NZ Careers Expo 2019

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careers expo 2019


Take a close look at your options Plan your next move

NZ’s No 1 career expo for over 28 years

Let’s bust some myths about careers. See page 3 How do I find out about careers? See page 5

1  JETmag 2019/20

Make the most of your visit to the 2019 Careers Expo. Check out the student passport inside


A way with words JETmag talks to Soumya Bhamidipati about her pathway into journalism. JETmag: What attracted you to journalism as a career choice? Soumya: I’ve always enjoyed different forms of writing and the thought of getting paid to write was just a dream come true! I also love meeting and connecting with new people, so journalism seemed to fit because it requires me to do both.

JETmag: Did you consider other career options? Soumya: Definitely! I studied design and then worked as a banker and deputy registrar before landing on journalism. JETmag: Did you visit Career Expo as a student when you were making this decision? What was it like? Soumya: I did. When I visited the Career Expo I was deciding between studying classics and design. Talking to people who worked in design and being able to see a clear pathway to work is what helped me choose it over my other option. JETmag: Did you receive any careers guidance or advice from school or other avenues? Soumya: Yes, we had a careers adviser at school and I asked just about every adult I met about what they did, what it involved and why they liked it. JETmag: What training and qualifications did you take to become a journalist? Soumya: I did a post-graduate diploma in journalism after my undergrad design degree.

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JETmag: Did your qualification equip you for working as a ‘real life journalist’? Soumya: Absolutely, my course was very focused on making sure we had real-world experience. We were getting published in mainstream media and doing internships in newsrooms while studying, which meant at the end of the course we had content to put into our portfolios. JETmag: Tell us about getting your first job. How easy or difficult was this? Soumya: It was easier than I expected to be honest. People talk about the decline in journalism jobs, but I think media companies are still keen on hiring young journos who have fresh perspectives

JETmag: What advice would you give to someone looking to follow your footsteps into journalism? Soumya: It really helped me I think being to think of my time at uni as a aware of chance to get my foot in the what drives door and network with everyone you and what I could, instead of focusing on you’re good at JETmag: Have you grades. I did a lot of extra unpaid will help you undertaken professional work which helped me build a to become development or would you robust portfolio and gave me better, like to? a reputation as a willing and regardless of Soumya: I haven’t done reliable worker, which meant what you do.” any official professional people were contacting me with development but I’ve had work and passing on my name to opportunities to try new things and learn others who were looking for employees. new skills on the go. I think it’s the nature I once read a long-time journo’s of the job in many ways. reflection on his career and one JETmag: What are the best parts about thing he said struck a chord with being a journalist? me; he believed people became Soumya: Seeing your byline never gets journalists either because they were old! Also the immense trust people put in predominantly driven to write, or you when they share a personal or tough because they had a need to find stories story is really such an honour. and tell truths. and digital skills. It also helped to have made some connections while doing internships, as I had a couple of offers for shortterm work before I started my full-time role.

JETmag: And the most challenging? Soumya: Sometimes it can be hard to remove yourself from your work, especially if the content is relevant to your life. It can also be hard to please everybody because your work is out there for everyone to see - editors, colleagues, friends, family, interviewees and your audience.

I always thought of myself as one of the former, so I concentrated on trying to upskill in interviewing and keeping my nose to the ground. I think being aware of what drives you and what you’re good at will help you to become better, regardless of what you do.

about careers!


Let’s bust some myths

True or False? Myth 1. Myth 2. Individuals will have six or seven careers or more in their lifetime.

Myth 3. If you follow your passion you can’t go wrong.

Myth 4. A career professional might be the best person to help you.

Find answers from The Career Development Company professionals, page 13 Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi

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3  JETmag 2019/20

By the time you leave school you should know what you want to do for a career.



Text “NORTH” or “SOUTH” to 9696 to find your frequency

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How do I find out about careers


eeling bombarded with career, job, and course information through school, providers, media, social media, and concerned adults?

Actions you take, such as researching widely, making careful subject choices, and visualising and planning your pathway beyond school all help towards making the best career decision for you. Go to for tools and information to identify your strengths, and get more career ideas there. Ask other people to help make sense of what you’re finding to fill any gaps.

At the Careers Expo get ready to talk to tertiary and work-based training providers about what might suit you. The good news is that there are lots of people who will enjoy supporting you on your career journey. So, who knows about careers? Your teachers and careers advisors.

Older siblings and peers.

Parents and caregivers.

Career professionals.

Find a contact and ask for 10 minutes of their time. What do they love about their work/find most challenging, and what advice can they give you?

Do you have favourite subjects, teachers you admire, careers staff you can talk to? Explore what you enjoy doing and discuss career ideas.

Do you personally know people who have already gone into study or work? Ask them for tips on what to do and not do.

Ask your parents to support your exploration and decision-making. Do they know people you can talk to?

There are qualified professionals around NZ who provide career services for a fee. Check out: www.cdanz.

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5  JETmag 2019/20

People doing interesting work.


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As industry leaders powering Canterbury’s electricity network, Orion and Connetics offer genuine opportunities for apprentices to develop new skills, gain new experiences and develop a career in a future technology. Visit Orion and Connetics at our stand at the New Zealand Careers Expo to find out how a career in electricity will supercharge your future.

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JETmag 2019/20  6

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Student Passport Which path are you taking? Use your pull-out Student Passport to help you navigate your options and get the most out of your time at Expo.

Email Which pathway are you leaning towards at the moment? (Tick one)   Tertiary education   Earn and learn   Join the workforce   Take a gap year

Get your Expo Stamp from the JETmag stand here

7  JETmag 2019/20



Tertiary education Get qualified at a university, polytech or other tertiary education organization What course/qualification are you interested in? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Which institutions offer the qualification you want to do? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What are the entry requirements? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What are the institution’s student and career support services like? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What are the accommodation options like if you intend to move out of home? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What job opportunities are there with this qualification? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Are there any scholarships that you could apply for? ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

Earn and learn Get learning on the job with industry training and apprenticeships Which industry are you interested in entering? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What industry training or apprenticeship programmes are on offer? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What is the career progression like in this industry? ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

JETmag 2019/20  8

What qualification pathway can you pursue with industry training? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What mentoring and support is available? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Are there any scholarships that you could apply for? ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

Remember Vocational education is currently under review and industry training could be structured differently next year. Keep an eye on the reforms and policy changes in this area!

Dive straight into employment What workforce do you intend to join?

............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... What learning opportunities are available? ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................


Join the workforce

What is the career progression like in this workforce? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Do you have an up-to-date CV? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Do you have any references? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Do you need a Police Check? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Do you have an IRD number and a bank account? ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

Take a gap year

Take some time out to figure out your next step What do you intend to do during your gap year? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Have you investigated deferred placements at tertiary institutions or other options for your return? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... How will you support yourself financially during your gap year? ............................................................................................................................................... Have you thought about volunteering as a way of gaining experience and references? ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Do you intend to explore various workforces or industries to see if they are a good fit? ............................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................

9  JETmag 2019/20



Next steps Now that you’ve found out a bit more about your options, are there any gaps in your plan? What’s on your to-do list? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Do you have a Plan B? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Do you have people to help and advise you as you make the next steps? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

JETmag 2019/20  10


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11  JETmag 2019/20


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Just the Job is produced by Just the Job Productions in association with Careers NZ, MBIE, MPI, New Zealand on Air, New Zealand’s Industry Training Organisations and TVNZ.

JETmag 2019/20  12


ever before has a generation had to adapt so quickly. Industries, jobs and skills are disappearing and new ones created. You can help your teen learn to be agile and resilient. Be their advocate, encourage them, walk alongside them. Not only will you help them make good decisions for themselves, but you will be fostering a relationship built on trust, communication and belief. Here are some tips to help:


Helping your teen

Know that their choices are not for life. A ‘job for life’, ‘get a qualification and you’ll be set’, and ‘continually changing jobs looks bad’, are no longer valid. Whatever they choose now will not be their last. Widen the support network. Think about who can be a wise supporter of your teen to talk to about their future. Encourage choosing subjects that are of interest. If your teen does not enjoy a subject they may disengage from school and learning. Notice where their interest, spark and energy are drawn from and nurture those.

Expand your teen’s thinking of possibilities. So they can make decisions on a wide range of information. Ask questions, challenge beliefs but don’t criticise. Clear up misunderstandings about work so your teen can make decisions for themselves based on accurate information.

Encourage work experience. The more they are exposed to, the more they will understand if this is right for them or not. Paid or volunteer work develops a positive work ethic, and builds confidence and competence.

True/False answers from page 3

Busting career myths Career decision-making is lifelong. You may need more time to build your career identity. Expect and embrace changes along the way.

Myth 2. False Everybody has one career. Career is a combination of work and life roles including paid/unpaid work and activities you enjoy.

Think about who you are becoming now and ask yourself: oo Is this who I want to become? oo What do I truly value, what interests me and what are my strengths; what drives, excites and inspires me, what frustrates me? What do I admire in others? Your answers will hint at the person you want to become.

oo What are the things I need to do to understand myself better, and become the person I want to be? oo Whom can I ask if I am unsure?

Myth 4. True Talk to your school careers advisor or contact us: Also, find useful tips on page 5.

Myth 3. False It depends what your passion is! Two important questions about your career are: “Who am I becoming now?” and “Who do I want to become?”

Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi

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13  JETmag 2019/20

Myth 1. False


THERE’S MORE IN THE FUTURE OF GOUGH GROUP THAN YOU’D THINK When you think of a job with us you may think grease, spanners, dirt and pulling machinery apart. And while that is still part of it, today’s reality is that working with us presents opportunities you might not expect. Our industries are quickly evolving, ever changing, offer flexible working options and are fuelled by technological advances. Here are four of our team members whose careers with Gough have led to experiences and opportunities they’d never imagined.

Hi Marty

This is Natarsha

Marty won the 2017 International Caterpillar Apprentice of the Year, a huge achievement. Relocating from New Plymouth to Tauranga with Gough Cat, Marty now runs a field service truck working with customers across the Bay of Plenty. He often hears “Mate — you’re a legend” when his expertise gets our customers’ machines running in record time.

Natarsha’s love of mechanics initially led her to the marine industry, but she quickly realised she was looking for more from a career. She is now a first year apprentice with GMH and looking forward to a future filled with endless opportunities.

When you think of a job with us Meet you may Tess think grease, spanners, dirt and pulling machinery apart. AndAndwhilhere’s e that is stiPatrick l part of it, today’s reality is that working with us presents opportunities you might not expect. Our industries are quickly evolving, ever changing, offer flexible working options and are fuelled by technological advances. Tess’ career in customer facing roles won her first role with us as a Telesales Rep. Learning about the industry and delivering exceptional customer service every day earnt Tess a recent promotion to Product Manager, where she manages a product range and provides the best solutions to our customers.

An apprenticeship as a Hose Doctor gave Patrick the foundation skills to follow his passion into sales in the Heavy Transport industry. Now a Regional Sales Manager with TWL, Patrick gets his kicks from mentoring team members and seeing them also achieve rewarding careers.

Here are four of our team members whose careers with Gough have led to experiences and opportunities they’d never imagined. IF YOU WANT A CAREER WITH A FUTURE VISIT THE CAREERS PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE AT: www.goughgroup/careers and sign up for job alerts.


Hi Marty

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Marty won the 2017 International Caterpil ar Apprentice of the Year,



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This is Natarsha

Natarsha’s love of mechanics initial y led her to the marine

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