By RW Bro Richard Dawes
Lodges are in recess – what an opportunity!
No gatherings. No degree work. No Ss, Ts & Ws. No tyled lodges. No point? NO WAY!
very situation has its upside so let’s make the effort to see what benefits we can accrue from this situation. Remember that this coronavirus is not going to go away for three, six or more months. So, we have time to plan and to make the most of the situation. By now we all know that we can meet electronically. That’s just the technical side and it is doable. It’s just a matter of training and it’s not rocket science. In fact, there are pages explaining the basics of how to use this virtual meeting technology later in this issue. So, what do we do with this technology? What follows is a list of opportunities that will keep the brethren interested and involved in Freemasonry while physical meetings are out of the question. Some of the items don’t relate to lodges but they are examples of different meetings and may trigger some novel ideas in your mind. Think about what can be done and then go for it! R Lodge Management Meetings: Even without formal meetings a lodge’s business continues and Zoom is an ideal way for a small committee to keep the wheels turning. R Social get-togethers of brethren: Keep us in touch and we can keep an eye on each other without constantly being on the telephone. R If UGL approved, we could hold tyled meetings as long as no ritual, or Ss and Ss etc., are involved: Of course, this is subject to constitutional constraints so don’t go down this path without written permission from the Board of Management. R Inter-lodge debates and competitions: These can replace the
fraternals that bring us so much enjoyment and at the same time they can sharpen our minds and teach us to think on our feet! R Masonic Building Company meetings: Even if your local Masonic Centre is mothballed, the directors need to maintain the premises in a fit state so that when restrictions are lifted, we can carry on where we left off. R District Meetings: We can make these more interesting because we can enlist the help of top presenters from across the jurisdiction or even across the world. R Board of Management Meetings: Doubtless this is happening already. But it allows a board meeting to bring an outside specialist into the meeting at a moment’s notice – no matter where he lives or works. R GMTT Meetings: As above and the GMTT started using Zoom at the beginning of April. R Masonic Education Sessions using local, District, or Regional Education Officers: The big advantage is that a superb speaker does not have to travel across the city or across the state to spread the benefit of his knowledge. R Meetings with a high quality, perhaps overseas, speaker: Top speakers from overseas jurisdictions will relish the opportunity to speak to an Australian audience, and we will enjoy hearing them. R Delivery of Research Papers by local and/or overseas researchers: As above.
R Delivery of Prestonian Lecturer talks: When only the very best will do and at a minimal cost. R Presentation of ANZMRC Kellerman Lectures both in place of a face to face conference and as an attraction after the ANZMRC Conference. Lodges and districts will have the chance to hear the year’s best lecturers in the comfort of their own homes. R RGCs’ liaison meetings with DGIsW: This is one way to beat the tyranny of distance. Also, it provides an opportunity for DGIsW to meet each other and discuss best practices across the jurisdiction. R Training courses for Officers such as DGIsW, RGCs and perhaps lodge officers: Perhaps the most important advantage of all; this can materially assist us to raise our standards across the board. We have here a method of training that will allow us to deliver a standard product while maintaining the ability to assess a participant’s progress and achievements face to face. Trainers and DGIsW can use virtual meetings to follow up training courses with individual brethren and reinforce lessons learnt at previous courses. Is there a downside to this opportunity? Frankly the main delaying factor is inertia, we have to get moving and to encourage others to become active. Zoom-champions are emerging in some districts and lodges already. Some are almost messianic in their enthusiasm! Don’t leave the initiative to someone else: best of all make that someone else YOU.
June 2020