9 minute read
Adult Bible Classes
Starts September 12 (unless indicated otherwise) | 9:00 - 10:15 a.m.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED for the in-person or online class. Once the in-person class registration is full, please register to join the online class.
If you would like to get connected in fellowship with other believers to study the Word of God and pray, please register for a class. For more information, please contact Rhonda Saduddin at rsaduddin@apostles.org.
Class Leader + Room Description
First Look Class Mike Slaughter
The Commons
In-Person Only
Our First Look class is designed to help you better understand the mission of The Church of The Apostles. We want you to know who we are, why we are here and where we are going in the years ahead. For those who are considering membership or simply want to learn more about our church, we want you to know what it means to belong to our family.
Our leadership team looks forward to meeting you and sharing how the Lord is using the ministry to make a difference throughout Atlanta and beyond.
Please see the website for details on upcoming classes. For information, contact Holly Copeland at hcopeland@apostles.org or 404-564-6688.
Breakthrough Living – The Prison Epistles:
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon
James Pool
Room 242 In-Person or Online
Breakthrough Living is an extraordinary group of maturing Christians who love the Lord, love His Word, and love each other. We continue to study the New Testament in the order it was likely written. We will deep dive into the Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.
Christianity 3-D Glenn Rivera
Room 613 In-Person or Online
Family Connection Jeff Falkowski
Room 620-623 In-Person Only
Family Foundations –The Book of James
Jesus Christ
The Promised One of God
John Whitney
Room 612
In-Person or Online
Roger Hill
Room 237 A,B,C,D In-Person or Online
James 1:22 says, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” We cannot successfully “do” our Christian walk if we don’t accurately understand God’s Word. We will examine what the Bible has to say as a whole, looking at various Scripture texts in their various genres. In Christianity 3-D, you can expect faithful exposition, conversational participation, and practical application every step of the way.
We will see and learn to apply a broad scope of topics in various Biblical texts, such as marriage, family, relationships, faith, temptation, trials, success, failure…well…life!
Everything seems to be changing around us. In such an environment, it is important to find a safe harbor to be with others. To this end, plan on meeting up with the Family Connections class to strengthen the core of your life, marriage, and family. While together, let’s explore the rock-solid resources of Paul’s foundational letter to the Ephesians. Here, we will look at how knowing, celebrating, and living out the Gospel has important implications on the quality of our daily life, family, and community. Gather with us to learn how to deliberately develop a gospel rhythm in our lives at home, work, and play.
Family Foundations is comprised largely of married couples with children of all ages. The group strives to build a faith-based foundation for developing and strengthening our families and church family bonds by studying God’s Word in a sharing and participatory environment.
All professionals think, express, and desire different outcomes from one another. An attorney thinks differently from an accountant who uses a different vocabulary than a preacher or a medical doctor. Luke, identified by Paul as the “beloved physician,” is no different.
Luke’s desired outcome is for us to see Jesus, the Promised One of God, as the Perfect Man, the Son of Man, through whom salvation is available to both Jew and Gentile alike.
Jonah and Hosea
Mercy of the Crucified and Risen Christ
Men’s Group – Man’s Identity in God
(September 12 – November 28)
Psalms From The Top Down
S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Living in Truth 40+)
The Book of Revelation
The Epistle of 1 Corinthians
Baker Smith and Huck Whitener
Room 234 In-Person or Online
The mercy of God, His withholding of the punishment we deserve, is the theme of Jonah and Hosea. Jesus repeatedly quoted the Lord’s words in Hosea: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice,” adding that He “came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” As an expression of repentance, Jonah is traditionally read on the Jewish Day of Atonement, including Jonah’s words, “Salvation belongs to the Lord!” Historically, the Day of Atonement culminated in a sacrifice at the temple in Jerusalem followed by the high priest’s statement, “It is finished!” Jesus prophesied His sacrificial death and resurrection saying, “Just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Jesus also stated that the Gentiles to whom Jonah had preached and who had repented, the people of Nineveh, would join the other righteous believers, both Jews and Gentiles, who “rise at the judgment.” Please join us for this exciting study as you strengthen your confidence and assurance of victory in Christ.
Bruce Cerbone
Room 203 In-Person Only
Lee Holston
Room 243 In-Person or Online
Our biggest challenge as men is understanding who we are and our purpose. When we begin to understand that our identity and purpose are directly tied to God, we are free to be who he has designed us to be. The twelve ordinary men that Jesus chose to walk with also struggled with identity and purpose, just like us, until He showed them both during His ministry.
Join us this fall as we study the Gospels of Matthew and Mark and walk through John MacArthur’s book, Twelve Ordinary Men, as a resource in helping men understand our identity in God and purpose for His Kingdom.
In this class, we will look at the Father’s character and His ways as revealed through the Psalms.
Mike Glass
Room 617 In-Person Only
Andrew Bradley
Room 248 In-Person or Online
Monte Johnson
Room 611
In-Person Only
Whether you’re new to Apostles or just looking to connect with our singles community, this gathering is for you. Join with other mid-singles ages 40+ to build friendships and grow in grace. As a single adult, it can be hard to both find and build meaningful community within the church. Each week we seek to build up our community of singles as we look at key passages in the Bible to help us practically live out our faith together. Additionally, we have round table interaction and practical biblical teaching to help everyone understand how to live out the Gospel in our work, family, and friendships.
To many people, the book of Revelation is mysterious and confusing. Join us for an in-depth study of the book of Revelation. We will begin with the background of the book followed by an interactive verse-by-verse study. Much is revealed about Christ in the book of Revelation. We will examine topics like Christ’s message to the Seven Churches of Asia, The Judgment, Tribulation, Second Coming, Millennial and the Eternal State. In studying Revelation, we desire not only to increase our understanding of who Christ is but learn to increase our hope in Him.
This fall, we continue our study of the “Life and Letters of Paul,” following the timeline as outlined in the Book of Acts. Come and join us as we discover the truths Paul writes to the Church at Corinth that were relevant to both the 1st Century and for all who have followed. In addition to the truths and related applications, we will see the vulnerability of Paul as he shares transparently with the believers and friends in Corinth!
The Epistle of Colossians
Jimmy Goolsby
Room 229 A,B,C In-Person or Online
This class will be an in-depth, verse-by-verse study of Paul’s epistle that focuses on the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans: The Gospel of God and How to Live in Christ
Tom Taylor
Room 244 In-Person or Online
The Victory of Faith Dr. Adam Mathes, PhD
Room 201-202
In-Person or Online
Bible Study: Spanish/English Bilingual Class
Thrive: A MidSingles Community
35 and above
Was America Established As A Christian Nation, And Does It Remain One Today?
Women’s Group – The Gospel of Luke
Ruben Calleiro
Room 614* In-Person Only (*Meets in Room 204 on September 12; Remaining classes meet in Room 614)
Brad Ost
Room 615 In-Person or Online
Bobby Mitchell, Sr.
Room 239 In-Person or Online
Tonja Brice Laurie Graffo
Sherrie Rodriguez
Room 607-610 In-Person Only
We will study the Book of Romans together with a focus on the Gospel of God and what it means to live in Christ in our everyday lives.
The struggles and turmoil we experience in the world today are not new. Our faithful ancestors experienced challenges equal to—and greater than—those we experience today. Scripture shows us how ordinary people like us became heroes of faith by cultivating strength, courage, and wisdom. Readings from great theologians will assist our interpretation of scripture.
The study is comprised of several multi-week meditations on relevant topics. Participants may choose to join for all or some of the meditations:
- God’s Sovereignty as/in Creation (Genesis, John)
- Passing St Cyril’s Dragon: Fear and the Fortified Heart (Numbers, 2 Samuel, Luke)
- The Kingdom of Heaven (Hebrews, Genesis, 1 Samuel, 2 Kings, Daniel, Matthew)
- Cycles of Faith: Provenance, Obedience, Transformation (Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, John, Luke, Acts)
1. Develop cultural relationships within our church and those in our community.
2. Study through the Old and New Testaments looking at how God, with the Holy Spirit, works to “harden and soften hearts” and “open and close eyes and ears.” We will look at how our ability to see and hear from God affects our daily choices and steers our walk during challenging times.
3. Learn how to grow and pray for each other in these challenging times.
Thrive is a mid-singles class working through the Bible and sharing our lives in community. We’d love to have you come along with us as we seek to grow toward the Lord and each other in a warm and welcoming setting. Come and thrive in our community.
This class is based on the application of God’s Word to today’s culture. What are the challenges and the call on our lives?
What is the role of revivals and awakenings? Will God bless us again, or is this the end times? Join us for this challenging study!
The Gospel of Luke gives us a beautiful portrait of our compassionate Savior, Jesus Christ. The book covers the life of Jesus and all He began to do and to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven. Luke’s portrayal of Jesus reveals the love and mercy of Christ to all people - no matter their station in life. Join us as we explore key insights that can be shared with everyone we encounter.