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Bones clinical study

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COPES (COmbination of Physical Exercise and Synbiotics) 4 Bones.

Osteoporosis is a debilitating disease of public health concern due to the huge incidence and rate of osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporotic fractures have a significant effect on the quality of life as fractures in the elderly have a high cost of morbidity as well as mortality. Similarly, osteoarthritis reduces mobility due to pain and discomfort in joints, especially knees and hips. Postmenopausal women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis due to changes in the oestrogen hormone levels at menopause and 1 in 2 women may develop the disease aged 50 and above.


However, prebiotic fibre and beneficial probiotics/micro-organisms have separately been shown to improve bone metabolism and health. Likewise, walking is a proven activity that strengthens the skeletal system. Therefore, in this study we are proposing to use a combination of prebiotic fibre plus probiotics and brisk walking as an intervention to help improve bone health in postmenopausal women. The intervention is proposed to improve inflammation status, gut health, and bone health in participating individuals. Participants will be required to provide exercise history and food intake history. Fasting blood, urine and faecal samples will be collected at two time points. Participants’ bone density will also be checked.

The study will be conducted in the Human Nutrition Research Unit of Massey University, Palmerston North. A total of 120 women aged 50+ years who are five years past menopause will be required for the study. The study will be conducted and supervised by Dr. Bolaji Lilian Ilesanmi-Oyelere and Prof. Marlena Kruger.

The SouthernNorth Islandisone of NewZealand’s growth areas for the forestindustry. Manyofthe forests establishedinthe early to late 1990’sare nowmatureand readyfor harvest, and although there waswidespread scaremongering aboutthe ‘Wall of Wood’, limitations on infrastructure and manpoweravailabilityhave effectively smoothed this to alonger termharvest profile.

The drivers of forest investments are changing rapidlywith significantincreases in thevalue of carbon, resultinginhigher rates of forestestablishmentthan we have seen in many years. Returnsfromthe sale of carbon canprovidearevenue stream throughoutthe lifecycle of aforest, making it attractive to those whoare looking to invest laterinliferather than waiting 25 yearsfor the foresttomature.

While there hasbeen much angst and commentary around the blanket planting of productive farmland, carbondoesprovide averygood alternative to arable farming on marginal to averageland and, so long as thereisabalance, carbon canhelpprovide astrong anddiversified cashflow for farming operations. Forest360 is thelargest Forest Management Companyinthe Southern North Island and one of the largestinthe country. From the very beginning of the landuse assessment, planning, investment and carbon analysis, planting, forest road construction, harvesting and transport, marketing and sales, our team will work with youtominimise risk andmaximise value to ensureyou getthe bestpossible returns from your forest investment.

Forestry can provide very healthy returns on investment,however,likemanyotherinvestments, it hastobemanagedright. The value of the investment is only as good as thequality of the cropand, as with many investments, the bestreturnsare achievedthrough cost control andvalue maximisationwhileminimising risk. From an investorperspective, it is imperativethatyou selectaForestManager thatwilldeliveronthesewithout compromise.

Our clients rangefrom very small woodlotowners, throughtolargecorporateforestestateowners.With over 70 harvesting andsilviculture crews, over 40 very skilled andexperienced staff and officesthroughout the North Island, Forest360 is the best option to manage your forest investment,nomatter howbig or small.

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