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District 37

A happy hand over

It was a happy night when Lodge Kingsford Smith hosted a welcome to the new DGIW for District 37 and a special ‘thank you’ to the retiring officer after four years of hard work.

All lodges from the District were represented at Kensington in February when VW Bro George Shenouda stepped forward to present the patent and badge of office to his successor VW Bro Nic Pagonis.

After the presentation was completed, a representative from each District lodge rose to pay tribute to and thank VW Bro Shenouda for his efforts in promoting the District and issue a welcome to his successor with the hope that he would continue the good work.

The WM, W Bro Jim Day then made a special presentation to VW Bro Shenouda who thanked everyone for their support during his term of office and promised he would still be around to give his support whenever needed.

VW Bro Pagonis said he was aware of the responsibility of the office and promised to continue the efforts of his predecessor.

‘This night has been a wonderful occasion and I am grateful for the support already given. I am also aware it will be a difficult start to this office because of the pandemic but assure the brethren I will do my best during the term,’ he said.

Lodge Bland No 337

Father and son

Lodge Bland was consecrated in West Wyalong in October 1919 and a tradition of father/son membership of the lodge was established in the very earliest days of the lodge’s history. Indeed, at the first meeting after the consecration of the lodge in December 1919 there were six affiliates and two initiates. One of the initiates was Fredrick Sutherland the son of Perceval Sutherland who affiliated at the same meeting!

Since then, 82 fathers have sat in Lodge Bland with their 107 sons.

It was a very early practice that if a candidate’s father was a Past Master of the lodge the father would be invited to occupy the master’s chair for his son’s Initiation. This tradition has been followed on many happy occasions.

On 15 May 1952 Herbert Walter ‘Bert’ Staniforth initiated his son Malcolm, whose brothers occupied the chairs of Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon & Inner Guard. Later Bruce Staniforth initiated his sons Peter, David and Johnny Staniforth. Later Johnny, as a Master Mason, was present for the initiation of his own sons Brian and Bradley.

There have been seven families with three generations of Lodge Bland membership.

In February 2021 Lodge Bland initiated James Avalos and his father Michael (a Master Mason of one year’s standing) was Inner Guard. Long may the tradition continue!

Forster Great Lakes United No 994

Forster’s catch up time

February was an occasion when Forster Great Lakes United caught up with COVID-delayed business.

Bro Paul Holbrook was Raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason and on the same evening was appointed as Inner Guard.

Later in the evening Bro John Daniel and W Bro Ron Willman received their 60-year certificates. A nice contrast of the start of service to the Craft, and a reward for a lifetime of similar service.

Top: Bro John Daniel (left) and W Bro Ron Willman (right) receiving their 60 year certificates with WM Preston Gowing (middle). Above: Bro Paul Holbrook is pictured with VW Bro Tony Spouse, the New DGIW of Region 1, District 13, his father RW Bro Robert Holbrook of Lodge Panania and WM Preston Gowing.

Royal Empire Lodge

Royal Empire’s 1,000th

The Royal Empire Lodge held its 1,000th meeting on 11 March.

To celebrate the occasion, the meeting was arranged as a Past Masters’ night during which Bro James Greig was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.

All the chairs were filled by PMs and a very convivial meeting and South were held.

The brethren of the jurisdiction are forewarned, to mark in their diaries, that the traditional annual luncheon, hosted by The Royal Empire Lodge, at Parliament House, will be held on Wednesday 3 November 2021.

More details will be announced in the September edition of Freemason. District 21

District 21 handover

Wyong Masonic Centre was at COVID-19 capacity on 25 January to witness the District 21 DGIW jewel of office being transferred to VW Bro Andrew Kfoury. The special occasion was viewed by a number of PDGIWs, and brethren from all the lodges in District 21. Our new DGIW was initiated into Freemasonry almost exactly 13 years ago and is the youngest DGIW in District 21 for many years.

‘Freemasonry has been practiced on the Central Coast since 1892, and along the way there have been many challenges, yet only a few organizations have been able to adapt, overcome and be as globally successful as Freemasonry. As we begin a new chapter, we will embrace the future in the sure knowledge that we have weathered greater storms in the past, yet the basic principles of Freemasonry have remained unchanged,’ said VW Bro Kfoury.

‘All the lodges of District 21 are now open for business and there is an eager sense of optimism as we return to physical lodge meetings,’ he added.

VW Bro Scott Cunningham PDGIW presented the DGIW jewel of office to his father VW Bro Bruce Cunningham at The Lodge Federation 196’s meeting on 6 February.

It was the first lodge meeting since March 2020 and was the first instance of our lodge witnessing a son-to-father DGIW handover.

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