Mission Magazine Vol 26

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editor’s view...


id you ever dive into a project expecting it to be a huge success,

only to find it didn’t turn out as you planned? In spite of weeks, even months, of planning and thinking you’d covered every possibility, circumstances arose unexpectedly and threw the whole project off course. That’s what happened to us! You may recall our announcement in the last issue of MISSION that it was going to become a monthly publication. We were excited about providing you – our readers, our prayer partners and our financial supporters – expanded information and needs on a more frequent basis. But circumstances have arose that will not allow it to happen at this time. Perhaps in the future our vision for a monthly magazine will become possible. This issue focuses on our ministry to women and mothers in the Philippines. Through a small magazine called MOMS we’re making a difference in the lives and homes of many Filipino women. You’ll read some of their words of praise and thanks for MOMS in this Charm is deceptive, issue. I hope you enjoy them. and beauty is

fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Carolyn Dorsey {Editor}

Proverbs 31:30




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ll over the world mothers are valued and loved,

but nowhere more than the Philippines. Mothers are the very heart of Filipino families. They are often the decision-maker and power broker, and almost always the spiritual head of the family. So it only makes sense that if you want to disciple a nation, you disciple mothers. Today the Filipino family is in crisis. Ten percent of the population – 10 million people – are OFWs, or Overseas Foreign Workers. They work abroad in countries all over the world. OFWs are not just single people looking for adventure before they settle down and raise a family. The economy in the Philippines is so bad that the lure of a larger salary has caused parents, most often mothers, to leave home for overseas jobs. The separation of families, sometimes for many years, has had a devastating impact on marriages and children. This situation, coupled with issues such as globalization and westernization, technology and a mediocre government, is stretching strong Filipino family ties to the max.

Mothers are the very heart of Filipino families. 4



Several years ago we asked ourselves how we could positively influence the home life of Filipino families, offer help for practical issues they face and provide spiritual counsel. One of the answers was MOMS. AP Media launched MOMS eight years ago as a small magazine specifically for Filipino mothers and women. Its growth and popularity have exceeded our expectations. MOMS is published quarterly and each issue is a combination of practical advice and spiritual counsel. A key feature every quarter is the story of a woman who has overcome great challenges by following Jesus. These stories inspire and encourage other women who are struggling with issues that affect their faith. There are also recipes, beauty tips, a




get perspective...continued

question and answer column about marriage and family issues and many other short features that make MOMS attractive and appealing. We now print 50,000 copies of MOMS each quarter. Statistics indicate that each print publication in the Philippines is read by an average of six or seven people before it is finally discarded. In light of this statistic, it is safe to say that at least 300,000 people read MOMS each quarter. That’s amazing!

Most writers for MOMS have been trained by our team in one of our seminars, and all of our writers live in the Philippines. They know the culture and the needs of Filipino women. Their stories hit close to home and speak to the felt needs of women and mothers.




In April we launched MIP – Men in Progress, a magazine similar to MOMS but for Filipino fathers, husbands and men. The response so far has been excellent.

God has used MOMS to touch women of all ages and backgrounds, from those who don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to those who have known Him and served Him for many years but are going through situations that are challenging their faith. You’ll read testimonies and comments from some of them in this magazine. We are confident that MIP will have the same impact on this nation.

Bill Snider





first moms, now dads


MOMS, and now Men in Progress, I’m honored to be part of a fine Filipino editorial team. When we started MOMS eight years ago, I wrote almost every article and did all the layout. When I finally finished the first issue, a horrible thought struck me – I had to do it all AGAIN! s executive editor of

After the first few articles, I started listing APMM staff as writers, but it was still me doing the writing. I knew I needed writers, so I started praying and teaching and God sent us wonderful Filipino writers that handle almost all the articles now with only a nudge from me. Evelyn began as my copy editor and she is now editor of MOMS. Alvin began as a writing student and now he is putting together MIP, Men in Progress, our first publication for men. We started small, just 10,000 copies of our first issue, and I wondered if we would ever get rid of them. Now, eight years later, we are hard put to make 50,000 copies enough. MOMS is distributed free of charge. We’ve kept the magazine small so we could do this, knowing that the people who need it most can’t afford to pay. It’s a step of faith for us to add Men in Progress – more postage costs, more everything – but we believe it’s the right step to take and the right time to take it. Thank you for your help in the past and for your help in the future. It is truly and joyfully appreciated!

Kimberly Snider

{Executive Editor} Moms and Men in Progress




building the best families!


MOMS was in the second quarter of 2004. Our goal, from the very first issue, has been to empower Filipino mothers, primarily ages 25 – 50, and help them build the best families possible. This goal is achieved through articles that teach and inspire them to practice Christian principles and grow in their faith. he first printing of

MOMS is unique because we stay true to biblical principles, even when discussing complex matters that are usually compromised in typical women’s magazines. Our writers are strong Christians who conscientiously bring readers into awareness of biblical resolutions for issues that often lead to conflict in Filipino homes. When women know the truths of God’s Word, they are able to think positively and make righteous decisions. Our magazine targets Christian mothers, but we don’t ignore nonChristians who will read it and benefit from it. Our desire is that many of these women will eventually have their own personal relationship with Christ and embrace the Christian way of living. For this reason, we try to stick with non-religious words in our articles. We distribute MOMS through personal subscriptions, churches, various organizations, medical clinics, schools, airline ticketing offices, retail stores and numerous offices. Every issue is free of charge. MOMS has been a huge success since the very beginning. Our subscriber list continues to grow as more women are finding answers and hope through MOMS.

Evelyn Damian

{Editor} MOMS


God, in His timing, has brought about Men in Progress (MIP), a publication exclusively for men. There are many magazines for men out there, but they are mostly about men’s interests — cars, sports, gadgets, lifestyle, etc. MIP is about men taking the journey toward a life of integrity, leadership and life skills. Our desire is to fill thousands of working Filipino men with character, integrity, courageous servant-leadership and competence in the workplace. e are excited that

Thank you MOMS for giving us a jumpstart to become men in progress!

Alvin Tud {Editor} MIP




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Thank you for all the magazines [MOMS magazine] you have sent to me. They are very useful and a credible source of information. Nowadays information can easily be found and retrieved from the Internet, but there are many false teachings and misleading doctrines. I am sending support for the publication of MOMS to help you further God’s Kingdom in this End Time Generation. Our prayers go with you.

Rev. Dante F. Catalan

Your recent issue touched on a topic that is very meaningful to us – children. When my wife and I started a pioneer church 27 years ago, orphans and other children from destitute families were brought to us and before we knew it 20 kids, ages 7 to 12, were added to our then family of four. The rest is history – a history of God’s great faithfulness, love and grace.


Wow, I like this! I’m not a mom yet, but I want to read MOMS magazine.

Membe Lucero

Pastor James Joaquin

Thanks for sending MOMS magazine. We appreciate so much your articles. They are very encouraging.

I received the copies of MOMS and now I’m sharing it with the parents of my preschool students, moms from the church, friends and relatives. Thank you and God bless you!

Theathryx Gutierrez



We write to request MOMS magazines for Fuji Assembly of God here in Japan. We urgently need this material for Filipino wives here in the church. Thanks.

Johnny Gallos

Madelaine Yap Quinzon This photo was taken in the principal’s office where the secretary and some teachers were reading MOMS. All of our teachers and many parents enjoy your magazine.

This is a great ministry! Moms have one of the toughest jobs in the world and they really need encouragement. More power to the team behind this…God bless you abundantly!

Eusebio Yu

We regularly give parents at Harmony Christian Education Foundation copies of MOMS and sometimes we discuss it in parent-teacher meetings. May God continue to use this publication to educate our nation.

Willy Tan

Wilson C. Martin

I have distributed your magazines to my friends and office mates. Thanks for sending them. They have been a topic of discussion in the office. The articles are worth reading. More power to you and your group!




get on your knees... • Pray for the upcoming “Writing Effective Magazine Articles” class offered by APMM. Pray for anointing on the instructors and for many attendees to leave with a vision for using print media to advance the Kingdom. • Pray for families in the Philippines and other countries where APMM ministers. Our desire is to nurture strong Christian families that will influence their nations. • Pray for an increase in funds for AP Media ministries. We experienced a significant shortfall in the first half of 2012, but we are confident God will provide above and beyond our budgetary needs in the remaining half of this year. • Pray for MIP to receive the same overwhelming acceptance MOMS has experienced over the years, and for it to influence an army of strong Christian men that will become spiritual leaders in their homes and in this nation. • Pray for AP Media missionary personnel and national staff to experience God’s anointing and His refreshing as they work faithfully to further His Kingdom every day. Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24


the digital version of MOMS on the AP Media web site:


LIKE the MOMS Magazine

Subscriber Group on Facebook to connect with MOMS staff and readers and engage in meaningful discussions!

www.facebook.com/MOMSMagazine 12



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87 languages and

dialects in Philippines

27% of

Filipinos live below poverty level Eating out is a favorite pastime in the Philippines. Arnis, a form of martial arts, is the Philippines national sport. Gifts are not opened when received in Filipino culture. Filipino children are taught at a young age to be hospitable and cordial to guests.

74.7 years

life expectancy for Filipino women apmedia.org



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ow important is a mother’s influence on her family…her

community…her country…the next generation? It’s impossible to adequately measure, but without a doubt, her influence is great and far-reaching. We know our MOMS magazine is impacting families and communities, but we will never know this side of eternity exactly how many lives have been touched by this one little magazine. As our subscriber list continues to grow, publication costs are also growing, but we believe it is imperative that we continue to distribute MOMS free of charge. To do this, we have to have financial help!

$50 will pay for publishing and mailing 1,250 copies $100 will pay for publishing and mailing 2,500 copies $200 will pay for publishing and mailing 5,000 copies $400 will pay for publishing and mailing 10,000 copies OR

$2,000 will pay for publishing and mailing 50,000 copies – an entire quarterly issue! To use an American slang expression, “That’s a lot of bang for the buck!”

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Your gift to Asia Pacific Media Ministries is tax deductible as allowed by law. Contributions exceeding stated needs will be used for similar ministry opportunities.




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Empowering Christian leaders to use and produce media to effectively spread the gospel in Asia Pacific.

Assemblies of God World Missions 1445 Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Asia Pacific Media Ministries

General Council of the Assemblies of God

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