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Adult Bible Classes

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Who We Are

Who We Are

Starts June 5 (unless indicated otherwise) | 9:00 - 10:15 a.m.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED for the in-person or online class.

If you would like to get connected in fellowship with other believers to study the Word of God and pray, please register for a class. For more information, please contact Rhonda Saduddin at rsaduddin@apostles.org.


The Church, Crisis, and Culture Leader + Room Description

Jeff Falkowski

Drew Johnson

Rand Eberhard

Dorian Shockey Mike Slaughter Zack Carden

Alex Paquette Room 620 - 623 In-Person Only

To say orthodox Christianity is facing a crisis in the midst of current cultural trends is an understatement. As a result, many faithful Christians are confused and angry. In this summer offering, we will investigate what lies are being told, what Biblical truths are being challenged, and how we should respond. We hope this class equips you to recognize the lies in culture and respond in love with the corresponding truth from the Bible.

First Look Class Mike Slaughter

August 14

The Commons

In-Person Only

Our First Look class is designed to help you better understand the mission of The Church of The Apostles. We want you to know who we are, why we are here and where we are going in the years ahead. For those who are considering membership or simply want to learn more about our church, we want you to know what it means to belong to our family.

Our leadership team looks forward to meeting you and sharing how the Lord is using the ministry to make a difference throughout Atlanta and beyond.

Please see the website for details on upcoming classes. For information, contact Holly Copeland at hcopeland@apostles.org or 404-564-6688.

A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures

Brian Maxwell

June Only Room 229 ABC In-Person Only

The Word of God is filled with the words of God, and many of them excite the imagination. During the month of June, we will contemplate the marvelous ways of God as revealed in the original words of Scripture. Bring your Bibles and your enthusiasm!


Evangelism Training Class:

How to Light a Candle in a Dark World

“In the beginning” – Genesis 1:1:

Faith, Science, and Technology

Hope and Healing in the Body of Christ

Summer Series

Men’s Group – Man’s Identity in God

Psalms: From The Top Down Leader + Room Description

Dr. James Saxon

June – July Rooms 201 - 203 In-Person Only

Our world’s current state of affairs presents endless opportunities to share the good news of God’s embracing love in many creative and proactive ways. Every true believer in Jesus, who has experienced His grace, forgiveness, and empowerment to live the abundant life He promised, has a heart for those who are still outside of the Gospel and distant from God. Come learn how to unlock your God-given evangelistic potential in this course in simple, practical ways.

Tom Taylor

Room 244 In-Person or Online

Led by Tom Taylor, a lifelong Bible teacher and former high school science teacher with a BS and MS in Physics. Using the Book of Genesis as a springboard for discussions, we will explore what the Bible says about creation and how to better interact with our non-Christian friends.

We will look at historical and modern views of science to better understand the assumptions behind many scientific theories, including the creation of the Earth, the “Big Bang” theory, scientific assumptions, and Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection versus the Evolutionary Theory. This class will also look at technology’s place in the Scriptures and in our modern world. Not only will we explore these topics and more, but we will also learn ways to talk about these subjects intelligently to those around us.

Rand Eberhard Tom and Elise Wilkes Randy Eberhard Slate Fluker

June 5 – July 24 8 Weeks Room 237 In-Person Only

Bruce Cerbone

June 5 – August 28 Room 242 In-Person Only

Lee Holston

Room 243 In-Person or Online

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40

How do we see the person in front of us and listen with our whole hearts? If we are willing to lay down our lives to create space for whomever the Lord has invited us to host, even for a quick conversation, God gives access for heart-to-heart ministry to occur. So how do we show up in others’ lives and serve out of the overflow of what God is doing?

“Treat everyone with great kindness because everyone is faced with a great battle.”

Our biggest challenge as men is understanding who we are and our purpose. When we understand that our identity and purpose are directly tied to God, we are free to be who He has designed us to be. Daniel is a great example of living in purpose, especially in difficult times. Daniel, and his friends, lived in and changed a culture that was against who they knew they were.

Join us as we study the book of Daniel through Dr. Youssef’s book, Leading The Way Through Daniel. We will explore how Daniel, and men of today, can:

• Experience freedom from fear in the face of opposition

• Be an influence of godliness in a dark world

• Find peace in the certainty that God controls the future

In this class, we will look at the Father’s character and His ways as revealed through the Psalms.

S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Living in Truth)

40 and above

Servant Leadership

Lessons in Experiential Discipleship

Mike Glass

June Only Room 617 In-Person Only

Whether you’re new to Apostles or just looking to connect with our singles community, this gathering is for you. Join other mid-singles, ages 40 and above, to build friendships and grow in grace. It can be hard to find and build a meaningful community as a single adult.

Each week we seek to build up our community of singles as we look at key passages in the Bible to help us practically live out our faith together. We have practical, Biblical teaching and round table interactions to help everyone understand how to live out the Gospel.

Lawrence Shaw

Room 616 In-Person or Online

The intent of this class is to present discipleship through the lens of servant leadership and encourage Christ-followers to grow in faith, knowing that continued growth ultimately leads to a place of surrender. Knowing God intimately, and who we are in Him, gives us confidence and humility to be servant leaders.

Just as Jesus used parables to teach, this course will feature film clips to bring lessons to life.

Thrive: A MidSingles Community

35 and above

Brad Ost

Room 615 In-Person or Online

Thrive is a mid-singles class working through the Bible and sharing our lives in community. We would love to have you come along with us as we seek to grow toward the Lord and each other in a warm and welcoming setting. Come and thrive in our community.

Women’s Group – Like Seed on Good Soil:

A Study on Spiritual Growth

Tonja Brice Laurie Graffo Sherrie Rodriguez

Room 607 - 610 In-Person or Online

God desires us to live a fruitful life that glorifies Him. But what does that mean, and how do we get there? Using the Parable of the Sower as our launching pad, this study will allow us to closely examine Scripture to discover insights and treasures that reveal God’s desire for us to grow in our faith. Like seed on good soil, may we produce a lasting spiritual crop.

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8

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