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Corporate Governance
The Brickworks Limited (Company) Board is committed to developing and maintaining good corporate governance and recognises that this is best achieved through its people and their actions.
The Company’s long-term future is best served by ensuring that its employees have the highest levels of honesty and integrity and that these employees are retained and developed through fair remuneration. It is also critical to the success of the Company that an appropriate culture is nurtured and developed, starting from the Board itself. Brickworks full Corporate Governance Statement which provides detailed information about governance at Brickworks’ is available on Brickworks’ website at www.brickworks.com.au
Brickworks Governance Framework
Audit & Risk Committee
◗ Financial reporting, internal and external audit ◗ Risk management framework and strategy, risk appetite and risk profile ◗ Oversight of sustainability and climate related risks and opportunities Brickworks Board
Nomination Committee
◗ Board and Committee membership and renewal Remuneration Committee
◗ Remuneration policies, practices and related disclosure
Brickworks Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer
◗ Delegated limits of authority to manage the Company other than matters reserved to the Board or as otherwise delegated to a Board Committee
Brickworks senior management
Management and oversight The Board
The Brickworks Board is responsible for the leadership, oversight, development strategy and long-term success of the Group. The Board works with management to consider specific issues relevant to the overall conduct of our businesses – including strategy, safety, sustainability, annual budget and major acquisitions and disposals. There is one executive and six non-executive Directors on the Brickworks Board, 29% of which are women. The independence of non-executive Directors is considered annually and the Board has determined that four non-executive Directors are independent. We ensure the Board has the appropriate blend of skills, knowledge and experience, from a wide range of industries, backgrounds, necessary to lead the Group. In 2022, there were 12 full meetings of the Board.
Board Committees
The Board has established three permanent Committees to assist in the execution of its responsibilities. The current permanent Committees are the Audit & Risk Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee. The role of these Committees is to provide strategic direction, oversight and assurance on the specific objectives set for each Committee. The Chairman of each Committee reports to the Board on its deliberations and minutes of Committee meetings are circulated to all Directors.
Committee Chairs also attend the Annual General Meeting to answer questions from shareholders. Current membership and terms of reference of each Committee are available on our website.
Board renewal, development and evaluation
Our Directors are committed to ensuring the Board is diverse and appropriately balanced in terms of business experience, knowledge, skills and gender. All newly appointed Directors receive extensive briefing materials and the Chairman agrees an individually-tailored and comprehensive induction programme. A review of Board effectiveness is carried out on an annual basis. This review takes into account the operation and performance of the Board and its Committees, and the effectiveness of Board communications.
We have procedures in place to ensure compliance with our obligations under the applicable rules and regulations, including those issued by the Australian Securities Exchange.
Ethical and responsible decision making
◗ The Board aims to ensure the Company continually builds an honest and ethical culture. ◗ Brickworks has an established code of conduct which centres on the Company and all Directors, senior management and employees conducting themselves with integrity in all business dealings. It also has Board policies and conducts training of employees in relation to these policies. ◗ Consistent with our commitment to act fairly, with honesty and integrity Brickworks has a Whistleblower Policy and has implemented Behonest@Brickworks an anonymous whistleblower service delivered by Deloitte. ◗ The Company also has an Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Policy, Political Donations Policy, Securities Trading Policy and Modern Slavery Policy.
Timely and balanced disclosure
◗ Brickworks is committed to keeping its shareholders informed about the Company’s activities. ◗ The Company aims to provide relevant information to shareholders in a timely manner which is supported by its
Continuous Disclosure Policy.
Safeguard integrity in financial reporting
◗ Brickworks process for verifying the integrity of periodic corporate reports not subject to audit or review by an external auditor is as follows: ◗ reports are prepared by, or under the supervision of, subject-matter experts; ◗ reports are reviewed for material accuracy; and ◗ information in a report that relates to financial projections, statements as to future financial performance or changes to the policy or strategy of the Company (taken as a whole) must be approved by the Board. ◗ The Board through the Audit and Risk Committee: ◗ monitors Company performance; and ◗ ensures the proper external reporting of financial information.
Brickworks Design Centre Horsley Park, NSW
Recognise and manage risk
◗ To ensure robust and effective risk management systems are in place and operating effectively, the Board through the
Audit and Risk Committee: ◗ determines the risk profile for the Company; ◗ ensures that business initiatives are consistent with its risk appetite; ◗ reviews the controls and systems in place to continually mitigate risk; ◗ monitors the results of a risk based internal audit program, and timely remediation of issues identified; and ◗ oversees reporting and compliance requirements. ◗ Risk management is a priority for the Board and senior management.
Remunerate fairly and responsibly
◗ The Board through the Remuneration Committee ensures that remuneration policies and practices are consistent with strategic goals. ◗ The Company’s remuneration policy is to: ◗ equitably reward executives with a mix of fixed remuneration, short-term and long-term incentives aimed at attracting and retaining executives who will create value for shareholders; and ◗ ensure appropriate succession planning is in place. ◗ Non-executive directors receive no incentive payments and there are no retirement benefits in place. Contributions to the retirement allowance plan for non-executive Directors were discontinued on 30 June 2003. Under legacy arrangements, non-executive Directors appointed prior to 30 June 2003 were entitled to receive benefits upon their retirement from office. These benefits were frozen with effect from 30 June 2003, and are not indexed. Since 30 June 2003 no new
Directors have been entitled to join this plan.