Brickworks 2021 Annual Report

Page 81


Report The Directors of Brickworks Limited present their report and the financial report of Brickworks Limited and its controlled entities (referred to as the Brickworks Group or the Group) for the financial year ended 31 July 2021.

Directors The names of the Directors in office at any time during or since the end of the year are:

◗ Robert D. Millner  FAICD (Chairman) ◗ Michael J. Millner  MAICD (Deputy Chairman) ◗ Lindsay R. Partridge AM  BSc. Hons. Ceramic Eng, FAICD, Dip. CD (Managing Director)

◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗

Robyn N. Stubbs B.Bus, M.Sc., GAICD ) Brendan P. Crotty  LS, DQIT, Dip.Bus Admin (retired from the Board 24 November 2020)

Details for each Director’s directorships of other listed companies held at any time in the three years before the end of the financial year and the period of which such directorships are held are:

Robert D. Millner since 1984

Appointed 2016 Resigned 2019 since 2014 since 2010 Appointed 2021

Malcolm P. Bundey ◗ Pact Group Holdings Ltd

Appointed 2015 Resigned 2018

Robyn N. Stubbs ◗ Aventus Group ◗ Invocare Limited

since 2015 Appointed 2017 Resigned 2021

since 1995

TPG Telecom Ltd

since 2000

BKI Investment Company Ltd

since 2003

Milton Corporation Limited

since 1998

Tuas Limited

since 2020

Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Deborah R. Page AM ◗ Pendal Group Ltd ◗ Service Stream Ltd ◗ Growthpoint Properties Australia Ltd

Malcolm P. Bundey B.Bus (Accounting), GAICD

New Hope Corporation Ltd

Appointed 2007 Resigned 2019

The Hon. Robert J. Webster MAICD

Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Co. Ltd

◗ Ruralco Holdings Ltd

◗ GBST Holdings Ltd

Deborah R. Page AM  B.Ec, FCA, FAICD

Each Director’s experience and special responsibilities are set out on pages 69 to 71 of this Annual Report.

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Michael J. Millner

Company Secretary ◗ Susan L. Leppinus  B.Ec; Llb; Grad Dip App Fin

Appointed 2000 Resigned 2020

Brickworks  Annual Report 2021  p 79

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