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Choose to behealthy
Healthis a state of complete physical, mentaland socialwellbeingand notmerely theabsence of disease or infirmity,”says the World Health Organisation.
Living ahealthylifeinvolvestaking responsibility for our healthand making daily choices to keepusfit- physically, mentally,spiritually and socially.For those yearningtolead ahealthier life we presentsometips and guidance on the components of ahealthy life. Eating well and taking regular exercise are two key ways to achievegoodhealthbut there are manymore aspects that comprise wellness suchassocial, intellectual, occupational and environmentalwellness.
Choosing to adopta healthier lifestyle and staying healthyhelpsprevent chronic diseases andreducesthe chance of becoming illorseriouslyinjured. There are manyfactors influencingindividual healthsuch as ourbackground, our environment,culture, education and so on. And,thereare many thingswecan do as individuals, and collectively,toimprove ouroverallhealth
Manydiseases these days arecaused by lifestyle, sometimesdubbed ‘civilisation diseases’ and includeheartdisease, highblood pressure, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis,Type 2diabetes and obesity. Tobaccosmoking, drugs and alcohol, along with toolittle exercise, are other diseases of civilisation. Otherfactors like stress, livingsituationsand home environments along with social isolation, can all have adverseeffects
Averagelife expectancy is increasing with women living longerthanmen.Life expectancy at birthwas 83.5yearsfor females and80yearsfor males, based on death rates between 2017 and 2019.*Knowingthismakes maintaining healtheven more important
Leading ahealthy lifestyle is apersonal choice, although there isplenty of support available which ranges from colleagues, to family members, community andcorporate organisations and the government, that can providesome additionalassistance and motivation for people to make their ownhealthychoices. Makingthe choice to lead ahealthier life is noteasy andrequires motivation. Goal setting is agoodway to begin your journey. Startoff slowlywith achievable goals and gradually build up to including more healthyactivities.
With adifficulttask for example, giving up smoking, you will probably need supportfromexternal sources and friends There are plenty of resources including quit smoking coaches, medications, websites and apps. Having astrong supportnetwork with friendswho understand what you’regoing through wouldalso be of great value
Don’ttry to do everythingatonce, take babystepsand soonyourconfidence will increase and alongwithityourhealthand wellbeing.
*Source: Stats NZ