CREATE , PRESERVE ,DESTROY by Mutuma Mwiraria Kalinga Prologue The basis of Natural truth is objective. The only thing that stands in the way of who you want to become are the false beliefs you have accumulated through your life up to this moment. My intention is to create a different perspective on human life by putting forth an imagined concept that outlines our natural abilities in order to destroy false notions and reinforce/preserve truth Definitions Create, Preserve and Destroy: The three states that all aspects of life are subject to and are capable of. Create: This is the ability of any form of life to bring forth more life in both tangible and intangible forms in order to preserve itself. Preserve: This is the habitual practice of life that allows it to continue its existence. The ease with which it does so depends on the coping mechanisms it creates Destroy: Destruction is the removal of all that which does not serve life. It is the natural consequence of false creation that can not create, preserve and destroy in and of itself.
If a part of the natural system attempts to create something that is not done with understanding of natural law it is destroyed naturally. Creation: The tangible and intangible aspects of life, Including those that are seen and unseen. Natural: Biological, Metaphysical, Geological and Astrological aspects of the natural environment Truth : The irrefutable law that governs Nature. Being: Anything and everything that is said to be alive. Nature the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer ( Idea create images to respresent various points stated below) 1. Nature is the force that creates, preserves and destroys life. 2. It is both the seen and unseen force that controls all natural things 3. The closer a being is to their true nature the easier it is for it to live. 4. The better understanding one has of nature through careful observation of the natural world the better equipped one will be to understanding their own nature. 5. Nature does not abide by humanities varying ideas and concepts taught through various doctrines. Life simply creates, preserves and destroys governed by the principles of cause and effect. 6. Nature favours those that understand it and seek to to live by its unchanging principles. 7. Nature is the highest intelligence and it is the sum total of all existence. 8. Nature is unchanging in its laws. Its parts are however able to create, destroy and preserve themselves and their environments in a variety of ways. !2
9. All components of nature abide by the law of cause and effect. 10. No matter how small or large a component of nature is it has an effect that runs through out the entire natural system creating, preserving and destroying itself in a variety of ways. 11. Nature destroys that which does not preserve itself well enough by creating the necessary coping mechanisms to thrive in its environment. Finding your true Nature Nature only gives you that which you earnestly seek through humility and devotion. If you seek the truth about Natures laws your natural instinct will guide you towards that which you desire. Nature does not preserve creations that are arrived at in an unnatural manner. Anything that defies nature eventually gets destroyed by virtue of the fact that it is not capable of preserving or creating life. Unnatural creations that do not abide by all of natures laws can only be created because they contain minute aspects of life within them. In time however they cease to exist. Unnatural creation encompasses all physical and intangible things created by man Humanity is not truly capable of creating anything new, they only do so through imitation. The closer mans creation is to Nature the more likely it is to be preserved by those that it serves. Anything unnatural or done without sufficient knowledge of the laws of creation, preservation and destruction compromise the creations integrity and its life span. Nature is cyclic and every part of it is constantly recycled through the three natural !3
principles. These are always happening simultaneously to each part of creation in varying degrees. Unconditional love is the worldly concept that can be used to sum up the creative, preservative and destructive laws of nature. A wholesome understanding of love is the most vital tool for human beings in understanding natures laws. If one views loves in each of these three dimensions they are able to create with the highest intent, Reinforce their creation with knowledge of laws that will allow it to be preserved and Destroy that which does not serve its creations highest desires. Humanities capacity for creation, preservation and destruction is the greater tool for personal liberation back to natural law as well as its greatest impediment as it allows for a multitude of false ideas and concepts. A human being that is aware of the laws of nature both intellectually and through instinct is capable of being at ease throughout its life time and being in control of the outcome of its life. Any living being that is not in tune with its natural rhythm and abilities in regard to creation, preservation and destruction invites dis - ease within itself. This is to say that it exists in a state that is below its true potential. A human beings that understand the true laws of nature can choose to use them to effortlessly carry out the process of creation, destruction and preservation. All human beings are subject to the environment they are raised in and will follow natural law as far as their caregiver and environment adhere to natural law. All life is eternal and is recycled through destruction of that which is finite, preservation of that which is infinite and continued creation by all aspects of nature. Anything that exists both tangibly and intangibly does so because it is a variant of natures infinite forms. Its existence however depends on how well it preserves itself. !4
All of nature works in harmony. Both that which is closest to natures laws as well as that which does not entirely abide by creation works together to depict natures infinite possibilities of manifestation. All of nature is composed of the same building blocks arranged in a variety of different ways that we perceive as both the tangible and intangible aspects of life. Natural underlies all of creation, it however does not dictate what its individual components create, preserve and destroy. It however acts as a governing force in what shall be created again, preserved and destroyed. No two aspects of nature are structured the same or resemble one another. Pure creation begins with and is governed by natural law. Imitation is simply inspired by Nature and has no capability of perpetuating itself. The more in tune a being is with its true nature the more effective it becomes at creation, destruction and preservation. A beings power to create, preserve and destroy is directly proportional to its alignment with natural principles. All of nature is connected and therefore each act of creation, preservation and destruction carried out by living beings has an effect throughout the entire natural environment. Thoughts become things Thought is the aspect of nature that precedes creation. The mind can be seen as a womb in which ideas are planted, grow in the form of belief and attitudes and are finally born through action. Thoughts are influenced by both internal and external stimuli. !5
Ease and Dis - ease Internal stimuli have to do with the individual beings subjective experience and are said to be at ease or dis - ease subject to how closely aligned the beings system is to natural principles . This self governance encompasses both tangible and intangible functionality which is both its body and its environment. A beings appropriate responses to its internal and external stimuli will determine how well it creates, preserves and destroys both within itself and in its environment. The manner in which it deals with its own internal stimuli also determines how it deals with its external environment. During a beings preliminary stages of a new life. Its responses to internal and external stimuli are taught through learning and imitation. How well the being lives is therefore a directly related to whether the laws that govern its life are in alignment with the ease of living by natures laws or the dis - ease of going against natures inherent governing principles. The difficulty in being at ease is a consequence of the beings self governing principles and its environment which if unnatural makes it difficult for the being to thrive. The first is that life is a whole in which ease and dis - ease exist and are dependent on each other in order to perpetuate the cycle of creation, preservation and destruction where disease is a cause for destruction and a precursor to creation and ease is what enables the highest form of self preservation. Organisms that are at ease are those which have developed ways to fight with and cope with dis - ease In this way nature preserves beings and life that is in line with its natural laws. Dis - ease is not negative if it is utilised properly it becomes a necessary pre cursor to !6
creation of positive self preserving mechanism and it is the governing force behind an organisms desire to perpetuate and preserve its own ease. Dis - ease is the first stage of creation and is therefore a natural part of the cycle of life. Following destruction whether big or small. The components that were once whole exist in a state of dis - ease. At this point creation begins to try to bring the system back into ease using the parts of the system that remained preserved. Only that which is truly natural can exist at this point with all the unnatural aspects being revealed as incapable of sustaining itself. In this way dis - ease is a necessary part of the dynamic life of all aspects of life and it governs both that which achieves entirely to natural law and that which does not to varying degrees. Nature favours those that learn and develop positive ways to cope with the dis - ease in their environment. Positive coping mechanisms are those which serve to make particular organisms stronger. A being that develops methods to be at ease within an environment that is dis - eased has potential to completely change the environment. Dis - ease adapts ways to reinforce itself as time goes by until it infests a large group of beings to where no other paradigms are known and false methods of coping are adapted. There is however a proportional amount of ease available in the form of the aspects of natural law that must be present in order for an organism to continue to live. A being that consciously intends to change its environment must first understand every aspect of a dis - ease within itself and its environment in order to strip away the falsehood that causes disharmony, the truth that preserves and how best to create a new paradigm that will replace the falsehood. !7
Once a system is at ease it must defend itself against any external dis - ease by first 1. Strengthening its defences to preserve itself 2. Creating new ways to protect itself 3. An effective way to destroy falsehood in its immediate environment. This is done in countless ways with varying levels of effectiveness based on each beings creative, destructive and preservative abilities The more refined and closer to truth a beings approach is to creating ease the easier it is for it to thrive and perpetuate its well being. The more a being comes to truth the less difficult it is to thrive. During the process of healing from disease in both tangible and intangible aspects of a beings physical life. Dis - ease is a natural indicator that serves it beyond its limited physical faculties. If a being carefully observes its internal environments reactions to external stimuli it can easily assess those factors in all facets of its being that will serve to either promote its growth or curtail it. Dis - Ease and Ease are processes that work hand in hand and each individual can choose to experience on or the other depending on its desired outcome in life. To create a new paradigm a being must experience/observe dis - ease in the world with the desire to understand it. The careful observance of life in whatever way that a being chooses to seek understanding gives the being the knowledge necessary to create effective cures to its own dis - ease that are preserved through out its life. With the increase in the ability to create also comes the ability to destroy and preserve. The more in tune a being ability to create life is in accordance with the natural laws that govern the entire system as a sum of its parts its ability to preserve and destroy !8
also increase proportionally. For a being to be deemed a creator it must live in accordance with natural law. Any organism at ease may choose to destroy the dis - ease in its environment but it must do so in a manner that allows it to remain at ease. This means that it must understand all of its vulnerabilities and create positive coping mechanisms that destroy the aspects of the disease that are harming the other beings, preserves the ease within it and uses it to create something in line with natural law. A being must only carry out this task when it understands the magnitude of the dis ease and it knows how to cope with it. In order to find understanding a being may try to recreate the conditions that created the dis - ease. Initially this should be handled mentally in the way of strategising and research. This may not prepare the being for confrontation with the dis - ease but it is important. Research into the dis - ease at a distance is a safe way for a being to protect itself from learning the negative coping mechanisms of the organism that is at dis - ease. or out of tune with natural law. A being must not take any action towards creation, preservation or destruction of another aspect of creation until it completely understands the dis - ease/disharmony with natural law. The best tool to gain this understanding is careful introspection and attempting to understand the cause and effect of all disharmony that exists in nature. Once this is done a being will be able to develop positive coping mechanisms to create effective change in its environment. Unquestionable understanding is needed for the healing of dis - ease as well as a subjective understanding of the individuals dis - ease. The experienced ease maker has the ability to effect positive change in another being through both tangible and intangible modes of energy transmission. !9
The realm of intangible is thought which is only as strong as the persons understanding an dedication to the perpetuation of life. In this way life preserves itself by creating conditions that each being must adhere to in order to preserve its own peace. destroy disease and create ease The condition for this is by what the being creates in the realm of thought. The more powerful a thought by virtue of its alignment with natural truth the more power it has to effect change. Impure thoughts only serve to harm those who carry them as they attract more dis ease Impure thoughts are false beliefs that are knowingly spread by the creators and supporters of false paradigms This is done in order to preserve its falsehood and itself by extension at the cost of those that it creates dis - ease within. Beings that knowingly perpetuate falsehood for self interest eventually have their falsehoods and paradigms destroyed by the natural environment. Thereafter they must begin to re - evaluate their beliefs in order to exist in the environment other wise they live in perpetual dis - ease Each paradigm or system of belief carries with it the careful observations of one of the beings in an environment. This means that whatever it creates is subject to the conditions of life present and the information available to it and for its growth. The ease of living of beings living within a certain paradigm is directly proportional to their proximity to nature and natural laws. The more nature affects a beings life the easier life is for it. Intellectual advancement is all useless if it is not directly inspired by nature. !10
All accomplishments, ideas and beliefs of a society are doomed to create dis - ease if they do not align with natures principles. It is therefore safe to say that being at ease is our birth right and the refocusing of our energy and mind towards natures principles will help us to know ourselves better and thereby avoid dis - ease and thrive. Create, Preserve and Destroy. Quotes about Dis-ease 1. The more dis - ease you consciously choose to contend with the easier it becomes to navigate life. 2. Some people live their lives with a false sense of ease fostered by false beliefs and negative coping mechanisms 3. Some people learn early how to contend with dis - ease by having care givers that have overcome dis - ease within their environment. 4. The world is full of false beliefs that perpetuate beliefs. 5. All dis - ease is a product of false belief that appears as truth and contains self destructive behaviour. 6. Dis - ease cripples your intelligence and instinctual coping mechanisms 7. The only way to deal with dis ease is to first understand it and then find solutions that create lasting ease by permanently destroying the false hood contained within it, preserving what is true and creating new beliefs. 8. Dis - ease is a lack of peace, unhappiness, depression, sadness, anxiety, attachment, worry, fear, doubt, shame and guilt. 9. When you understand you can overcome. !11
10. The focus of education should not be on suppressive information but on kindling the thirst for knowing - Sadhguru 11. Everything that can be created has already been done in creation. As human beings, we can only imitate not create as such. 12. We are creators by our nature but do not become attached to your creation just as the bird does not seek praise for its song. 13. When someone is in dis - ease if shows in every aspect of their life . It is evident in the way they talk about life and how they handle their body. 14. Dis - ease of the mind is evident in the way a person carries their body. 15. People who are at Ease attract Dis - ease 16. Destruction does not mean death it is merely the removal of that which is not in line with truth. 17. Attachment is the demon of creation for it refused to destroy the desire to preserve something that is false. 18. Humility is saying “ I don’t know when you are uncertain” 19.The only thing that distinguished human beings is their ability to mimic natures effortless way of preservation, creation and destruction.