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Praise the Lord!

I want to first thank and recognize the kindness and goodwill of our Lord Jesus Christ who has placed this calling on your servant. Ultimately, it is the Lord who opens opportunities to us in different capacities that we may serve Him and His church. I thank all the men and women of God who have invested their experience, their knowledge, and their faith in your servant. Thank you all for the vote of confidence that you have deposited in me, this is a great and challenging responsibility. United, I am confident we will discover new horizons which will catapult Christian Education to greater and more prosperous dimensions, in the powerful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this same spirit we thank Bishop José G. Zúñiga who was at the forefront of this responsibility the last eight years. God greatly repay him. I also congratulate the new General Board of Directors for their election to this new administrative period for the Apostolic Assembly.

Our 2022 Electoral General Convention stood out for the great amount of time dedicated to teaching and preaching. We heard mighty testimonies where the Word was powerfully expounded. God’s presence confirmed this Word in the hearts of all who were present throughout all the conference rooms, which were teeming with worshippers in English as in Spanish.

In this new stage for the International Christian Education Department we will be emphasizing specific areas with defined goals:

1. Local Church: The Department will elaborate didactic materials and curriculum that the whole Church needs for its holistic development.

2. District: The Department will update the teaching techniques of professors and the content for Bachelor and Associate degree manuals.

3. National: The Department will promote new distance learning Masters and Doctorate-level programs, without the need for travel.

4. International: The Department will establish structures that allow Christian Education to be accessible and sustainable in each country.

We will also be sharing in detail other programs in the next edition of The Herald, programs in which we will interact through informational videos for mobile smartphones, tablets, televisions, displays, etc.

I covet your prayers for the administrative personnel that assists me, the great team of educators that we will need, and for a servant. The vision of our Bishop President Felipe Salazar was declared and defined at the last night of this past Convention: “Build the Church: Mission.” We will be making use of all department resources and possibilities to achieve this vision in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Lord’s service, Bishop Armando Tamez International Christian Education

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