Hormonal imbalance health horrors & natural remedies

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Hormonal x Imbalance Health Horrors & Natural Remedies

Stressful lifestyle, poor diet and negligence to exercise are common mistakes that many people commit. If these matters go unmanaged, it can affect the quality of life and the body’s system. One such system is the endocrine system, better known as the hormonal system. The hormonal system refers to the eight glands that work together to maintain the delicate balance of hormones in the body. Hormones are potent, which is why even the slightest changes in hormone production can have profound effects on the body. The most common problems women face is hormonal imbalance – this refers to the adrenal fatigue.


x Women who suffer from hormonal imbalance Health Consequences of Hormonal Imbalance

usually have irregular menstrual periods. Instead of having a period every 28 days, lapses occur for a number of months. This is a serious matter that can further develop to thyroid disorder. Meanwhile, other women suffer from hair loss due to the excessive circulation of testosterone. It is advisable to take action immediately to prevent it from developing into prostate cancer. Additionally, the National Institute of Health said that once ovaries fail to consistently produce normal levels of female sex hormones, profuse sweating accompanied by the feeling of being overheated is possible. This may develop to premature osteoporosis if a person does not take action immediately.

Natural remedies When it comes to maintaining hormone levels, a person should eat food rich in fiber, flavonoids and omega-3 because these help build blocks for hormone production. Otherwise, a person must work out regularly to relieve stress, which prevents the body from releasing enough hormones. Due to the busy schedule of most workers, health specialists recommend to use or take natural remedies such as supplements to help regulate hormone production. There is a range of products made of natural extracts to ensure the safety of one’s wellbeing. The body operates as a dynamic functional unit. When a person fails to take care of their body, diseases are likely to develop.


Sources: http://greengoldnutrition.com/resour ces/hormone-balance-naturalremedies.html http://www.webmd.com/women/fea tures/escape-hormone-horrorswhat-you-can-do http://womeninbalance.org/abouthormone-imbalance/hormoneimbalance-restoration/


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