ANNUAL SEMINAR 2022 "OnBecomingPost-pandemicTeachers: ExploringEmergingPracticesinELT” 20August OnZoom ONLINE Programme
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Prof. Romina Arena PRESIDENT Prof. Melina Gostissa VICEPRESIDENT Prof. Paula López Cano SECRETARY Prof. Ma. Eugenia Ianiro DEPUTY SECRETARY Prof. Ma. Ángela Di Gaetano PTREASURERrof.LidiaPayaslián - Vocal Titular 1ra Prof. Cintia Lazarte - Vocal Titular 2da Prof. Ma. Laura García - Vocal Suplente 1ra Prof. Noelia Garfinkiel - Vocal Suplente 2da APIBA is a professional association of graduate English teachers which supports teachers’ professional development in the city and province of Buenos Aires. For almost 50 years, APIBA has brought teachers together to share ideas and teaching experiences and learn from each other. ABOUT APIBA CONTACT
Reduced conference fees and access to seminars and workshops Special Interest Group (SIG) membership FDiscMentScholarshipsorshipprogrammeountsinbookstoresAAPImembership APIBA membership gives you access to a very active network of English language teachers in the city and province of Buenos Aires. Some of the benefits include: JOIN APIBA Send an e-mail to with a scanned copy of your diploma and your digital photo. If you would like to find out more about APIBA, do not hesitate to contact us at We look forward to welcoming you soon! Become a member and be part of a growing community of graduate English language teachers!
SCHEDULE 09.00 - 09.10 09.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 10.25 10.25 - 11.00 11.10 - 12.00 12.00 - 12.15 12.15 - 13.15 13.15 - 13.30 Opening words Opening plenary: Graciela López López BreakConcurrent sessions: Students’ showcase Semi-plenaries: Belén Albarracín Cecilia Sassone BreakClosing plenary: Leonor Corradi Closing words 11.00 - 11.10 Break
Biodata Doctoranda en Educación por la Universidad de Tres de Febrero. Tiene un Postgraduate Diploma in Education Studies de la Universidad de Bath y es Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Católica Argentina y Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa por la Universidad de San Martín. Participó del Future of Learning Institute del Graduate School of Education de la Universidad de Harvard. Es Associate del College of Teachers (UK). Fue Directora de una escuela secundaria de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, profesora de la cátedra de Residencia Docente en el Profesorado en Ciencias Jurídicas de la UBA, profesora de Didáctica General en el Instituto de Educación Superior Nº1 Alicia Moreau de Justo y coordinadora del área de Formación de Formadores del Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente (INFoD). Actualmente se desempeña como Coordinadora Académica y profesora del Profesorado Universitario de la Universidad de San Andrés, evaluadora de la Organización del Bachillerato Internacional y consultora del área Educación en UNICEF Argentina para sus proyectos de innovación de la escuela secundaria (proyecto PLaNEA). Es también asesora de instituciones educativas de los distintos niveles. Es autora de capítulos de libros, artículos académicos y materiales de desarrollo curricular en variados niveles educativos. Es coautora con Rebeca Anijovich de la serie Aprender a Aprender. Taller de Aprendizaje. Buenos Aires, abril de 2018.
La conferencia invitará a centrarnos en tres ejes para volver a poner los ojos en la enseñanza: el sentido del acto de enseñar (y de enseñar Inglés), pensar clases que valgan la pena (algunos requisitos, ideas, ejemplos) y la riqueza de pensar la enseñanza con otros profesionales que enseñan.
© Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF).
Time: 09.10 - 10.10
Title: (Algunas ideas para volver a mirar la enseñanza)
BELÉN ALBARRACÍN SEMI-PLENARIES What practices have prevailed in this post pandemic scenario? What adaptations have been integrated in the ELT classroom? Have schools been up to the challenge that this scenario has presented? In this presentation, I will go over some projects and practices implemented at Bayard School that have survived the test of pandemic time and how teamworking, flexibility and lifelong learning have proved to be key supplies for post-pandemic teachers to survive.
Biodata Teacher of English from Joaquin V. Gonzalez, a Sworn Translator (UMSA) and a University Expert in e learning She(UTN).isa facilitator of ICT at Bayard School where she also teaches the subject Global Perspectives. She has presented at IATEFL, BrazTesol, Cytea, FAAPI and APIBA. POST-PANDEMIC TEACHERS AND THE NEW SCENARIO: WHAT NOW? Time: 11.10 - 12.00
Working from home entails more flexibility for errands and emergencies but it’s not a vacation; it can be downright challenging. We’ve spent all our lives preparing ourselves to “go out” to work but as fate would have it - or we’ve decided –we’re staying at home. The big challenge? Balancing our life and work in one same space, setting up our home office, organizing our routines, implementing systems and tools for effective time management, selecting apps to automatize tasks… In short, organizing our home office for maximum productivity without losing out on our private lives. Is it possible? Well… it’s happening. Come to explore and share best practices with us! Biodata Cecilia Sassone is a graduate teacher of English (IESLV “Juan Ramón Fernández”), holds a Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa (Universidad de Belgrano) and two diplomas in e learning/ICT (UTN/Net Learning). She has worked extensively at all levels of education, lectured at national congresses and taught adults and executives for over 30 years. She’s the creator of the Spiderweb Method® for accelerating teenage and adult language learning, “Innovation and Achievement Award 2015” by SHARE Education Committee.
Education - and humankind - has gone through an experience beyond anybody’s imagination. Considering that human beings cannot but learn, what path shall we, teachers, take after this experience? Do something we know or think may be second best to what we consider good practices, or take this as a second chance to enhance learning and our teaching?
These questions will be the backbone of this plenary, whose aim is to help us reflect on and revisit what it means to teach and to learn.
Biodata Teacher of English, Master of Science in Education and Teacher Training (Surrey University, UK), and Education and ICT Specialist; former member of the Foreign Languages Committee, National Ministry of Education, specialist in Didactics, evaluator of research projects in Argentina, academic consultant. Materials designer and coursebook writer, presents extensively at national and international conferences and congresses. Author of the Curriculum for Foreign Languages for the City of BA (2001, English); she has also worked in the creation and reforms of curriculum designs at different teacher training colleges and provinces, and has been an ELTon Judge since 2014.
Time: 12.15 - 13.15
Title: Digital tools to embrace diversity: Planning inclusive lessons with Education Technology SHOWCASE Pose Paula Ledesma Presenters
Time: 10.25 - 11.00
Abstract Planning lessons that include Digital resources is part of most teachers' daily practice today. Digital skills have been developed in a beneficial way especially as a result of the pandemia emergency. In addition, the use of many of the digital tools available have proved to foster more inclusion in and outside the classroom as they cater for different Special Educational Needs. This presentation will explore some basic uses of digital tools that can help teachers embrace diversity in their practices. We will show how to use some digital tools as we share future teachers' projects and a collaborative website where future teachers share their creations along the year.
CONCURRENT SESSIONS Title: Teaching teens in post-pandemic times: Reauthenticating materials to create more engaging projects Marina Falasca Rodrigo Tolosa Verónica Arias Feltes Gabriela Pascaner Andrea Sol Heredia Presenters Abstract This presentation describes two projects developed by student teachers at INSPT UTN, both of which are aimed at EFL high school students in state run schools The first part of the session addresses the importance of incorporating authentic materials in the EFL class and explains the steps that were followed to turn a traditional project into a more significant experience for teens. The presentation concludes with possible suggestions to design similar projects. STUDENTS' SHOWCASE Time: 10.25 - 11.00
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