design portfolio
apoorva Bansal
Textile product live projects Toys Graphic
wall street Shibori print pattern
wall street.
I chose to work in particular with the indian street culture. Indian streets is a perfect example of coming together of incompatible elements, yet blending in to create a certain ambience and mood.Since the indian streets was too diverse a theme, i narrowed down to imagery on walls, trucks, and posters.
Patterns and Sketches for screen print
print swatches.
print swatches.
print swatches.
print swatches.
print swatches.
print swatches.
print swatches.
print swatches.
Screen print swatches
I worked and e x p e r im e n t e d w i t h a number of shib o r i d y in g t e c h n iq u e s such as Arashi, I t a j i m e , N u i S h ib o r i e t c . and combined w i t h t e c h n iq u e s s u c h a s degumming an d h e a t s e t s . I a ls o h a d an opportuni ty t o p lay a ro u n d w i t h a lot of colour.
It is a ho o d ie c o m b in e d w i t h s l e e ve s t o fo r m a shrug-l ike g a r m e n t . I u s e d laye r i n g a n d degummi n g fo r t h e s le e ve s a n d h e a t s e t s fo r t h e hoodie to m a ke a n u n c o nve n t io n a l w e a ra b le p i e c e .
Prints done on cloth using pigments and textures obtained and inspired from nature.
Print making
Pa tt e r ns which are in s p ire d by the elements a n d m o ti fs in nature a n d g iving them a c o n t e mporary touch.
contain and conceal textile art wall street
A n a b s t ra c t h e a d p i e c e u s in g m u l t ip le s o f ya r n ve s s e ls a n d s p h e re s , by w ra p p in g ya r n a ro u n d b a l lo o n s a n d fe v ic o l. My c o n c e p t wa s in s p i re d by t h e r u ra l w o m e n in In d ia a n d t h e way t h e b a s ke t s a n d c o n t a i n e r s t h e y c a r r y m o d i fy t h e ir s ih l lo u e tt e .
contain and conceal
A lamp created o u t o f a b ro ke n u m b re l la u s i n g t h e b u r n t echnique by ag g a r b a tt is t o m a ke p a tt e r n s a n d c re a t e s hado ws. It als o a im e d a t re c yc l in g o f a wa s t e p ro d u c t l ike a broken um b re l la .
TExtile art
This was the final project for my screen print course. Since i was using waste to create my swatches, i decided to further use junk to create products out of my prints. I used cycle tyres and fabric to create a temporary room partition.
wall street.
This was the final project for my screen print course. Since i was using waste to create my swatches, i decided to further use junk to create products out of my prints. I used cycle tyres and fabric to create a temporary room partition. I also made a lamp using the technique of rust dyeing, overlayed with screen printing.
wall street.
live projects
hoysala heritage 1 hoysala heritage 2 Weavers studio co creation astitva
This wa s a live p ro j e c t i w o r ked on in B elur. The p u r p o s e o f t h e p ro j e c t was to convert old buil d in g s a n d h o u s e s in B e lu r into homestays so as t o re t a in t h e H oy s a la h e r i tage value. I designed this c o l l e c t io n , ‘ N A MA’ fo r t h e home furnishings of t h e h o m e s t ay s . T h e m o t i fs and patterns are i n s p ire d by t h e a rc h i t e c t ure of the window gril ls , t h e ra n g o l i in fro n t o f their houses and arch i t e c t u re in a n d a ro u n d t he Hoysala temples.
hoysala heritage project ii
T his was the sec o n d p a r t o f t h i s l ive project. I w o r ke d o n layo u t a nd ambience o f a re s t a u ra n t t o eventual ly de s ig n a ra n g e o f la mps to be use d a s h i g h l ig h t s . I mainly aimed t o u s e e a s y a n d c ost fr iendly ma t e r ia l s s o t h a t t hey can also prov id e e m p l oy m e n t o pportuni ties to t h e lo c a l c raftsmen.
B amboo sli t in half
Thread, Handmade paper, Paints
Paper, Wood, OHP sheets, Acrylics
I interned at the reknowned design studio ‘Weavers Studio’ in Calcutta. It was an unbelievable learning experience, not just in relation to work, but also as an understanding the dyanamics of a proffessional work place.
Screen Prints
Woven Stoles
Block Prints
Co creation wa s a p ro j e c t h e l d ove r 2 weeks which invo lve d fa c i l i t a t io n and c reation w i t h a g ro u p u r b a n poor women em b ro id e re r s o f B angalore. The p ro j e c t invo l ve d introducing des ig n m e t h o d o lg y through worksh o p s . T h e f in a l products which w e re d e ve lo p e d through this wo r k s h o p w e re b o t h contemporay a n d e x h ib i t e d t h e versatali ty of t h is t e c h n iq u e .
FINAL PRODUCTS : Cushion Covers, Hair Accessories, Pencil Pouches etc.
A board game developed to expose tourists in Kutch to the craft and the lives of the craftsmen of the weaving village of Bhujodi. The game is aimed to make the information more interactive, hence interesting. The Physical form of the game can be used for other purposes as well. It was also featured at the LENS conference 2010 held at Srishti.
An exhibition set up by a team of 9 students and headed by Anders Sandell, leader of the Toy lab at Srishti. The theme was the attack of the giant evil plush octopus on the 8 cities, each city being set up between the two legs of the octopus. Each city then had a toy being invented, to help the city break out of the control of the octopus!
toylab 2011
TOy lab monstro-city
This toy suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It was designed to encourage story-telling and imagination around itself since it involves multiple characters within one toy. One character opens into another one and so on. Its a basic idea of a stuff toy but taken forward in terms of interactivity and imagination. It also intrigues the child as it creates a mystery and surprise as well.
multiple play disorder
The toy revolvs around a similar concept as the MPD toy in form. However, these are travel plush toys. They come in the for of a bag monster with contains all the other characters, hence providing as a personal piece of luggage for the child. Moreover, it also has customisable features to make it more personal and engaging for the child. The monsters are travellers, collecters and explorers, and each provide an interaction in order to give the child company while they travel!
bwaak. Bwaak poor Bwaak. He is a travel freak! But oh no, speed makes him so so sick! He gets all dizzy and wants to throw up!
Flap Flap.
Since he has seen birds on the planet,
Ooohah cannot believe what his eyes
Flapflap just cannot stop wishing he could
acan see. He is in so much awe that
fly!. Now he is on a mission. To collect
he hasn’t blinked in years! He likes to
as many feathers so that he can get he
remember all his good memories in his
can build his own monster wings!
belly where his brain is.
Some iterations of the journal that comes along with the toy. The child can fill it up and stick things making it more interesting. It tells the story of each of the character and at the back has a list of statistics which can be then filled up by the kid completely upto his imagination!
wash care ‘The monsters of Monstro-city have always been phobic of big washing machines. It all started when a monstro-tian Boop tried to take a bath in a latest automatic water heating machine instead of simply taking one in the tub, too lazy to heat up water. What came out after the wash, Monstro-city will never forget. Half shrunken- half colourless poor Boop. He still shivers when he hears the sound of the machine! It seems Monstro-tians dont agree to the current and the motion of the machine. So take care of your Monstro-tians and give them a gentle bath with your hands using only luke warm water and some soap. They are not as strong as they pretend to be!’
layout business card toy brand
illustation and character design
sketch and paint
A hypothetical identity redisign for Reader’s Digest
Business card
Branding for wall street. Screen print project
is a monster of
many stories, wrapped in his arms are his multiple histories ! Alas life for Kipshake is not as easy as it seems, with the soul of one monster, he lives seven different lives, and each night has seven different dreams! Open him up, meet each of the his inner friend, listen to their tales, play with them, show them some love, and help Kipshake’s life mend!
the monster is a
strange little thing, he doesnt have a face of his own, nor can he sing! He becomes what you wish for, just draw, paint and colour. give him a face, some teeth and maybe a superpower!
Have fun and use your imagination, for this monster can be your own personal creation !
Billy Cho is a monster real crooked, for his dream is to steal all the cats in the world , make them sit still all day long, oh isnt that super wicked?
But some cats are smarter than what he thinks, they hide so cleverly, Billy cant trace the missing links ! Can you spot them anywhere around? I think they can see you , laughing but trying so hard not to make any sound!
Meet the super tough monster
the fighter against evil ! Anyone out to harm you? No worries , he is always there, all you do is whistle ! The buttons on his body are his most important tools but the kind soul that he is he doesnt mind sharing them with you to ward off evil fools !
Moony the monster was
obsessed with the moon, so much so, he ate it up! oh such a loon! But now he is never afraid of the dark, for he has the moonlight forever in his heart. So If you ever feel scared of the night, call out to Moony for the shining moon and the stars so bright!
for the monster, books were life. he read and he read and he read and he read, until the time everything had been fed into his head. Little did he realise since he had not seen the mirror, he himself was turning into a page, of words, drawings, numbers and could not look funnier !
is a monster loved by many for he grants wishes and makes dreams come true, be it any! How is that possible you wonder? His horns are magic horns with lovely rainbow colours ! They grant your wish if you want it with all your might . so share your secrets and wishes in his heart, and everything will be alright!
illustration and character design
t-shirt design
illustrations for story books
Collage for a local magazine
Sketching and Painting