Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Official Board
Rev. Ronald L. Brown.................................................................................................... TN Rev. William Chapman................................................................................................. MI Mr. Donald Flemming..................................................................................................MN Mrs. Eleanor Grant.......................................................................................................MN Rev. Gerald Grant.........................................................................................................MN Mr. Scott Hackler..........................................................................................................MN Mr. Joel Hoehn...............................................................................................................WI Rev. James Merrick......................................................................................................MN Rev. Ronald Newstrand............................................................................................... OH Rev. Norman Paslay II................................................................................................. OH Rev. J. Hugh Rose......................................................................................................... OH Rev. Melvin Thacker......................................................................................................WI
Approved by
Rev. Gerald Grant..............................................................................................President Rev. James Merrick.................................................................................. Vice-President Mrs. Eleanor Grant............................................................................................Secretary Mrs. Ruth Foster................................................................................................ Treasurer
Board of Directors
Apostolic Bible Institute, Inc. is associated with the United Pentecostal Church International, Hazelwood, MO 63042. It cooperates with the beliefs of this organization and its doctrinal position supports the manual of that organization.
Board of Christian Education United Pentecostal Church International Hazelwood, MO Minnesota State Approving Agency for Veteran’s Education Saint Paul, MN Immigration Department Washington, D.C. National Selective Service System Washington, D.C.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Table of Contents THE COLLEGE..................................................................2 STUDENT LIFE.................................................................7 ADMISSIONS INFORMATION.............................................9 GENERAL ACADEMICS INFORMATION.............................. 13 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS.................................................. 19 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS................................................. 30 FACULTY AND STAFF...................................................... 36 COST............................................................................. 37 SCHOOL CALENDAR....................................................... 38
To All Prospective Students This catalog is prepared by the Administration of the College. Copies of the catalog and other literature regarding Apostolic Bible Institute may be obtained at any time by writing to or e-mailing the College. The information contained in this catalog reflects the current policies and regulations of the College. The College reserves the right to make changes in its policies and regulations at any time.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
History of ABI 1937. World history records it as an era of great economic depression. Apostolic history records it as a year when another great stepping stone was placed for the Gospel’s sake. Just 36 years following the original outbreak of Pentecost in Stone’s Folly, Topeka, Kansas and 24 years after the Oneness revelation in Arroyo Seco, California, God called a man to “start a Bible School.” This was an unacceptable, and even an absurd idea in many circles in 1937, yet with a tenacious sense of commitment, Rev. S. G. Norris accepted the challenge and established the first Bible college within the organizations that became the United Pentecostal Church. Not shirking the responsibility of his pastorate at the Midway Tabernacle in St. Paul, Minnesota, he simply expanded his ministry. Central to his purpose was the firm conviction that only a strong, Bible-based ministry Could guarantee the survival of the Apostolic movement. On October 1, 1937, Apostolic Bible Institute opened its doors to men and women around the world to “work the works of Him who sent me while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work” (John 9:4 - motto of the Apostolic Bible Institute.) The foundation of this Bible college was built on the Word of God.
at the location today known as 6944 Hudson Boulevard North, just eight miles east of downtown St. Paul. Classrooms, an administration building and dormitories were constructed, and ABI moved to the new campus in the fall of 1966. Today the campus consists of classrooms, an administration building, four beautiful brick dorms, a utility garage, a chapel/gymnasium and a large church auditorium. Rev. S. G. Norris served as president of the Apostolic Bible Institute until his death on January 4, 1990. The impact of the founders, Rev. & Mrs. S.G. Norris, on the world is immeasurable. Their teaching has influenced over 4,000 graduates and former students of this college, many of whom are involved in Christian service worldwide. Rev. Gerald Grant was elected president after the passing of Rev. Norris. Rev. Grant has taught at ABI since 1957 and had faithfully served as executive vice-president. He is committed to the same mission which was the heartbeat of the founder - to see men and women biblically trained for the service of Christ.
On April 21, 1943, ABI was incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a nonprofit institute for religious education, and for the training of ministers and missionaries. Experience led to growth. The formative years of the Apostolic Bible Institute were spent at 464 Pierce Street. Then, recognizing the need for larger facilities, ABI purchased and moved to 745 Grand Avenue. Apostolic Bible Institute purchased 464 Pierce Street and remodeled it into a nineapartment building for married students. Dormitories at 721, 736, and 713 Lincoln Avenue and 449 Beacon Street housed the single students. In the early 1960’s, the student body reached capacity. A 40-acre plot of land was purchased
Clockwise Left to Right: 464 Pierce St.; 745 Grand Ave.; Rev. S.G. Norris; 6944 Hudson Blvd. N.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Doctrinal Statement Article I - The Scriptures - We believe in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible, the infallibility of the original manuscripts, and that the Bible is truth without any error and is inspired even to the very words and is therefore the inscribed Word of God. Article II - Salvation - The basic and fundamental doctrine of Apostolic Bible Institute is the Bible standard of full salvation - repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Article III - The Godhead - We believe in one everliving, eternal God, infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, and possessing absolute indivisible deity. This one true God has revealed Himself as Father, through His Son, in redemption and as the Holy Spirit, by emanation. (I Cor. 8:6, Eph. 4:6, II Cor. 5:19, Joel 2:28.) Article IV - The Son of God - The one true God, the Jehovah of the Old Testament, took upon Himself the form of man, and as the Son of man, was born of the virgin Mary. As Paul says, “and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” I Tim. 3:16. Article V - The Name - “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Isa 9:6. “ And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matt. 1:21. Article VI - Healing - We believe that the vicarious suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ paid for the healing of our bodies, as for the salvation of our souls. “Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.” Matt. 8:17. Jesus said of believers - “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Mark 16:18. “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” James 5:14-16. Article VII - Holiness - We approve of every activity which will promote the interest of spiritual progress and the soon coming of the Lord for His Church. However, evidences of worldliness which are not conducive to Christianity and godly living and which will prohibit being taken in the rapture, we firmly disallow. Article VIII - Rapture - We believe that the time is drawing near when our Lord shall appear; then “...the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air...” I Thess. 4:13-17.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. - John 17:3
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Institutional Mission
The mission of ABI is to prepare men and women for a variety of church-related ministries and other professional occupations. Since 1937, ABI has continued emphasizing the training of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, Sunday School teachers, and lay workers in the church. The college strives for instilling extensive knowledge of the Bible, with a special emphasis on the Pentecostal doctrines. Such preparation requires strong Biblical and general education courses. The Doctrinal Statement provides the religious position which the school seeks to serve and preserve.
Students at ABI will be trained and/or encouraged to:
Philosophy of Education The Apostolic Bible Institute is committed to the Bible College concept. The principle aim of a Bible College program is preparing workers for Christian ministries, with a required major in biblical and church-related studies. ABI believes that it fulfills a basic need within the Apostolic Pentecostal church. The college exists for the purpose of preparing leaders and workers academically and spiritually for work within churches, church-related ministries, and other professional occupations.
1. Develop their commitment to Jesus Christ. 2. Demonstrate the knowledge, wisdom, and practical skills necessary to promote the Gospel. 3. Gain a fuller knowledge of the Christian faith, themselves, other people, and their world. 4. Formulate habits consistent with a mature Christian character and an appreciation for the standards of ABI and its holiness and doctrinal positions. 5. Cultivate a love for the study of the Bible as a basis of Christian maturity. 6. Develop a concern for others which will exemplify true Christianity. 7. Integrate the Biblical and general education subject matter into a Christian world-view which will shape their futures. 8. Gain the skills necessary to enter various Christian ministries in which God leads them.
Location The Apostolic Bible Institute, Inc. is located in St. Paul, Minnesota, the capital city of the state. It is equally accessible to the business areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul via Interstates 94, 494, and 694. With a population of almost three million, the Twin Cities is a renowned educational center and the home of many colleges, universities, and schools. The school is also in the heart of a great metropolis which offers numerous opportunities for employment.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Student Life Spiritual Life Students attending ABI equip themselves for effective service to God and His Church. This may only be accomplished when the educational experience is balanced with a depth of personal devotion to the spiritual emphasis throughout all college activities. Regular chapel services provide students with the opportunities to preach and to hear inspirational, doctrinal, and devotional messages. Guest speakers are invited to minister to the needs of the student body. Times of prayer are held daily. Students are encouraged to begin and end each day with personal devotions. Prayer services are also conducted in both the men’s and women’s dormitories. On Wednesdays and Sundays, prayer times are scheduled before each church service. Prayer and altar work provide excellent opportunities for additional spiritual growth.
Ministry Opportunities The ministries of the First United Pentecostal Church provide opportunities for students to be involved in outreach evangelism, child evangelism, home Bible studies, Sunday School teaching, and many more!
Special Events Throughout the year, special events are held providing Christian fellowship, instruction, recreation, and entertainment. The college facilities present opportunities for softball, basketball, volleyball, and football.
When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: - Proverbs 2:10, 11
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Dormitory Rooms
Dormitory rooms are comfortable, clean, and equipped with ample furniture. All rooms have an outside view. Students maintain their own rooms and are responsible for cleanliness and tidiness. All single students are required to reside in the dormitory except those residing with parents locally. Each student is given a GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HANDBOOK which is a guide for conduct while at the Apostolic Bible Institute.
All single students are required to eat their meals in the school cafeteria. Board is payable in advance. No money will be refunded for meals that are missed in the school cafeteria except in cases where advance notification of leave of absence has been given.
Housing for Married Students
Students are permitted to have one motor vehicle on campus. A copy of the student’s current, valid driver’s license and proof of liability and property damage insurance must be placed on file at the ABI business office. This must be done upon arriving at ABI or if a vehicle is obtained while at ABI. There is ample on-campus parking.
There are limited one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments with modern appliances on campus on a first-come, first-served basis. The married students dormitory is equipped with washers and dryers. Off-campus housing for married students is available within easy driving distance from the college.
What to Bring With You - A King James Version, wide margin Bible - A musical instrument (if you play one) - A personal computer (if you have one) - Bed linens - Towels/washcloths For a suggested packing list, call 651-739-7686
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Admissions Information Entrance Requirements All applicants must have received or be actively seeking the Born Again experience: repentance, baptism in water in the name of Jesus Christ, and reception of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4. The applicant must desire to study God’s Word and have a willingness to obey the rules of the Apostolic Bible Institute. See application checklist for other requirements. The applicant may call, write, or e-mail the admissions officer for the application and scholarship forms.
Application Checklist - - - - - - -
At least seventeen years of age High school graduate (non-graduates admitted by special permission) Submit the enclosed application Pastor’s approval - Have your pastor sign your application and complete the pastor’s recommendation form Satisfactory health certificate verified by a physician Transcript of credits from your high school and other schools attended $35.00 application fee: not refundable
Students are required to register before the beginning of each semester. The final date for enrollment is three weeks after the beginning of each semester.
Late Registration Late registrations are accepted only with the approval of the President. Beyond the registration date indicated in the Apostolic Bible Institute’s calendar, a late fee may be imposed. No waiver of fee or portion of tuition will be granted for the late registration.
Non-Discrimination ABI maintains no discrimination based on disability, race, gender, color, religion, nationality, or ethnic origin.
Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. - Proverbs 8:10
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Financial Information Paying for Bible School When a student makes the decision to attend ABI, we recommend that he or she saves $1,500 - $2,000 for a down payment. The remainder of his or her bill is then divided up into payments. The student would then find a job to work after school to make these payments. ABI classes end each day at 1:00 pm, which leaves ample time in the afternoon and evenings to work a job. The Twin Cities area has many job opportunities that allow our students to pay their way through Bible school. A student may not graduate and receive his or her diploma until his or her account is paid in full. Education is one of the greatest personal investments available to people today. The college does not have the ability to underwrite the cost of a college education for its students; however, there is limited financial aid available.
Veterans Veterans who have participated in the educational program while in service may be eligible for benefits. A widow or child of a veteran who died in service may be eligible for benefits. A child of a veteran who has a service-connected disability may be eligible for benefits. Those currently serving with the Reserves or National Guard who participate in the educational program may be eligible for benefits. Eligible veterans’ refund policy is a total of $10.00 non-refundable registration fee. All other advance payment of tuition, fees and other charges will be refunded on a pro rata basis. For further information, contact the Veteran’s Administration. 1.888.442.4551 http://www.gibill.VA.gov
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. - Proverbs 4:7
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Scholarships Available at ABI Scholarship
Rev. S.G. Norris Upon completion and acceptance of application to ABI, $250 will Foundation be credited to your account for the first semester. After successful ($500 Freshmen) completion of the first semester, $250 will be credited to your
account for the second semester.
scholarship. This will be credited to your account for the first semester.
Senior Bible Quizzing
Upon completion and acceptance of application to ABI, $250 will be credited to your account if you have completed a full year of Senior Bible Quizzing while you were in 10th, 11th or 12th grade. An additional $250 will be given to a student who has been involved in the N.A.B.Q.T. Another $250 will be credited to the account of a student who was on a team that won the N.A.B.Q.T.
Rev. S.G. Norris ABI offers freshman married students who move to St. Paul from Foundation outside the Twin Cities Metropolitan area, and who are approved ($1,000 Married Student) by their pastors to move from their home church a $1,000
Wendell C. Gleason Memorial
S.G. Norris Memorial
Upon completion and acceptance of application to ABI by July 15, an application for the Wendell C. Gleason scholarship will be considered. The application must be accompanied by a CD or audiotape on which the student sings or plays. The music scholarship application including music teacher and pastoral references must be received by July 15. Should a student receive this scholarship, $500 would be credited to the student’s account every semester for a maximum of four years as long as acceptable standards of progress are maintained. This is only offered to freshmen and sophomores. The scholarship may be awarded by January 31 of the odd-numbered year only to a qualified applicant. Upon completion and acceptance of application to ABI by July 15, the S.G. Norris scholarship application will be considered. This application, including youth director and pastoral references must be received by July 15. Should a student receive this scholarship, $500 would be credited to the student’s account every semester for a maximum of four years as long as acceptable standards of progress are maintained. This is only offered to freshman and sophomores. The scholarship may be awarded by January 31 of the even-numbered year only to a qualified applicant.
Once an above scholarship has been awarded, it may not be transferred to another student.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Scholarships Available at ABI Scholarship
James D. Merrick Minnesota Resident Scholarship
Residents of Minnesota who are entering their freshmen year can request an application from our admissions office for possible consideration for this scholarship. This application, including youth director and pastoral references, must be received by July 15. The scholarship may be awarded by January 31 to a qualified applicant.
Clifford Gustafson Child Evangelism Scholarship
Upon completion of the Child Evangelism freshmen course and registration to ABI for the subsequent semester, the Clifford Gustafson Scholarship application will be considered. This application, including youth director and pastoral references must be received by July 15. Should a student receive this scholarship, $500 would be credited to the student’s account for only one semester following the Child Evangelism course. This is only offered to a freshman. The scholarship may be awarded by January 31 to a qualified applicant.
Mary Testa Piano Lessons Scholarship
Available for Spring semester upon completion of the Fall semester piano lessons and registration to ABI for the subsequent semester, the Mary Testa Scholarship will be considered. This is a need-based and ability-based scholarship for a qualified piano lessons student for only one semester.
Virginia Caldie Piano Lessons Scholarship
Available for Spring semester upon completion of the Fall semester piano lessons and registration to ABI for the subsequent semester, the Virginia Caldie Scholarship will be considered. This is a need-based and ability-based scholarship for a qualified piano lessons student for only one semester.
United Pentecostal Church Youth Division Sheaves for Christ Scholarship
Every year the General Youth Division gives out approximately 25 one-time $1,500 scholarships. All application forms must be received at headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, by their deadline. For more information, contact the General Youth Division in St. Louis, MO or at www.upci.org. 314.837.7300
District Youth Division, Ladies Ministries and Home Church
Ask your district’s Youth Division, Ladies Ministries and your home church if they provide scholarships and how to apply for them.
High School
Ask your high school counselor about possible merit scholarships for the state in which you reside and how to apply for them.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
General Academic Information Required and Permitted Loads The minimum academic load for classification as a full-time student is twelve semester credit hours. The normal load is sixteen to seventeen semester credit hours.
Class Attendence Regular class attendance is an essential part of the purposes and objectives of the academic program. The student is responsible for the attendance policy as outlined in the GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HANDBOOK.
Absences and Leaves A schedule of class times is published each semester. At fifteen minutes after the time that a class begins, students are marked absent even though they arrive after that time. Class attendance is recorded and grade points are lowered with excessive absences. Students may be granted leave only by permission and that only in case of emergency.
Changing Schedule After registration, a student may drop or add an elective course with the approval of the Academic Dean of the college. Required courses may not be dropped. For any semester the drop/add period lasts for three weeks after the first day of school. No course may be added after the drop/add period. Courses dropped after the drop/add period will receive a grade on the transcript as WP or WF (Withdrawal-Pass or Withdrawal-Fail.)
Course Substitutions Any substitution for changes in, or exceptions to, courses which are required for the granting of a degree from ABI must be approved by the Academic Dean. A number of changes may develop in the graduation requirements established by the college during one’s tenure in college. The attempt of such changes is to reflect improvement in the college program; consequently, it is expected that students will adapt their course planning to new graduation requirements established during the course of their training. The curriculum changes introduced in the course of the student’s enrollment will be included in the student’s curriculum, provided that this inclusion does not increase the number of hours required for graduation.
Auditing Courses The term “audit” implies the following: 1. The student pays the audit fee per credit hour. 2. The student receives no academic evaluation. 3. The student may make changes in the audit status only during the drop/add period. And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; - Isaiah 11:2
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Standards of Progress Report cards are issued once per semester. Students may obtain progress reports at any time from the instructor. Grades generally depend upon homework, tests, class discussion, and final examinations.
President’s and Dean’s List Soon after the end of each semester, the college publishes the President’s and Dean’s Lists. The Dean’s list recognizes those students who have achieved a scholastic average of 3.200 and above for the term. Students achieving an average of 3.700 or above for the term are designated with honors on the list. Students with an average of 4.000 for the term are designated as being on the President’s List. Students must maintain a minimum of 14 semester hours to be eligible for either list.
Academic Standing (GPA) and Continuance Academic standing is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the net hours taken. A minimum standing (GPA) of 2.000 (average of a C) is required for graduation. Continuance and promotion from one academic classification to another is based on completion of the following number of hours. The minimum standard of achievement expected is a “C” - average (2.000 GPA.) The table below is based on the minimum retention standards and is designed to guide the students who fall below the 2.000 cumulative average.
Freshman:....................................................0-33 Sophomore:................................................34-65 Junior:........................................................66-98 Senior:..................................................Above 98 VA NOTE: 12 SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS EQUALS A FULL-TIME STUDENT.
Grades Grades and quality points are assigned and recorded as follows: Grade
94-100 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 0-59
4.000 3.700 3.300 3.000 2.700 2.300 2.000 1.700 1.300 1.000 0.700 0.000
Audited Course
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Academic Probation All students at ABI are expected to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.000 or higher. Should a student’s semester GPA fall below that level, he or she will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation is not allowed to serve as a class officer, neither can the student participate in trips with the choir, chorale, orchestra, weekend evangelism, preaching teams, tour groups, or special events. In addition, weekend vacations will be restricted to two per semester. Should a student be placed on academic probation, he or she must meet with the Academic Dean at the end of every week to check if the student is passing his or her courses. The student must have all of his or her homework turned in and have passed all tests and attendance must be excellent. If a student is on academic probation for a third semester in a row, he or she is automatically dismissed for one semester at ABI. Dismissal from school will be for a period no less than one academic semester. To be readmitted, the student must reapply with the understanding that, if accepted, he or she will be on academic probation the first semester that he or she returns. To return the student must meet the following conditions: -Submit a new application with the application fee -Submit a new pastor’s recommendation form -Completely pay all previous school charges Upon raising the GPA to 2.000 or higher, the student will be removed from academic probation and all privileges will be restored.
Repeating a Course When a student elects to repeat a course, only the grade received for the repeat will be counted in the computation of the student’s grade point average. Students may not repeat a course more than twice. A course which has been successfully completed may not be retaken by someone receiving Veteran’s benefits.
Conditions for Dismissal Any student can be dismissed for behavior which, in the view of the administration, is not becoming of a Bible college, including but not limited to, repeated infractions of the published rules. Re-admission after suspension is never automatic. The student must apply for re-admission through the registrar’s office in order to be approved. Any student who is dropped for academic reasons is ineligible for re-admission until one full semester has elapsed.
Conditions for Re-admission Upon interruption for academic reasons, the student will be assigned by a committee of the faculty to a remedial program consisting of readings or research in the area of deficiency. Upon completion of such a program, the student may petition the faculty committee for re-admission. Re-admission will be granted based on the review of such remedial work by the faculty committee and determination that progress has been made in correcting the areas of weakness.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Transcripts A transcript of credits will be issued by the Registrar on request. An official transcript will be sent to another institution or other authorized person or agency with the approval of the student. Students are never sent “official transcripts.” They may be sent “unofficial transcripts.” No transcript will be furnished until all accounts have been satisfactorily settled. No charge is made for the first transcript when issued. Each additional copy requires prepayment of $5.00. Please send a check or money order payable to ABI with a letter containing the following information: - Current name and any other name used while a student at ABI - Current address and telephone number - Years attended ABI - Address to send the transcripts
Transfer Students 1. A transcript sent from the previous college(s) must be in the applicant’s file before the ABI classes begin according to the current courses schedule or the transfer student will be required to take the courses here again. 2. The applicant must have met all financial obligations to previously attended UPCI-endorsed Bible college(s). 3. To qualify as a transferable credit: -The transcript shows the course to transfer with at least the same number of semester credits as ABI and a grade of at least C or higher must be in the applicant’s file before the course begins or the student will be required to take the course here at ABI according to the current courses schedule. -The previous college must be recognized by a regional and/or professional accrediting group or be recognized by ABI. -A course description sent from the previous college may be used to determine transferability. -The applicant achieved at least a “C” average (2.000 GPA) in the course to be transferred as well as a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or higher at the previous college. -All credit transfer requests are subject to review and approval of the Academic Dean. 4. Courses previously completed at another college may be applied to an academic program at ABI to the extent that such courses fit degree or certificate requirements. 5. Transferred grades are not included in GPA calculations at ABI. 6. ABI requires students who transfer General Psychology or Human Growth and Development or science credits from a secular college to audit ABI’s General Psychology or Human Growth and Development or Environmental Science course respectively. 7. Credits from a quarter calendar transfer to the semester calendar as follows: 3 quarter credits are equivalent to 2 semester credits. 8. In order for a transfer student to receive a Minnesota approved associate degree from Apostolic Bible Institute, he or she must have a combined total of 65-70 semester credit hours registered with ABI, and the final 33 semester credits must be taken at ABI. 9. In order for a transfer student to receive a Minnesota approved bachelor’s degree from Apostolic Bible Institute, he or she must have a combined total of 130-140 semester credit hours registered with ABI, and the final 65 semester credits must be taken at ABI.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Graduation Requirements The Apostolic Bible Institute four-year Minnesota approved Bachelor of Theology course requires an applicant to meet the following criteria: 1. 130-140 semester credit hours dependent upon the applicant’s concentration area, (The usual load for a student is 16-17 credit hours per semester.) 2. Achieved at least a “C” average (2.000 cumulative GPA). Note: If an applicant earns less than a “C” average (2.000 cumulative GPA) but meets all other graduation requirements, he or she may be given a Certificate of Completion subject to approval of the Academic Dean. 3. All financial obligations to ABI must be met. 4. All required subjects (see Core courses) for the applicant’s concentration area must be satisfactorily completed with a minimum grade of C- (1.700 GPA.) 5. An application for graduation must be filed with the registrar, and the applicant must be recommended by the faculty for graduation. ABI reserves the right to deny any applicant for a Minnesota approved degree if any of the above criteria are not met.
Academic Programs Offered Apostolic Bible Institute is approved by the Minnesota State Approving Agency for Veteran’s Education to offer the following academic programs: Associate of theology degree: A two-year program consisting of 65-70 semester credit hours. Bachelor of theology degree: A four-year program consisting of 130-140 semester credit hours.
Graduation Honors Graduating seniors may earn the following academic distinctions based on their grade point average: Summa Cum Laude....................3.850 and Above Magna Cum Laude............................3.600-3.849 Cum Laude.......................................3.300-3.599
Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. - 2 Timothy 2:7
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Privacy of Educational Record The Apostolic Bible Institute’s policy regarding access to student records (such as grades, grade point averages, and class rank) is governed by the Family Educational Rights Act of 1974, commonly known as “the Buckley Amendment.” As applied to college students, these regulations restrict ABI to the release of certain records only to the student (current and former) and to certain other authorized school and government personnel except with a student’s prior written consent. Without this consent, ABI cannot release a student’s records even to parents except in one instance: parents or guardians of a student may be given access to certain of the student’s records if the parents or guardians sign a statement in the Academic Records Office that they have claimed the student as a dependent on their last federal income tax return. The Buckley Amendment allows the college to release the following type of information (not considered private records) unless the student requests that it be withheld: student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, photograph, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational institution attended, eligibility for honor societies, and similar information. A student who does not want this information released must make a request in writing to the registrar by the close of the registration period for the semester or term in which the student is enrolled. Requests for nondisclosure must be filed annually to meet this legal requirement.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Academic Programs ABI offers two degree programs: an Associate of Theology Degree and a Bachelor of Theology Degree. Both programs consist of a typical college load of 16-17 credit hours per semester. The total number of semester credits required for the Associate Degree is 65-70 semester credits, while the Bachelor of Theology program requires 130-140 semester credits. In both the associate and bachelor programs, students major in Theology, but choose a concentration in Music Ministry or Christian Ministries.
Christian Ministries Concentration Both the two-year Associate Degree program, and the four-year Bachelor’s degree program, are designed for students who desire a broad background in the Bible and general education courses and several aspects of Christian service. The basic skills of church service and leadership are emphasized. Objectives:
Bachelor of Theology with a Christian Ministries concentration provides an educational program which should enable the student to:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and doctrines of the Bible. Integrate the Biblical and general education subject matter into a Christian world-view which will shape his or her future. Exemplify the abilities and skills needed to serve in one or more aspects of Christian service. Develop skills and Biblical understanding in leadership, counseling and evangelism. Understand the role of the church in today’s world. Effectively communicate the Gospel message.
Upon enrolling in ABI, a student begins work on his or her Associate’s Degree. When the student completes the two years and has met the necessary requirements, he or she will be awarded an Associate’s Degree. A student who continues training at ABI for another two years (for a total of four years), will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree.
For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. - Proverbs 2:6
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Associate of Theology/Christian Ministries Core Courses
All students are required to take a common core of Bible/Theology and General Education courses. The concentration and elective areas provide a flexibility for diverse calls and interests. There are 65-70 total credits in this Associate Degree program. All students in the associate program with a Christian Ministries concentration must take the following Core Courses.
Social Science
(Required 23 credit hours) Course BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT
101 102 111 112 204 205 212 214
Title Theology I Theology II Old Testament History I Old Testament History II Revelation Daniel Literature of the Gospels Major Prophets
Credit hours 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 23 credit hours
Christian Ministries
Course SS SS SS SS
106 114 201 202
SS 213 SS 234 SS 304
Credit hours 2 3 3 3
Teaching Methods Ethics General Psychology Human Growth & Development Church History I Personal Finance Public Relations
3 1 2 18 credit hours
(Required 4 credit hours) Course CM 101 CM 181 CM 274
Title Youth Ministry Child Evangelism Leadership
Credit hours 1 2 1 4 credit hours
Course MS 113 MS 201 MS 212
Credit hours
Geography of the Middle East College Mathematics Environmental Science
3 3 3 9 credit hours
General Education
(Required 35 credit hours)
A student needs to take electives to attain the required number of credits necessary for graduation.
Humanities Course HU HU HU HU HU
101 102 131 202 231
Title English Grammar English Composition Drama I Principles of Speech Drama II
Credit hours 2 3 1 3 1 10 credit hours
Electives are listed on page 23.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Associate of Theology Degree
Christian Ministries Concentration First Year Fall Semester Course BT BT CM HU MS SS
101 111 181 101 113 106
Title Theology I Old Testament History I Child Evangelism English Grammar Geography of the Middle East Teaching Methods Elective
Credits 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 16 total
Spring Semester Course BT BT CM HU SS SS
102 112 101 102 114 201
Theology II Old Testament History II Youth Ministry English Composition Ethics General Psychology Elective
Credits 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 16 total
Post Term HU 131
Credits 1
Drama I
Total Number of credits required for first year: 33
Associate of Theology Degree
Christian Ministries Concentration Second Year
Fall Semester Course BT BT CM HU MS SS
205 214 274 202 212 304
Title Daniel Major Prophets Leadership Principles of Speech Environmental Science Public Relations Elective
Spring Semester Credits
3 3 1 3 3 2 1 16 total
204 212 201 202 213 234
Revelation Literature of the Gospels College Mathematics Human Growth & Development Church History I Personal Finance Elective
Post Term HU 231
Drama II
3 3 3 3 3 1 1 17 total Credits 1
Total Number of credits required for second year: 34
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Bachelor of Theology/Christian Ministries Core Courses
All students are required to take a common core of Bible/Theology and General Education courses. The concentration and elective areas provide a flexibility for diverse calls and interests. There are 130-140 total credits in this Bachelor Degree program. All students in the bachelor’s program with a Christian Ministries concentration must take the following Core Courses.
Social Science
(Required 52 credit hours) Course BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT BT
101 102 111 112 203 204 205 212 214 306 311 313 315 316 403 406 407 408 409
Title Theology I Theology II Old Testament History I Old Testament History II Romans Revelation Daniel Literature of the Gospels Major Prophets Pastoral Epistles Minor Prophets Acts Thessalonians Corinthians Prison Epistles Hebrews Religion Analysis General Epistles Principles of Interpretation
Course Credit hours 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 52 credit hours
General Education
(Required 65 credit hours)
Humanities Course HU 101 HU 102 HU 131 HU 202 HU 231 HU 306 HU 322 HU 331 HU 431
Title English Grammar English Composition Drama I Principles of Speech Drama II Preaching Storytelling Drama III Drama IV
Credit hours 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 18 credit hours
106 114 201 202
213 234 301 304 312 333 341 403 404 414 431
Teaching Methods 2 Ethics 3 General Psychology 3 Human Growth 3 & Development Church History I 3 Personal Finance 1 Educational Psychology 3 Public Relations 2 Pastoral Counseling 2 Church Finance 2 Sociology 2 Theories of Personality 3 Social Issues & Interventions 2 Church History II 3 Business Law 2 36 credit hours
Math/Science/Microcomputer Course MS 113 MS 201 MS 212 MS 303 MS 402
Title Credit hours Geography of the Middle East 2 College Mathematics 3 Environmental Science 3 Desktop Publishing 1 Church Microcomputers 2 11 credit hours
Christian Ministries (Required 11 credit hours) Course CM 101 CM 181 CM 274 CM 304 CM 342 CM 374 CM 405 CM 407
Title Youth Ministry Child Evangelism Leadership Ministerial Principles Church Government Leadership Home Missions Foreign Missions
Credit hours
Credit hours 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 11 credit hours
A student needs to take electives to attain the required number of credits necessary for graduation. Electives are listed on page 23.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Bachelor of Theology Degree
Christian Ministries Concentration Third Year
Fall Semester Course
311 313 316 374 306 341 431
Minor Prophets Acts Corinthians Leadership Preaching Sociology Business Law Elective
Spring Semester
Credit hours 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 17 credit hours
203 306 315 304 322 301 431
Post Term HU 331
Credit hours 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 17 credit hours
Romans Pastoral Epistles Thessalonians Ministerial Principles Storytelling Educational Psychology Business Law Elective
Drama III
Credit hours 1
Total Number of credits required for third year: 35
Bachelor of Theology Degree
Christian Ministries Concentration Fourth Year Fall Semester Course
403 409 405 407 303 403 414 333
Spring Semester
Title Credit hours Prison Epistles 3 Principles of Interpretation 3 Home Missions 1 Foreign Missions 1 Desktop Publishing 1 Theories of Personality 3 Church History II 3 Church Finance 1 Elective 1 17 credit hours
Post Term HU 431
Drama IV
Credits 1
406 407 408 342 402 312 404 333
Title Credit hours Hebrews 2 Religion Analysis 3 General Epistles 3 Church Government 1 Church Microcomputers 2 Pastoral Counseling 2 Social Issues & Interventions 2 Church Finance 1 Elective 1 17 credit hours
ACE Supervisor’s Training Bass Guitar Lessons Building Construction Choir Intro. To Journalism & Yearbook
Organ Lessons Piano Lessons Puppetry Sign Language
Total Number of credits required for fourth year: 35 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. - James 1:5
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Academic Programs ABI offers two degree programs: an Associate of Theology Degree and a Bachelor of Theology Degree. Both programs consist of a typical college load of 16-17 credit hours per semester. The total number of semester credits required for the Associate Degree is 65-70 semester credits, while the Bachelor of Theology program requires 130-140 semester credits.
Music Ministry Concentration Both the two-year Associate Degree program, and the four-year Bachelor’s degree program, are designed for students who desire a broad background in the Bible and general education courses and several aspects of church music and Christian service. The basic skills of church service and leadership are emphasized. Objectives: Bachelor of Theology with a Music Ministry concentration provides an educational program which should enable the student to: 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and doctrines of the Bible. 2. Integrate the Biblical and general education subject matter into a Christian world-view which will shape his or her future. 3. Exemplify the abilities and skills needed to serve in one or more aspects of Christian service. 4. Develop skills and Biblical understanding in leadership, counseling and evangelism. 5. Learn appropriate skills and knowledge to facilitate a music ministry in the church. 6. Understand the role of the church in today’s world. 7. Effectively communicate the Gospel message.
Upon enrolling in ABI, a student begins work on his or her Associate’s Degree. When the student completes the two years and has met the necessary requirements, he or she will be awarded an Associate’s Degree. A student who continues training at ABI for another two years (for a total of four years), will be awarded a Bachelor’s degree.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Associate of Theology/Music Degree Core Courses
All students are required to take a common core of Bible/Theology and General Education courses. The concentration and elective areas provide a flexibility for diverse calls and interests. There are 65-70 total credits in this Associate Degree program. All students in the associate program with a music ministry concentration must take the following Core Courses.
Social Science
(Required 24 credit hours)
101 102 111 112 204 205 212 214
Title Theology I Theology II Old Testament History I Old Testament History II Revelation Daniel Literature of the Gospels Major Prophets
Credit hours 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 23 credit hours
Christian Ministries Title Youth Ministry Child Evangelism Leadership
Credit hours 1 2 1 4 credit hours
General Education Humanities Title English Grammar Drama I Principles of Speech Drama II
SS 234 SS 304
Course MS 201
Teaching Methods Ethics General Psychology Human Growth & Development Personal Finance Public Relations
2 3 3 3 1 2 14 credit hours
Credit hours Title 3 College Mathematics 3 credit hours
Music Ministry Course MM 101 MM 102 MM 201 MM 202
(Required 24 credit hours)
Course HU 101 HU 131 HU 202 HU 231
106 114 201 202
Credit hours
(Required 4 credit hours) Course CM 101 CM 181 CM 274
Title Music Theory Music Theory Music Theory Music Theory
Credit hours 2 1 3 1 7 credit hours
One music elective is required each semester
Credit hours 3 3 3 3 12 credit hours
Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts. You teach me wisdom in the inmost place. - Psalms 51:6
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Bachelor of Theology Degree
Music Ministries Concentration First Year Fall Semester Course
BT 101 BT 111 CM 181 HU 101 MM 101 SS 106
Theology I Old Testament History I Child Evangelism English Grammar Music Theory I Teaching Methods Music Elective
Post Term Course
HU 331
Spring Semester Credit hours
3 3 2 2 3 2 1 16 credit hours
BT 102 BT 112 CM 101 MM 102 SS 114 SS 201
Credit hours
Theology II Old Testament History I Youth Ministry Music Theory II Ethics General Psychology Music Elective
3 1 2 3 3 3 1 16 credit hours
Credit hours 1
Drama I
Total Number of credits required for third year: 33
Associate of Theology Degree
Music Ministries Concentration Second Year Spring Semester
Fall Semester Course
BT 205 BT 214 CM 274 HU 202 MM 201 SS 304
Daniel Major Prophets Leadership Principles of Speech Music Theory III Public Relations Music Elective
Credit hours 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 16 credit hours
BT 204 BT 212 MM 202 MS 201 SS 202 SS 234
Revelation Literature of the Gospels Music Theory IV College Mathematics Human Growth & Development Personal Finance Music Elective
Post Term HU 231
Credit hours 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 17 credit hours
Drama II
Credits 1
Total Number of credits required for fourth year: 34 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. - Psalm 90:12
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Bachelor of Theology/Music Ministries Core Courses
All students are required to take a common core of Bible/Theology and General Education courses. The concentration and elective areas provide a flexibility for diverse calls and interests. There are 130-140 total credits in this Bachelor Degree program. All students in the bachelor’s program with a Music Ministry concentration must take the following Core Courses.
Social Science
(Required 23 credit hours)
101 102 111 112 203 204 205 212 214 306 313 315 316 403 406 408 409
Title Theology I Theology II Old Testament History I Old Testament History II Romans Revelation Daniel Literature of the Gospels Major Prophets Pastoral Epistles Acts Thessalonians Corinthians Prison Epistles Hebrews General Epistles Principles of Interpretation
Credit hours 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 46 credit hours
General Education
106 114 201 202
234 301 304 312 333 341 403 404 431
Teaching Methods 2 Ethics 3 General Psychology 3 Human Growth 3 & Development Personal Finance 1 Educational Psychology 3 Public Relations 2 Pastoral Counseling 2 Church Finance 2 Sociology 2 Theories of Personality 3 Social Issues & Interventions 2 Business Law 2 30 credit hours
Course MS 201 MS 403 MS 402
Title Credit hours College Mathematics 3 Media Ministry 1 Church Microcomputers 2 6 credit hours
Christian Ministries
Humanities Title English Grammar Drama I Principles of Speech Drama II Preaching Drama III Drama IV
Credit hours
(Required 48 credit hours)
Course HU 101 HU 131 HU 202 HU 231 HU 306 HU 331 HU 431
(Required 11 credit hours) Credit hours 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 12 credit hours
Course CM 101 CM 181 CM 274 CM 304 CM 342 CM 374 CM 405 CM 407
Title Youth Ministry Child Evangelism Leadership Ministerial Principles Church Government Leadership Home Missions Foreign Missions
Credit hours 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 11 credit hours
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Music Ministry (Required 24 credit hours) Course Title Credit hours MM 101 Music Theory I 3 MM 102 Music Theory II 3 MM 201 Music Theory III 3 MM 202 Music Theory IV 3 MM 301 Arranging/Composing 3 MM 302 Conducting 3 MM 401 Orchestration 3 MM 404 Church Music 3 24 credit hours
Music Electives Bass Guitar Lessons Choir Organ Lessons Piano Lessons
Other Electives ACE Supervisor’s Training Building Construction Intro. To Journalism & Yearbook Puppetry Sign Language
One music elective is required each semester BACHELOR DEGREE TOTAL REQUIRED HOURS 130-140 CREDITS
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. - Proverbs 3:13
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Bachelor of Theology Degree
Music Ministries Concentration Third Year Fall Semester Course BT 313 BT 316 CM 374 HU 306 MM 301 SS 341 SS 431
Title Acts Corinthians Leadership Preaching Arranging/Composing Sociology Business Law Music Elective
Spring Semester Credit hours 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 17 credit hours
Course BT 203 BT 306 BT 315 CM 304 MM 302 SS 301 SS 431
Title Romans Pastoral Epistles Thessalonians Ministerial Principles Conducting Educational Psychology Business Law Music Elective
Post Term Course
HU 331
Drama III
Credit hours 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 17 credit hours Credit hours 1
Total Number of credits required for third year: 35
Bachelor of Theology Degree
Music Ministries Concentration Fourth Year Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Course BT 403 BT 409 CM 405 CM 407 MM 401 MS 403 SS 403 SS 333
Course BT 406 BT 408 CM 342 MM 404 MS 402 SS 312 SS 404 SS 333
Title Credit hours Prison Epistles 3 Principles of Interpretation 3 Home Missions 1 Foreign Missions 1 Orchestration 3 Media Ministry 1 Theories of Personality 3 Church Finance 1 Music Elective 1 17 credit hours
Title Credit hours Hebrews 2 General Epistles 3 Church Government 1 Church Music 3 Church Microcomputers 2 Pastoral Counseling 2 Social Issues & Interventions 2 Church Finance 1 Music Elective 1 17 credit hours
Post Term HU 231
Drama IV
Credits 1
Total Number of credits required for fourth year: 35
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Course Descriptions Bible and Theology CM 181 BT 101 BT 102 BT 107 BT 111 BT 112 BT 203 BT 204 BT 205 BT 212 BT 214
child evangelism................................................................... 2 hours theology I.............................................................................. 3 hours An introduction to the great doctrines of the Bible, including: the Godhead, creation, angels, the nature of Jesus, water baptism, salvation. theology II............................................................................. 3 hours A study of dispensations, the fall of man, salvation, heaven and hell, eschatology, and the judgment. proverbs in action..................................................................1 hour Intensive study of the Proverbs. Discussion of several Christian ethics and moral issues. Topics such as temptation, dating, character development, modesty, and developing self-esteem. old testament history i........................................................ 3 hours A study of the Pentateuch. Emphasis is placed on creation, the patriarchs from Adam to Moses, the migration from Canaan to Egypt, the Mosaic Law, the Tabernacle Plan, and the Levitical Priesthood. old testament history ii...................................................... 2 hours The study of the conquest of Canaan through Joshua. The heights and depths of the uncertain time of the Judges. The book of Ruth, a ten-year oasis during the period of the Judges. I and II Samuel, the judges’ formula for victory through prayer instead of warfare. The great kings: Saul. David, and Solomon. romans.................................................................................... 2 hours Prerequisite: BT 112. This course acquaints students with the historical, doctrinal, and modern applications in Paul’s epistle to the Romans. revelation.............................................................................. 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 205. A study of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation. The Rapture of the Church, the events of the Tribulation, the Antichrist, Battle of Armageddon, Millennium, and White Throne Judgment. Old and New Testament Prophecies compared. daniel..................................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 112. A study of the prophecies in the Book of Daniel. A history of Judah and Israel leading to their captivities. The visions of Daniel explaining the Gentile world empires. Daniel’s Seventy Weeks with emphasis on the time of the Seventieth Week. An overview of the book of Ezekiel emphasizing chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine. literature of the gospels.................................................... 3 hours The Synoptic Gospels. A detailed study of the four Gospels concerning the birth of Christ, the Herodian family, period of inauguration, early and later Galilean ministry, period of retirement, Jesus’ Judean ministry, the Passion Week, and the Resurrection. major prophets...................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 112. A synopsis of the Major Prophets books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. - Proverbs 1:7
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Bible and Theology BT 306 BT 311 BT 313 BT 315 BT 316 BT 403 BT 406 BT 407 BT 408 BT 409
pastoral epistles.................................................................. 2 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. Paul’s pastoral epistles. Emphasis on I and II Timothy and Titus. minor prophets...................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. Background and message of each of the Minor Prophets books (Hosea through Malachi) and their writers. Their unique ministry compared with the priesthood. acts......................................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. In-depth study of each chapter in the book of Acts. Topics include: birth of the early church, Paul’s conversion, the ministries of Paul, Philip, Peter, and Paul’s missionary journeys. thessalonians........................................................................ 2 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. The background and content are examined concerning the coming of the Lord for His church and with His church. The Anti-Christ. Questions regarding eschatology (the end times) are considered. corinthians.............................................................................. hours Prerequisite: BT 212. A detailed, chapter-by-chapter analysis of Paul’s epistles to the Corinthians. Topics include: divisions in the Church, duties of the ministry, communion, marriage and divorce, operation of the spiritual gifts, church administration, prophecy, and the resurrection. prison epistles...................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. Paul’s prison epistles. Emphasis on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. hebrews.................................................................................. 2 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. In-depth study of the book of Hebrews showing the fulfillment of the Old Testament book of Leviticus. religion analysis.................................................................. 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. Discussion of the contemporary religious world. Religions such as Scientology, Kabbala, Mormonism, Islam, the New Age, and Eastern religions are studied and their historical roots traced. general epistles.................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. The epistles of James, I and II Peter, I, II, and III John, and Jude. principles of interpretation............................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: BT 212. Principles that govern understanding and applying the Word of God, hermeneutics.
CM 101 CM 114
youth ministry........................................................................1 hour Students are taught the necessary skills to develop a youth ministry within a congregation. Methods of working and relating to them in their Christian commitment are emphasized. puppetry...................................................................................1 hour Teaching of basic techniques of puppetry and methods of using puppets to win children to Christ.
Christian Ministries
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Christian Ministries CM 181 CM 274 CM 304 CM 333 CM 342 CM 374 CM 405 CM 407
child evangelism................................................................................ 2 hours Emphasis on methods of winning children to Christ. leadership........................................................................................... 1 hour A study on developing leaders, setting priorities, goals, objectives, and policies. ministerial principles....................................................................... 3 hours Study and application of the basic duties of the ministry such as: weddings, funerals, communion, baby dedications, altar calls, hospital calls, entertaining, comforting, and counseling. ace supervisor’s training................................................................. 2 hours A study of the philosophy, history, and current trends in the church school movement. Includes thirty hours of advanced training with the ACE PACE program. Upon completion of the course, students qualify for the ACE Supervisor’s Training Certificate. church government............................................................................ 1 hour A course to equip the student with the practical tools for the administration duties of pastoral ministry. leadership........................................................................................... 1 hour A study of leadership styles and results, organizational skills, developing vision, sacrifices, influence, attitude, credibility, and accepting responsibility. home missions..................................................................................... 1 hour Home Bible Studies are emphasized. foreign missions................................................................................ 1 hour Students are taught the requirements to work in a foreign mission field.
Humanities HU 101 HU 102 HU 131 HU 161 HU 181 HU 202 HU 231
english grammar................................................................................ 2 hours A study of the fundamental principles of English grammar. english composition.......................................................................... 3 hours Special emphasis on writing skills such as sentence structure. drama I................................................................................................ 1 hour Training and application in Christian drama production. Skills in basic dramatics are emphasized. sign language..................................................................................... 1 hour Basic instruction in communication with the deaf. Sign language and fingerspelling are taught. building construction...................................................................... 1 hour Discussion of building systems: excavation, foundations, masonry, framing, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical. principles of speech.......................................................................... 3 hours Developing the practical skills for effective public speaking. Emphasis is placed on voice production, gestures, development, speech preparation, illustrations, and preaching. drama II............................................................................................... 1 hour Continuation of Drama I. Further enhancement of skills such as stage lighting and sound, costuming, and prop building.
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. - James 3:17
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Humanities HU 306 HU 322 HU 331 HU 431
preaching............................................................................................ 3 hours The study of how sermons are tools in effecting changed lives. Basic homiletical principles including sermon construction, texts, delivery, and mannerisms. storytelling....................................................................................... 3 hours Verbal communication skills are emphasized through active verbs and animation. Training in how to select stories according to the needs of various age groups. drama iii.............................................................................................. 1 hour A continuation of Drama II. Special focus on further drama skills such as casting, background music, and special effects. drama iv.............................................................................................. 1 hour A continuation of Drama III. Drama production concentrating on advanced drama skills such as directing, script writing, and acting.
Math/Science/Microcomputers MS 113 MS 201 MS 212 MS 303 MS 402
geography of the middle east........................................................... 2 hours Study of the prominent countries, bodies of water, and mountains in the Bible. Development of relationship between geographical locations and biblical events. Use of geography in sermons and teaching. college mathematics.......................................................................... 3 hours A survey of mathematics emphasizing logic, number systems, probability, statistics, basic geometry, and pre-algebra. environmental science...................................................................... 3 hours An introduction to major concepts and principles affecting our environment including: energy resources, population dynamics, food and land resources, air and water pollution, and ecosystems. This course will need to be audited if transferring science credits from another college. media ministry.................................................................................... 1 hour The use of computer applications in publishing church newsletters, brochures, announcements, and other publications. church microcomputers.................................................................... 2 hours A study of microcomputer applications such as Bible programs, databases, and church management software.
Music MM 101 MM 102 MM 120
music theory I.................................................................................... 3 hours A beginning course which deals with the fundamentals of music. Includes introduction to computer music notation. (Notation taught using Finale music program.) music theory ii................................................................................... 3 hours Key signatures. Major scales, intervals. (Notation taught using Finale music program.) choir.................................................................................................... 1 hour Performing a variety of sacred works. Performances given every two weeks in First United Pentecostal Church worship service.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Music MM 130 MM 140 MM 180 MM 201 MM 202 MM 301 MM 302 MM 401 MM 404
organ........................................................................................1 hour piano.........................................................................................1 hour Private music instruction emphasizing chord construction, technique, and accompaniment. instrumental lessons.............................................................1 hour Coaching for instrumental performance. music theory iii..................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: MM 102. Continuation of Music Theory II. Chromatic scales; minor scales; transposition; Perfect, Major, Minor, Diminished, and Augmented intervals; Major triads; I-IV-V-V7 chords. Elementary harmony. music theory iv...................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: MM 102. Continuation of Music Theory III. Major, Minor, Diminished, and Augmented triads; harmonizing with chords; composing melodies; passing and neighboring notes; recognizing chords. Introduction to Sequencing. (Sequencing taught using Cakewalk computer program.) arranging/composing.......................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: MM 202. Close and open positions; inversions of triads; four-part writing; analyzing harmony; transposing instruments; arranging for brass and woodwinds. Advanced harmony. conducting............................................................................. 3 hours Prerequisite: MM 202. Conducting patterns, writing modern three- and four-part harmony; teaching parts by rote. Class project: select, arrange, teach, and conduct a song for the ABI Choir. orchestration....................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: MM 202. Form; cadences; non-harmonic tones; modulation; arranging for strings; writing for various instrument combinations. Advanced computer notation with Finale notation program. church music.......................................................................... 3 hours Prerequisite: MM 202. How to start and organize a church music ministry. Advanced sequencing with Cakewalk computer program.
Social Science SS 106 SS 114 SS 201 SS 202
teaching methods.................................................................. 2 hours Teaching with a variety of methods. ethics...................................................................................... 3 hours A systematic approach to the analysis of ethical concerns. Issues such as: moral reasoning, the problem of evil, the existence of God, world views, making choices, moral dilemnas, and the nature of knowledge. general psychology.............................................................. 3 hours Introduction to the study of human behavior which includes emphasis on schools of Psychology, learning, motivation, personality, human development, and the integration of Psychology and Christianity. This course will need to be audited if transferring credits from a secular college or university. human growth & development............................................. 3 hours Prerequisite: SS 201: The physical, emotional, cognitive, and personality changes throughout the life span are examined. Various theoretical perspectives will be investigated. This course will need to be audited if transferring credits from a secular college or university.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Social Science SS 213 SS 234 SS 301 SS 304 SS 312 SS 333 SS 341 SS 403 SS 404 SS 414 SS 431
church history i....................................................................3 hours A survey of the background of the early church from the first until the fourth century, Grecian and Roman history and culture, Jewish history and government, Bible inspiration, canonization, various biblical translations, the Apocrypha, the post-apostolic era, early Church Fathers, ante-Nicene era, Constantine, and the Nicene personal finance.....................................................................1 hour An in-depth study of the handling of personal finances by applying biblical and practical principles. Subjects addressed will be financial planning relative to budgeting, saving, debt, investing, insurances, and retirement. educational psychology......................................................3 hours Prerequisite: SS 201. A study of psychological principles applied to teaching. Topics include: motivation, age differences, learning principles, teaching methods, working with special students, testing, and social and cultural factors. public relations....................................................................2 hours The course is designed to teach the basic principles of etiquette in a down-to-earth way. Public relations teaches how to naturally do and say the right thing in many different situations of life. pastoral counseling.............................................................2 hours Prerequisite: SS 202. An integration of scriptural and practical counseling principles into several aspects of the ministry. Topics include: premarital, marital, family, spiritual, and crisis intervention counseling. church finance......................................................................2 hours Students will learn techniques of financial planning, estate planning, dealing with financial institutions, church accounting systems, application of IRS code to church structure. sociology...............................................................................2 hours The study of Sociology teaches us to understand the impact of our sinful nature on individuals and on society as a whole. We will look at some of the challenges facing the church. We will gain more understanding of the Scripture and expand our capacity to minister in our world. theories of personality.......................................................3 hours Prerequisite: SS 202. Survey of biological, interpresonal, and social theories of personality. Evaluation of reseach methodology and assessment techniques as they relate to theories. Offered in alternate years. social issues & interventions.............................................2 hours Prerequisite: SS 202. Current issues and problems that affect the church and its members. Course discusses how to deal with these issues from a biblical viewpoint. church history ii..................................................................3 hours Prerequisite: SS 213. Traces the history of Christianity from the pre-Reformation era to present. The rise of denominations in Europe and America is studied. business law..........................................................................2 hours Evolvement of law. Selection of an attorney. Introduction to contracts: Offer and acceptance, reality of assent, consideration, contractural capacity. The parole evidence rule, the statute of frauds. Agency and brokers. Incorporation.
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:3
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Faculty and Staff Rev. Gerald Grant
Greg Miller
Eleanor Grant
Rev. Melvin Raab
Brenda Beaver
Rev. Thad Reed
Peggy Erlandson
Pam Resong
Ed Flader
Barbara Sanders
Jan Flader
Dwight Sanders
Ruth Foster
Jerry Simmons
Rev. Kelsey Griffin
Lindsay Simmons
Scott Hackler
Guest Lecturers Rev. Ronald Brown
Rev. Arthur Hodges III
Rev. Norman Paslay
Rev. William Chapman
Rev. Gregg Joki
Dr. Sidney Poe
Rev. Mark Edge
Mrs. Suzie Joki
Rev. David Taylor
Rev. David Ferrell
Rev. Jack Leaman
Rev. Robert Trapani
Rev. Daniel Flemming
Rev. James Merrick
Mr. Andrew Weisbrod
Dr. Arlo Moehlenpah
Rev. Dennis Witkus
For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. - Ecclesiastes 7:12
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
Itemized Expenses for Each Semester TUITION FEE
(For on-campus, full-time students taking 12-20 hours) This includes tuition; it does not include textbooks, music fees, or certain other special fees..........................................................$1,450.00 (For off-campus, full-time students taking 12-20 hours) This includes tuition; it does not include textbooks, music fees, or certain other special fees..........................................................$1,750.00 Prices are subject to change for the 2009 - 2010 academic term ACADEMIC FEES APPLICATION FEE (non-refundable)......................................................................................$35.00 TUITION FEE (for students taking less than 12 credit hours or beyond 20 hours) (per credit hour)........................................................................................................................$150.00 AUDIT FEE (per credit hour).....................................................................................................$75.00 GRADUATION FEE (includes caps, gowns, and diploma)....................................................$50.00 TEXTBOOKS (approximately per semester)..........................................................................$250.00 COMPUTER LAB FEE (per semester)........................................................................................$35.00 DORMITORY FEES ROOM & KEYS DEPOSIT ($25.00 refundable)........................................................................$57.00 ROOM & MEALS (first semester)...........................................................................................$1,475.00 ROOM & MEALS (second semester)...................................................................................$1,825.00 MUSIC FEES PIANO OR ORGAN LESSONS (per semester)........................................................................$125.00 ACTIVITIES FEE (per semester).............................................................................................................................$35.00 TYPICAL EXPENSES PER YEAR TUITION................................................$2,900.00 ROOM & MEALS.....................................$3,300.00 TEXTBOOKS (approximately).......................... $500.00 ACTIVITIES FEE......................................... $70.00 COMPUTER FEE.......................................... $70.00 ROOM & KEYS DEPOSIT............................ $57.00 APPLICATION FEE..................................... $35.00 Total estimated cost per student........$6,932.00
REFUND POLICY NON-VETERANS In case the student withdraws from school or drops individual classes, a refund will be made as follows - during first week, 80%; during second week, 60%; during third week, 40%; during fourth week, 20%; fifth week and thereafter, 0%.
Apostolic Bible Institute 2009-2011 Catalog
School Calendar 2009-2010 FALL SEMESTER Faculty Seminar.............................................................. August 24 - August 28, 2009 Dorms Open..................................................................................... August 29, 2009 Cafeteria Opens............................................................................ September 2, 2009 Registration for all students..................................... September 3 - September 4, 2009 Classes Begin................................................................................ September 8, 2009 Thanksgiving Vacation Begins....................................................... November 26, 2009 Classes Resume........................................................................... November 30, 2009 Christmas Vacation Begins............................................................ December 19, 2009
SPRING SEMESTER Cafeteria Opens...............................................................................January 11, 2010 Registration and Schedules...............................................................January 11, 2010 Classes Begin...................................................................................January 12, 2010 Spring Vacation Begins......................................................................... March 6, 2010 Classes Resume................................................................................. March 15, 2010 THIRST................................................................................... April 8 - April 11, 2010 Graduation Weekend................................................................. June 4 - June 6, 2010