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Texts & Translations

O come sei gentile

Lyrics by Giovanni Battista Guarini


O come se’ gentile, caro augellino! O quanto è il mio stato amoroso al tuo simìle! Tu prigion, io prigion; tu canti, io canto; tu canti per colei che t’ha legato, ed io canto per lei. Ma in questo è differente la mia sorte dolente: che giova pur a te l’esser canoro; vivi cantando, ed io cantando moro.

Oh, how sweet you are, dear little bird! Oh, how my being in love resembles your state! We are both prisoners: you sing, I sing; You sing for the one who has bound you to her, and I sing for her, too. But my sad fate differs from yours In one way: For you, it is worthwhile to sing; You live singing, but I die singing.


traditional Hebrew prayer

ךְָּדַבְל ךְָלוּ ,םיִמָלֱעֶנ ַחֵנֲעַפְמַהְו ,םיִמְּלִא ַחיִׂשֵּמַה םיִדוֹמ וּנְחַנֲא

…Thou who helps the mute to speak, and who solves secrets; and to thee alone, we give thanks.

Psalm 15* (Selections)

Paraphrased by Girolamo Ascanio Giustiniani from Psalm 15, vs. 1-4 & 11


Signor, dall’empia gente che m’assal d’ogni intorno, deh pietoso mi salva; Poiché in te solo ogni mia speme è posta. Ho sempre detto: il mio Signor, tu sei Perchè il retto oprar mio Di tua clemenza è dono E tu d’uopo non hai, non hai profitto De le rette opre mie.

Lord, save me from the evil ones who assail me from all sides! O be merciful, for in thee alone I set all my hope! I have always said: You are my Lord. Because my rightful deeds are a gift of Your mercy; and indeed, You do not, do not profit from my rightful deeds.

Recitativo: Per quelli poi, che meco uniti denno Ne la terra promessa a te esser sacri, Mirabile rendesti in loro, e illustre Il tuo volere, e’l mio. Crebbero in lor le infermitadi amare, Onde questa mortal misera vita É da ogni parte cinta E lo spron queste furo, onde veloce Per accostarsi a te mossero il passo. Ed io no gli hò adunati, perchè il sangue Delle vittime bagni L’are profane de’ stranieri Dei.

Recitative: Thus, for those who, together with me, shall be consecrated to you in the promised land, You rendered your will and mine wondrous – and glorious in them. The bitter crosses that from every side surround our miserable and mortal life grew within them and became a spur that moved them to swiftly come closer to You. Yet I did not gather them to bathe with blood of victims at the pagan altars of foreign Gods.

Hebrew Chant (13th c.)

Ma’oz Tzur Yeshu’ati, lekha na’eh leshabe’ach. Tikon beit tefilati, vesham toda nezabe’ach. Le’et takhin matbe’ach mitzar hamnabe’ach. Az egmor beshir mizmor chanukat hamizbe’ach.

My Refuge, my Rock of Salvation! Happily we sing Your praises. Let our house of prayer be restored; and there we will offer You our thanks. When You will have slaughtered the barking foe. Then we will celebrate the altar’s dedication with song and psalm.


Della vita ‘l retto calle Tua clemenza insegnò a me. Onde fia, che sempre esulti Il mio cor d’alta allegrezza Nel vedermi innanzi a te; E a la tua destra, in si felice stato, Con eterno piacer sarò beato.

Your mercy taught me the right path of life. Thus, with the highest joy my heart always exults when I see myself before You; And at your right side, in such a happy state, I will be blessed with an eternal pleasure.

Translation by Camilla Tassi, 2021

*This Psalm was numbered 15 in Marcello’s time, but is labeled as No. 16 in modern Bibles.

Psalm 18 (Selections)

Paraphrased by Girolamo Ascanio Giustiniani from Psalm 18, vs. 8-12

Hebrew Chant

Shaar asher nisgar Kuma petachehu Utzvi asher barach Elai shelachehu

The gate that is closed –Arise and open it. And a gazelle that has fled— Send him back to me.


O immacolata e pura, Santa, divina legge! Ella rivolge ogni alma A l’alto suo fattor E il testimon fedele Di suo voler sovrano E Sapienza infonde De’ semplici nel cor.

O immaculate and pure, Holy, divine law! It leads every soul to its creator on high. Faithful witness of His sovereign will, it infuses wisdom in the heart of the simple ones.

O giusta legge retta! Che di gioja riempie L’alme, che in osservarla Pongono il lor piacer. Ripieni i suoi precetti Son di divina luce Che co’ suoi rai la mente Illumina, e ‘l pensier.

O fair, and righteous law that fills with joy the souls that take pleasure in obeying it! Its precepts are full of divine light that enlightens mind and thoughts with its rays.

Di Dio’l timor ch’è santo Perché d’amor è figlio Nel cor suo regno fonda E fine mai non hà Gli eterni alti decreti Di lui ,che’l mondo regge In se medesmi sono Giustizia, e verità.

The fear of God that is holy as it descends from love, founds a kingdom in the heart and never ends. The eternal and high decrees by Him – He who rules the world –are in themselves justice and truth.

O quanto più dell’oro Quanto più delle gemme Son preziosi, e quanto Più devonsi bramar! O quanto son più dolci Del mele e più soavi Che l’ape industriosa Dal fior sappia formar!

How much more precious than gold and gems are they? And how much more to be desired! How much sweeter they are, and more pleasant than the honey that a laborious bee knows how to make from a flower.

Perciò ‘l tuo servo umile, Signor, gelosamente Li guarda, e guarderalli Ogn’or quanto potrrà; Che nel guardarli ei trova Un’ampia ricompensa Ch’è tutto il suo piacer La sua felicità.

Hence your humble servant, O Lord, treasures them jealously, and will treasure them at every moment, and to the utmost, as in this contemplation he finds a great reward. that makes all his pleasure, And his happiness.

Translation by Camilla Tassi, 2021

*This Psalm was numbered 18 in Marcello’s time, but is labeled as No. 19 in modern Bibles.

Karev Yom

traditional Hebrew Ashkenazic Passover Song

םוֹי בֵרָק ,םוֹי בֵרָק הָלְיַל אֹלְו םוֹי אֹל אוּה ר ֶׁשֲא עַדוֹה ,עַדוֹה ,עַדוֹה םָר הָלְיַל ךְָל ףַא םוֹי ךְָל יִּכ ךְָריִעְל דֵקְפַה ,דֵקְפַה םיִרְמוֹשׁ הָלְיַּלַה לָכְו םוֹיַּה לָּכ ריִאָּת ,ריִאָּת ,ריִאָּת ,ריִאָּת הָלְיַל תַכ ְׁשֶח םוֹי רוֹאְּכ

Draw near the day Which is neither day nor night; Exalted One, proclaim that Yours are day and night;

Set guards over Your city all day and night; Brighten as day the darkness of the night; And it came to pass at midnight!

Coplas de Purim

traditional Sephardic/Moroccan

REFRAIN: Viva tu y viva yo Y vivan todos los djudios! Viva la reina Ester Que tanto plazer nos dió.

Esta noche de Purim No duermen los haluiyin, Hacienda alhuluinadas, Para la desposadas. Refrain.

Haman antes ke muriera Ilamó a su parentela los tomó a su cabezera Un día antes de Purim. Refrain.

Y tu mi hizo Porata Vende tu ropa barata Y no hables con quien tratas En el día de Purim. Refrain.

Calla tu, Zere la loca Que hablar a ti no te toca Que por ti hicieron la horca Y la estrenaron en Purim. Refrain.

REFRAIN: May you live and I live… Long live all the Jews! Long live Queen Esther, Who has granted us much pleasure!

On this Purim night, The halva makers do not sleep, Making halva For the newlyweds. Refrain.

Haman, upon facing death, Called his family together. He gathered them at his bedside, The day before Purim. Refrain.

“And you, my son, Porata, Sell your clothes cheap. Do not talk with your customers On the day of Purim.” Refrain.

“Be quiet, crazy Zere! It is not your turn to talk. For you they have made the gallows And inaugurated it on Purim.” Refrain.

Siete modos de guisar las Berenjenas (Seven Ways to Cook Eggplant)

traditional Sephardic/Moroccan

Siete modos de guisados se guisa la berenjena. La primera que la guisa es la vava de Elena. Ya la hace bocadicos y la mete en una cena. Esta comida la llaman comida de berenjena.

There are seven different ways to cook eggplant. The first recipe is that of Elena’s grandmother. She cuts it into bite-sized pieces and serves it for supper. And this meal is called a dish of eggplant.

REFRAIN: A mi tio, Cerasi, Que le agrada beber vino: Con el vino vino vino Mucho y bien a él le vino.

REFRAIN: Ah, my uncle Cerasi, How he likes to drink wine. Wine, wine, wine, Lots of it, he feels fine.

La segunda que la guisa es la mujer del Shamas. La cavaca por arientro y la hinchi d’aromat. Esta comida la llaman la comida la dolma. Refrain.

The second kind is made by the shammas’ [preacher’s] wife. She hollows it out and fills it with herbs. This meal is called a dish of dolmá. Refrain.

La tracera que la guisa es mi prima Ester di Chiote. La cavaca por arientro y la hinchi d’arroz moti. Esta comida la llaman la comida l’almondrote. Refrain.

The third one who cooks it is my cousin Ester di Chiote. She hollows it out and fills it with rice. They call this dish the almondrote. Refrain.

La alburniya es saborida en color y en golor ven, haremos una cena, mos gozaremos los dos antes que venga el gusano y le quite la sabor. Refrain.

The alburnia is a tasty recipe both for its color and aroma. Come, let’s make a supper to enjoy together before the worm comes and takes the flavor away. Refrain.

En las mesas de las fiestas siempre brilla el jandrajo Ya l’hacemos pastelicos ellos brillan en los platos Asperando ser servidos con los guevos jaminados. Refrain.

This always sparkles on the banquet tables. We make little pastries out of it, they shine on the plates waiting to be served with hard-boiled eggs. Refrain.

La salata maljasina es pastosa y saborida Mi vecina la prepara con mucho aceite de oliva. Estos platos accompañan A los rostros de gallina. Refrain.

The seventh way it’s made is the best and most exquisite. Filisti makes it, She’s the neighbor’s daughter. She puts it in the oven in an open dish with oil and pepper and they call it a meyina. Refrain.

La setena que la guise es mejor y más Janina. La prepara Filisti, la hija de la vecina. Ya la mete en el forno de cabeza a la cocina, con aceite y con pimiento ya la llama: una meyína. Refrain.

The maljasina salad is rich and tasty. My neighbor makes it with a lot of olive oil. This dish accompanies Leftover hen. Refrain.

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