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College Days Preview Weekend

Welcome to THIRST In one weekend, you will get a glimpse of student life. What you don’t see is your future. Most people have a vision of wanting a car, job, spouse, boat, house, etc. Many people achieve that. What plans does God have for your life? Others came to ABI with the same questions. Bennie DeMerchant: Mary Loudermilk: Martha Taylor: Rich Clark: Marie Brown: Dan Flemming: Mark & Amber Suarez: David Hodges: Vicki Tabor: Raymond Robinson: Norman Paslay: Gary Trzcinski: Debra Reece:

Missionary float-plane pilot on the Amazon River in Brazil. He and his wife, Theresa, started 40 Bible schools in Brazil. Writer at the UPCI Headquarters. Ladies’ Ministry President Home Missions, Connecticut Church Secretary Youngest UPCI District Superintendent Assistant pastor and wife Church music director Nurse Military chaplain Pastor, Foreign Missions Board Member Principal of a Christian school Sunday School Teacher

GOD HAS SPECIAL PLANS FOR YOU!! ABI is here to train you to be God’s man or God’s lady to reach this generation. Prepare for this great work at ABI. APOSTOLIC BIBLE INSTITUTE

–Rev. Gerald Grant President of Apostolic Bible Institute

While you are here at THIRST let God pour out blessings upon you!!

Prayer Powerhouse

Saturday Brunch Agenda 4.4.O9

Cost/Tuition............................. Bethany Pederson Jobs.......................................... Danielle Sparks Game........................................ Nigel Ali Church Involvement................. Tucker Johnson Concentrated Studies............... Matthew Frankford Game........................................ Bethany Airgood Dorm Life................................. Jonathan DeVall Letter of Intent/Q & A.............. Jerry Simmons PowerPoint Operator................ Stuart Anderson

Mighty God in Christ

Rev. Gerald F. Grant has been with Apostolic Bible Institute since 1957. He currently serves as the President of Apostolic Bible Institute and Pastor of First United Pentecostal Church. Bro. Grant and his family remain committed to training young men and women for service to the kingdom of God.

Old Testament

Rev. Kelsey Griffin is an excellent example of a Bible Scholar. He has devoted his life to reading and studying the Word of God. He now travels the world teaching at different colleges feeding hungry souls the bread of life.

Human Growth and Development

Rev. Sidney Poe grew up in rural Louisiana. He married a lovely wife, Barbara, and had two wonderful daughters. He taught in universities for 25 years. For the last 21 years, God has called him to teach in Bible Schools around the globe. His favorite coin is the Lincoln penny, and his favorite Scripture is Proverbs 3:5-7. One is practically worthless, while the other is priceless. The timeless advice of both is ‘In God we trust’! That’s a formula that never fails.

Knowing and Doing the Will of God in My Life What is the will of God for me? A. Understand the Eternal Purpose of God 1. Purpose for the creation & all things 2. Jesus High Priestly Prayer (John 17:1, 4-5). 3. Question: How does my life contribute to fulfilling the eternal purpose of God? B. Grasp the Divine Cause of God 1. Dispensational Concept in time - Pre law; Law; Grace, Millennium 2. The work Jesus began and continues to do (Acts 1:1-2) . 3. “…I will build…” (Matthew 16:18). 4. Question: How does my life contribute to fulfilling the Divine Cause of God? C. Practice doing the Kingdom Will of God 1. “...Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in earth…” (Matthew 6: 10). 2. Pray Kingdom Prayers (Matthew 6:33). 3. Evangelize and Disciple men (Matthew 28:19-20). 4. Question: How does my life contribute to fulfilling the Kingdom Will of God? D. Discover your Personal Course 1. Bible models a) John Baptist received and fulfilled his course (Acts 13:25, Mark 1:1-3) b) Paul received and fulfilled his course (Acts 9: 15-16, 21:10-13, 2 Tim 4:8 c) Jesus discovered his mission at age 12 (Luke 2:49). • Jesus accepted and began his course work at age 30 (Luke 4:18-21). • Jesus finished it three and one half years later at Calvary (John 17:4; 19:30). d) God has a special course for you – are you on course, about your Father’s business? 2.Discover your course through understanding your abilities and skills a) Fulfill His Purpose by using your talents for him, b) Put his Cause first, work to build up his church, c) Reach for lost humanity, evangelize and disciple converts. 3. Develop the essentials for a good relationship a) Learn to love like God - agape (Romans 5:5) b) Respect – develop character – honesty, truthfulness c) Trust – live daily to be trustworthy 4. Question: Does my life show that I am pursuing and fulfilling my personal course?

What you are is Gods gift to you; what you become is your gift to God. What are you becoming?

Gospels, Acts, & Epistles

Bro. Jerry Simmons is the newest member of the ABI staff. He graduated in 2005 and now serves as the Recruiting Director. Focused and dedicated are two words that describe this jack-ofall-trades pretty well.


Chapel is a time to develop your skills as an active member of the church. From projection to sound board operator, reading a scripture to preaching a message. Everyone gets the opportunity to be a part of the service. Tucker Johnson (left) has taken full advantage of the preaching opportunity and feels that he is ready to move into a full-time ministry position.

Extra Page

THIRST College Days Preview Weekend

Thursday, April 2, 2009 Arrival & Registration Recreation in the gym Snack Prayer Powerhouse


2:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 10:00 pm


7:30 am 8:25 am 9:20 am 10:05 am 10:20 am


11:15 am 12:10 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm


10:30 am


1:30 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm


10:30 am

Friday, April 3, 2009 Breakfast in the cafeteria Old Testament with Bro. Griffin Prayer/ Chapel Break Gospels, Acts, and Epistles with Bro. Simmons Q & A for parents and youth leaders with ABI’s president in the chapel Human Growth and Development with Bro. Sidney Poe Mighty God in Christ with Bro. Grant Lunch in the cafeteria Meet in front office for a trip to Mall of America Leave Mall of America THIRST Crusade with Bro. Dan Flemming Meet in front office for skating Skating Party

Saturday, April 4, 2009 Brunch with ABI faculty for a time of Q & A, letters of intent, etc Meet in the front office for an outreach service at Del Sol Leave Del Sol Choir practice in auditorium THIRST Crusade with Bro. Dan Flemming After service: 3x3 basketball, activities, and food in gym

Sunday, April 5, 2009 THIRST Crusade with Bro. Dan Flemming Lunch after service in the cafeteria

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