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Corporate Directory
Jonathan Sweeney – Chairman Kirthi ‘Keith’ Gunaratne John Balassis Victor van Bommel
Company secretaries
Laura Newell Richard Pillinger
Registered office and principal place of business
Suite 2, 407 Pacific Highway Artarmon NSW 2064 Phone: (02) 8422 6000
Business objectives
In accordance with Listing Rule 4.10.19 the Company confirms that the Group has been utilising the cash and assets in a form readily convertible to cash for the whole reporting period in a way that is consistent with its business objectives.
Stock exchange listing
EP&T Global Limited shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX code: EPX)
Share register
Boardroom Pty Limited Level 12 225 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 9290 9600
Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd Level 17, 383 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000
Hamilton Locke Australia Square Level 42, 264 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 166 Redfern Street Redfern NSW 2016
Corporate governance statement
The Directors and management are committed to conducting the business of EP&T Global Limited in an ethical manner and in accordance with high standards of corporate governance. EP&T Global Limited has adopted and has substantially complied with the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (Fourth Edition) (‘Recommendations’) to the extent appropriate to the size and nature of its operations. The Corporate Governance Statement, which sets out the corporate governance practices that were in operation during the financial year and identifies and explains any Recommendations that have been followed, which is approved at the same time as the Annual Report can be found at: https://eptglobal.com/investor-centre/