Quarterly Communication
MARCH COMMUNICATION The Grand Master MW Bro Derek Robson AM, welcomed members and visitors to the March Quarterly Communication and exhorted them to even greater efforts in the new masonic year
ast Grand Masters, and brethren, here in the Sydney Masonic Centre and across our jurisdiction in the streaming centres, thank you for your attention to this most important Quarterly Communication.
This Communication effectively sets the tone for our Grand Lodge for the coming masonic year. Following the election you’ve all been part of tonight, we next move to the June Communication where we call for nominations to be considered for the various Offices in Grand Lodge. With this broader exposure to our membership through the streaming process, I hope that we might encourage more of you to consider offering your skills to your Grand Lodge. Brethren, I trust that we can now go forward totally committed to enhancing
COMMUNICATION The June Quarterly Communication is postponed due to the COVID-19 meeting restrictions.
June 2020
the strong presence and purpose of Freemasonry. Tonight is not about long speeches. We all know what is required of us and we all know how we can get there, so let’s just move on. For me, these past few days have shown just what Freemasonry is about. Last Thursday, I attended the Installation meeting of The Discovery Lodge of Research here in Lodge Room Five, and witnessed a fine ceremony of masons totally committed to learning much more about our Craft, and isn’t this the principle behind lodge meetings having a healthy mix of ritual, educative, and social activity, such that we all gain more from the experience? On Saturday morning, I attended Bankstown Daylight Lodge for their Installation, and there at
Brethren, may I encourage you all to look after each other and support each other through this coronavirus and world health issue.
Padstow in a room filled to capacity, we again saw a ceremony with masons clearly striving to enhance their own personal development, beautify the Craft, and setting a challenge for each of us to raise our own levels of involvement. On the same evening, and again accompanied by our most competent Ceremonial Team, I attended Lodge Celebration of Fairfield in their very spacious lodge room, where we were gifted arguably one of the best programs of ritual and ceremonial I have witnessed, where the encouragement of one brother to another was clearly evident, and where Freemasonry at its absolute best was on display. To round off the week, Gael and I were honoured to be welcomed to the District 15 meeting in Maitland, where, on behalf of the District and Masonicare, we presented a cheque for $20,304 to Dr Matt Dun from the Hunter Medical Research Institute, for his work on childhood brain stem trauma. How wonderful it is that we can touch so many lives through our commitment to charity. Brethren, this is what Freemasonry is all about. We need to be out there promoting the ideals and tenets of the Craft, promoting the principles espoused in our own personal obligations, and above all, relating these concepts out in our local communities through kind acts of charity and social interaction. I have often said that Freemasonry is alive – and it is exciting. And believe me brethren, it is. Brethren, I don’t think that we should ever be criticised for being positive. I don’t think we should ever be criticised for talking up the Craft, and I certainly don’t think we should ever be criticised for wanting to improve upon the lot of our friends.
Integrity – Loyalty – Respect Freemason