How NGOs are helping the poor in India?
India has the largest number of people (218 million) living in extreme poverty, i.e. their daily income is less than $1.90 per day. This calls for urgent action by the authorities. Since Independence, the government of India has taken various initiatives to tackle the problem of poverty and has also been successful in uplifting millions of people from the shackles of poverty. But even today, a lot needs to be done to eradicate poverty from India. NGOs have a major role to play in this. There are numerous NGOs working to help the poor and uplift them from poverty. There is n number of ways in which NGOs can contribute to fighting poverty and helping the poor in India. They have a significant role to play in the growth of the country and contribute towards socio-economic development by making sure that the various government schemes are implemented. Here are some of the ways in which NGOs can empower the poor and contribute to the development of India. 1. On- Ground Initiatives- Thousands of NGOs have been running on-ground programs that have empowered millions of people across the nation. NGOs can start various programs that will directly benefit the poor population of India. Providing them with employment opportunities and financial assistance is one of the major ways in which NGOs can help the poor. The NGOs can start various initiatives that provide poor people better access to basic services such as healthcare, education, and livelihood that makes sure that they enjoy a decent standard of living.
NGOs can also help the poor people on a community level by providing civic education and starting various development projects that’ll benefit the whole community. 2. Promoting Sustainable Development- To ensure that humankind has a safe and secure future, it is crucial to adopt a lifestyle that ensures sustainable development. International organizations like United Nations are also relentlessly working to ensure that people all over the world adopt and live in a sustainable manner. NGOs also need to campaign for sustainable development. They can and are doing so by providing the necessary data to the government and helping the poor communities across the nation adopt a sustainable form of living. This will not only benefit the poor but will also help the country in the long term, both economically and environmentally. 3. Child Empowerment- Children are the future of the country. They are the ones who have a key role to play in growth and development. But due to various reasons, many people cannot afford to send their children to schools, the main reason being poverty. Due to this, children are more prone to various social evils such as child labor, child marraige, and child abuse. NGOs can run various projects and campaigns on different levels that can help in the empowerment of children. Providing them with means that enable them to get access to basic education will ensure that they enjoy a good quality of life and are not dragged into the vicious cycle of poverty. 4. Women Empowerment- No country can progress without its women participating in the workplace. But due to various reasons such as patriarchy and responsibilities of the household many women are not able to do so. Amongst everyone, poor women are more likely to face this discrimination. NGOs can take various steps to empower poor women. Providing them with employment opportunities and financial assistance are a few of the many ways in which they can help empower women. These were some of the ways by which NGOs are helping and empowering the poor. Amongst thousands of NGOs in the country, Apnalaya is a top Mumbai-based NGO that was established in the 1970s with the aim of helping the urban poor and uplifting them from the shackles of poverty. The NGO has been working on an array of issues that are making the lives better for the urban poor in India. The NGO has been working with the government, communities, and also on an individual level to fulfill its vision. Apnalaya is also running various on-ground programs and campaigns for the upliftment of the poor and empowering the women and children of the country. The NGO is also running programs to help the poor pregnant women with institutionalized deliveries and helping the poor in the country by helping them claim their entitlement. So far, Apnalaya has done an exceptional job in empowering the poor and will continue to do so in the future.