CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY A.P. Moller Holding invests in and builds businesses with a positive impact on society, ‘nyttig virksomhed’ – as defined by our founder A.P. Møller.
‘Nyttig virksomhed’ (purposeful business) is a key element in our investment strategy, and we are open to reconsider our ownership of a business, if its business model does not have a positive impact on society. Hence, social responsibility is integrated into our purpose and is core to everything we do. In 2019, we continued the implementation of new policies and systems to secure a solid basis for our future activities as an engaged investment company. We focus highly on mitigating the risks of being abused for money laundering or financing of terrorism by third parties that A.P. Moller Holding engages with. This is especially relevant in relation to our investments, where we always conduct proper and adequate due diligence measures on relevant counterparties being advisors, co-investors etc. An example is our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy which illustrates our zero tolerance towards fraud and bribery. This is one of the cornerstones in our overall framework for how to exercise due care to prevent bribery and corruption internally as well as in relation to third parties acting on behalf of A.P. Moller Holding. The policy gives the overall guidelines in relation to procedures to
For A.P. Moller Holding’s statutory statement on CSR in accordance with section 99a of The Danish Financial Statements Act, please refer to: https://www.apmoller.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/AP-Moller-Holding-CSR-Report-2019.pdf STATUTORY REPORT CF. SECTION 99B OF THE DANISH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACT The Board of Directors counts one woman and two men. This constitutes gender balance in accordance with the guidelines issued by The Danish Business Authority in March 2016. A.P. Moller Holding has not set a consolidated target for the under-represented gender across its holdings, but has ensured that all subsidiaries which fall under the requirements as reporting class large C or D have set targets for their supreme management body individually. Furthermore, our subsidiaries report on their individual targets in their annual reports, as well as for their individual policies concerning gender balance at other management levels, if applicable.
be followed when investing and when interacting with other business relationships, e.g. government officials, in relation to gifts and hospitality, etc. STATUTORY REPORT CF. SECTION 99A OF THE DANISH FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACT As an international investment company with a broad range of investment activities, A.P. Moller Holding has a significant influence on society. We acknowledge the responsibilities that this entails and make an effort to ensure that we are recognised as a trustworthy group of companies. The Board of Directors of each of our large investments, A.P. Moller - Maersk, Danske Bank, Maersk Drilling, Maersk Tankers, Maersk Product Tankers, KK Wind Solutions as well as A.P. Moller Capital, define their own specific CSR policies and Codes of Conduct. We are represented on each board, and these representatives ensure that CSR policies, including human rights, climate change and environmental impact, are enforced. Policies are adapted to meet the circumstances in which each of the affiliates operate.