Management To ensure robust and effective risk management systems are in place and operating effectively, the Board, through the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC), determines the risk profile for the company. It ensures that business initiatives are consistent with its risk appetite, reviews the controls and systems in place to continually mitigate risk, and oversees reporting and compliance requirements.
Risk Management A Risk Management Framework has been implemented, consistent with each element of the Australian Risk Management Standard AS/NZS3100:2018. Key elements of the framework cover business process, financial, human resources, information, property, environmental, climate, health and safety and insurable risks. Brickworks’ Board has adopted a Risk Management Framework that identifies risk tolerance and risk appetite for the Group, and then considers how each identified risk is placed within that framework. That framework involves assessment of the likelihood of an event occurring, the potential impact of each event, and the controls and processes in place to continually mitigate each risk. Risk management is a priority for senior management. Details of risk management and the significant risks that may impact the achievement of the Group’s business strategies and financial prospects are included in the Brickworks FY20 Annual Report and the Corporate Governance Statement which can be downloaded from www.brickworks.com.au/investors/groupoverview#corporate-governance
Procurement – Modern Slavery and Supply Chain Brickworks is committed to respecting and supporting the dignity, well-being and human rights of employees and the supply chain. Brickworks is committed to working collaboratively with its partners and suppliers to ensure business is conducted in an honest and ethical manner. This includes identifying and addressing modern slavery and human rights risks throughout the business and supply chain.
SUPPLY CHAIN Reduce supply chain risk
Reporting frameworks and requirements to disclose risks of modern slavery in supply chains include the Federal Modern Slavery Act, which came into effect in 2019. The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) is expected to come into force at a future date. Brickworks’ first Modern Slavery Statement for the FY20 reporting period will be published by January 21. Brickworks is engaging consultants to keep up to date with all legislative requirements and provide updates for any proposed changes or harmonisation between Federal and State legislation.
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