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Media Ministries of the Assemblies of God — Asia Pacific Region

Volume 26 Number 1


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more about our media work? Want to give to a media project? Want to get your church or small group involved in a

media project?

• Want to be an APMM prayer •

partner? Want to give a year of your life to media work in Asia Pacific?

Find out more! log on: www.apmedia.org e-mail: contact@apmedia.org write: 1640 North Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65803 call: 417-862-2781 give online: www.apmedia.org follow: www.facebook.com/pages/Asia-Pacific-Media-Ministries

Editor’s View

You have already noticed just by looking at the cover that this issue of MISSION has a new look. It’s a different size, both in dimension and in number of pages, and it has a fresh, new format. You’ll find the same types of information as in the past, but it will be presented in a fresher way that we hope will be easier to read and take less of your valuable time, while still keeping you abreast of current ministry projects and needs. Perhaps the biggest change is that we are making MISSION a monthly publication. We depend on you – our readers – to support our work in prayer and in giving and

a monthly issue will keep you current regarding specific needs in both areas.

It will also allow us to share more testimonies and ministry reports with you so you will know your investment in our ministry is making a difference. We hope you enjoy the changes we’ve made to MISSION. Let us hear from you…your feedback is important to us!

Carolyn Dorsey {Editor}

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{Get Perspective} Missionary work is all about multiplication. It doesn’t take long in ministry to realize that the work is too large for just a few. Jesus knew this when He told us to go and make disciples in all nations. Simply put, a disciple is someone who follows the example of the teacher. In the Philippines, believers use the word echo to describe taking what someone else has taught them and passing it on. They do echo training. Paul spoke about multiplication when he instructed Timothy to entrust to reliable people who would teach others all the things he had heard Paul say. It’s a simple matter of one becoming two…two becoming four… four becoming eight…and so on. AP Media’s legacy as a ministry will not be productions, movies, dramas, DVDs and other media tools we’ve produced. These are all important and literally millions of people have received a witness of Christ and spiritual counsel through these tools, but our real legacy will be the people who have embraced our vision and been trained for media work and are passing on the vision and training others.

“...our real legacy will be the people who have embraced our vision and been trained for media work and are passing on the vision and training others.”

Today we have disciples who are leading media work in Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, the Philippines and numerous island nations in the South Pacific. This is purpose-driven multiplication! One of the biggest challenges facing the emerging church in many nations today is how to train the massive numbers of disciples needed for the harvest. I’ve met workers in many countries who are on the road for weeks at a time training new believers. Their desire is for ways to multiply their training – to be in many places at the same time. Media is the


Let me share a wonderful example of what I’m talking about. Next month our AP Media team will work in a restricted nation with a group of believers to train them in media work and help them produce a video on marriage and family relationships. In only six days together, they will learn how to effectively shoot and edit video and we will leave them with a product that will be multiplied and used by thousands throughout their region. In addition to a quality product that will impact their nation for Christ, the group will walk away with new vision and new skills. Our prayer is that they will produce again and again and train others, and the gift of media will keep on giving hope for eternity. There is no more powerful force for change in the world than purpose-driven multiplication, and media is a powerful tool for multiplication in these last days of the harvest.

Bill Snider {Director}

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{Get News} Think a Minute

Think a Minute is making a great impact on the nation of Sri Lanka. For many years the program has been translated and broadcast three times a day by Peoples Church in Colombo, the capital.

“Nearly 100,000 subscribers

receive the messages every day.”

Now Think a Minute is also a daily download on Dialog, Sri Lanka’s largest cell phone network. Nearly 100,000 subscribers receive the messages every day. Jhan and Iris Hurst

MOMS Magazine and Family Talk

A friend in Bacolod called me after reading some old issues of MOMS to ask for videos to be used on a cable TV channel. I told him about our Usapang Pamilya [or Family Talk] video series and he wants to use it on their channel in Bacolod. Johnson Li AP Media - Philippines

Tongan TV Program

We have worked in the islands for many years, and in that time I have learned that islanders have the same passion for music that I do. I have a very large choir in Tonga and it is so exciting to work with them. We have a weekly TV show where the choir sings and my husband Randy preaches. Last year we presented a big Easter musical that incorporated drama and a video presentation. In addition to presentation at our church, it was aired on national television. As a result, many people requested their own copies of the program on DVD for personal viewing and to share with others. Renee Carlson

Indonesia Media

We have four radio programs that air on more than 80 radio stations throughout Indonesia. These programs minister to all ages and every program has a follow-up ministry team that listeners can contact for information or prayer.

In response to our programming, we are receiving many SMS messages (a type of text messaging that is very popular in Asia) every month. Some of these messages request personal visits from one of our Christian counselors. This is a major development since these requests

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are from Muslim listeners. We believe these personal contacts will result in many more lives and families being changed for eternity. Pat and Linda Cochenour

Radio Program in Philippines

Radio station FEBC-DZMR here in Sefton Village is now on the air from 5:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and then again from 5:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. APMM has been a great blessing in many ways. You’ve been our partner in this district. Thank you for your help. Christian Media Worker

MP4 Players in China

A Chinese woman wrote that she was in great sin and was not a good person. She was mean to her family and had an affair that broke up her family. After listening to preaching on an MP4 player distributed by AP Media, she prayed that God’s love would be magnified through her and that she would bear spiritual fruit. AP Media - China Staff

China Website

We are receiving excellent feedback regarding our China website. One web surfer wrote, “Your new webpage is well designed and pretty. I like it. I listen to your web broadcast while surfing online. God bless you all.” Another person wrote, “I accidentally entered your webpage and found it clean and tidy. I am a new believer but have not been in church. I want to join a church but not sure which one is right.” Praise the Lord for the lives that are being touched through this new media tool. AP Media – China Staff


the Lord for the lives that are being touched through this new media tool.”

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{Get Insight}


Years APMM has been training

people to use/produce media tools


12+ Hours per week the

average person in Mainland China spends online


Approximate number of training seminars conducted by AP Media

Percentage of Cambodians that have

a cell phone

92 MILLION Number of Filipinos that have a

mobile phone

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{Get Involved} Six AP Media team members from three countries will be involved in the upcoming training project in a restricted nation. Airfare, lodging and food for the week will be $1,100

per person.

Imagine the multiplication effect on the Church from just this one trip… • A new • • • • •

tool for evangelism is created. The new tool is duplicated and distributed. Tens of thousands of people hear about Christ and begin a relationship with Him. Believers are strengthened in their walk with Christ. National church workers are equipped for future ministry. A new generation is raised up to serve the Church and expand the Kingdom.

This is a 21st Century example of sowing and reaping with a 20- or 40- or 60or even 100- fold harvest!

In monetary terms, a gift of $100 will have $10,000 worth of impact or a gift of $500 will have $50,000 worth of impact. This is a wonderful ministry opportunity and we are proceeding in faith that God will provide the needed funding.

Will you partner with us in this important training project? Every gift is important, whether it is $100 or $500 or more! Give online at www.apmedia.org or mail your gift with the attached coupon.

Your gift to Asia Pacific Media Ministries is tax deductible as allowed by law. Contributions exceeding stated needs will be used for similar ministry opportunities.

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{Get Invested} Name and Address   Individual   Church   Business Name_______________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State / Zip__________________________ E-Mail______________________________________________________________ If you are an individual or business but would like for a specific church to receive World Missions giving credit for your offering, please provide the following information: Church Name______________________________________________________ Church Donor # (if known)_________________________________________ City / State ________________________________________________________

Method of Payment   Check or Money Order (payable to Asia Pacific Media Ministries)   MasterCard   Visa   Discover Credit Card #_ _____________________________________________________ Expiration Date____________________________________________________ Name on Card (print)______________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________________ � $1,100 to cover expenses for one team member for the upcoming training project (68)

� $500 to help with expenses for the upcoming training project (68) � $100 to help with expenses for the upcoming training project (68)

� $ ______ to help with expenses for the upcoming training project. (68)

� In addition, here is my/our gift of $ ______ for APMM to use where needed most. (44)

Total gift to AP Media this month: ________________________________

Mail this coupon and your gift to:

Asia Pacific Media Ministries 1445 North Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65802 (Forward To Agwm)  600-001-3120797  SC:MC

www.apmedia.org Check out Asia Pacific Media on Facebook! Get current information about our activities and check out our weekly blog! If a man’s

gift is…contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously. -

Romans 12:7-8

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Empowering Christian leaders to use and produce media to effectively spread the gospel in Asia Pacific.

General Council of the Assemblies of God

Asia Pacific Media Ministries

Assemblies of God World Missions 1445 Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65802-1894

{Get on Your Knees} • Pray for God to anoint the six people that will lead the media training session next month. • Pray for each individual attending the training session to receive renewed passion for ministry. • Pray for the Church in the restricted nation where the training session will be held. This nation is in transition and believers still live under pressure, but in spite of challenges, the Church is growing rapidly and there are many opportunities to reach the lost.

Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. -

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