jairy C. Hunter III & Dr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Blanton Christine Hunter Dr. & Mrs. A. Kennerley Bonnette Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Arthur Mr. C. E. Bourne Jenkins ‘95 Dr. & Mrs. William P. Bowers Dr. & Mrs. Jeryl W. Johnson Capt. & Mrs. Kenton C. Brasher Dr. Vera F. Johnson Dr. Richard B. (‘77 ‘96) & Mrs. Mr. John M. (‘74) & Mrs. Vicky Cathy (‘89) Brewer Kammeyer Mr. J. Matthew Brownlee ‘92 Mr. Richard C. (‘69) & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Rusty E. Bruns Brenda Kay Mr. Bobby Ray Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Leland Kelley Mr. Edward D. Buckley Mr. F. B. Kirkland Mr. A. A. Burris Jr. Dr. M. Tucker Laffitte III Mr. Marion Paul Busch ‘71 Dr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Lane Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Calandra Dr. Marian M. Larisey Mr. Henry C. Coan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Malphrus Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Maxie C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. O. Dale Malphrus Mr. & Mrs. W. Ed Corbin Jr. Mr. Joe L. Mayes Mr. Richard B. (‘92) & Mrs. Mr. Charles Dennis McKittrick ‘75 Elizabeth Daniel Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Meyers Mr. William B. (‘71) & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Kip D. Miller Susan Daniel Mr. R. Wayne (‘71) & Mrs. Mrs. Natalie B. Dennis Mary (‘71) Mills Mr. & Mrs. W. Russell Drake Mr. Brooks P. Moore ‘70 Dr. Dennis E. Drew Mr. Herbert Murray Mrs. Roseann Drew Dr. Carol Jean Drowota

Mr. & Mrs. Berlin G. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Myers Mr. Joseph T. Newton Mrs. Edna Nichols Mr. John Norris Dr. & Mrs. Bobby F. Ott Mrs. Clifford R. Passailaigue Mrs. Margaret L. M. Payne Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Pearcy Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Preacher Dr. Mary V. Propes-Jackson Mr. James Russell Ray ‘80 Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Reitzer Mr. & Mrs. James E. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm N. Robinson Mrs. Mary Ruppert Mr. Harold B. (‘71) & Mrs. Anne (‘71) Russell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Salisbury Mr. & Mrs. James Sanders Mr. Thomas Schimpf Dr. O. J. Small Mr. William H. Smoak Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Southern Mr. & Mrs. James H. Stovall Mr. & Mrs. W. Rosser Thrash Mrs. Geneva M. Walters Mr. & Mrs. William L. Ward ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Warwick Mr. & Mrs. William A. Weathersbee Mr. John White Mr. & Mrs. W. Stovall Witte Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wyatt Mr. Melvin K. Younts Sr. Mrs. Anita G. Zucker

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2009 2008 2007



(in thousands)






total enrollment



2009 2008 2007


(in millions)





total endowment 2011




Anonymous Aramark Food Services Robert W. Ashby BB&T Rusty E. Bruns Barbara Horton Caldwell R. Jason Caskey Charles G. Koch Foundation Cary Chastain Richard B. Daniel Sr. ‘92 William B. Daniel ‘71 Carl W. Ehmann Randy E. Eller G C A Services Group Jerry Patrick Gazes ‘74 Denise Brown Harmon ‘98 Keith Allen Hewitt ‘71 Wilbur E. Johnson Duncan L. McGoogan James R. Metts Moe’s SW Grill Palmetto Behavioral Health Pepsi Bottling Group Pleasant Places Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Thomas Lee Rhodes Jr. ‘75 V. Lynn Singleton Boyce L. Smith III Timothy J. Spurling Michael L. Taylor



Founder’s Club $5,000 +



Anonymous Harold H. Adams Jr. ‘69 Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation BANa Bottling Co. Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, Inc. CSU Womens Council Robert H. Edwards Kenneth M. Evans Phyllis J. Evans First Federal of Charleston Stephen Lawrence Gritzuk ‘04 Troy Hall Heritage Trust Federal Credit Jairy C. Hunter III Shawn Arthur Jenkins ‘95 Piggly Wiggly Carolina Co. Inc. Post & Courier Foundation Sandra Rabon SC Federal Credit Union SC Independent Colleges & Universities, Inc. Brian Stark State Farm Companies Fnd. Wingate by Wyndham (CSU) R. Scott Woods Young Clement & Rivers LLP



Clif S. Jones Club $10,000 +

Anonymous (7) Abbey Color, Inc. Michael Kevin Alford ‘95 Charles B. Angle Barry Sullivan Armstrong ‘68 DeAndre’ Arnold William Todd Ashby Atlantic Electric Co., Inc. Atlantic Inc. Billie F. Attaway Jr. Derwood L. Aydlette Ava Bryant Ayers David Baggs Donald P. Balderson Pamela Carlton Banas Bank of America Banks Construction Company Baptist Courier Diane B. Barton Paul B. Barton Connor Tindal Bell ‘75 Lester McGill Bell Sr. ‘75 Benefit Controls of the Southeast Berkeley Electric Cooperative G. David Bishop Mary Ann Bishop Robert Luke Blackmon William A. Blanton BlueCross BlueShield of SC John Boatwright Paul S. Bolen A. Kennerley Bonnette Jr. Curtis B. Boswell Winslade A. Bowen James Lawrence Bowers ‘77 William P. Bowers Darrell Bragg Gary D. Brantley Brantley Construction LLC T. Walter Brashier Bret L. Bremberg Richard B. Brewer ‘77 ‘96 Robert J. Brinson Jason H. Brittain David G. Brown David Brown R. Keith Brown Bobby Ray Bryant Douglas C. Burnette Edwin Carl Burrell Jr. ‘68 Joseph N. Byron Jr. ‘73 Robert A. Caldwell Paul G. Campbell Jr. Richard K. Carlisle Carolina One Real Estate Daniel D. Carson Cathedral Academy Kirt A. Caton ‘93 Kay C. Cauthen Kevin Roscoe Chafin Charleston Men’s Chorus Converse A. Chellis IV Reginald Chesson ChevronTexaco Products Co. Patti A. Childress Rosanne H. Christo ‘94 John Robert Clark ‘77 Coastal Carolina Properties Inc. Jeffrey J. Coghlan William C. Collins



Baptist Foundation of SC Jenzabar Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Fnd., Inc. Margaret L. M. Payne Trident Medical Center Whitfield Family Charitable Trust

President’s Club $1,000 +

Hood Construction Co. Inc. Paul K. Hooker Hoove Group, Inc. Vincent E Hoover Jr. Jackie Horton Samuel M. Horton James Daniel Hughes ‘74 Sandra H Hughes ‘89 Thomas Cleveland Hulsey ‘74 Carolyn Killen Hunter ‘88 Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Oswaldo Hurtado Daniel J. Inabinet ‘84 Wilson Virgil Inabinet Jr. ‘72 James K. Jarrett Danny Johnson ‘81 Jeryl W. Johnson C. David Jones Caroline Jones Dan E. Jones ‘93 Mary Joseph John Michael Kammeyer ‘74 Joseph Kassim David F. Kelemecz Lane S. Kelley Leland W. Kelley III Edward M. Kennedy III James W. Kirkpatrick Judith C. Kneece Hetz Knight’s Companies Seth P. Kupferman M. Tucker Laffitte Jr. Linda Celestina Lang ‘98 Christopher Michael Lanoue ‘05 John Davis Lesemann ‘68 Limehouse Produce Company Live Oaks Sportsman’s Club C. Dale Lusk Robert C. Lutes James N. Maas ‘94 Emory S. Main G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Manale Landscaping, LLC Steven S. Marshall ‘98 James T. Martin Jr. Franklin G. Mason Claudette McCall ‘73 Michael Edward McCann ‘07 ‘11 Jack N. McCathern Sr. Levoy K. McCray ‘89 Douglas G. McElveen Douglas W. McFarland Timothy P. McGlame MeadWestvaco-Forestry James E. Merritt Metro Electric Co., Inc. Kip D. Miller Milliken & Company Jay Owen Mills R. Wayne Mills ‘71 Janet M. Mims ‘82 Bryan Mise David C. Misher Jr. ‘08 Joyce P. Mixson James A. Moody Brooks P. Moore ‘70 Julian C. Moore Polly L. Moore Travis Michael Moore Hazel A. Moorer Robert F. Motley Lester Lee Moulder ‘72 ‘03 MVP Group International Berlin G. Myers Sr. Esther Lorscheider Nash ‘94 National Christian Foundation Nationwide Foundation Rodney R. Neal ‘76 Rex W. Nestor ‘95 J. Edward Nolan


Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Club $25,000 +

James P. Colman George C. Conoly ‘72 Consolidated Mailing Service LLC Cooper River Partners LLC Peter J. Copeland ‘04 Sarah Corbin W. Ed Corbin Jr. Gene Michael Corvino ‘04 Scott Joseph Corvino ‘90 Mary E. Cosby J. Kevin Crain Daniel W. Cross IV ‘90 Thomas Franklin Crumpton ‘05 F. Rudy Cullum III D. L. Scurry Foundation Robert E. Davis IV Jeffery L. Deal Joe Dettrey Ronald Edgar DeWitt Sr. ‘70 Andrew J. Diana ‘00 Dorchester County Medical Society John P. Drafts Dennis E. Drew Roseann W. Drew Carol Jean Drowota John B. Duncan East Bay Deli East Cooper Baptist Church R. Malcolm Edwards Thomas W. Edwards Jr. ‘75 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Summerville Steven F. Essig ‘86 Exchange Club of Charleston Exchange Club of Summerville Terry H. Ezell ‘81 Steven L. Farmer George Scott Fennell Florence First Baptist Church William Theodore Ford ‘75 Anthony G. Fountain ‘85 Richard W. Furman Samuel E. Gandy ‘76 Preston Eugene Garrett ‘75 David Gerhardt Marguerite J. Gilbert Ronnie M. Givens Lee Glover James H. Goodman Bill Goodwin Jr. Dennis L. Gore ‘78 James Bruce Gowdy ‘88 Bernard Arthur Grant ‘68 Graydon Gray Faye Breland Gresham ‘73 Marie K. Griffin Richard L. Gritzuk Larry K. Grooms Daniel W. Guy ‘69 John L. Hall Kyle Hammond ‘03 John A. Hamrick Jr. Randolph H. Harley Harris Foundation Kenneth Ronald Harvey ‘73 William C. Haselden Sr. Raymond W. Hawes Martin Healy Paul J. Heinauer David T. Heldreth Jr. Troy Wayne Herndon ‘69 Charles W. Hester Jr. Eric Hinton Van D. Hipp Jr. Charles Hirschman Charles F. Hiser John A. Hodges James E. Hoisington Diomede F. Hollingsworth


The Estate of Ruth M. Jones The Estate of Suzanne Gasque

Cherie Dawn Tolley Johnny E. Ward William A. Weathersbee Kevin B. Welch Jeff C. Whittington Don Wilson

(in millions)







total operating budget

(in millions)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

John A. Hamrick Club $100,000 +

total gifts


All Donors - June 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011

2011 2010 2009 2008 2007













continued on next page >>

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t << all donors continued from previous page

Donald F. Nye ‘75 Robert W. Odom Jr. John S. Olson Bobby F. Ott Freda T. Ott Robert E. Ott ‘00 Kay Coker Ott-Ward John A. Paglia Sr. Dana Patrick Painter ‘84 James L. Parker Jr. Thomas A. Pietsch ‘83 Polydeck Screen Corp. Bert Pooser Robert L. Pratt Production Design Asso., Inc. Mary V. Propes-Jackson Matt Provost Albertine Radding Radebaugh Hoops Inc. John Colt Ramsey ‘73 Robert S. Randall Douglas A. Reeves Regions Bank Byron A. Reid Esq. ‘72 Jeanine G. Rhodes Legrand Richardson Jr. Robert D. Robbins Robert Bosch Corporation James E. Roberts Karl J. Robinson Malcolm N. Robinson Mark A. Robinson William M. Robinson Jr. James P. Rooney Sr. ‘72 Edward Leonidas Rowell ‘81 James H. Rozier John Andrew Ruddy Jr. ‘72 Mary E. Ruppert Rudolph B. Rustin S C Bank and Trust Claudia W. Sanders Eugene William Sanders III ‘98 Vito A. Scarafile Robert Scharstein Harry L. Schickling ‘75 Charles Schmitt Seagrove Associates, LLC Security Management of SC Select Health Ellen Thurmond Senter ‘68 Sew ‘N Sew Elizabeth T. Shealy J. Scott Shepherd Jr. ‘93 Showa Denko Carbon, Inc. Lloyd E. Sineath Peggy Sineath H. McRoy Skipper Jr. ‘72 David V. Smith ‘96 Mark M. Smith Maxine E. Smith Walter W. Smith ‘82 Sonitrol Security Systems James D. Southern Angela G. Stanford Jeremy M. Stipkala Stokes Automotive, Inc. Randall K. Sturkey Summerville Baptist Church Joseph F. Tallon ‘69 Ann S. Taylor Brian L. Terry ‘94 Gloria J. Thiem O. L. Thompson III ‘71 W. Rosser Thrash Robert Edward Tisdale ‘70 Tri-State Printing John D. Trout Craig Tuck George L. Tupper Jr. Geneva Anne Turner ‘85 ‘89 University of South Carolina Charles H. Van Rysselberge

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 22

Venture Aerobearings John Eric Walke ‘10 Wilma Lindsey Walke ‘10 Elizabeth Diane Walker James W. Walker Jr. Harold H. Wall William L. Ward ‘90 Charles K. Warren Hubert H. Welch III ‘03 J. Scott Wells James Rick White William G. White Sr. Walter R. Whitman Charles A. Williams Jerry M. Williams Mevelyn Williams Michael E. Williams Michael G. Williams Rebecca R. Williams Debra Williamson Franklin H. Williamson ‘71 Susan Kady Wilson ‘87 Steve Wray Joe R. Wren C. Ray Wrenn Mela Wyeth John W. Wyndham Fred A. Yohe Joe Young Zaxby’s

Donors Anonymous (2) A Services Group, LLC Jessica Lea Abangan ‘08 Mike Able Robert Louie Ackerman ‘68 Johnathon Robert Ackiss ‘07 Ray Terrell Adams ‘72 Shirley L. Adams Shirley W. Adams W. Martin Adams ‘68 Affirmation, LLC Jane Aherne Alice Drive Baptist Church Pamela C. Allen Colleen Susanne Almoney ‘89 Robin M. Alston John Workman Altman ‘72 Maria Alvarez Mark Daniel Ames ‘05 Breana D. Amick Eldred B. Amick William B. Amick Christine J. Anderson ‘72 Heather L. Anderson ‘05 Joshua Mensah-Osekre Anderson ‘08 Lester M. Anderson Van Anderson Sharon Andrews Derrick Apple ‘06 Jim B. Apple Rebecca M. Arceneaux Kathy L. Archenhold Francis X. Archibald ‘76 Julia H. Ard Bertha H. Ariail Barbara H. Armes ‘69 Julianne Wright Arndt ‘85 Pamela H. Arrington John L. Arthur Jr. Sara F. Astin ‘84 AT&T AT&T Foundation Amy Love Atkins Loretta M. Atkins ‘78 Chad C. Atkinson ‘03 Rick Atkinson Gene Austin John S. Autrey ‘94 Darlene Ayers Julia P. Ayers B&W Y-12, LLC

Charlie Babineaux Harold J. Bailey ‘86 Scott E. Bailey William T. Bailey ‘71 Billy Baker Susan Baker M. Karen Ballard ‘75 Albert Banks Darrell Barber ‘03 Ellsworth E. Barber Robert A. Barber Nancy R. Barendse Martha F. Barkley Benjamin B. Barnes Jr. ‘84 Rudolph C. Barnes Jr. Mary P. Barone Martin James Barrier William H. Barron Jr. ‘70 Bernard A. Barton Jr. ‘85 Durwood J. Barton Judith L. Battista Brandy N. Bauman Malene B. Baxley Chu Beanca James Austin Beard ‘72 David Bedenbaugh Earle J. Bedenbaugh H. M. Bedenbaugh Jean Bedenbaugh Roxanne S. Bedenbaugh William Woodrow Bedenbaugh Jr. ‘70 Alice Faye Bedenbaugh-Shealy Antoinette L. Beeks ‘97 Adell E. Bell ‘84 Walter R. Belton Francis Bender ‘91 Sarah Lorraine Benenhaley ‘78 Todd Philip Benjamin ‘09 James McCarter Bennett ‘71 Katherine M. Bennett Alicia Marie Benton ‘03 Andrew Berlin Robert O. Bernhard David Mark Berry ‘78 James Berry Linda C. Bettelli Fox Beyer Big South Conference Raymond Bizier Henry L. Black Judy W. Black ‘71 Larry Blackwell Terry H. Blackwell Timothy O. Blakely ‘85 Carolyn Blalock Ruth H. Blalock James R. Bland Willie L. Blanding Jr. James Anthony Blanton ‘69 John Harling Blanton ‘81 Thomas E. Blease Dawn Denise Blizard ‘86 Janis Kinsey Blocker ‘74 Dawn M. Blume ‘99 Tony A. Boatwright Tammy Bodie Robert Vincent Bogart ‘07 Morris L. Bond Richard Bond Deborah Zeigler Bonnett ‘71 Merry S. Boone ‘86 ‘93 Ronald R. Boozer David Borne David B. Boswell Rachelle M Bouronich ‘99 ‘06 Brett John Bowdren ‘06 David W. Bowers Nancy J. Bowers ‘76 Oscar W. Bowers Debbi Bowes Mary T. Bowles Martha Bowman Mary Bowman Curtis P. Boyd ‘87

Gayland R. Boyle William H. Brabham Jr. ‘04 John Wilson Bradham III ‘87 James Jerome Bradley Patresa P. Bradley ‘94 Michael Thomas Braman ‘84 Susan Lowder Brannock ‘98 Virginia E. Brant ‘86 Matthew Brase Donna F. Brasher ‘97 Kenton C. Brasher David Bratcher Kimberly Bratcher Garret Breakirean James E. Brennfleck Catherine Ann Brewer ‘89 Melissa P. Brice Robin Bridges Stephan Peter Britanak ‘04 Albert Paul Britnell ‘08 ‘10 Cathryn Broderhausen Michael Pope Brodie ‘07 Tradd Joseph Brodie ‘07 Charles Ray Brown Clariece W. Brown ‘71 Clifton Girard Brown Jr. ‘75 Debrea Jean Brown ‘87 Denise M. Brown Michelle L. Brown ‘98 Miriam Rudd Brown ‘72 Norman Brown Patricia W. Brown ‘96 Ron Brown Stacy Marie Brown ‘09 William M. Brown Lauren Bruce W. M. Bryan III ‘69 Edward Joseph Bryant ‘78 Kylonda Alisa Bryant ‘03 John A. Buck Joseph A. Buckheister ‘73 Padraic J. Buckley Rhonda Hutto Bull ‘76 Valerie K. Bullock Thomas D. Bulwinkle ‘70 Sheryl M. Burdette Brian J. Burgess ‘97 Kristen Burgess Teresa B. Burkholder Teresa M. Burks ‘99 Gerald Woodrow Burnett ‘70 Jeffrey D. Burns ‘85 Helena M. Busbee ‘97 Marion Paul Busch ‘71 Woodrow E. Busch Jr. ‘69 Kimberly Michele Bussinah Capracotta ‘05 Stephen W. Cadwallader ‘83 Letha V. Cairns Constance A. Calhoun Douglas Calkins Antonia H. Callahan ‘96 Charles L. Callaway ‘71 Calvary Baptist Church Sloan Calvert Michael Patrick Cameron ‘75 Aundraya JaVonne Camp ‘09 ‘11 Katherine Huff Campbell ‘82 Kristina Page Campbell ‘95 Stephen Craig Campbell Carolyn Campion Edna Jo Canady Nancy B. Canavera Douglas R. Cargill ‘69 Charlene Carlers ‘99 Robert T. Carlson Robert C. Carlson Carolina Bay Church Carolina Insurance Consultants Jinell Carroll Christopher Carter Diane B. Carter Norma Jean Carter S. E. Carter Jr. Chad R. Cary


Bill Casey Surreace W. Cash ‘82 Sharon Castelli ‘03 Jose R. Castro ‘06 Mary Linda Cato ‘71 Denley C. Caughman ‘70 Huger P. Caughman James Rufus Causey ‘69 Tommy B. Cauthen Cauthen Motor Co. Inc. Gayle R. Cawood ‘71 Cristina C. Cease Eugene A. Champion Francine Chandler ‘81 Tina Chandler Raul Chang ‘07 Chapin High School Charleston Basbeball, LLC Royce Bowman Charpia ‘04 Linda S. Chatman Stephen Malone Chellis ‘73 Carl Eugene Chivers ‘82 Carol Ann Christenbury-Embler ‘05 ‘10 Chari M. Christie Edna Christmas Jerri Ann Christmas ‘09 Henry Alan Ciccarelli ‘93 City of Roanoke Rapids David Hamilton Clark ‘74 Donald G. Clark Patricia Ann Clark Sammy R. Clatworthy Frederick Claussen Malcolm Claxton Nancy R. Clemmons ‘84 Donald Clerico Johnica Cobb ‘07 Beatriz Cobell Jeffrey Brandon Cochran ‘10 Ralph H. Cochran Bruce Caleb Coffin ‘93 Charla Carter Coffin ‘96 William N. Coffman Edward W. Coleman Hilda H. Coleman Adam Burke Collins ‘98 Alyson Brooke Collins ‘00 Joe Collins Jr. ‘79 John D. Collins Karen Diane Collins Ray H. Collins Rosemary M. Collins ‘75 Ray Winston Colson ‘81 Columbia First Baptist Church Carol J. Connella ‘76 Robert Henry Connella ‘78 Dossie M. Connelly Alexis L. Conner Evelyn C. Cooper Julie Q. Corbett Cynthia E. Corson Cindy S. Cote Darrell A. Coulter Rebecca Harrelson Coulter ‘90 Richard Morris Coulter Jr. ‘90 Bryan L. Counts Cowpens First Baptist Church Betty L. Cox Charles E. Cox Sharron J. Cox William S. Cox Mark F. Craig ‘94 Tim O. Craig ‘93 William Carl Crane III ‘78 Justin Crawford Marilyn S. Creech Wayne Creech Joyce E. Creed Ordean Lewis Crews ‘87 Kristal Crider Topy R. Crisalli Kim Crocker George H. Croft ‘69 Cynthia E. Crook ‘72

Isaac Vincent Cropp III ‘93 Kenneth William Crosby ‘08 David Cross Crossroads Community Church Curtis B. Crowe ‘96 Teresa Ann Crumley ‘00 CSU Department of English Jean B. Cuff Magdalena Cugno Hope Cumbie Sara Curtis Denise Kriger Cutshall ‘95 Gilnor G. Dalrymple Elizabeth A. Dandridge ‘73 Jackson H. Daniel Jr. Donald E. Daniels Wayne Vestal Dasher ‘81 Cynthia S. Davenport ‘86 James G. Davenport ‘86 Dorothy A. Davidson Amy C. Davis Blake M. Davis Charles Clifton Davis ‘70 Daniel W. Davis Larry Jackson Davis ‘70 Sylvia R. Davis William R. Davis Richard P. Dawkins Marvin A. Dawson Jr. ‘70 Theresa P. De Terlizzi Carolyn H. Deal ‘77 Edward R. Dean Raymond N. Dean Stephen J. DeBerardino ‘97 Kenneth B. Decker E. L. Deighan Mallory N. Deighan Melanie Deighan Terri DeLoach Sue Demeter William Richard Dempsey D. Joan Denlinger William David Dennis ‘78 Barbara A. D’Ercole Betty O. Deshotels ‘85 Ty Deveaux Carolyn Faye Dews ‘69 Diamond Prospects Cindy J. Dickerson ‘85 William B. Dickert Sr. Lori Dickson Larry Dietz William C. Dill Judy B. Dillow ‘80 Rebecca B. Dingle ‘97 Doan Wellness Center, PC Jacqueline Jenkins Doffin ‘75 Marie Rose Dominguez ‘05 John P. Domitrowsky Jane G. Doolittle Brenda L. Doran Betty A. Dorsett Bobby J. Dorsett Jr. Carol A. Dorsey Angela D’Ostroph Donald D’Ostroph Ray D’Ostroph Harry Eugene Douty Jr. ‘71 James G. Dowdy G. Bryan Drafts Trenton Griffith Drafts ‘05 ‘10 James Bradley Drake B. Carlisle Driggers James M. Drolet ‘89 Dry -Tech, Inc. SC Mary Z. Dubose Clara Dudley Thomas E. Dudley Jr. Jan Duke Robert Landon Duke Jr. ‘89 Amanda Shaw Dukes ‘10 Cheryl Dumbleton R. Aaron Dunn ‘82 Tiffany Ciuca DuPree ‘04 Martin A. Durant

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John D. Durham Patricia L. Earley ‘01 Edward L. Easterlin Glenda W. Easterlin Melvin Edmonds Susan Denise Edwards ‘90 Sofia M. Edwards-Early ‘00 Henry Seborn Eldridge Jr. ‘72 Elgin Baptist Church Bethany Ann Elliott Richard H. Elliott ‘79 Robert M. Elliott Robert Grady Ellison Billy T. Elmore Ellis A. Elmore Steven L. England Enterprise Analysis Consulting Emily S. Epting James Ray Epting Mitzi R. Epting Todd Ericsson Merle Henson Ervin ‘80 Wendell Estep Mary Jane Estes John P. Evans Virginia E. Evans Sheila A. Fair Christie Faircloth-Dixon Garrett Fairclough Michael Falgenbaum Donna H. Falkner Rodney Fambrough Alice Lynn Fee ‘92 Joy Fellers Terry L. Fellers Jack D. Ferguson Tina Marie Ferguson ‘04 Hiram Hershel Fewox ‘68 H. Neil Fick Gerald M. Finkel First Baptist Church-Fairfax First Baptist Church-Hemingway First Baptist Church-Kingstree Jacqueline T. Fish Henry Foster Fishburne ‘71 Ryan Michael Fleck ‘04 Elizabeth Ann Fleming ‘97 Florida Express Environmental James E. Fogartie Jr. Jimmy Fogle Alison Donovan Forrer ‘07 John Casey Forrester Becky Fossler Elmer Fox ‘95 Archie Franchini ‘73 Janice Adkins Franks ‘91 Joseph Jason Frazier ‘06 ‘10 Blake R. Freeland Melvin Leroy Freeman III ‘90 Myra J. Freeman Paula H. Freeman Robert Freeman James M. Friar ‘73 Teresa M. Friar ‘85 Friendship Baptist Church Richard Anthony Froom ‘69 Thomas E. Fruechtenicht Allison Elizabeth Funsch ‘06 Elaine K. Furnari ‘85 Futura Tracks LLC Marie Josee Gagnon ‘96 Katherine L. Gailey Paula C. Gambrell ‘02 James L. Gardner Jr. Jerry M. Gardner Gardner Paint & Body, Inc. Rusty N. Garrett Thomas C. Garrett Paul R. Garten ‘86 Beverly Gates Kinney Marvin Gause ‘71 Jessica Geddis Willard Gary Geddis Jr. ‘93 James R. Gerber Linda M. German

Jody Hollis Gilden ‘89 Audrey Gilliam Sandra Deneise Gilliard ‘10 Lewis Gilpin Martin Greenlee Gipe Sr. ‘73 Murray Lynn Gipe ‘73 Kinard Ervin Givens Willie E. Givens ‘75 Marilyn Glears Melanie MacMillan Glenn Susan T. Glenn Susan Wilson Glenn Tammy Renea Glenn ‘89 Elizabeth Ann Glover ‘84 Charlotte Jean Gnegy ‘69 June P. Goble John Godwin Kimberly Golden Golf World Tournaments, Inc. Jennie Clayton Goodman ‘68 Wayne D. Goodwin ‘70 Kenneth Stephen Gordon ‘75 Stephen E. Gordon Edith M. Gore Isaac G. Gourdine John Goynacki Gordon Edward Graham ‘71 Jessie M. Grainger ‘75 John T. Gramling II James A. Gray John Robert Gray ‘70 Walter David Gray ‘01 Tommy Grayson Gary T. Greenway Liliane B. Gresham ‘02 Margaret M. Griffin Thomas D. Griffin Jr. Tiffany Lyn Gritzuk ‘03 ‘05 Sandy Guhl Dionne M.Guinn Kathryn C. Gutmann Jeremiah Habersham Jr. Roseanna F. Haley Carrie M. Hall Ernest E. Hall Joseph M. Hall ‘81 Louis Stephen Hall Sr. ‘93 Ellen E. Haller Edwin L. Hamilton ‘82 Melody Hamlet James R. Hamm Ladison Hamm Michael Timothy Hammond Jane Hamrick Frank S. Hanckel Jr. Rebecca K. Hanckel Charles E. Hancock Sr. ‘80 Hancock Askew & Company, LLP Handy Mart-Macedonia Michelle N. Harben John E. Hargreaves Deb Hargrove Jean Hargrove Timothy L. Hargrove Nora K. Harmsen Amy M. Harrell Nancy Harrell ‘93 DeJanee S. Harris William K. Harris ‘94 Donald Harrison Donna L. Harrison ‘81 Hope S. Harrison ‘88 John T. Harrison Raymond Harrison Dana Hartle David F. Hatcher Mark J. Haumschild Michele S. Havens Obbe Haverkamp ‘70 Lewis Hawkins Patricia L. Hawkins Levern G. Haynes ‘80 Drena Smith Hazel ‘06 Martha K. Hearn Cherryl A. Heath ‘70

Gloria J. Heisey Mark J. Henders Harley Thomas Henderson ‘74 R. Elaine Henderson ‘77 Gordon E. Hendrich ‘96 Mary C. Henry ‘77 Paul J. Herman ‘01 Herminie Auto Parts Inc. Michael W. Hicok William Riley Hiers Jr. ‘69 Mary T. Higgins William T. Higgins Christopher Hill Debra Cowart Hill ‘89 Floyd Knight Hill Freddie Hill Gary Hill J. Ronny Hill ‘71 James Ronnie Hill ‘72 Stephen L. Hill ‘85 W. D. Hillen John Hillman Barbara Jean Susan Hilton ‘82 Michael John Hiott ‘04 Arnold J. Hite Elizabeth Michele Hix ‘94 ‘96 Homer B. Hobbs Karen K. Hobcroft Margaret Odom Hobgood ‘96 Allen Hodge Fausteen Hodge Sandra N. Hodges Jennifer Brase Hogberg Susan M. Holcombe Jean B. Holdsworth Walter T. Holdsworth Sam Holeman Jeffrey B. Holland Robert L. Holleman Sr. Audrey Louise Hollingsworth ‘77 Karen M. Hollinshead ‘80 Katherine B. Hollinshead Daniel Hollstegge Robert Eugene Holman Jr. ‘73 Linda Y. Holmes Shannon Holmes Judy H. Holwell ‘75 Stanley D. Honeycutt James E. Hooks Fred W. Hoover Gregory Winfield Horres ‘10 Janet L. Horrex ‘01 David A. Horton Lathie E. Horton ‘99 Laura Lee Hostetter Susan House Marilyn Howard Francine D. Hoyt David Ardie Huckeba ‘88 Stephen D. Hudson Sharron S. Huff Jason Huffmaster Malana Huges Charlotte N. Hughes Christy D. Hughes ‘01 Glenn F. Hughes ‘85 H. Boykin Hughes Jr. ‘70 Tara Hulsey John T. Hulvey Jr. Gloria J. Humphrey Cary Michael Humphries ‘08 Harold J. Hunt Jennifer M. Hunter Robert Husse Mary Palmer Hutto ‘90 ‘94 Ellen E. Hyatt Elmo Martin Ilderton III ‘91 Nora L. Irmen J. R. Fox Manufacturing Jack Russell Software Co., LLC Annie L. Jackson Harvetta M. Jackson Stoney Jackson Ronald Steven Jaicks ‘93 Tasha S. James

Yvonne D. Janik ‘93 Samuel E. Jaridau Patrick W. Jarman Andrea Jeffcoat ‘00 Jeannie Coulter-Jefferson ‘08 Carol Rembert Jeffords ‘73 Jovan Jegdic ‘05 ‘07 M. Dean Jendro David N Jenkins Laurence Legare Jenkins ‘69 Kathryn A. Jennings ‘83 Jay D. Jester ‘94 Cheryl Johnson Gina Johnson James R. Johnson Jill Renee Johnson ‘84 Juliana Londono Johnson ‘08 Neil Harvey Johnson ‘71 Sarah Braddock Johnson ‘78 Sue Johnson Charles Johnston Chris Johnston Mary E. Johnston Tommye Johnston James H. Jones Patsy D. Jones Vincent E. Jones William C. Jones Joe W. Jordan Ronald William Jordan ‘70 Lynn Forest Jordon ‘87 ‘92 Janet Wiles Joslin ‘82 Richard A. Joslin Charles D. Jowers Eugene Harris Joy ‘79 Jason S. Jurkowski ‘99 Kelly P. Kanapaux ‘94 Teri Lynn Karges Fred Kassis Kerry L. Kavanagh James K. Kelleher Kevin S. Kelleher John F. Keller Charles Kelly Matthew Alan Kemp ‘93 Angela Marie Kennedy ‘09 David L. Kennedy ‘77 Ernest Kennedy ‘79 Kelly J. Kennedy ‘97 Amanda Kennett Doreen Kerwin Karen D. Keyes ‘95 Keva D. Keyes ‘95 Tony F. Killingsworth Deanna R. King Janie L. King Robert J. King ‘79 Sudie W. King William Whitfield King ‘71 Kingston Baptist Church Craig Kinnison Samuel C. Kinon Guy E. Kirby Patrice M. Kirchoff Sam D. Kirkland Brenda M. Kirkpatrick Kirklin Elise Kirkpatrick Lasheon Kirland Lynnette M. Kiss ‘96 Shelby J. Kittrell Jo An M. Kivlehan ‘98 Edward Klinger Mary Klinger Kneece’s Car Care Kirby Daniel Knight ‘69 Mildred Eugenia Knight ‘69 Anselm Knights ‘02 Virginia Langford Koester ‘69 Sharon Konopka Matthew Kornegay Phillip M. Kornet ‘70 William A. Kraemer ‘75 Sandy Kreinbring Mary Ellen Krohn-Klamm

Presidential Council Member

Dr. and Mrs. Tim Spurling 1 John 3:2 “But we know that when he appears, [a] we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” One day we will be like him – if this is true we are works in progress on our way to being a masterpiece. If the work is progressing, it stands to reason that we should see something of beauty emerging from our lives; we should see that change happening. We should look different than we did 10 years ago, look more like him, act more like him and sound more like him. That’s what I see in my wife, Susan, whom I love. The Presidential Council and our yearly mission trips to Romania (We have completed 13 mission trips to Romania.) are two ways we have seen the change in our lives. The trips to Romania are reaching out to those that the world has neglected and abused and rejected. The love for them is God’s doing; without Christ in our lives these changes would never have taken place. We are proud of our family: our oldest daughter, Alicia Streett, owns and runs an equestrian center in Florence; Charlie, her husband, runs a fabrication company; their two children, Alex and Kristen, attend Kings Academy in Florence; our second daughter, Amanda Spurling, is now a graduate student at The Citadel working on an advanced degree in psychology; our third daughter, Ashley Taylor, graduated from Charleston Southern University and has just returned from 1 year in China as a missionary. Our youngest, Zachary Taylor, is a sophomore at Columbia International University. A son, TJ, was lost in a car accident at 16, but we know that he is in heaven. The Lord has blessed us in too many ways to count. We are blessed with many patients and friends, the byproduct of practicing medicine in one place for 26 years.

continued on next page >>

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t << all donors continued from previous page

Brantley E. Kuglar Jr. ‘82 Marianne Kuhn Kunkle Tire & Service Center, Inc. Daniel Lackland Ann Laffitte Elizabeth Ann Laffitte ‘73 Norris L. Laffitte Sherry D. Lail Larry M. Lake Robert H. Lake Shannon M. Lambert Joanne M. Lamson Sherwood Lancaster

Melody Elizabeth Lane ‘10 Sondra Lane Timothy Lee Langford Marian M. Larisey Larry L. Larrison ‘82 Christopher M. Latham Latta Baptist Church John H. LaVenice Mike L. Lavenice Joe Lawrence Vivian Lawrence Lawrence Janitorial Service Miriam B. Leaphart George C. Ledbetter Betty J. Lee ‘89 Vanessa Lee ‘90

Giving Levels for the All Donors List Society of 1964


The University was chartered in 1964.

The Elms Society


Charleston Southern is located on the former Izard plantation, known as The Elms.

John A. Hamrick Club


1st president, 1964-1983

Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Club


2nd president, 1984-current

Clif S. Jones Club


Chair, Board of Trustees, 1964-1968

Founder’s Club


President’s Club


Is Your Name Missing? If your name is missing or you feel your donation information is inaccurate in the listing of donors, there are several possible explanations. • Your gift was not made during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. The listing reflects gifts made between June 1, 2010, and May 31, 2011. • We made a mistake. We make every effort to ensure that the listing of donors is correct, but we – and our computer system – make mistakes. If we have erred in any way, please forgive us and inform us so that we may correct our mistake. Again, we cherish your friendship and thank you for your contributions to Charleston Southern University.

Inquiries about gifts should be sent to: advancement@csuniv.edu or by calling 843-863-7140.

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 24

Walter Curtis Lee ‘97 Clarence W. Legerton III Rosann F. Lester Michael Eugene Leverette ‘78 Brenda Dayton Lewellyn ‘09 Edward Thomas Lewis Jr. ‘72 Helen T. Lewis Robert Allen Lewit ‘85 Robert H. Liberman ‘95 John N. Libertowski Yolanda Libertowski Liberty Ministerial Ervin Finley Limehouse ‘77 Roger D. Linder Keisha Marie Lindsey ‘02 Ovin Linton Jr. Donald R. Little Warren T. Little David Louis Locke ‘92 ‘93 Clinton E. Logan Ricky L. Loman Chris Lominick Donnie Looper Tanya F. Lott ‘99 H. M. Love Low Country Painting, LLC C. Brent Lowe Charles A. Lowe II ‘88 John D. Lowery Jeffrey L. Lozano Louis J. Luchetta T. L. Ludwig Jennifer L. Luiken James F. Lyles Jr. Rob Roy MacGregor ‘08 Sherry L. Macko Lawrence E. Magill David Malphrus Charles Anthony Markham Harry C. Marshall Stephen Marshall Charles W. Martin Inge Martin Karen Martin Peter J. Maschka Bradley G. Masopust Dianne E. Matlock ‘81 David L. Mauldin Levi David Mauldin Tracy Lyn Maynard ‘04 Marilyn Jane McAfee ‘70 James H. McAlhaney Jr. ‘93 John W. McAlhany Judy C. McAlhany Betsy McAmis William Drayton McCall ‘09 Mary Kay McCarthy Patric Michael McClellan ‘69 Andy McClure Don I. McCollum Jr. ‘79 Leroy L. McCollum Lynn L. McCollum Galyn McCollum-Hawkins Steve McCombs Doris M. McCurdy Robert L. McCutcheon ‘96 James H. McDaniel Janet M. McDaniel Wellie Marshall McDaniel ‘69 Richard Allan McDermott ‘71 Thomas G. McDonald ‘78 Douglas C. McDougald Lori W. McFadden ‘94 Sharon P. McGarrity Laura McGill Thomas McGorty Candace C. McGreevy Stephen McGue Frances D. McGuire Sheila C. McKee Becky E. McKinney Chris A. McLean Darrin R. McLean Joe Wayne McMahan ‘71 Jerome F. McMahon

Elizabeth L. McMaster Nathaniel McMillan Wiley Norman McMillan Jr. ‘71 Darlene Mae Craig McNeill ‘77 Brittany McNeilly Barbara Mead Tamela L. Meadows MeadWestvaco Foundation Michael G. Medcalf Steven K Meier Frankie J. Melton Jr. ‘95 William Meredith Cheryl A. Merschen Judith Mersereau Barabara Messer Fransiska Meteray Frank L. Metzger ‘85 Mary McCormick Meyer ‘70 Meyers Company Theresa N. Miante ‘98 Jeff Middaugh Don Middlebrook Melicent M. Middlebrook ‘06 Maureen Mary Miley ‘09 ‘10 Terrie Lynn Millard ‘07 Millbrook Baptist Church Charlotte C. Miller Daniel J. Miller Paula Miller ‘95 ‘98 Kimberly M. Mills ‘94 ‘97 Lisa N. Mills Belinda G. Milton Barbara L. Mines Michele C. Minor ‘98 Mary N. Mitchell ‘76 Sue E. Mitchell Dennis Mizzell John Mizzell Timothy M. Mizzell MKM Environmental Mary H. Mock Wendell Walter Mohr ‘71 Carlos A. Monteiro Marlene Monusko ‘83 Randy Huggins Moody ‘69 Sarah Tuttle Moody ‘70 Kristin Ashley Moore ‘06 Marian M. Moorehead Lecius Laverne Moorer ‘00 Leslie A. Moreland Lisa Webb Morelli ‘95 Albert Morgan Mary W. Morgan Dean Morrison Phyllis Morrison Michael Scott Moseley Vicki W. Moss Robert L. Mosteller Janice E. Moulder Carmen P. Mounce Steve Mounce Herbert L. Mouzon ‘83 Forrest M. Mowbray John C Muller Sr. E. Gloria Mullinax George Brian Mullinax ‘79 Craig D. Muni Cecil W. Murdaugh ‘75 Jay Murphy Jerry Murphy John C. Murphy Betty Infinger Murray Melinda E. Muxlow James W. Myers ‘09 Molly Brown Myers ‘82 Roger G. Myrick ‘72 Lawrence Edward Nanna ‘84 NCAEOP Deidre Jenifer Neal ‘82 Harriett Baker Neal ‘76 Rod D. Nease Sharon Neel Belinda Annelle Nelson ‘92 Jarod D. Newland Norma L. Newton ‘86


Susan S. Nichols ‘79 Steve Nicholson Stephanie Mizell Niemeyer Jim A. Nista Mark D. Noeldner John J. Nokes Amy Lewis Nolan ‘94 Richard Hampton Norris Jr. ‘73 Robert John Norris ‘74 Robert Novello Jose’ A. Noy Shirley H. Nuckolls Darrell G. Nunnelley Karen L. Obrien David T. Odell David M. O’Driscoll Betty L. Oglesby Old Fort Baptist Church James J. Olmstead Gary L. Olson One on One Hairstyling JoAnn Onorato Marian C. O’Shields ‘73 Michael Lamar O’Shields ‘73 Sonia O’Toole ‘00 John Charles Ott ‘79 James W. Owens ‘76 Jerry Chad Owens ‘03 Sabrina L. Paczkowski ‘98 John D. Palmer Patricia Madeline Palmer ‘11 Palmetto Officials Association Tammy E. Pannell ‘83 Beth M. Parolisi Betty J. Parrish Garland Curtis Parsley ‘79 Cindy B. Patrick Robert J. Patrick Sr. ‘82 James R. Patterson Pauly Toyota Sharon M. Peal James Pearson Jr. ‘79 John F. Peek ‘82 Julian Peek Renate Yost Peifer ‘95 Ollie C. Peine ‘86 David C. Peltier ‘85 Joesph Pelzer Janice S. Penman Brian Pentecost Cathy A. Peppers Daniel Patrick Perry ‘79 H. William Perry Gloria Elizabeth Peters ‘09 Traci Litwin Peters ‘00 Annette Bultema Pettyjohn ‘01 Elizabeth Lesesne Phillips ‘74 Harold L. Phillips Virginia A. Phillips ‘94 Ron Piccione Pickens First Baptist Church Betty S. Pickett William Hamilton Pieper Michael Jay Pierce ‘71 Robert E. Pierce III ‘85 Timothy Kevin Pierce ‘81 ‘96 William B. Pierson Darren P. Pillsbury ‘92 Shana Marie Pixley ‘05 Alyce C. Player ‘69 Mitchell A. Pletcher Donald L. Plumley ‘82 Donald C. Plunkett Jimmy Plunkett Pomaria-Garmany Sherrita Estee’ Nicole Pompey ‘09 Danny G. Poole Jr. Tony Pope Poplar Springs Baptist Church Cecelia Marzan Poplin ‘98 Richard W. Porter ‘76 W. Troy Porter Bridget Posey ‘00 John Anthony Poston ‘95

W. J. Poston Alissa Powell Judith P. Powell ‘79 Karrie S. Powell ‘01 William M. Powell Practical Wellness Solutions, PWS J. L. Prather Edward L. Price Claudius H. Pritchard Jr. Elizabeth B. Prochaska Patricia H. Propst Prosperity Business Prosperity-Rikard Providence Baptist Church Sue Pruitt Deborah L. Pukas Judith A. Pursell ‘83 Cynthia McCurry Putman ‘76 Quality Woodtruss, Inc. Julie M. Qualkinbush Darlene W. Quattlebaum Roger Quattlebaum Walton A. Quattlebaum Pamela Javette Queeman ‘89 Gloria D. Queen Patricia L. Quentel Matthew M. Quinton Linda Rabinowitz James Rudy Raborn ‘70 Ken M. Rada Eric E. Radabaugh Francis Avery Ragan Jr. ‘71 James Humphry Ramsey ‘73 Lynne M. Ramsey Robert E. Ratliff Kathleen Raymond Joyce Moore Rea Eunice Reardon Don Reber Ann R. Rebois Harry L. Reed Lelia M. Reed Steven B. Reed ‘96 Catherine Reed Patricia T. Reeves ‘92 George R. Reiter Jocelyn E. Reiter Richard L. Renard ‘68 Daniel L. Rene E. Roger Reynolds Melanie Gayle ReynoldsMurphy ‘75 Betty Woodham Rhodes ‘75 Bruce Ricard Doris E. Richardson William K. Richardson ‘91 George Olin Richbourg Jr. ‘72 Ridge Baptist Church Pamela H. Riggs John Riles F. David Riley Perry Riley Nancy Rinehart Riser, McLaurin & Gibbons, LLP Janice S. Ritter ‘91 Melissa Fay Roberts Nancy M. Roberts Spears James T. Robertson Ryan Robertson Jimmy L. Robinette Isaac Tuten Robinson Jr. ‘90 Kathryn Rodgers Larry L. Rodl Christopher Aaron Rogers ‘08 Larry Alan Rogers Dwight E. Rohrer Christopher L. Rollison ‘01 Sean K. Rooney Lisa D. Ross Jack Roth Jr. Jennifer S. Roth Rudolf Roth Walter Roth G. Steve Rountree

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Gregory A. Ruby ‘95 ‘01 Frank H. Rudd Sandra Kleupfer Rudd ‘88 Krista Rebecca Rudolph ‘92 Emilie W. Ruff Melanie S. Ruff ‘84 Jessica Mole Runkle ‘06 Brandy N. Ryan Darla C. Ryan ‘91 ‘95 David C. Ryan ‘99 E. John Saleeby Fred Lewis Salley Jr. ‘81 Paul Sanders Sara Lyles Sanders ‘75 Tyrone Sanders Sr. ‘87 Margaret C. Sanderson Sherry S. Sanderson Kenneth Berton Sandifer ‘77 Sandy Hills Farms Sanitary Plumbing Contractors, S.P.C., Inc. Santee Circle Community Church Julie Y. Chasang Santos ‘93 Linda A. Sartori-McCallister ‘00 Sauldam Baptist Church Kelly A. Sauls Brian Saxon Carolyn Scarpa Catherine A. Scarpa Scott L. Schafer ‘86 Jeannie B. Schaffer ‘02 Elizabeth C. Schuh Darlene Campbell Scott ‘69 Joyce T. Scott Patricia C. Scott Timothy Eugene Scott ‘88 Jeannette Seabrook ‘08 Steven D. Searfoss Jasper Sears Naomi B. Seaward ‘93 Sherrell W. Seeley James C. Settle Ronald M. Severs Shady Grove Baptist Church Erik S. Shamblin ‘96 R. Shannberger Terry C. Shaver Trevis R. Shealy Jennifer E. Shearer Stanley C. Sheeley Mae G. Shields Richard A. Shirley Ned Shows Lonnie H Shull ‘79 Leo Otto Shumaker ‘85 Jim I. Shuman ‘98 Floyd E. Sides Michael A. Sides ‘83 Linda E. Silvers Barbara K. Simmons Donnie R. Simmons ‘77 E. Charles Simmons Joanne Simmons Sophia Simmons Tamekia Lashawn Simmons ‘02 Alyce M. Sims Jennifer Robertson Sims ‘98 Samuel Matthew Sims ‘96 W. H. Sims Sing Heating Company Robert D. Singer Carlyle Singletary ‘74 Christi L. Sinnett ‘97 James R. Sipe ‘87 Al H. Sirmon Barbara Anne Skipper ‘71 Nancy J. Skokan Olin L. Slabaugh Michael B. Slavik Sligh’s Superette Henry N. Small Amanda Smith Amanda Merry Smith Bruce L. Smith ‘97 Laura D. Smith ‘89

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 25

Mary K. Smith Robert Eugene Smith Jr. ‘86 Roger L. Smith Sylvia T. Smith Will E. Smith Sabrea Smith-Elliott Bradley D. Smoak Jeff C. Smoak Jr. ‘84 Jeffrey L. Snider Michelle C. Snyder-Wells ‘91 P. Lee Solomon South Carolina Sports Medicine Southeast Anesthesia Services, LLC Patricia H. Southern Southern Mutual Church Insure. Co. Spartanburg First Baptist Hazel Spaulding Mark G. Spears Deborah V. Spencer ‘02 Edward Joshua Speyers William J. Spiers Jr. Beverley Lee Spitler Dayna Spivey Joe R. Spivey Gary Spurio St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church David Stafford Mendel S. Stafford Jr. ‘95 Robert F. Stancik Marshall E. Stanley ‘86 Rose Marie Stanley ‘86 Nancy B. Stanton Walter C. Stanton III ‘82 Lorna F. Starkey ‘06 Michael William Stasiak ‘01 Dennis J. Steele Michael F. Steller B. Wiley Stephens Donald R. Stephens ‘80 J. Louanne Stewart ‘76 Noah Stewart ‘83 Elizabeth S. Stillwell Stokes-Trainor Gerald Stone Peter Lee Stone ‘83 Theresa Stone ‘99 Terry S. Strawn Carol J. Strunk Frank Strunk Donald Stephen Stutts ‘89 Karen Subar Ronnie Summer Darlene A. Sumter Howard M. Surface ‘68 T. David Sustar Maria M. Sutherland ‘06 Brenna Chapman Svagerko ‘98 ‘04 Madalyn C. Svendsen Bertha Renee Sweatman ‘89 Darren Lee Swiggett ‘06 David A. Swinson John H. Talbert ‘74 Michael Lauren Taylor ‘79 Patricia Wall Taylor ‘88 ‘95 Richard Dean Taylor ‘72 Charles Nelson Teague ‘91 Johnnie Michael Teal ‘91 ‘00 Margaret Tedesco Trudy M. Terlinde Gus S. Thanos Pamela J. Thatcher The Coffeeboss The Stanley Works David E. Thiem ‘05 Sharon Dean Thomas ‘99 Dorothy Claire Thompson ‘86 Frederick G. Thompson Stanley Thompson Jerry Lee Thorsell ‘02 Ann L. Threatt Y.B. Threatt Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

Robert J. Tilidetzke James Willard Till Jr. ‘72 Ted Lee Titcomb ‘73 Bessie C. Tolbert Jacob D. Toler Jr. ‘93 John W. Tomasovich Richard Arthur Tool ‘73 Mary E. Torretta ‘03 Agustine Toscano Sr. Keely G. Tracy Sandra D. Travis-Knight Robert W. Trenor Trident Pain Center PA Trident United Way Jon Richard Troneck ‘72 Alicia S. Truman Carole A. Tucci Cindy Turf D. Tynan Alan R. Tyner Dolores D. Tyo Cathy Ulber Sally Jamieson Ullom ‘80 Mildred Waltz Ulmer ‘68 Rose Ellen Umstead ‘00 ‘02 Union Co. Camp Meeting United Way of the Midlands Linda Unseth Odessa B. Ussery ‘77 Kristen Marie Valdez ‘10 Rebecca Elizabeth Varner ‘75 Varnville First Baptist Church Nannie Sue Vaughn William A. Veronee Beth E. Veyber ‘94 George S. Vick Sean Vick Tyler Sutton Vick Joseph S. Vines Diane H. Vinson Charles E. Waddell ‘75 Theodore B. Wade Anita Gay Walker Bernard G. Walker ‘81 Christa E. Walker Donna D. Walker Jimmy Lee Walker Laura C. Walker Melinda A. Walker ‘81 Scott Walker W. Garrett Walker Allen Walkup Stanley F. Wall ‘84 Weldon E. Wall Lucille Walsh Robert Christopher Walton ‘81 Jeffrey C. Ward Lisa R. Ward ‘94 ‘98 Rodney C. Ward Steve E. Ward William S. Ware Leroy E. Waring Sr. Bernice Warren Betty Warren Linda N. Warren ‘80 Wayne Waters Ann M. Watson ‘96 ‘01 Jennifer B. Watson ‘03 Thomas B. Watson Jr. Robert L. D. Watts ‘82 Matthew W. Way Paula E. Courtney Way Larry Wesley Weathers ‘72 Rachel P. Weathers Frank R. Webb ‘88 Barbara Weber Edna Weber Glenn R. Weber Betty P. Webster Edward W. Weekley Jr. Thomas Coke Weeks Jr. ‘73 Elizabeth A. Wegman David R. Weiss ‘03 C. L. Wells Robert Wells ‘77

Denise L. Wenger Ludy R. Werts John O. Wesner III Anthony Wesnesky Marcie Lynn Wessinger ‘02 ‘06 Ashley Iseman West ‘06 G. D. West William Thomas West ‘78 Anthony C. Weston Caroline E. Wham ‘04 Kristen L. Wharton William A. Whatley Barbara H. Whetzel ‘73 Whitaker Floor Coverings, Inc. Christopher White Corinne E. White David Leslie White Jonathan Landon White IV ‘10 Vance A. White White’s Sales and Service, Inc. Shirley Whitfield Faye W. Whittemore ‘92 John Raymond Whitten Jr. ‘69 Liticia Whitten Margaret Wienckowshi Stacy Edgar Wiggins ‘93 ‘98 Roland James Wilkins ‘82 Laura H. Wilkinson Barbara C. Williams ‘92 Braxton B. Williams III ‘72 Bryson Williams ‘02 Edna Edwards Williams ‘99 Joan Williams Johnette C. Williams ‘72 Kutina Williams Pene’ G. Williams Tevin Williams Brenda Joyce Williamson ‘74 Virginia Williamson ‘99 ‘06 Viola Lorie Willis ‘90 Whitney Willis Clyde E. Wilson Jr. ‘76 Elle H. Wilson James J. Wilson John Isaac Wilson ‘72 Wilson Tractor, Inc. Gary Windler Stancil O. Wise Jr. ‘74 James E. Wiseman D. L. Witherspoon Duane F. Witt Johnnie Lee Witt W. Stovall Witte H. Kurt Wohltjen Jeffrey A. Wolak Anthony W. Wood Betty W. Wood Donald V. Wood ‘89 Jeffrey Wood Shelia Wood L. B. Woodall Neil R. Woodall Rachel S. Woodall Tim Woodall Barry L. Woods Deborah Tisby Woods Lamar Griffith Woods ‘73 Susan Woodward Fred L. Worthy Chentell T. Wren ‘02 James Lee Wyrosdick ‘70 Faye W. Yarbrough Kenneth Lee Yates ‘90 Brenda J. York Elizabeth Lee Youmans ‘92 Fritz E. Young ‘72 Hester Young John E. Young Joyce L. Young ‘75 Eric Zernikow

Presidential Council Member

Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union With more than 200 employees and a member-focused philosophy, Heritage Trust Federal Credit Union continues to be a perfect alternative to banks in the Lowcountry. What sets Heritage Trust apart from the competitors is its consistent, long-term commitment to both its 50,000 members as well as employees. Heritage Trust is a financially sound organization that has successfully served the greater Charleston community since 1955 and is the only financial institution in the Charleston area that has purchased additional, private share insurance coverage on top of the federal amount. This means Heritage Trust’s member accounts are protected up to $500,000. IRAs are also covered up to $500,000. By concentrating on the needs and best interests of its members, Heritage Trust has been able to maintain growth and stability even in the midst of economic downturn. “Heritage Trust’s growth and success can be attributed to our member’s loyalty over the years, embracing change to provide our members with the best technology and products and services available, hiring great employees and consistently serving and supporting our local community,” said President and CEO James McDaniel Sr. Convenience: • 12 branch locations and more than 36 ATMS throughout the region. • The credit union’s Website, www.HeritageTrust.org is available for members 24/7to apply for loans, pay bills, view account balances or sign up to receive e-statements. • Members can also sign up for Mobile Banking for access via their cell phones. • As a participant in the Shared Branching network, Heritage Trust members who are traveling or relocating can access the services of almost 3,000 credit unions worldwide. Service: • The credit union’s highly skilled and dedicated professionals are available to assist members every day. • Staff are trained to answer member questions and provide easy access and assistance to product information, loan processing, account information and more. Trust: • Since Heritage Trust’s members are its owners, members actively participate in the organization’s future by electing the credit union’s Board of Directors. • Founded on the philosophy of “people helping people,” credit unions exist only to serve members.

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t


Friends John A. Hamrick Club $100,000 + The estate of Suzanne Gasque The estate of Ruth M. Jones

Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Club $25,000 + Margaret L. M. Payne

Clif Jones Club $10,000 + Robert H. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Evans Jairy C. Hunter III Timothy J. and Susan Spurling Earl F. Wheeler

Founder’s Club $5,000 + Anonymous Robert W. Ashby Barbara Horton Caldwell R. Jason Caskey Cary Chastain Carl W. Ehmann Randy E. Eller Jane Hamrick Wilbur E. Johnson Duncan L. McGoogan V. Lynn Singleton Boyce L. Smith lll Michael L. Taylor Cherie Dawn Tolley Johnny E. Ward William A. Weathersbee Kevin B. Welch Jeff C. Whittington Don Wilson

President’s Club $1,000 + Anonymous Charles B. Angle DeAndre’ Arnold Billie F. Attaway Jr. Derwood L. Aydlette Ava Bryant Ayers Donald P. Balderson Diane B. Barton Paul B. Barton G. David Bishop Mary Ann Bishop William A. Blanton John Boatwright Paul S. Bolen Curtis B. Boswell Winslade A. Bowen Darrell Bragg Gary D. Brantley T. Walter Brashier Bret L. Bremberg Robert J. Brinson Jason H. Brittain David Brown R. Keith Brown Bobby Ray Bryant Douglas C. Burnette Robert A. Caldwell Paul G. Campbell Jr. Richard K. Carlisle Daniel D. Carson Kay C. Cauthen Kevin Roscoe Chafin Converse A. Chellis IV Reginald Chesson Patti A. Childress Jeffrey J. Coghlan

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 26

William C. Collins Sarah Corbin W. Ed Corbin Jr. Mary E. Cosby J. Kevin Crain F. Rudy Cullum lll Robert E. Davis IV Jeffery L. Deal Joe Dettrey John P. Drafts Dennis E. Drew Roseann W. Drew R. Malcolm Edwards Steven L. Farmer George Scott Fennell Richard W. Furman David Gerhardt Marguerite J. Gilbert Ronnie M. Givens Lee Glover James H. Goodman Bill Goodwin Jr. Richard L. Gritzuk Larry K. Grooms John L. Hall John A. Hamrick Jr. Randolph H. Harley William C. Haselden Sr. Raymond W. Hawes Martin Healy Paul J. Heinauer Charles W. Hester Jr. Eric Hinton Van D. Hipp Jr. Charles Hirschman Charles F. Hiser John A. Hodges James E. Hoisington Diomede F. Hollingsworth Paul K. Hooker Vincent E. Hoover Jr. Jackie Horton Samuel M. Horton Oswaldo Hurtado James K. Jarrett C. David Jones Caroline Jones Mary Joseph Joseph Kassim David F. Kelemecz Lane S. Kelley Leland W. Kelley lll Edward M. Kennedy lll James W. Kirkpatrick Judith C. Kneece Hetz Seth P. Kupferman M. Tucker Laffitte Jr. C. Dale Lusk Robert C. Lutes Emory S. Main G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. James T. Martin Jr. Franklin G. Mason Jack N. McCathern Sr. Douglas G. McElveen Douglas W. McFarland Timothy P. McGlame James E. Merritt Kip D. Miller Bryan Mise Joyce P. Mixson James A. Moody Julian C. Moore Polly L. Moore Travis Michael Moore Hazel A. Moorer Robert F. Motley Berlin G. Myers Sr. J. Edward Nolan Robert W. Odom Jr. John S. Olson

Bobby F. Ott Freda T. Ott Kay Coker Ott-Ward John A. Paglia Sr. James L. Parker Jr. Bert Pooser Robert L. Pratt Mary V. Propes-Jackson Matt Provost Albertine Radding Robert S. Randall Douglas A. Reeves Jeanine G. Rhodes Legrand Richardson Jr. Robert D. Robbins Karl J. Robinson Malcolm N. Robinson Mark A. Robinson William M. Robinson Jr. James H. Rozier Mary E. Ruppert Rudolph B. Rustin Claudia W. Sanders Vito A. Scarafile Robert Scharstein Charles Schmitt Elizabeth T. Shealy Lloyd E. Sineath Peggy Sineath Mark M. Smith Maxine E. Smith James D. Southern Angela G. Stanford Jeremy M. Stipkala Randall K. Sturkey Ann S. Taylor Gloria J. Thiem W. Rosser Thrash John D. Trout Craig Tuck George L. Tupper Jr. Charles H. Van Rysselberge Elizabeth Diane Walker James W. Walker Jr. Harold H. Wall Charles K. Warren J. Scott Wells James Rick White William G. White Sr. Walter R. Whitman Charles A. Williams Jerry M. Williams Mevelyn Williams Michael E. Williams Michael G. Williams Rebecca R. Williams Steve Wray Joe R. Wren C. Ray Wrenn John W. Wyndham Fred A. Yohe Joe Young

Donors Anonymous Mike Able Shirley L. Adams Shirley W. Adams Jane Aherne Pamela C. Allen Robin M. Alston Maria Alvarez Breana D. Amick Eldred B. Amick William B. Amick Van Anderson Sharon Andrews Jim B. Apple Rebecca M. Arceneaux Kathy L. Archenhold Bertha H. Ariail

Pamela H. Arrington John L. Arthur Jr. Rick Atkinson Gene Austin Darlene Ayers Julia P. Ayers Charlie Babineaux Scott E. Bailey Billy Baker Susan Baker Albert Banks Robert A. Barber Martha F. Barkley Rudolph C. Barnes Jr. Mary P. Barone Durwood J. Barton Judith L. Battista Brandy N. Bauman Malene B. Baxley Chu Beanca David Bedenbaugh Earle J. Bedenbaugh H. M. Bedenbaugh Jean Bedenbaugh Roxanne S. Bedenbaugh Alice Faye Bedenbaugh-Shealy Walter R. Belton Katherine M. Bennett Andrew Berlin Robert O. Bernhard James Berry Linda C. Bettelli Fox Beyer Raymond Bizier Henry L. Black Larry Blackwell Terry H. Blackwell Carolyn Blalock Ruth H. Blalock James R. Bland Willie L. Blanding Jr. Thomas E. Blease Tony A. Boatwright Tammy Bodie Morris L. Bond Richard Bond Ronald R. Boozer David Borne David B. Boswell David W. Bowers Oscar W. Bowers Debbi Bowes Mary T. Bowles Martha Bowman Mary Bowman Gayland R. Boyle Matthew Brase Kenton C. Brasher David Bratcher Kimberly Bratcher Garret Breakirean James E. Brennfleck Melissa P. Brice Robin Bridges Charles Ray Brown Denise M. Brown Norman Brown Ron Brown William M. Brown Lauren Bruce John A. Buck Padraic J. Buckley Sheryl M. Burdette Kristen Burgess Teresa B. Burkholder Letha V. Cairns Constance A. Calhoun Douglas Calkins Stephen Craig Campbell Carolyn Campion Edna Jo Canady

Robert T. Carlson Robert C. Carlson Jinell Carroll Christopher Carter Diane B. Carter Norma Jean Carter S. E. Carter Jr. Chad R. Cary Bill Casey Huger P. Caughman Tommy B. Cauthen Eugene A. Champion Tina Chandler Linda S. Chatman Chari M. Christie Edna Christmas Donald G. Clark Sammy R. Clatworthy Frederick Claussen Malcolm Claxton Beatriz Cobell William N. Coffman Edward W. Coleman Hilda H. Coleman John D. Collins Ray H. Collins Dossie M. Connelly Alexis L. Conner Evelyn C. Cooper Julie Q. Corbett Cynthia E. Corson Cindy S. Cote Darrell A. Coulter Bryan L. Counts Betty L. Cox Charles E. Cox Sharron J. Cox William S. Cox Justin Crawford Marilyn S. Creech Wayne Creech Joyce E. Creed Kristal Crider Topy R. Crisalli Kim Crocker Jean B. Cuff Magdalena Cugno Hope Cumbie Sara Curtis Gilnor G. Dalrymple Donald E. Daniels Dorothy A. Davidson Amy C. Davis Blake M. Davis Daniel W. Davis Sylvia R. Davis William R. Davis Richard P. Dawkins Theresa P. De Terlizzi Edward R. Dean Raymond N. Dean Kenneth B. Decker E. L. Deighan Mallory N. Deighan Melanie Deighan Terri DeLoach Sue Demeter William Richard Dempsey D. Joan Denlinger Barbara A. D’Ercole Ty Deveaux William B. Dickert Sr. Lori Dickson Larry Dietz William C. Dill John P. Domitrowsky Jane G. Doolittle Brenda L. Doran Betty A. Dorsett Bobby J. Dorsett Jr. Carol A. Dorsey

Angela D’Ostroph Donald D’Ostroph Ray D’Ostroph James G. Dowdy G. Bryan Drafts B. Carlisle Driggers Mary Z. Dubose Clara Dudley Thomas E. Dudley Jr. Jan Duke Cheryl Dumbleton Martin A. Durant John D. Durham Edward L. Easterlin Glenda W. Easterlin Melvin Edmonds Bethany Ann Elliott Robert M. Elliott Robert Grady Ellison Billy T. Elmore Ellis A. Elmore Steven L. England Emily S. Epting James Ray Epting Mitzi R. Epting Todd Ericsson Wendell Estep Mary Jane Estes John P. Evans Virginia E. Evans Sheila A. Fair Garrett Fairclough Michael Falgenbaum Donna H. Falkner Rodney Fambrough Joy Fellers Terry L. Fellers Jack D. Ferguson H. Neil Fick Gerald M. Finkel James E. Fogartie Jr. Jimmy Fogle John Casey Forrester Becky Fossler Myra J. Freeman Paula H. Freeman Robert Freeman Thomas E. Fruechtenicht Katherine L. Gailey James L. Gardner Jr. Rusty N. Garrett Thomas C. Garrett Beverly Gates Jessica Geddis James R. Gerber Linda M. German Audrey Gilliam Lewis Gilpin Kinard Ervin Givens Marilyn Glears Melanie MacMillan Glenn Susan T. Glenn Susan Wilson Glenn June P. Goble John Godwin Kimberly Golden Stephen E. Gordon Edith M. Gore John Goynacki John T. Gramling ll James A. Gray Tommy Grayson Gary T. Greenway Margaret M. Griffin Thomas D. Griffin Jr. Sandy Guhl Dionne M. Guinn Kathryn C. Gutmann Jeremiah Habersham Jr. Roseanna F. Haley Carrie M. Hall

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Presidential Council Member Ernest E. Hall Ellen E. Haller Melody Hamlet James R. Hamm Ladison Hamm Frank S. Hanckel Jr. Michelle N. Harben John E. Hargreaves Deb Hargrove Jean Hargrove Timothy L. Hargrove Nora K. Harmsen Amy M. Harrell DeJanee S. Harris Donald Harrison John T. Harrison Raymond Harrison Dana Hartle David F. Hatcher Mark J. Haumschild Michele S. Havens Lewis Hawkins Patricia L. Hawkins Martha K. Hearn Gloria J. Heisey Mark J. Henders Michael W. Hicok Mary T. Higgins William T. Higgins Christopher Hill Floyd Knight Hill Freddie Hill Gary Hill W. D. Hillen John Hillman Homer B. Hobbs Karen K. Hobcroft Allen Hodge Fausteen Hodge Sandra N. Hodges Jennifer Brase Hogberg Susan M. Holcombe Jean B. Holdsworth Walter T. Holdsworth Sam Holeman Jeffrey B. Holland Robert L. Holleman Sr. Katherine B. Hollinshead Daniel Hollstegge Linda Y. Holmes Shannon Holmes Stanley D. Honeycutt James E. Hooks Fred W. Hoover David A. Horton Laura Lee Hostetter Susan House Marilyn Howard Francine D. Hoyt Sharron S. Huff Jason Huffmaster Malana Huges Charlotte N. Hughes John T. Hulvey Jr. Gloria J. Humphrey Harold J. Hunt Robert Husse Nora L. Irmen Annie L. Jackson Harvetta M. Jackson Stoney Jackson Tasha S. James Samuel E. Jaridau Patrick W. Jarman M. Dean Jendro David N. Jenkins Cheryl Johnson Gina Johnson James R. Johnson Sue Johnson Charles Johnston

Chris Johnston Mary E. Johnston Tommye Johnston Patsy D. Jones Vincent E. Jones William C. Jones Joe W Jordan Richard A. Joslin Charles D. Jowers Fred Kassis Kerry L. Kavanagh James K. Kelleher Kevin S. Kelleher John F. Keller Charles Kelly Amanda Kennett Doreen Kerwin Tony F. Killingsworth Deanna R. King Janie L. King Sudie W. King Craig Kinnison Samuel C. Kinon Guy E. Kirby Patrice M. Kirchoff Sam D. Kirkland Brenda M. Kirkpatrick Kirklin Elise Kirkpatrick Lasheon Kirland Shelby J. Kittrell Edward Klinger Mary Klinger Sharon Konopka Matthew Kornegay Sandy Kreinbring Mary Ellen Krohn-Klamm Marianne Kuhn Daniel Lackland Ann Laffitte Norris L. Laffitte Sherry D. Lail Larry M. Lake Robert H. Lake Shannon M. Lambert Joanne M. Lamson Sherwood Lancaster Sondra Lane Marian M. Larisey Christopher M. Latham John H. LaVenice Mike L. Lavenice Joe Lawrence Vivian Lawrence Miriam B. Leaphart George C. Ledbetter Clarence W. Legerton lll Rosann F. Lester Helen T. Lewis John N. Libertowski Yolanda Libertowski Roger D. Linder Ovin Linton Jr. Warren T. Little Clinton E. Logan Ricky L. Loman Chris Lominick Donnie Looper H. M. Love C. Brent Lowe John D. Lowery Jeffrey L. Lozano Louis J. Luchetta T. L. Ludwig James F. Lyles Jr. Sherry L. Macko Lawrence E. Magill David Malphrus Charles Anthony Markham Harry C. Marshall Stephen Marshall Charles W. Martin

Inge Martin Karen Martin Peter J. Maschka Bradley G. Masopust David L. Mauldin Levi David Mauldin John W. McAlhany Judy C. McAlhany Mary Kay McCarthy Andy McClure Leroy L. McCollum Lynn L. McCollum Galyn McCollum-Hawkins Steve McCombs James H. McDaniel Janet M. McDaniel Douglas C. McDougald Sharon P. McGarrity Laura McGill Thomas McGorty Candace C. McGreevy Stephen McGue Frances D. McGuire Sheila C. McKee Becky E. McKinney Chris A. McLean Darrin R. McLean Jerome F. McMahon Elizabeth L. McMaster Nathaniel McMillan Brittany McNeilly Tamela L. Meadows Michael G. Medcalf Steven K. Meier William Meredith Cheryl A. Merschen Judith Mersereau Barabara Messer Fransiska Meteray Jeff Middaugh Don Middlebrook Charlotte C. Miller Daniel J. Miller Lisa N. Mills Belinda G. Milton Barbara L. Mines Sue E. Mitchell Dennis Mizzell John Mizzell Timothy M. Mizzell Mary H. Mock Marian M. Moorehead Leslie A. Moreland Albert Morgan Mary W. Morgan Dean Morrison Phyllis Morrison Michael Scott Moseley Vicki W. Moss Robert L. Mosteller Janice E. Moulder Carmen P. Mounce Steve Mounce Forrest M. Mowbray John C. Muller Sr. E. Gloria Mullinax Craig D. Muni Jay Murphy Jerry Murphy John C. Murphy Betty Infinger Murray Melinda E. Muxlow Rod D. Nease Sharon Neel Steve Nicholson Stephanie Mizell Niemeyer Jim A. Nista Mark D. Noeldner John J. Nokes Darrell G. Nunnelley Karen L. Obrien

David T. Odell David M. O’Driscoll Betty L. Oglesby James J. Olmstead Gary L. Olson JoAnn Onorato John D. Palmer Beth M. Parolisi Betty J. Parrish Cindy B. Patrick James R. Patterson Sharon M. Peal Julian Peek Joesph Pelzer Janice S. Penman Brian Pentecost Cathy A. Peppers H. William Perry Harold L. Phillips Ron Piccione Betty S. Pickett William Hamilton Pieper William B. Pierson Mitchell A. Pletcher Donald C. Plunkett Jimmy Plunkett Danny G. Poole Jr. Tony Pope W. Troy Porter W. J. Poston Alissa Powell William M. Powell J. L. Prather Edward L. Price Claudius H. Pritchard Jr. Elizabeth B. Prochaska Patricia H. Propst Sue Pruitt Deborah L. Pukas Julie M. Qualkinbush Darlene W. Quattlebaum Roger Quattlebaum Walton A. Quattlebaum Gloria D. Queen Patricia L. Quentel Matthew M. Quinton Linda Rabinowitz Ken M. Rada Eric E. Radabaugh Lynne M. Ramsey Kathleen Raymond Eunice Reardon Don Reber Ann R. Rebois Harry L. Reed Lelia M. Reed Catherine Reed George R. Reiter Jocelyn E. Reiter Daniel L. Rene E. Roger Reynolds Bruce Ricard Doris E. Richardson Pamela H. Riggs John Riles F. David Riley Perry Riley Nancy Rinehart Melissa Fay Roberts Nancy M. Roberts Spears James T. Robertson Jimmy L. Robinette Kathryn Rodgers Larry L. Rodl Larry Alan Rogers Dwight E. Rohrer Sean K. Rooney Lisa D. Ross Jack Roth Jr. Jennifer S. Roth

Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company A chain of grocery stores founded in 1947 in Charleston, South Carolina, Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company has grown to be the largest employee-owned retail company in the state. We have more than 100 stores and over 4,000 employee owners throughout South Carolina and coastal Georgia. Proud to contribute to the academic environment of Charleston Southern University as a Presidential Level donor, Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company appreciates the support shown to our company by CSU alumni, students and faculty through the years, with two stores less than four miles from the CSU campus and others located in communities where Piggly Wiggly serves the needs of proud Buccaneers where they work and live. The Piggly Wiggly executive leadership team includes proud CSU alum and Executive Vice President Bill Edenfield, along with Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Sandra Rabon, who serves on the CSU Board of Visitors Presidential Council. Piggly Wiggly invests in CSU to help educate students and prepare them to perform as future business leaders who will model the achievements of Bill and Sandra.

continued on next page >>

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 27

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t << friends continued from previous page

Rudolf Roth Walter Roth G. Steve Rountree Frank H. Rudd Emilie W. Ruff Brandy N. Ryan E. John Saleeby Paul Sanders Margaret C. Sanderson Sherry S. Sanderson Kelly A. Sauls Brian Saxon Carolyn Scarpa Catherine A. Scarpa Elizabeth C. Schuh Joyce T. Scott Patricia C. Scott Steven D. Searfoss Jasper Sears Sherrell W. Seeley Ronald M. Severs R. Shannberger Terry C. Shaver Trevis R. Shealy Stanley C. Sheeley Mae G. Shields

Richard A. Shirley Ned Shows Floyd E. Sides Linda E. Silvers E. Charles Simmons Joanne Simmons Sophia Simmons Alyce M. Sims W. H. Sims Robert D. Singer Al H. Sirmon Nancy J. Skokan Olin L. Slabaugh Michael B. Slavik Amanda Smith Mary K. Smith Roger L. Smith Sylvia T. Smith Will E. Smith Sabrea Smith-Elliott Bradley D. Smoak Jeffrey L. Snider P. Lee Solomon Patricia H. Southern Hazel Spaulding Mark G. Spears William J. Spiers Jr. Dayna Spivey Joe R. Spivey Gary Spurio

David Stafford Nancy B. Stanton Dennis J. Steele Michael F. Steller B. Wiley Stephens Elizabeth S. Stillwell Gerald Stone Terry S. Strawn Carol J. Strunk Frank Strunk Karen Subar Ronnie Summer Darlene A. Sumter T. David Sustar Madalyn C. Svendsen David A. Swinson Margaret Tedesco Trudy M. Terlinde Gus S. Thanos Pamela J. Thatcher Frederick G. Thompson Stanley Thompson Ann L. Threatt Y.B. Threatt Bessie C. Tolbert John W. Tomasovich Agustine Toscano Sr. Keely G. Tracy Sandra D. Travis-Knight Robert W. Trenor

Alicia S. Truman Carole A. Tucci Cindy Turf D. Tynan Alan R. Tyner Dolores D. Tyo Cathy Ulber Linda Unseth Nannie Sue Vaughn William A. Veronee George S. Vick Sean Vick Tyler Sutton Vick Joseph S. Vines Diane H. Vinson Theodore B. Wade Anita Gay Walker Christa E. Walker Donna D. Walker Jimmy Lee Walker Laura C. Walker Scott Walker W. Garrett Walker Allen Walkup Weldon E. Wall Lucille Walsh Jeffrey C. Ward Rodney C. Ward Steve E. Ward William S. Ware


Leroy E. Waring Sr. Bernice Warren Betty Warren Wayne Waters Thomas B. Watson Jr. Matthew W. Way Paula E. Courtney Way Rachel P. Weathers Barbara Weber Edna Weber Glenn R. Weber Betty P. Webster Edward W. Weekley Jr. Elizabeth A. Wegman C. L. Wells Denise L. Wenger Ludy R. Werts John O. Wesner lll Anthony Wesnesky G. D. West Anthony C. Weston Kristen L. Wharton William A. Whatley Christopher White Corinne E. White David Leslie White Vance A. White Shirley Whitfield Liticia Whitten Margaret Wienckowshi

Laura H. Wilkinson Joan Williams Kutina Williams Pene’ G. Williams Tevin Williams Whitney Willis Elle H. Wilson James J. Wilson Gary Windler James E. Wiseman D. L. Witherspoon Duane F. Witt Johnnie Lee Witt W. Stovall Witte H. Kurt Wohltjen Jeffrey A. Wolak Anthony W. Wood Betty W. Wood Jeffrey Wood Shelia Wood L. B. Woodall Neil R. Woodall Rachel S. Woodall Tim Woodall Barry L. Woods Deborah Tisby Woods Susan Woodward Faye W. Yarbrough Brenda J. York John E. Young Eric Zernikow

Buy a Brick Program Participants Jessica Lea Abangan ‘08 Harold H. Adams Jr. ‘69 Joshua Mensah-Osekre Anderson ‘08 Lester M. Anderson Robert W. Ashby Sara F. Astin ‘84 Chad C. Atkinson ‘03 William T. Bailey ‘71 Pamela Carlton Banas Alicia Marie Benton ‘03 Dawn Denise Blizard ‘86 Robert Vincent Bogart ‘07 A. Kennerley Bonnette Jr. Curtis P. Boyd ‘87 William H. Brabham Jr. ‘04 Michael Thomas Braman ‘84 Kenton C Brasher Jason H. Brittain Michael Pope Brodie ‘07 Tradd Joseph Brodie ‘07 Brian J. Burgess ‘97 Edwin Carl Burrell Jr. ‘68 Barbara Horton Caldwell Michael Patrick Cameron ‘75 Nancy B. Canavera Christopher Carter Raul Chang ‘07 Stephen Malone Chellis ‘73 Carol Ann Christenbury-Embler ‘05 ‘10 Henry Alan Ciccarelli ‘93 Patricia Ann Clark Jeffrey Brandon Cochran ‘10

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 28

Ralph H. Cochran William N. Coffman Karen Diane Collins Sarah Corbin Mary E. Cosby Justin Crawford Kenneth William Crosby ‘08 David Cross CSU Department of English William B. Daniel ‘71 Stephen J. DeBerardino ‘97 Lori Dickson Jacqueline Jenkins Doffin ‘75 B. Carlisle Driggers James M. Drolet ‘89 Thomas E. Dudley Jr. Amanda Shaw Dukes ‘10 Richard H. Elliott ‘79 Tina Marie Ferguson ‘04 Ryan Michael Fleck ‘04 Melvin Leroy Freeman III ‘90 Marie Josee Gagnon ‘96 Paul R. Garten ‘86 David Gerhardt Sandra Deneise Gilliard ‘10 James H. Goodman Jennie Clayton Goodman ‘68 Wayne D. Goodwin ‘70 Bernard Arthur Grant ‘68 Walter David Gray ‘01 Liliane B. Gresham ‘02 Kyle Hammond ‘03

Jane Hamrick Martha K. Hearn R. Elaine Henderson ‘77 Barbara Jean Susan Hilton ‘82 Fausteen Hodge Robert Eugene Holman Jr. ‘73 Gregory Winfield Horres ‘10 David A. Horton Stephen D. Hudson H. Boykin Hughes Jr. ‘70 Tara Hulsey Mary Palmer Hutto ‘90 ‘94 Ronald Steven Jaicks ‘93 Yvonne D. Janik ‘93 Jay D. Jester ‘94 James R. Johnson Jason S. Jurkowski ‘99 Kelly P. Kanapaux ‘94 Teri Lynn Karges Robert J. King ‘79 Phillip M. Kornet ‘70 Elizabeth Ann Laffitte ‘73 Linda Celestina Lang ‘98 Tanya F. Lott ‘99 Rob Roy MacGregor ‘08 Marilyn Jane McAfee ‘70 Leroy L. McCollum Robert L. McCutcheon ‘96 James H. McDaniel Thomas G. McDonald ‘78 Joe Wayne McMahan ‘71 Frankie J. Melton Jr. ‘95

Theresa N. Miante ‘98 Paula Miller ‘95 ‘98 Carlos A. Monteiro Brooks P. Moore ‘70 G. Brian Mullinax Deidre Jenifer Neal ‘82 Harriett Baker Neal ‘76 Rodney R. Neal ‘76 Robert John Norris ‘74 Jerry Chad Owens ‘03 Patricia Madeline Palmer ‘11 Margaret L. M. Payne Donald C. Plunkett Bert Pooser Richard W. Porter ‘76 Cynthia McCurry Putman ‘76 Robert S. Randall Joyce Moore Rea Melanie Gayle Reynolds-Murphy ‘75 James T. Robertson Karl J. Robinson James P. Rooney Sr. ‘72 Melanie S. Ruff ‘84 Mary E. Ruppert Sara Lyles Sanders ‘75 Tyrone Sanders Sr. ‘87 Ellen Thurmond Senter ‘68 James C. Settle Elizabeth T. Shealy Jennifer E. Shearer Jim I. Shuman ‘98 Linda E. Silvers

Donnie R. Simmons ‘77 James R. Sipe ‘87 Patricia H. Southern Edward Joshua Speyers Mendel S. Stafford Jr. ‘95 State Farm Companies Fnd. Donald R. Stephens ‘80 Elona C. Stevens Theresa Stone ‘99 Bertha Renee Sweatman ‘89 Darren Lee Swiggett ‘06 John H. Talbert ‘74 Ann S. Taylor Michael Lauren Taylor ‘79 Trudy M. Terlinde Mary E. Torretta ‘03 Kristen Marie Valdez ‘10 Charles E. Waddell ‘75 Lisa R. Ward ‘94 ‘98 Jennifer B. Watson ‘03 Ashley Iseman West ‘06 Jonathan Landon White IV ‘10 Roland James Wilkins ‘82 Brenda Joyce Williamson ‘74 Debra B. Williamson Franklin H. Williamson ‘71 Donald V. Wood ‘89 Fred A. Yohe Hester Young

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Presidential Council Member

Faculty, Staff & Coaches Founder’s Club $5,000+ Rusty E. Bruns

William L. Ward ‘90 Debra B. Williamson Mela Wyeth

President’s Club $1,000+


Anonymous W. Todd Ashby David Baggs Pamela Carlton Banas Robert Luke Blackmon A. Kennerley Bonnette Jr. William P. Bowers Richard B. Brewer ‘77 ‘96 James P. Colman Carol Jean Drowota John B. Duncan Graydon Gray David T. Heldreth Jr. Sandra H. Hughes ‘89 Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Jeryl W. Johnson Jay Owen Mills Janet M. Mims ‘82 Rex W. Nestor ‘95 James E. Roberts Wilma Lindsey Walke ‘10

Lester M. Anderson Julia H. Ard Amy Love Atkins Nancy R. Barendse Martin James Barrier Rachelle M. Bouronich ‘99 ‘06 James Jerome Bradley Cathryn Broderhausen Valerie K. Bullock Sloan Calvert Nancy B. Canavera Donald Clerico Karen Diane Collins David Cross James Bradley Drake Christie Faircloth-Dixon Jacqueline Fish Elizabeth Ann Fleming ‘97 Blake R. Freeland Liliane B. Gresham ‘02 Michael Timothy Hammond Rebecca K. Hanckel Arnold J. Hite

Stephen D. Hudson Tara Hulsey Ellen E. Hyatt Juliana L. Johnson ‘08 James H. Jones Janet Wiles Joslin ‘82 Timothy Lee Langford Donald R. Little Jennifer L. Luiken Barbara Mead Jarod D. Newland Amy Lewis Nolan ‘94 Shirley H. Nuckolls James W. Owens ‘76 Cynthia McCurry Putman ‘76 Robert E. Ratliff Joyce Moore Rea Melanie Gayle Reynolds-Murphy ‘75 James C. Settle Jennifer E. Shearer Henry N. Small Edward Joshua Speyers Beverley Lee Spitler Robert J. Tilidetzke Melinda A. Walker ‘81 Ann M. Watson ‘96 ‘01 David R. Weiss ‘03 Fred L. Worthy Hester Young

Churches President’s Club $1,000 + East Cooper Baptist Church Florence First Baptist Church Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church Great Swamp Baptist Church Sauldam Baptist Church

Donors Ashley River Baptist Church Barnwell First Baptist Church Beulah Baptist Church Calvary Baptist Church Carolina Bay Church Christ Temple Holiness Church Coastal Shores Baptist Church Columbia Road Church of God

Doctor’s Creek Baptist Church Doorway Baptist Church Edwards Road Baptist Church Elgin Baptist Church Evergreen Baptist Church First Baptist Church - Columbia First Baptist Church - Lancaster First Baptist Church - Mt. Pleasant Garden City Baptist Church Georgetown First Baptist Church Grace United Methodist Church Hartsville First Baptist Church Hebron Baptist Church Hillcrest Baptist Church Jedburg First Baptist Langston Baptist Church Mountain View Baptist Church

Myrtle Beach First Baptist Church North Mullins Baptist Church North Side Baptist Church Old Fort Baptist Church Pinecrest Baptist Church Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Poplar Springs Baptist Church Providence Baptist Church Rhema Tabernacle Riverland Hills Baptist Church Roebuck Baptist Church South Florence Baptist Church Southside Baptist Church Spring Valley Baptist Church Step of Faith Trinity Episcopal Church

Matching Companies The corporations listed made matching gifts to the University on behalf of their directors, officers, employees and retirees who also made personal contributions to Charleston Southern. Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Harold H. Adams Jr. ‘69

Harris Foundation Thomas A. Pietsch ‘83

AT&T Foundation Stancil O. Wise Jr. ‘74

MeadWestvaco Foundation James Lawrence Bowers ‘77 Janice Adkins Franks ‘91

Ayco Charitable Foundation Anonymous B&W Y-12, LLC Gordon E. Hendrich ‘96

Milliken & Company Boyce L. Smith III

State Farm Comp. Foundation William A. Blanton Curtis P. Boyd ‘87 Thomas W. Edwards Jr. ‘75 Troy Wayne Herndon ‘69 Keith Allen Hewitt ‘71 Mary Joseph James P. Rooney Sr. ‘72 William A. Weathersbee

Nationwide Foundation Derwood L. Aydlette

The Stanley Works Barry Sullivan Armstrong ‘68

South Carolina Federal Credit Union Scott Woods – President & CEO of South Carolina Federal Credit Union, located in Charleston, SC, since 2004. Prior to accepting this role, he served as Chief Financial Officer of South Carolina Federal, Chief Financial Officer of SRP Federal Credit Union, Chief Financial Officer of S.C. Telco Federal Credit Union and as a Senior Financial Institution Auditor with KPMG Peat Marwick, CPAs. Woods received his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance from the College of Charleston and his MBA in Finance from Auburn University. Woods is also a graduate of the Southeast Regional Credit Union Management School, the Credit Union National Association Financial Management School and holds both Certified Public Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor certificates. Woods currently serves as chairman of the board of the First Carolina Corporate Credit Union and chairman of the board of trustees of Charleston Southern University. He serves on the Executive Committee of the board of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce as well as on the boards of Palmetto Cooperative Services, LLC, the South Carolina ACH Association and Indirect Lending Services, LLC. Woods also serves on the Community Investment Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. He is a member of the South Carolina Credit Union Management Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, South Carolina Associations of Certified Public Accountants and the Institute of Internal Auditors. Woods has previously served as past-chairman of the board for the South Carolina Credit Union League and on the Executive Committees of the Carolinas CFO Council and the Carolina Low Country Red Cross. He also serves as a trustee for, and past-chairman of the deacon body of Fort Johnson Baptist Church in Charleston, S.C.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Michael Kevin Alford ‘95

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t


Businesses, Organizations and Foundations Businesses, organizations and foundations contribute to Charleston Southern on their own or through a matching gift. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Club $25,000 +

Founder’s Club $5,000 +

Baptist Foundation of SC Jenzabar Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Fnd., Inc. Trident Medical Center Whitfield Family Charitable Trust

Aramark Food Services BB&T Charles G. Koch Foundation Coastal Com. Fnd. of SC G C A Services Group Moe’s SW Grill Palmetto Behavioral Health Pepsi Bottling Group Pleasant Places Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc.

Clif Jones Club $10,000 + Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation BANa Bottling Co. Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, Inc. CSU Womens’ Council First Federal of Charleston Heritage Trust Federal Credit Piggly Wiggly Carolina Co. Inc. Post & Courier Foundation SC Federal Credit Union SC Independent Colleges & Universities State Farm Companies Fnd. Wingate by Wyndham (CSU) Young Clement & Rivers LLP

President’s Club $1,000 + AT&T Bank of America Banks Construction Company Baptist Courier Benefit Controls of the Southeast Berkeley Electric Cooperative Berlin G. Myers Lumber Co. Carolina Eastern, Inc. Cathedral Academy Charleston Men’s Chorus ChevronTexaco Products Co. Cooper River Partners LLC Curry Engineers, LLC D. L. Scurry Foundation Delaware North Companies

Dorchester County Medical Society Enterprise Analysis Consulting Enterprise Rent-A-Car - Summerville Exchange Club of Charleston Exchange Club of Summerville Finkel Law Firm, LLC First National Bank of SC Goodstein Law Firm, LLC Hampton Inn & Suites Hood Construction Co. Inc. Hoove Group, Inc. Learning House, Inc. Limehouse Produce Company McAlister-Smith Funeral Home MeadWestvaco-Forestry Metro Electric Co. Inc. Milliken & Company Moe’s SW Grill Murray Signs Inc. National Bank of SC Premier Orthopedics, Inc. Production Design Asso., Inc. Regions Bank SC Bank and Trust SCANA Corporation Security Management of SC Select Health Showa Denko Carbon, Inc. Sonitrol Security Systems Sunshine House, Inc. T & T Inc. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Venture Aerobearings Wachovia Bank

Wendy’s William M. Bird & Company Zaxby’s


A Services Group, LLC Affirmation, LLC AT&T AT&T Foundation B&W Y-12, LLC Ellsworth E. Barber, Veterinarian Big South Conference Carolina Insurance Consultants Cauthen Motor Co. Inc. Chapin High School Charleston Basbeball, LLC City of Roanoke Rapids CSU Department of English Diamond Prospects Doan Wellness Center, PC Dry -Tech Inc SC Enterprise Analysis Consulting Florida Express Environmental Futura Tracks, LLC Gardner Paint & Body, Inc. Golf World Tournaments, Inc. Hancock Askew & Company, LLP Handy Mart-Macedonia Herminie Auto Parts Inc. J. R. Fox Manufacturing Jack Russell Software Co., LLC Kneece’s Car Care Kunkle Tire & Service Center, Inc. Lawrence Janitorial Service

Low Country Painting, LLC MeadWestvaco Foundation Meyers Company MKM Environmental NCAEOP One on One Hairstyling Palmetto Officials Association Pauly Toyota Pomaria-Garmany Practical Wellness Solutions, PWS Prosperity Business Prosperity-Rikard Quality Woodtruss, Inc. Riser, McLaurin & Gibbons, LLP Sandy Hills Farms Sanitary Plumbing Contractors, S.P.C., Inc. Sing Heating Company Sligh’s Superette South Carolina Sports Medicine Southeast Anesthesia Services, LLC Southern Mutual Church Insure. Co. Stokes-Trainor The Coffeeboss The Stanley Works Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Trident Pain Center PA Trident United Way United Way of the Midlands Whitaker Floor Coverings, Inc. White’s Sales and Service, Inc. Wilson Tractor, Inc.

In Honor of / In Memory of The University is pleased to receive gifts from individuals and companies who find such a gift to be a fitting way to honor or remember a friend or family member. Gifts were made to CSU by alumni and friends in honor or memory of the following individuals in italics. In Honor of Al Day G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Amanda Rae D’Ostroph Ray D’Ostroph Andrew & Britt M. Fulghum G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Annelle H. Fort G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Audrey L. Altman G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Bailey Preacher G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Bill & Jean Crosby Kenneth William Crosby ‘08

Dawn Lee Pamela Carlton Banas

Dr. Scott Yarbrough Pamela Carlton Banas

Faye Wood Pamela Carlton Banas

Buddy Johnson Juliana L. Johnson ‘08

Don & Libby Still G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Dr. Thomas Hulsey Dr. Tara Hulsey

Fred & Vickie Tuten G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Byron C. & Margaret H. Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Dr. Carol Drowota Pamela Carlton Banas

E. L. Ambrose G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Fred Nimmer G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Carol Joslin Richard A. Joslin

Dr. David Phillips Pamela Carlton Banas

Ellen Hyatt Pamela Carlton Banas

G. G. Lowther G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Carrie Yohe Fred A. Yohe

Dr. Dennis H. Jones President’s Club ($1,000 +) Caroline Jones

Ellen L. Hogsett G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Gary & Alice V. Way G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Ellree J. & Katherine V. Keiffer G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Gensie P. Shuman G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Dr. Marian Larisey Jennifer E. Shearer

Ethel Croft Pamela Carlton Banas A. Kennerley Bonnette Jr.

Gerald D. Malphrus G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Dr. Melanie Harris Pamela Carlton Banas

Eva J. Kleckley G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Christine M. Mathis G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Barbara Lowther G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Corvino Graduates President’s Club ($1,000 +) Gene Michael Corvino ‘04

Beau & Mendy Smith G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Craig Barto Pamela Carlton Banas

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 30

Dr. Kimberly Sims Pamela Carlton Banas

Grace Best G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

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Harold Wall G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Melanie A. Johnson James R. Johnson

The Old Bank Board at Ridgeland G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Heather Horton David A. Horton

Mr. & Mrs. Benny Jones G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Thelma L. Day G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

J. D. Southern Patricia H. Southern

Mr. & Mrs. Bobby W. Smith G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Tim Yohe Fred A. Yohe

James Nicholson Michelle N. Harben

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hornsby G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Tina Hartley Pamela Carlton Banas

Jeff & Voncile M. Mingledorff G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rountree G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Tommie S. Baldwin G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Jeremiah E. & Melinda F. Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Woods G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Truett L. Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Jo M. Coy G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Nada F. Williams G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Tyrone G. Lowther G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

JoBeth Banas Pamela Carlton Banas

Dr. Nancy Barendse Pamela Carlton Banas

Violet A. Hanson G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Joe and Betty Peek John F. Peek ‘82

Nancy Canavera Pamela Carlton Banas

Wanda Dupree Pamela Carlton Banas

Jordan Hollinshead Katherine B. Hollinshead

Pat Lusk Crooks President’s Club ($1,000 +) C. Dale Lusk

In Memory of

June Liles G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Karen Collins Thomas E. Dudley Jr. LaRue W. Sauls G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Laurie E. King Barbara Horton Caldwell Loraine Terry Pamela Carlton Banas Mac & Ada V. McDowell G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Margaret K. Rice Martha K. Hearn Margaret Lightsey Payne Anonymous Norris L. Laffitte Elizabeth L. McMaster

Piper Horton Crockett David A. Horton Plowden Dickson III Lori Dickson Randy & Carolyn Hammond President’s Club ($1,000 +) Kyle Hammond ‘03 Reba Jones G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Rev. & Mary Jo Davenport G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Derris Davenport G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Lee G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Rev. Ralph & Tammy Lee G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Mark E. King Barbara Horton Caldwell

Rock Purdy G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Martha C. Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Rodney & Patricia V. Malphrus G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Marty Colleran G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Sarah Timm James T. Robertson

Mary S. Cope G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Shirley Whitfield Fred Kassis

Mary V. Daley G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Sarah V. Sanders G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Megan Lombard Leroy L. McCollum

Suzan Phillips Pamela Carlton Banas

Albert Altman G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Bervena Sue Marshall Joe W. Jordan Ronald William Jordan ‘70 Bill Southern Thomas E. Dudley Jr.

Presidential Council Member

The Jenzabar Foundation The mission of The Jenzabar Foundation is to recognize and support the good works and humanitarian efforts of student leaders serving others across the global community. The Foundation seeks to foster a culture of service and to educate and inspire future generations to create a better world. The Jenzabar Foundation issues grants to institutions of higher education and other charitable organizations with similarly aligned missions and helps promote the activities of grant recipients within their communities and on a global level. The Jenzabar Foundation is a charitable and education organization that received its initial funding from Jenzabar, Inc. Chairman of the Jenzabar Foundation is Robert A. Maginn Jr.

Billy Sanders G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Bobby Liles G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Bruce E. Dayton Brenda Dayton Lewellyn ‘09 Charles E. & Ada Malphrus G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Charles F. (Dusty) Rhodes Jr. James R. Bland Brantley Construction, LLC Douglas Calkins John D. Collins Tommy Grayson Frank S. Hanckel Jr. Palmetto Officials Association E. Roger Reynolds Terry S. Strawn James J. Wilson Charles Mears G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Charles Verburg Archie Franchini ‘73 David Canavera Nancy B. Canavera

continued on next page >>

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t Hugh L. & Sarah M. Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Pearl Lowther Pitts G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Inez M. Mingledorff G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Pearle S. Williamson Karen Diane Collins

Jack C. Best Jr. G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Porter G. Stevens Anonymous

James E. Ruppert Mary E. Ruppert

R. B. Lowther G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

James G. Burgess, Jr. Brian J. Burgess ‘97

Rebecca Bowers G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Jeffrey Thompson Archie Franchini ‘73

Rev. Adrian & Mrs. Betty Vaughn G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Dr. Harold Overton Sara Lyles Sanders ‘75

John Thomas Hunter Joe W. Jordan Ronald William Jordan ‘70

Rev. Donald L. R. Jones G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Dr. Henry Lucius Laffitte Elizabeth Ann Laffitte ‘73

Justin E. Cope Jennifer L. Luiken

Dr. John A. Hamrick John A. Hamrick Jr. Diomede F. Hollingsworth

Larry Joe Riggs Karen Diane Collins

<< in honor of / in memory of continued from previous page

David Marshall Joe W. Jordan Ronald William Jordan ‘70 Deanna Y. Avant Freddie Hill Dr. Darnell L. Browner G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Dr. David Hodge Fausteen Hodge

Dr. Oswell Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Linda Sue Harris William K. Harris ‘94

Dr. Tunis Romein CSU Department of English

Lisa Sineath Inge Martin Joseph F. Tallon ‘69

E. W. “Jonsey” Jones G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Loretta B. Daniel William B. Daniel ‘71

Edward Reynolds G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Margaret Banks Hurtes H. Boykin Hughes Jr. ‘70

Eugene Ott Jay D. Jester ‘94

Margaret Gilmore James C. Settle

Eva Muller & Joe Jester Jay D. Jester ‘94

Mary Arnold Martha F. Barkley

Frank Huddleston Jason Huffmaster

Mary Frances Catoe Ann S. Taylor

Fred C. & Billie Hack G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Mary Pope G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

George Hughes Barbara Horton Caldwell

Melissa Infinger Parnell City of Roanoke Rapids Candace C. McGreevy Betty Infinger Murray

Grayson Cope G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Gregory Horton Barbara Horton Caldwell Harris F. & Iola W. Vaigneur G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Harry Hogsett G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John Wesner Jr. John O. Wesner lll Mr. & Mrs. W. Norris Lightsey Ann Laffitte Mr. Douglas Voison P. Lee Solomon

Hugh Daley G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Nell P. Lightsey Ann Laffitte M. Tucker Laffitte Jr.

Hugh Dubose Mary Z. Dubose

Orland J. & Hannah Malphrus G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr.

Rev. Wayne Gray G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Rev. William Boyd Curtis P. Boyd ‘87 Robert DeLoach G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Robert Landon Duke Jr. Jan Duke Romaine Porter Richard W. Porter ‘76 Roosevelt Lowther G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Sarah Boyles McBride G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Suzanne Gasque John P. Evans Virginia E. Evans Jimmy Fogle Patsy D. Jones H. M. Love Sylvia T. Smith William J. Spiers Jr. William L. Ward ‘90 Johnnie Lee Witt

Will Bedenbaugh #39 Anonymous Breana D. Amick Eldred B. Amick William B. Amick Van Anderson Bertha H. Ariail Pamela H. Arrington Scott E. Bailey Robert A. Barber Rudolph C. Barnes Jr. Earle J. Bedenbaugh H. M. Bedenbaugh Jean Bedenbaugh Roxanne S. Bedenbaugh Alice Faye Bedenbaugh-Shealy Katherine M. Bennett Big South Conference Henry L. Black Thomas E. Blease Tammy Bodie Ronald R. Boozer David W. Bowers Oscar W. Bowers Melissa P. Brice Charles Ray Brown Sloan Calvert Chad R. Cary Huger P. Caughman Chapin High School Bryan L. Counts Kim Crocker Blake M. Davis Diamond Prospects William B. Dickert Jane G. Doolittle John D. Durham Emily S. Epting Mitzi R. Epting Joy Fellers Terry L. Fellers Susan T. Glenn Edith M. Gore Sandy Guhl James R. Hamm Ladison Hamm


John E. Hargreaves Lewis Hawkins David N. Jenkins Guy E. Kirby Kneece’s Car Care Kunkle Tire & Service Center, Inc. Larry M. Lake Robert H. Lake Rosann F. Lester Chris Lominick Judith Mersereau Dean Morrison Robert L. Mosteller Forrest M. Mowbray NCAEOP Sharon Neel Jarod D. Newland Jimmy Plunkett Pomaria-Garmany Prosperity Business Prosperity-Rikard Quality Woodtruss, Inc. Eric E. Radabaugh Bruce Ricard Doris E. Richardson F. David Riley Perry Riley Sanitary Plumbing Contractors, S.P.C., Inc. Terry C. Shaver Trevis R. Shealy Stanley C. Sheeley Floyd E. Sides E. Charles Simmons Sligh’s Superette South Carolina Sports Medicine Stokes-Trainor Karen Subar Ronnie Summer Y.B. Threatt Joseph S. Vines Diane H. Vinson Ludy R. Werts Whitaker Floor Coverings, Inc. Wilson Tractor, Inc. James E. Wiseman

Tyrone Shuman G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. Victor Emanuel Miante Theresa N. Miante ‘98 Vince Gillespie G. Dwaine Malphrus Sr. W. Norris Lightsey M. Tucker Laffitte Jr. Walter D. Goodman James H. Goodman Walter Ervin Mitchell Dr. Jairy C. Hunter Jr. Welton Hollis Catoe Ann S. Taylor

Hugh Fields Brooks P. Moore ‘70

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Presidential Council Member

Alumni Giving - Graduate Degrees Gifts from alumni of our master’s programs by class 2011



President’s Club $1,000 + Michael Edward McCann Donors Aundraya JaVonne Camp

Jeannie B. Schaffer Tamekia Lashawn Simmons Rose Ellen Umstead Chentell T. Wren



Albert Paul Britnell Carol Ann Christenbury-Embler Jeffrey Brandon Cochran Trenton Griffith Drafts Amanda Shaw Dukes Joseph Jason Frazier Sandra Deneise Gilliard Gregory Winfield Horres Maureen Mary Miley Jonathan Landon White IV

Christy D. Hughes Annette Bultema Pettyjohn Gregory A. Ruby Ann M. Watson

Clif Jones Club $10,000 + Shawn Arthur Jenkins President’s Club $1,000 + Michael Kevin Alford Rex W. Nestor Donors Darla C. Ryan Patricia Wall Taylor

2008 Jeannie Coulter-Jefferson Juliana L. Johnson

2000 President’s Club $1,000 + Andrew J. Diana Donors Traci Litwin Peters Johnnie Michael Teal

1999 Teresa M. Burks



Jovan Jegdic Terrie Lynn Millard Rachelle M. Bouronich Melicent M. Middlebrook Marcie Lynn Wessinger Virginia Williamson

President’s Club $1,000 + Steven S. Marshall Eugene William Sanders lll Donors Theresa N. Miante Paula Miller Lisa R. Ward Stacy Edgar Wiggins



Mark Daniel Ames Tiffany Lyn Gritzuk

Stephen J. DeBerardino Rebecca B. Dingle Kelly J. Kennedy Kimberly M. Mills


2004 Clif Jones Club $10,000 + Stephen Lawrence Gritzuk President’s Club $1,000 + Gene Michael Corvino Donors Stephan Peter Britanak Tiffany Ciuca DuPree Brenna Chapman Svagerko

2003 President’s Club $1,000 + Kyle Hammond Lester Lee Moulder

1996 President’s Club $1,000 + Richard B. Brewer Donors Patricia W. Brown Marie Josee Gagnon Gordon E. Hendrich Elizabeth Michele Hix Margaret Odom Hobgood Robert L. McCutcheon Timothy Kevin Pierce

1994 President’s Club $1,000 + Esther Lorscheider Nash Donors Mary Palmer Hutto

1993 President’s Club $1,000 + J. Scott Shepherd Jr. Donors Merry S. Boone Tim O. Craig Yvonne D. Janik David Louis Locke

1992 Lynn Forest Jordon Belinda Annelle Nelson Krista Rebecca Rudolph

1991 Janice Adkins Franks

1990 Viola Lorie Willis

1989 Geneva Anne Turner

1988 Carolyn Killen Hunter

1986 Norma L. Newton

1985 Elaine K. Furnari

1979 James Pearson Jr.

1977 Odessa B. Ussery

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 33

Young Clement Rivers, LLP Young Clement Rivers, LLP is a law firm that is built on a proud heritage of Charleston legal professionals dating back to the 1960s. The firm’s high standards for quality client service include providing efficient case management, a depth of legal experience, and state-of-the-art technology to meet clients’ needs for solid legal counsel at a reasonable cost. YCR is proud to be a charter member of ALFA International, an exclusive, global association of law firms dedicated to improving the quality and depth of legal services provided to its clients. ALFA firms represent domestic and foreign clients in service, manufacturing, financial, and professional enterprises throughout the world. 2011 has been transformative for Young Clement Rivers, LLP. Some upcoming exciting changes, which will include a new location for the firm, are expected to enhance the firm’s ability to serve the needs of its clients. At the end of October, we will move to 25 Calhoun Street near the beautiful Charleston Harbor and the South Carolina Aquarium. To date, many restaurants and retail establishments in the area have struggled to survive with many businesses and tourists located deeper in the heart of downtown Charleston. Mayor Riley, a strong supporter of our upcoming move, has been particularly interested in revitalizing this area, and we are hopeful that our relocation will help in this effort. Amidst the many changes, our attorneys and staff continue to provide excellent legal services. YCR is pleased to offer a wide variety of services, with practice groups in the following areas: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Administrative and Regulatory Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Admiralty and Maritime Captive Formations Commercial Litigation and Appellate Advocacy Commercial Transactions and Real Estate Community Association Law Construction Employment and Labor Health Care Insurance Coverage Products Liability Professional Liability Retail Liability Tax, Estate Planning and Probate Trucking and Transportation Workers Compensation

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t


Alumni Giving - Baccalaureate Degrees Gifts from alumni of our baccalaureate programs by class 2011


Patricia Madeline Palmer

President’s Club $1,000 + Thomas Franklin Crumpton Christopher Michael Lanoue Donors Heather L. Anderson Kimberly Michele Bussinah Capracotta Carol Ann Christenbury-Embler Marie Rose Dominguez Trenton Griffith Drafts Jovan Jegdic Shana Marie Pixley David E. Thiem

2010 President’s Club $1,000 + John Eric Walke Wilma Lindsey Walke Donors Jeffrey Brandon Cochran Sandra Deneise Gilliard Melody Elizabeth Lane Kristen Marie Valdez

2009 Todd Philip Benjamin Stacy Marie Brown Aundraya JaVonne Camp Jerri Ann Christmas Angela Marie Kennedy Brenda Dayton Lewellyn William Drayton McCall Maureen Mary Miley James W. Myers Gloria Elizabeth Peters Sherrita Estee’ Nicole Pompey

2008 President’s Club $1,000 + David C. Misher Jr. Donors Jessica Lea Abangan Joshua Mensah-Osekre Anderson Albert Paul Britnell Kenneth William Crosby Cary Michael Humphries Rob Roy MacGregor Christopher Aaron Rogers Jeannette Seabrook

2007 President’s Club $1,000 + Michael Edward McCann Donors Johnathon Robert Ackiss Robert Vincent Bogart Michael Pope Brodie Tradd Joseph Brodie Raul Chang Johnica Cobb Alison Donovan Forrer

2006 Derrick Apple Brett John Bowdren Jose R. Castro Joseph Jason Frazier Allison Elizabeth Funsch Drena Smith Hazel Kristin Ashley Moore Jessica Mole Runkle Lorna F. Starkey Maria M. Sutherland Darren Lee Swiggett Ashley Iseman West

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 34

2004 President’s Club $1,000 + Peter J. Copeland Donors William H. Brabham Jr. Royce Bowman Charpia Tina Marie Ferguson Ryan Michael Fleck Michael John Hiott Tracy Lyn Maynard Caroline E. Wham

2003 President’s Club $1,000 + Hubert H. Welch lll Donors Chad C. Atkinson Darrell Barber Alicia Marie Benton Kylonda Alisa Bryant Sharon Castelli Tiffany Lyn Gritzuk Jerry Chad Owens Mary E. Torretta Jennifer B. Watson David R. Weiss

2002 Paula C. Gambrell Liliane B. Gresham Anselm Knights Keisha Marie Lindsey Deborah V. Spencer Jerry Lee Thorsell Marcie Lynn Wessinger Bryson Williams

2001 Patricia L. Earley Walter David Gray Paul J. Herman Janet L. Horrex Karrie S. Powell Christopher L. Rollison Michael William Stasiak

2000 President’s Club $1,000 + Robert E. Ott Donors Alyson Brooke Collins Teresa Ann Crumley Sofia M. Edwards-Early

Andrea Jeffcoat Lecius Laverne Moorer Sonia O’Toole Bridget Posey Linda A. Sartori-McCallister Rose Ellen Umstead

Lisa Webb Morelli Renate Yost Peifer John Anthony Poston Gregory A. Ruby Mendel S. Stafford Jr.


President’s Club $1,000 + Rosanne H. Christo James N. Maas Brian L. Terry Donors John S. Autrey Patresa P. Bradley Mark F. Craig William K. Harris Elizabeth Michele Hix Jay D. Jester Kelly P. Kanapaux Lori W. McFadden Kimberly M. Mills Amy Lewis Nolan Virginia A. Phillips Beth E. Veyber Lisa R. Ward

Dawn M. Blume Rachelle M. Bouronich Charlene Carlers Lathie E. Horton Jason S. Jurkowski Tanya F. Lott David C. Ryan Theresa Stone Sharon Dean Thomas Edna Edwards Williams Virginia Williamson

1998 Founder’s Club $5,000 + Denise Brown Harmon President’s Club $1,000 + Linda Celestina Lang Donors Susan Lowder Brannock Michelle L. Brown Adam Burke Collins Jo An M. Kivlehan Michele C. Minor Sabrina L. Paczkowski Cecelia Marzan Poplin Jim I. Shuman Jennifer Robertson Sims Brenna Chapman Svagerko

1997 Antoinette L. Beeks Donna F. Brasher Brian J. Burgess Helena M. Busbee Elizabeth Ann Fleming Walter Curtis Lee Christi L. Sinnett Bruce L. Smith

1996 President’s Club $1,000 + David V. Smith Donors Antonia H. Callahan Charla Carter Coffin Curtis B. Crowe Lynnette M. Kiss Steven B. Reed Erik S. Shamblin Samuel Matthew Sims Ann M. Watson

1995 Kristina Page Campbell Denise Kriger Cutshall Elmer Fox Karen D. Keyes Keva D. Keyes Robert H. Liberman Frankie J. Melton Jr. Paula Miller


1993 President’s Club $1,000 + Kirt A. Caton Dan E. Jones Donors Henry Alan Ciccarelli Bruce Caleb Coffin Isaac Vincent Cropp lll Willard Gary Geddis Jr. Louis Stephen Hall Sr. Nancy Harrell Ronald Steven Jaicks Matthew Alan Kemp James H. McAlhaney Jr. Julie Y. Chasang Santos Naomi B. Seaward Jacob D. Toler Jr. Stacy Edgar Wiggins

1992 Founder’s Club $5,000 + Richard B. Daniel Sr. Donors Alice Lynn Fee David Louis Locke Darren P. Pillsbury Patricia T. Reeves Faye W. Whittemore Barbara C. Williams Elizabeth Lee Youmans

1991 Francis Bender Elmo Martin Ilderton lll William K. Richardson Janice S. Ritter Darla C. Ryan Michelle C. Snyder-Wells Charles Nelson Teague Johnnie Michael Teal

1990 President’s Club $1,000 + Scott Joseph Corvino Daniel W. Cross IV William L. Ward Donors Richard Morris Coulter Jr. Rebecca Harrelson Coulter Susan Denise Edwards Melvin Leroy Freeman lll Mary Palmer Hutto Vanessa Lee Isaac Tuten Robinson Jr. Kenneth Lee Yates

1989 President’s Club $1,000 + Sandra H. Hughes Levoy K. McCray Donors Colleen Susanne Almoney Catherine Ann Brewer James M. Drolet Robert Landon Duke Jr. Jody Hollis Gilden Tammy Renea Glenn Debra Cowart Hill Betty J. Lee Pamela Javette Queeman Laura D. Smith Donald Stephen Stutts Bertha Renee Sweatman Donald V. Wood

1988 President’s Club $1,000 + James Bruce Gowdy Donors Hope S. Harrison David Ardie Huckeba Charles A. Lowe ll Sandra Kleupfer Rudd Timothy Eugene Scott Patricia Wall Taylor Frank R. Webb

1987 President’s Club $1,000 + Susan Kady Wilson Donors Curtis P. Boyd John Wilson Bradham lll Debrea Jean Brown Ordean Lewis Crews Lynn Forest Jordon Tyrone Sanders Sr. James R. Sipe

1986 President’s Club $1,000 + Steven F. Essig Donors Harold J. Bailey Dawn Denise Blizard Merry S. Boone Virginia E. Brant Cynthia S. Davenport James G. Davenport Paul R. Garten

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Ollie C. Peine Scott L. Schafer Robert Eugene Smith Jr. Rose Marie Stanley Marshall E. Stanley Dorothy Claire Thompson

Robert J. Patrick Sr. John F. Peek Donald L. Plumley Walter C. Stanton lll Robert L. D. Watts Roland James Wilkins



President’s Club $1,000 + Anthony G. Fountain Geneva Anne Turner Donors Julianne Wright Arndt Bernard A. Barton Jr. Timothy O. Blakely Jeffrey D. Burns Betty O. Deshotels Cindy J. Dickerson Teresa M. Friar Stephen L. Hill Glenn F. Hughes Robert Allen Lewit Frank L. Metzger David C. Peltier Robert E. Pierce lll Leo Otto Shumaker

President’s Club $1,000 + Terry H. Ezell Danny Johnson Edward Leonidas Rowell Donors John Harling Blanton Francine Chandler Ray Winston Colson Wayne Vestal Dasher Joseph M. Hall Donna L. Harrison Dianne E. Matlock Timothy Kevin Pierce Fred Lewis Salley Jr. Melinda A. Walker Bernard G. Walker Robert Christopher Walton


Judy B. Dillow Merle Henson Ervin Charles E. Hancock Sr. Levern G. Haynes Karen M. Hollinshead Donald R. Stephens Sally Jamieson Ullom Linda N. Warren

President’s Club $1,000 + Daniel J. Inabinet Dana Patrick Painter Donors Anonymous Sara F. Astin Benjamin B. Barnes Jr. Adell E. Bell Michael Thomas Braman Nancy R. Clemmons Elizabeth Ann Glover Jill Renee Johnson Lawrence Edward Nanna Melanie S. Ruff Jeff C. Smoak Jr. Stanley F. Wall

1983 President’s Club $1,000 + Thomas A. Pietsch Donors Stephen W. Cadwallader Kathryn A. Jennings Marlene Monusko Herbert L. Mouzon Tammy E. Pannell Judith A. Pursell Michael A. Sides Noah Stewart Peter Lee Stone

1982 President’s Club $1,000 + Janet M. Mims Walter W. Smith Donors Katherine Huff Campbell Surreace W. Cash Carl Eugene Chivers R. Aaron Dunn Edwin L. Hamilton Barbara Jean Susan Hilton Janet Wiles Joslin Brantley E. Kuglar Jr. Larry L. Larrison Molly Brown Myers Deidre Jenifer Neal


1979 Joe Collins Jr. Richard H. Elliott Eugene Harris Joy Ernest Kennedy Robert J. King Don I. McCollum Jr. George Brian Mullinax Susan S. Nichols John Charles Ott Garland Curtis Parsley Daniel Patrick Perry Judith P. Powell Lonnie H. Shull Michael Lauren Taylor

1978 President’s Club $1,000 + Dennis L. Gore Donors Loretta M. Atkins Sarah Lorraine Benenhaley David Mark Berry Edward Joseph Bryant Robert Henry Connella William Carl Crane lll William David Dennis Sarah Braddock Johnson Michael Eugene Leverette Thomas G. McDonald William Thomas West

1977 President’s Club $1,000 + James Lawrence Bowers Richard B. Brewer John Robert Clark Donors

Carolyn H. Deal R. Elaine Henderson Mary C. Henry Audrey Louise Hollingsworth David L. Kennedy Ervin Finley Limehouse Darlene Mae Craig McNeill Kenneth Berton Sandifer Donnie R. Simmons Robert Wells

Graduate top classes - total gifts

1995.......................................................$14,803 2004.......................................................$13,175 1998.........................................................$3,050

1976 President’s Club $1,000 + Samuel E. Gandy Rodney R. Neal Donors Francis X. Archibald Nancy J. Bowers Rhonda Hutto Bull Carol J. Connella Mary N. Mitchell Harriett Baker Neal James W. Owens Richard W. Porter Cynthia McCurry Putman J. Louanne Stewart Clyde E. Wilson Jr.

2003.........................................................$2,700 1988.........................................................$1,950

Graduate Top Classes - Total Participation

2010....................................................... 12.20%

1975 Founder’s Club $5,000 + Thomas Lee Rhodes Jr. President’s Club $1,000 + Lester McGill Bell Sr. Connor Tindal Bell Thomas W. Edwards Jr. William Theodore Ford Preston Eugene Garrett Donald F. Nye Harry L. Schickling Donors M. Karen Ballard Clifton Girard Brown Jr. Michael Patrick Cameron Rosemary M. Collins Jacqueline Jenkins Doffin Willie E. Givens Kenneth Stephen Gordon Jessie M. Grainger Judy H. Holwell William A. Kraemer Cecil W. Murdaugh Melanie Gayle Reynolds-Murphy Betty Woodham Rhodes Sara Lyles Sanders Rebecca Elizabeth Varner Charles E. Waddell Joyce L. Young


1996......................................................... 9.76% 1998......................................................... 7.32% 1993......................................................... 6.10% 1995......................................................... 6.10% 2004......................................................... 6.10%

Baccalaureate Top Classes - Total Gifts (in thousands)

1969.......................................................$25,840 1971.......................................................$20,030 1975.......................................................$17,137 1972.......................................................$13,895 1974.......................................................$10,302 1970.........................................................$7,214

Founder’s Club $5,000 + Jerry Patrick Gazes President’s Club $1,000 + James Daniel Hughes Thomas Cleveland Hulsey John Michael Kammeyer Donors Janis Kinsey Blocker David Hamilton Clark Harley Thomas Henderson Robert John Norris Elizabeth Lesesne Phillips Carlyle Singletary John H. Talbert Brenda Joyce Williamson Stancil O. Wise Jr.

1973.........................................................$7,206 1998.........................................................$6,895 1968.........................................................$6,690 1983.........................................................$6,065

continued on next page >>

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2011 P r e s i d e n t ’ s R e p o r t << alumni giving continued from previous page

Baccalaureate Top Classes - Total Participation

1971......................................................... 4.92% 1972......................................................... 4.75% 1969......................................................... 4.39% 1973......................................................... 4.39% 1975......................................................... 4.39% 1970......................................................... 4.04% 1982......................................................... 3.34% 1985......................................................... 2.81% 1994......................................................... 2.81% 1981......................................................... 2.64% 1989......................................................... 2.64% 1993......................................................... 2.64%




President’s Club $1,000 + Joseph N. Byron Jr. Faye Breland Gresham Kenneth Ronald Harvey Claudette McCall John Colt Ramsey Donors Joseph A. Buckheister Stephen Malone Chellis Elizabeth A. Dandridge Archie Franchini James M. Friar Martin Greenlee Gipe Sr. Murray Lynn Gipe Robert Eugene Holman Jr. Carol Rembert Jeffords Elizabeth Ann Laffitte Richard Hampton Norris Jr. Michael Lamar O’Shields Marian C. O’Shields James Humphry Ramsey Ted Lee Titcomb Richard Arthur Tool Thomas Coke Weeks Jr. Barbara H. Whetzel Lamar Griffith Woods

Founder’s Club $5,000 + William B. Daniel Keith Allen Hewitt President’s Club $1,000 + R. Wayne Mills O. L. Thompson lll Franklin H. Williamson Donors William T. Bailey James McCarter Bennett Judy W. Black Deborah Zeigler Bonnett Clariece W. Brown Marion Paul Busch Charles L. Callaway Mary Linda Cato Gayle R. Cawood Harry Eugene Douty Jr. Henry Foster Fishburne Kinney Marvin Gause Gordon Edward Graham J. Ronny Hill Neil Harvey Johnson William Whitfield King Richard Allan McDermott Joe Wayne McMahan Wiley Norman McMillan Jr. Wendell Walter Mohr Michael Jay Pierce Francis Avery Ragan Jr. Barbara Anne Skipper

Clif Jones Club $10,000 + Harold H. Adams Jr. President’s Club $1,000 + Daniel W. Guy Troy Wayne Herndon Joseph F. Tallon Donors Barbara H. Armes James Anthony Blanton W. M. Bryan lll Woodrow E. Busch Jr. Douglas R. Cargill James Rufus Causey George H. Croft Carolyn Faye Dews Richard Anthony Froom Charlotte Jean Gnegy William Riley Hiers Jr. Laurence Legare Jenkins Kirby Daniel Knight Mildred Eugenia Knight Virginia Langford Koester Patric Michael McClellan Wellie Marshall McDaniel Randy Huggins Moody Alyce C. Player Darlene Campbell Scott John Raymond Whitten Jr.

1972 Gifts by constituency

S.C. Baptist Convention......................... 54.80% Individuals.............................................. 22.13% Corporations............................................ 8.77% Foundations............................................. 7.20% Alumni...................................................... 5.52% Organizations........................................... 1.58%

areas of giving

Annual Fund / Unrestricted Gifts........... 71.65% Scholarships.......................................... 19.27% Athletics................................................... 4.85% Special Gifts............................................ 3.96%

President’s Club $1,000 + Anonymous George C. Conoly Wilson Virgil Inabinet Jr. Lester Lee Moulder Byron A. Reid Esq. James P. Rooney Sr. John Andrew Ruddy Jr. H. McRoy Skipper Jr. Donors Ray Terrell Adams John Workman Altman Christine J. Anderson James Austin Beard Miriam Rudd Brown Cynthia E. Crook Henry Seborn Eldridge Jr. James Ronnie Hill Edward Thomas Lewis Jr. Betsy McAmis Roger G. Myrick George Olin Richbourg Jr. Richard Dean Taylor James Willard Till Jr. Jon Richard Troneck Larry Wesley Weathers Braxton B. Williams lll Johnette C. Williams John Isaac Wilson Fritz E. Young

1970 President’s Club $1,000 + Ronald Edgar DeWitt Sr. Brooks P. Moore Robert Edward Tisdale Donors William H. Barron Jr. William Woodrow Bedenbaugh Jr. Thomas D. Bulwinkle Gerald Woodrow Burnett Denley C. Caughman Charles Clifton Davis Larry Jackson Davis Marvin A. Dawson Jr. Wayne D. Goodwin John Robert Gray Obbe Haverkamp Cherryl A. Heath H. Boykin Hughes Jr. Ronald William Jordan Phillip M. Kornet Marilyn Jane McAfee Mary McCormick Meyer Sarah Tuttle Moody James Rudy Raborn James Lee Wyrosdick

1968 President’s Club $1,000 + Barry Sullivan Armstrong Edwin Carl Burrell Jr. Bernard Arthur Grant John Davis Lesemann Ellen Thurmond Senter Donors Robert Louie Ackerman W. Martin Adams Hiram Hershel Fewox Jennie Clayton Goodman Richard L. Renard Howard M. Surface Mildred Waltz Ulmer

Buildings / Equipment............................. 0.28%

Total Gifts: $4,088,389 Unaudited

CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 36

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Droid, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users - take Charleston Southern wherever you go ‌


Download our mobile apps from the Apple store or Droid Marketplace and stay connected.

CAPS Adds Online concentration in Project Management


he College of Adult and Professional Studies has added a new, fully online undergraduate degree concentration in project management. Project management has become an industry standard with opportunities ranging from the management of large government contracts to multiple projects within private industry. The need for comprehensively trained, certified project managers has become increasingly important to growing companies. The CAPS degree concentration approaches project management from a business versus engineering perspective. Course offerings have been developed to prepare students for success when taking industry certification exams. Organizations that provide certification for project managers, as well as Fortune 500 leading companies, were consulted in the development of these courses. Building upon the existing bachelor’s degree program in business management, the new concentration will consist of six additional courses for those desiring to focus their studies on this area.


CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 37

CAPS, through its partnership with Pearson LearningStudio, a leading company in education and online learning delivery, relied on curriculum design experts to develop courses that meet the intensive project management standards set by the industry.

For more information about the CAPS online degree: charlestonsouthern.edu/caps

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Five Inducted into Hall of Fame


quintet of former Buccaneers had their legacies cemented in history when they were inducted into the Hall of Fame Oct. 2. Josh Aydlette (track and field), Anthony Reed (track and field), D’Angelo Dereef (football), Collin Drafts (football) and Priscilla Lauoletolo Moleni (women’s volleyball) comprise the class of 2011. A four-time Big South Conference indoor weight throw champion, Aydlette is the school record holder in both the weight throw and the indoor shot put. He posted the BSC’s best mark in the weight throw in 2000 and 2002. Aydlette, who competed for the Bucs from 1999-2002, is now the throws coach for CSU, guiding his athletes to five school records – many of which have been broken multiple times. “I was very excited to hear that I was selected to be in the Athletic Hall of Fame,” said Aydlette. “It makes me feel good that all the hard

Colin Drafts

38 CSU magazine CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 38

D’Angelo Dereef

By sports information • photos by Sherry Atkinson

work I put in as a student-athlete didn’t go unnoticed. Great things are going on at CSU, and I’m glad to be a part of them.” Fellow track and field athlete Anthony Reed was also inducted. In his time with the Buccaneers, Reed broke both the BSC Indoor Overall record in the triple jump (15.64m) as well as the BSC Championship meet record in the same event (15.31m). He is the CSU record holder in the long jump (7.36m) and the triple jump (15.64m). Reed was the Big South Outdoor Long Jump Champion in 1998 and 1999, earned indoor triple jump titles in both 1998 and 1999 and holds the BSC outdoor record in the event at 15.63m. Reed ended his career as a two-time Big South Conference Most Outstanding Athlete (Indoors). Reed is pastor of Martin Memorial AME Church in Miami, Fla. Football’s D’Angelo Dereef is the school record holder in both rushing attempts (485)

Anthony Reed

and rushing yards (1,741). He also holds career records in kick-off returns (75) as well as punt returns (69), and is in the top five in CSU history in total offense. Dereef ended his career with 1,741 rushing yards and 329 career receiving yards. A Buccaneer from 1991-94, Dereef is second all-time in single game rushing attempts and fifth in single game rushing yardage. He is second all-time in all-purpose yards with 278 after his record was broken in 2008 and also holds the eighth spot on the list as well. Dereef remains the all-time leader in all-purpose yards with 3,795 and is sixth in scoring with 108 points (18 touchdowns). “I’m very excited to be inducted into the CSU Hall of Fame,” said Dereef. “It’s overwhelming and an honor to be recognized for something that I worked so hard for and love so much.” Dereef is dean of students, football and baseball coach at Al Raby High School in Chicago, Ill. Former quarterback Collin Drafts was the

Priscilla Moleni

Josh Aydlette


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University plots digital future 2005 Big South Offensive Player of the Year and led the Buccaneers to their first Big South Championship in that season. He led the league in pass completions in 2004, 2005 and 2006 and also led in pass completion percentage in 2004 and 2006. Drafts finished the 2004 and 2005 seasons as the BSC’s leader in passing yardage and passing touchdowns and also led the conference in total offensive yards in 2005. The only quarterback in Big South history to throw for 400 yards in a game, Drafts did so twice. He ended his career with three all-conference selections, two of which were first team honors. Drafts, who played for the Bucs from 2003-2006, is CSU’s all-time leader in rushing attempts, touchdowns, pass attempts (BSC record), pass completions (BSC record), passing yardage (BSC record), passing touchdowns (BSC record), completions percentage (BSC record), total offensive yards (BSC record) and total offensive touchdowns (BSC record). He also holds numerous single-game and season records for the Buccaneers. “It’s definitely an honor,” said Drafts. “When Hank called, I was taken aback. I didn’t realize that five years had passed. Looking back on those seasons, it’s great to see what myself and the rest of the team accomplished. I was fortunate to be surrounded by great teammates and coaches and had the opportunity to play with a great support staff at a great university like CSU.” Drafts is a quarterback with the Orlando Predators. Former volleyball player Priscilla Lauoletolo Moleni rounds out the Class of 2011. Moleni had two of the top seasons for kills in 446 in 1993 and 438 in 1992 and still holds two of the top four spots. She finished her career second in CSU history in attacks and is currently fifth all-time with 1,087. Moleni remains third in Buc history with 54 aces in the 1992 season and is fourth with 420 digs in 1993. She is fifth on CSU’s all-time kills list with 884, despite playing just two seasons for the Bucs. Moleni, who competed from 1992-1993, is also in CSU’s all-time top four in hitting percentage. Moleni works in reservations for Continental Airlines.


CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 39

The University has partnered with Omni Update, a higher education content management software company, to begin design on a new web presence. The move follows CSU’s release of mobile applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Droid users. OmniUpdate is recognized as the leading web content management system (CMS) provider for colleges and universities in the country. Charleston Southern University worked with Straxis Technology who produces uMobile360, a mobile software design company, to design the university’s mobile applications for Droid, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users. The mobile applications are free and available to faculty, staff, students, alumni and the general public.

Last year, CSU deployed a strategic social media initiative to engage and connect with current and prospective students and alumni. Since fall 2010 CSU has tripled its audience on Facebook and Twitter. “Social media, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or YouTube, is a relationship,” said John Strubel, director of integrated marketing. “When the University made the commitment to enter the social media arena, we committed to strengthening our relationships with our students and alumni. You must engage to grow.” Strubel said the new content management platform will launch in spring 2012 and will redefine the University’s presence on the Internet.

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Construction Update Athletic Center Groundbreaking, October 1st

Hank D’Antonio, Goff D’Antonio Associates; Dr. Jairy Hunter, CSU President; Johnny Ward, CSU Board of Trustees; Gloria Thiem, CSU Board of Trustees, Jay Mills, CSU Head Football Coach; and Hank Small, CSU Athletic Director, turn ground for the new Athletic Center on the north end of the CSU football stadium.

Christian Leadership Building Groundbreaking, October 14th

Hank D’Antonio, architect; Christian Leadership Building donors, Floyd Whitfield and Margaret Lightsey Payne; CSU President, Jairy Hunter; Dr. Timothy Spurling, CLB donor and member Board of Trustees; Scott Wood, chairman, Board of Trustees, and Dr. Michael Bryant, religion professor, break ground for the Christian Leadership Building. The CLB will be built next to Strom Thurmond Center and across the Reflection Pond from the Science Building.

40 CSU magazine CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 40


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school ties



1975 Clyde Cargill recently celebrated his 28th wedding anniversary with his wife, Debra Huson, a Cal State Fresno graduate. Cargill writes, “I retired in 2010 as chief of logistics programs, Department of the Army, with 33 years of service. During my government career, we lived in Germany, Korea, California and New Jersey.” Clyde and Debra currently reside in Lake Ridge, Virginia.

1981 Johnny Rumbough, director of missions of Lexington Association, was elected president of the Associational Directors of Missions for the Southern Baptist Convention. He has been a member of the CSU board of trustees and holds an honorary doctorate from CSU. Johnny and his wife, Valerie, have grown children. Their son, Jason, is a 2001 CSU graduate.


Compiled by Jan Joslin ’82


available in English and Spanish, En Misión. They also work with Tonya Tate Houston has received a North Point Ministries to translate doctor of philosophy in educational Andy Stanley’s sermons and some small group material into other administration from the Univerlanguages. Jennifer writes, “We sity of South Carolina. She is an moved to San José, Costa Rica, in assistant principal at Northwood August to create a church for Latin Academy in North Charleston. Americans. Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.” You can follow their ministry at thegoveagazette. Ansel Brown performed his song, blogspot.com. When You Fly, before the final shuttle launched at the Kennedy Glenda Levin, MEd, is the director Michael Gunter has published his Space Center this summer. He lives of secondary schools for Berkeley second book, Blackwell. His venture in Charlotte, N.C. County School District. She was into the realm of fiction is a human most recently the principal of drama about an extraterrestrial Hanahan High School. encounter. Combining elements of drama, humor and suspense, his realistic science fiction probes the depths of what it means to be truly human. In addition to writing, he speaks to groups and teaches about the craft of writing. Michael’s story, One of a Million Things, won third runner-up in the Colonnade Writing Contest at CJM Books and will be included in their 2012 anthology of short stories. Michael Jennifer Whatley Govea, and her and his wife, the former Tammi husband, Enrique, have a translaAndrew Bell and his wife, Bush ’92, and their family live in tion company and work with the Meghan, proudly announce the Richmond, Va. Blackwell is available Women’s Missionary Union and in both print and e-reader versions. the North American Mission Board birth of their daughter, Gretchen Look for it on Amazon.com or on to translate resources into Spanish Elise, born July 7. She was 7 lbs, 9 oz and 21 inches long. They live in Michael’s blog klyvian.com. and other languages. NAMB’s Hanahan. quarterly magazine, On Mission, is



continued >>


CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 41

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school ties << class notes continued from previous page



2005 Jessica Brooke Davis and Charles “Chase” M. Mount II were married June 25 in Union, S.C. He is a dermatological pharmaceutical sales representative with PharmaDerm. They live in West Columbia.


2006 Andrea W. Balongo visited campus this summer. He is head, treasury marketing corporate and institutional sales for Kenya Commercial Bank Group. He provides hedging solution to manage foreign exchange risk for the group and its William Parker has been elected to customers. He resides in Nairobi, serve a two-year term as president Kenya, and wants to hear from former classmates at andreabaloof the National Association of ngo@yahoo.com. (Pictured with Insurance and Financial AdvisorsLili Gresham, director of corporate Charleston Chapter. He is a relations at CSU and a former financial services professional and classmate) agent for New York Life Insurance Company. A 2010 New York Life Andre Dukes is associate princiExecutive Council member, he pal at St. John’s High School in earned a Certified in Long-Term Charleston County. He attended Care designation. He has been a member of the Medical University a two-week Leadership Summit at Harvard University this sumof South Carolina Foundation’s mer. He is in the Principals for Advisory Council since 2009. He and his wife, Melissa, live in North Tomorrow program for Charleston County School District and the Charleston. S.C. Department of Education. He was the NFTE National Teacher of the Year in 2006-2007.

David R. Weiss has been named South Carolina marketing representative for Southern Mutual Church Insurance Company in Columbia. He previously served more than five years as CSU’s director of alumni affairs and annual giving. He is a member of the CSU board of visitors and lives in Summerville with his wife, Stephanie, and son, Danielle Baskin and Brian WalCameron, 2. dron were married May 29, 2010, in Charleston. She earned her doctor of pharmacy degree from MUSC in 2010 and is now the oncology pharmacy resident at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. He is a 2005 Citadel graduate and is employed at BB&T as a commercial credit risk analyst. They live in Winston-Salem, N.C. Danielle received the Myrtle E. Hamrick Award at commencement in 2006.


Amy Dixon Watson and her husband, Thom Watson ’03 announce the birth of a son, Isaac Barton Watson, born Aug. 12. He weighed 7 lbs, 3 oz and was 19 ½ inches long. Amy and Thom were married May 22, 2010, and they live in Columbia.

42 CSU magazine CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 42


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school ties


Spc. Christopher Freshman graduated from Army National Guard basic training Sept. 1 in Fort Benning, Ga. He is a police officer for the City of Charleston. The chaplain at Fort Benning was Jesse Adkinson ’08 MBA, and a member of the CSU religion faculty from 2004-2008.

Ashley DeRosa Fieber and her husband, Michael Fieber, announce the birth of their son, Brayden Fieber, born March 5. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 20 inches long. Ashley and Michael were married July 3, 2009, in St. Augustine, Fla. Ashley has been an AML compliance officer at Deutsche Bank in the Jacksonville, Fla., location since February 2009. Carlaise Gadsden DeVeaux MBA, is a victim advocate with the Charleston Police Department, where she works with young women at Charleston Development Academy. Earlier this year she received the Dr. Sid Katz Award for Outstanding Service Provider from People Against Rape.

2007 Anna Leigh Taylor and Cory Graham Alexander were married June 25 in Lugoff. She is a teacher for Richland II School District. They live in Elgin.

Dorothy Elizabeth Wilkerson and Michael Chapin Merrill were married May 21 in Charleston. She is the choral teacher at Summerville Catholic School and a manager with Express Clothing in Northwoods Mall. They live on Johns Island.

Elizabeth Bradley Bishop and Joseph Chance Ledford were married June 11 at Brookgreen Gardens. He is a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army and has served in Iraq. Brittany Adele Williams and Christopher Travis Carter were married July 30 in Hemingway. She is employed by Georgetown County School District and is in youth and children’s ministry at Center Baptist Church. They live in Hemingway.


2009 Brittany Bolick, head soccer coach at Watauga High School in Boone, N.C., was named the Northwestern 3A/4A Conference Coach of the Year.

Ashleigh Newell and Michael Dockery, a Citadel graduate, were Madeleine Ruth Elson Fincher married Dec. 18, 2010. Ashleigh and Charles Tyler Davis were maris a crime scene technician with ried Aug. 20 in Mount Pleasant. Charleston Police Department and She works at Advanced Technolis back in school at CSU pursuogy International and is working ing a master’s in criminal justice. on her MBA at CSU. They live in Michael is a 2nd lieutenant in Charleston. the Army National Guard and is working on his master’s degree in Julia Frances Nigro and Paul theology at Liberty. They live in Michael Vasquez were married Aug. North Charleston. 6 in Charleston. She works for Jackson & Hill in Mount Pleasant as an accountant. They live in Hanahan.


CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 43

Sheryl Rector MBA, joined Honest-1 Auto Care in March. After a short time with Honest-1 she became the area representative for South Carolina. Honest-1 Auto Care is a full service auto repair franchise committed to taking environmentally sustainable actions. Rector writes, “This commitment to the environment has raised the standard for all auto repair businesses.”

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1. Grayson Fawcett, son of Lauren Fawcett ’08 and Clay Fawcett ’07 2. Eliot William Hester (Eli), son of Pam Wilson Hester ’01 and Rhys Hester ’01 3. Brantley Smith, son of Mike Smith ’05, ’10 MBA 4. Zoe Elle Singleton, daughter of Allison Sayre Singleton ’97 and Cory Singleton ’97 5. Isaac Matthew Roberson, son of Jennifer Lambright Roberson ’04 and Joseph Roberson ’04, and grandson of Bill Roberson ’06, ’09 MBA 6. Ellington Brace, daughter of Ashley Hinkle Brace and Darrell Brace ’08

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Keep in Touch Send news and photos about job changes, marriages, births and more to: jjoslin@csuniv.edu

Calling All Baby Bucs! Ordering a shirt CSU graduates – if you have a child under the age of 2 or are expecting a child, let us know at alumni@csuniv.edu, and we will send a CSU creeper for your Baby Buc. The shirt is free of charge – all we ask in return is a photo of your Baby Buc for the magazine. Submitting a photo Send a picture of your Baby Buc wearing the shirt to alumni@csuniv.edu. Pictures should be 1 MB in size or larger and in jpg format.


CSU vol.21 no.3.indd 45

or mail to: Class Notes CSU University Relations PO Box 118087 Charleston, SC 29423-8087 Send address changes to: advancement@csuniv.edu Contact the registrar’s office about how to change your name on your permanent records: registrar@csuniv.edu Deadline for the spring issue of CSU Magazine is Dec. 20. Photos should be jpeg at least 1MB in size.

Memorials Charles “Charlie” Boyette, ’77, age 61, died July 22 in Moncks Corner. He was retired from the S.C. Law Enforcement Division as a lieutenant.

Dewey Johnson “Bud” Summers Jr. ’75, age 58, died July 16 in Charleston. He was the minister of education at First Baptist Church of Walterboro.

Dr. Ruby Matthews, age 85, died Sept. 15 in Charleston. She taught education and guidance for many years at CSU. She was a member of many educational groups and served as the international president of Delta Kappa Gamma form 1992-1994.

Marshall Harris Todd ’71, age 69, died June 26 in Newberry. He retired from the S.C. Law Enforcement Division. Michael Stewart “Mickey” Whatley ’78, age 75, died Aug. 16 in North Charleston. He was a former chief of police of North Charleston and a former state legislator.

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Alumni News Graduates inspire students at first Chapel story and photos by Sherry Atkinson

August 31 marked the first Chapel service for the fall semester featuring three CSU graduates who challenged and inspired students. Daniel Bryant graduated in 2005 and is an art teacher for Dorchester School District 2. While at CSU Bryant created a cartoon drawing which has now evolved into Karate Dogs, a character building cartoon. “I came here, to CSU, as a seed. And as a seed I was watered, and I absorbed,” Bryant said. He in turn challenged the students to be seeds while at Charleston Southern so that they will become the people God wants them to be.

As an R.N. at Roper St. Francis Hospital, 2008 graduate, Holly Branch Westbury, understands what it means to serve – it’s part of her job. However, recently she expanded her view of service when she asked herself, “How am I serving my coworkers and others I come in contact with?” Westbury encouraged the students, “We can serve God in any and all aspects of our lives. While at CSU I pray that you will take every opportunity to learn about new tools to serve Christ.” When Joe Pye graduated in 1969 he knew he wanted to be the CEO of a bank. Six weeks after accepting a banking position, he resigned. “It just wasn’t for me,” he said.

The rest is history. Pye was encouraged to pursue education and moved from teaching positions to school principal then on to become district personnel director at Dorchester School District 2. He then continued to advance to assistant superintendent and is now currently superintendent of Dorchester School District Two. Pye accepted each new career challenge with an unassuming spirit, giving God the credit. “We need to cooperate with God,” Pye told the students. “We should constantly pray for God to take us where He wants us to go. If he opens the door, we need to go on in.”

YouTube.com/CharlestonSouthern Alumni speak to students at first Chapel

left to right: Joe Pye Daniel Bryant Holly Westbury

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school ties The alumni office brings you the alumni and friends e-Newsletter once a month. If you are not receiving the newsletter, it’s because we don’t have your current email address. Please send an email to alumni@csuniv.edu to be added to the list.

Three receive 2011 Alumni Awards by Jan Joslin, photos by Sherry Atkinson

Three graduates were honored as part of the annual alumni awards. L.C. Knight ’73, received the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year award. Knight is the Sheriff of Dorchester County, a position he has held since 2009. Prior to his election to Sheriff, he was a Dorchester County magistrate and held several positions in the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division. After his son, Troy Knight, died, the Knight family created the Troy Knight Endowed Scholarship at CSU. Knight is a member of the CSU Board of Visitors and is active in the community serving in the Summerville Exchange Club, Ancient and Accepted Masonic Lodge, member of Knightsville United Methodist Church, Summerville Boat Club, Kiwanis Club of Summerville, Omar Shrine Temple and the S.C. Sheriff’s Association. He has been named to the Summerville High School Athletic Hall of Fame.

The Rev. Shaun Burn ’04 received the University Mission award. He has been minister of worship at Deer Park Baptist Church in North Charleston since 2004. The music program at Deer Park has grown since his arrival, and he has started a Singing Christmas Tree and a yearly mission trip. Burn and his wife, the former Kristen Murray, also a 2004 CSU alum, provide a one-week music camp for first through sixth graders through the church. The music camp is open to community children for a minimal cost, and the Burns make scholarships available for those who cannot pay. David S. Cobden ’01 received the Outstanding Alumnus of the Year Award. Cobden is the national accounts manager – clinical lead for AstraZeneca LP. He received the 2010 Excellence Award for leadership and innovation from the U.S. Medical Affairs.

Currently, he is a PhD candidate in health policy, management and economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Holland. He holds a master of public health with concentration in economics and outcomes research from Dartmouth College and a master of science in biochemistry with concentration in marketing and entrepreneurship from Georgetown University. Cobden has published extensively in peerreviewed scientific journals as well as numerous abstract presentations at national and international scientific conferences. While at CSU, he was a member of the Honors Program inaugural class and was the first person to graduate from the Honors Program.

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David C


Shaun Burn


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Alumni News P h o to b

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Build a Tradition Celebrate your experience at Charleston Southern with an engraved brick on the Reflection Pond walkway. Support current CSU students with your $100 brick purchase. All proceeds benefit student scholarships at Charleston Southern. Order your brick using the envelope provided in this magazine, or go to charlestonsouthern.edu/brick. Contact the alumni office at 843-863-7516 or alumni@csuniv.edu with any questions.

Selections include: • Alumni bricks with name and class year (grouped by class) • Faculty/Staff/Friend/Parent bricks with name only • In Memory of or In Honor of bricks to remember a favorite professor or memorialize a loved one.

photo by Jessica Paetzke

“I walked around the CSU Reflection Pond as a scared, lonely freshman, as a love-struck sophomore, as a newlywed, as a mother and as a proud wife. I am grateful for the opportunity to have my parents’ name on one of the bricks around my reflection pond.” — Kathy Douglas Snyder ’77

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Integrating Faith in Learning, Leading and Serving

photo by Sherry Atkinson

Grace Awakening To view video testimonies from Grace Awakening, go to youtube.com/CharlestonSouthern

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