Brickworks Sustainability Report 2020

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1934 At the height of the Great Depression brick manufacturers in the New South Wales Brick Masters’ Association take drastic action to save the industry. They register Brickworks Limited as a public company, close unprofitable yards and rationalise production. The new company is better able to market and distribute bricks and clay products, especially pipes and tiles.

1962 Brickworks Limited (BKW) is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.




Brickworks acquires Bowral Bricks.

Brickworks acquires 100% of Bristile Limited.



2002 Brickworks commenced a partnership with the Children’s Cancer Institute. By 2020, Brickworks has raised a total of $4 million.



Construction of Austral Bricks Wollert, the highly efficient factory replaces six old kilns across three sites.

The Austral Bricks Scoresby rehabilitation project wins the Victorian Department of Primary Industries ‘Strzelecki Award’ for overall excellence and innovation in sustainable development. 2007

The three-year rehabilitation campaign of Eastern Creek NSW is complete. 3 million m3 of fill was used to develop the site into industrial land.


TIMELINE For over 100 years, Brickworks has played a key role in building resilient, safe and sustainable cities. Our bricks and concrete products are manufactured to provide resilience. They are durable, fire-proof, contain thermal mass for energy efficient design, excellent acoustic properties and no indoor air emissions (VOCs); and our clay bricks hold a 100-year guarantee. Brickworks was registered as a NSW based public company in 1934. Since that time, it has grown to become one of the world’s largest and diverse building products manufacturers, with operations throughout Australia and North America. Alongside this growth, our sustainability journey continues to develop. This year we have launched a new sustainability strategy, “Build for Living: Towards 2025, charting a path beyond achievements to date into the future, contributing to goals such as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”.

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