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reaching japan

reaching japan

Believers in Myanmar continue to struggle with the upheaval because it is not as easy to get around.

COVID has been very bad in the country at different times. Several pastors and church workers have lost their lives to COVID, and until recently, they didn’t have the vaccine.


The Church has increased its online presence in the past few months. In that time, their Facebook page has grown 30 percent. The page is close to 14,000 followers.

Our APMedia team member and his family live in a General Council office—a fivestory building designed as an office building, not for a family to live in. But because they can’t find a place to live and because finances are so tight, they live in that place with their two children. Here is a message he wanted me to share with you:

MyanmarAssemblies ofGod leadership assigned me to do media ministryforthe church in Myanmar. So I went to Asia Pacific Media headquarters in the Philippines to increase myknowledge and skillinvideo production. I gainedvaluable insights on creating greatvideos.

Thankyou forallyou do to support this greatworkwhich is reaching the countryofMyanmarwith the Message ofHope! I had the opportunityto expand myknowledge invideo production thanks to the team atAPMedia. I learned howto create high-quality videos, aswellas howto edit and export differentvideo formats.

The teamwas extremelysupportive, offering guidance and assistance along theway and supplying uswith allthe resources we needed, including cameras, lighting, and even the studiowhere we could work from.

Itwas thanks to theirhelp that Iwas able to gain the skills and knowledge necessaryto produce greatvideos that reach the people ofMyanmarwith the Message ofHope.!

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