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A.P. Moller Capital

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APMH Invest

A.P. Moller Capital is a fund manager with a primary focus on investments that combine attractive risk adjusted returns with a positive social impact

A.P. Moller Capital is a fund manager with a primary focus on investments that combine attractive risk adjusted returns with a positive social impact.

A.P. Moller Capital was established in 2017 to manage standalone funds focusing on infrastructure in growth markets. The company is governed and regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA).

A.P. Moller Capital launched its first fund, The Africa Infrastructure Fund in August 2017.

With over a century of combined experience among its senior team, A.P. Moller Capital is not just a passive investor. The team has an advisor network and industry partners in more than 40 African countries.

The senior team will leverage strong industrial knowhow with operational backgrounds and capabilities, paired with private equity fundamentals and experience. The combination of the two is the key formula in optimising overall value creation. Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) are a key element and an integrated part of the entire investment life cycle. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (ESG) As a fund manager, A.P. Moller Capital pledges to be an ethical partner within the countries, cities and communities in which they operate. This means that as well as delivering competitive return for the fund investors, they will seek to create businesses that benefit society through economic and social development.

Maintaining high Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards is not only the best way to mitigate risk in emerging markets it is also a compelling opportunity to create value. That is why ESG considerations are a central part of the investment strategy and are included in all phases of our investment process.

Focusing on ESG is embedded in the risk analysis, decision-making and ownership practices for the investments we make. The result is companies with better governance, more social focus, lower environmental impact and, ultimately, higher value.

To uphold high ESG standards, A.P. Moller Capital commits to adhering to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, the principles of the UN Global Compact, and using the IFC Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability as an international benchmark.

Good governance is essential to project management in A.P. Moller Capital, and the team firmly believes being transparent and fair makes us better investors. A.P. Moller Capital has a zero- tolerance approach to corruption and is committed to avoiding investments that do not minimize any negative social or environmental impacts.

THE AFRICA INFRASTRUCTURE FUND I (AIF I) AIF I is an investment fund creating and enabling opportunities through investments in African infrastructure. The purpose is to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity on the continent, which has a working-age population likely to reach more than one billion people in the next decades, and at the same time deliver attractive returns to the fund investors. AIF I is targeting infrastructure projects within power and transportation infrastructure. The fund has an initial target of 10 to 15 investments, and an operation period of 10 years.

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