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A Larger Net to Catch the Next Generation

Letter from Bill



A LARGER NET TO CATCH THE NEXT GENERATION One of my favorite psalms uses the term “next generation.” Psalm 78:4 speaks about our responsibility to pass on our faith.

“ We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord” (NLT).

The Psalmist could not have imagined our day and the myriad ways we can communicate. Nothing surpasses face-to-face with our families, but the vast majority of people in our cities and towns are growing up without someone to tell them. How will it be done? How will the emerging generation hear about God’s glorious work and His plan?

Social media offers a large net that can catch the attention of this generation with the Message of Hope. Creative messages and stories of hope will attract those seeking more.

During the Asia Institute for Media in Ministry, an instructor jokingly paraphrased the Scripture, “the harvest is great, and the laborers are not online.”

During one 90-minute session of online social media evangelism, 196 contacts were made and 19 people made decisions for Christ.

This edition of MISSION magazine features stories of people who are using the tools, and you’ll learn of open doors and challenges we face. I would also encourage you to go to apmedia.org and check out the digitally enhanced version of this issue with all the video extras.

Thanks for every prayer and gift of support so we may cast a larger net to catch the next generation.

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