GRIFFIN COMMENTS—GEN 1 (Gen 1:1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. INDEX UNDER TOPIC NOTES What a wonderful way to start off the Bible. “In the beginning—God.” Is that not the way all of life should be? In the beginning of business—God. In the beginning of pleasure—God. In the beginning of family—God. In the beginning of church—God. In the beginning of government—God. One thing that should be done each time a person reads the Bible, is to look for Jesus, for it all speaks of Him Joh_5:39. How far do we have to go before we find Him? Not very far, for the first sentence is that God created the Heaven and the earth. I have found Him already, for He is the creator. Col_1:16-17 Joh_1:3 Rev_4:11 Yet Isaiah tells us that God created it alone ( Isa_44:24). Therefore Jesus is the Jehovah- Elohim of the Old Testament. OUTLINE 1 Inception of the world 2 Newlyweds placed in Eden 3 Temptation and man's fall 4 Hatred and first murder GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 1
5 Entire genealogy of Adam 6 Building of the ark 7 Eruption of the flood 8 Going from the ark 9 Initiation of rainbow promise 10 Noah's sons and grandsons 11 Nations scattered from Babel 12 Immigration of Abram's family 13 Nephew Lot leaves Abram 14 Gifts for Priest Melchizedek 15 God counts Abram righteous 16 Offspring Ishmael from Hagar 17 Divine covenant of circumcision 18 Compassion for Sodom's righteous 19 Removal of Sodom Gomorrah 20 Encounter of Abraham Abimelech 21 Arrival of Promised Isaac 22 Testing of Abraham's faith 23 End of Sarah's life 24 Discovering Rebekah for Isaac 25 Twins EsauJacob born 26 Hostility between Isaac Philistines 27 Esaurobbed of blessing 28 Heavenly ladder at Bethel 29 Earning Leah and Rachel 30 Additions to Jacob's family 31 Venture away from Laban 32 Endeavoring to wrestle God 33 New friendship with Esau 34 Avenge for Dinah's defilement 35 New trip to Bethel 36 Descendants of Esaulisted 37 Treachery of Joseph's brothers 38 Harlot Tamar deceives Judah 39 Enraged Potiphar jails Joseph 40 Explanation of two dreams 41 Appointing Joseph as ruler 42 Recognition of Joseph's brothers 43 Trek back to Egypt 44 Holding Benjamin for cup GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 2
45 Announcement of Joseph's identity 46 New home in Egypt 47 Design to save Egypt 48 Manasseh and Ephraim adopted 49 Announcement of Jacob's blessings 50 New relationship with brothers IN THEBEGINNINGGOD (Gen_1:1-2) This is as it should be. In the beginning of each day—God! Before the labor and toil begin—God! Before the mind becomescluttered with things and gadgets and business—God! In the beginning of each businessventure—God! You are much surer of successif God is consulted in the beginning. Joshua would not have been hoodwinked had He put God first. There never would have been an Ishmael if Abraham had sought God first. Eli never knew what trouble was until he put his sons first. Man’s greatest mistakes have been obscuring God by priorities they considered very important. Martha’s vision became blurred when she failed to put Him first.. Saul lost a kingdom and a soul becauseof his selfishness.. Before order could come out of chaos it had to be—In the beginning, God! Before your life is changed from darknessto light it must be—in the beginning God!. Heb_11:6Without faith it is impossible to pleaseHim Mat_6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom. There is very little trouble if it is “In the beginning—God!” In the beginning of recreation. In the beginning of all personal evangelism. In the beginning of all church work. In the beginning of shopping. In the beginning of school work.
In the beginning of what I wear. In the beginning of where I go. In the beginning of what I say. In the beginning of what I do. Eau Claire woman that I went to pray for said, “I trust Him” Then the next statement was of fears she faced. Man loyal from one to two each day for years. Then when he went into a coma the Lord appeared to him and told him. You were faithful to me for years from one to two each afternoon. I will continue our fellowship each day at the same time. Doctors were baffled that he appeared awake at that time each day. “Battle is the Lord’s” If you save your life you will lose it Rich young ruler Livingstone was passing by a dance hall. A woman recognized him and said, “Come dance with me preacher.” He agreed to dance then walked to the center of the dance floor and said, I never do anything before praying. He knelt down and drew her down to her knees with him and he prayed. He turned the dance into a prayer meeting. Revival broke out becauseof it. Somepeople give the excuse of not fasting, “I might forget, and I had rather not fast at all than to forget.” You should form a habit until it is engrained. Be God-conscious all the time. FOUNDATIONSOFFAITH Heb_11:1 UNDERSTANDINGOFTHEGODHEADJoh_17:3 2.God does not prove His existence; His Word simply affirms it (Gen_1:1) —Psa_14:1Act_14:17; Rom_1:19-20 “For the Scripture then, the existence of God is both a historical truth (God acted into history), and an existential truth (God reveals himself to every soul) (Rom_1:20). His existence is both objectively and subjectively evident. It is necessary logically becauseour assumption of order, design, and rationality rests upon it. It is necessary morally becausethere is no explanation for the shape of morality apart from it. It is necessary personally becausethe exhaustion of all material possibilities still cannot give satisfaction to the heart. The deepest proof for God’s existence apart from history is just life itself. God has created GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 4
man in his image, and man cannot elude the implications of this fact. Everywhere their identity pursues them.” (Set Forth Your Case,p. 77 Did you ever hear anyone deny that motherhood exists? Why not? Becauseit is self-evident! The Definition of God. “There is but one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will, for his own glory; most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodnessand truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek him; and withal most just and terrible in his judgments; hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.” (Westminster Catechism) REFUTATIONOFFALSEDOCTRINEGen_1:8 (Gen 1:2) And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The Spirit moved on the waters also in Joh_5:3-4 when the angel came and those who first stepped into the troubled waters were healed. GODMOVEDUPONTHEWATER (Gen_1:2) [SEE PATTERNS OF SALVATION Act_2:38]
CREATION:Changed void into a garden of God Spirit delivered world from chaos Spirit moving on waters always speaks of deliverance Light came (hearts dark) Renewal-Cleansing Healing Provisions ROCKIN THEWILDERNESS:Moseswas to strike it, then speak to it Supply of life GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 5
Followed them Spirit moved upon that Rock Spirit delivered them from thirst ROCKWASJESUS(1Co_10:1-4) SPIRIT BROODEDOVERTHIS ROCKFORTHREEDAYSBEFORETHE RESURRECTION! THENIT BROODEDFIFTY DAYSBEFOREPOURINGOUT THEWATERAT PENTECOST! Joh_7:38-39 HE WASTHAT WATER(According to 1Co_10:1-4) AND WHENGODMOVED UPONHIM A NEWCREATIONCAMEINTO EXISTENCE! Jesusdeclared that the Spirit within Him was that water. Joh_4:10 Joh_4:13-14 Joh_14:16 Joh_14:26 Joh_15:26 Joh_16:7-14 The Bible useswater as a a type of people. "He will pour out His Spirit upon the waters (flesh)." SAUL: "Is Saul among the prophets" when Spirit moved upon him. 1Sa_10:6"Another man" 1Sa_10:12"Among prophets" SAMSON: "Spirit began to move him at Dan" (Jdg_13:25) TROUBLEDWATERS:Seesigns of wind (leaves blowing) Joh_5:4 Nicodemus, Peter at Cornelius (Act_10:44-48); Exo_35:30-35 Bezaleel and Aholiab. Brooding brings tears, warmth, exubriance, stammering lips, new language • Shekinah (SameSpirit will melt wax and harden clay) • Christy Johnson.
SPIRIT'SPARTIN CREATION (Gen_1:2) Only as the Spirit came did the work of creation begin Without the Spirit moving on your life you will remain forever in chaos SameSpirit that brooded on the waters at creation is the Spirit that brooded at Pentecost • Until 120 were filled • Until the wind rushed through • Until it was noised abroad "BROODED"(Deu_32:11) is used of an eagle hovering over her young. The hope of the chaotic world The hope of the sinning soul Is all in the brooding Spirit • To bring order out of chaos • To bring life out of death • To bring light out of darkness • To bring beauty out of barrennessand ruin The best morality can produce is waste and void until the Spirit comes on him. Our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is dead without Christ (1Jo_5:2; Jer_17:9Pro_4:19) The Spirit of God is a Spirit of order; but there is found disorder. Where the Spirit came the work was carried on to completion • To guide you into all truth • I am the Way, the Truth and the Life • No man cometh to the Father except the Spirit draw him "Darknesson the face of the waters." Spirit found no light there and it had to be created. DISCONTENTEDGOD (Gen_1:2)
Ella Wheeler Wilcox: (American Poet, 1855-1919 "The splendid discontent of God with chaos made the world; and from the discontent of man the world's best progress springs forth." 1.
In the natural world
Discontent is a restless aspiration for improvement. • 16 starlings sitting on Big Ben in London made it lose 4 minutes and 6 seconds. • In World War II Hitler bombed London, and from the bombing the clock only lost 3 seconds. What bombs could not do, starlings did by just sitting and doing nothing. • Edison was discontent with oil lamps, so now we have electric lights. (He gave a boy who broke a bulb another chance as Jesuscame back to Peter and gave him another chance) • Ford was tired of everybody walking or riding horses, so he made a car that was cheap enough for everybody. • The Wright brothers were tired of staying on the ground so they built a flying machine. B.
In the Spiritual world
• John Newton was tired of sin in the slave trade-His mother prayed for him before she died. He later wrote "Amazing Grace." • Prodigal son grew discontent with pig pens. 2Ki_13:18-19 Joash and Elisha: Joash struck the ground only three times. Gordon Graham: "There are two kinds of discontent in the world; the discontent that works, and the discontent that wrings its hands. The first gets what it wants, and the second loses what it had. There is no cure for the first but success,and there is no cure at all for the second." • Contrast the discontent in Num_14:2 with that of Neh_2:11-15. Feltham: (Num_16:41) Discontent is like ink poured into water, which fills the whole fountain full of blackness. It casts a cloud over the mind, and GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 8
renders it more occupied about the evil which disquiets than about the means of removing it. Majority compared themselves with their problem. Minority compared their problem with their God. Colton: True contentment depends not on what we have. A tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world was not enough for Alexander the Great. 2.
• Giraffe stands to have its young, then kicks it. • Eagle pushes its young out of the nest. • Bear wrestles with its cubs. • Oyster has a perfect social security system. Morris Mandel: When God made the oyster, He guaranteed his absolute economic and social security. He built the oyster a house, his shelter and protection from his enemies. When the oyster is hungry he simply opens his shell and the food rushes in. He has freedom from want. He is given a secretion to wrap up his irritations-so he lives with pearls. But when God made the eagle He declared, "The blue sky is the limit -build your own house." So the eagle builds on the highest mountain. Storms threaten him every day. For food he flies through miles of rain, snow and wind. But think of it, the eagle is the emblem of America, not the oyster. • The starfish feeds on the oyster. To get them to open they get underneath and tickle them. When the oyster opens, the starfish goes for the heart. 3.
God looked down from Gen_1:1-2 and saw Rev_21:1-4 All things new (Rev_21:5) -new commandment (Joh_13:34) -new declaration (Isa_42:9) -new revelation (Isa_48:6) -new way (Isa_43:19) -new future (Isa_65:17) -new mercies (Lam_3:23) -new beginnings (2Co_5:17) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 9
-new name (Rev_2:17) -new Jerusalem (Rev_21:2) Heavenly perfection -perfect restoration "no more curse" -perfect administration "throne of God is in it" -perfect subordination "servants serve Him" -perfect transformation "shall see His face" -perfect identification "name in their foreheads" -perfect illumination "Lord giveth them the light" -perfect exultation "reign with Him forever" • • •
• •
• • •
• 4.
Luk_15:1 Lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son. Isa_42:4; Isa_62:7; 2Pe_3:9 Image Gen_1:27; Rom_8:29; Col_3:10 3 days separating and 3 adding Rev_3:10 Still wanting into His church even in the end. Nicodemus, Magdalene, Woman at the well, Zachaeus,Bartemaeus God was satisfied with Job, Noah, David, Abraham Heb_10:5-9; Rev_3:11; Isa_1:11; 2Co_3:18 He wants more of you. He loves you like you are, but too much to leave you that way. Out of discontent came Calvary, the blood of Christ, a Bible, a church, the Spirit of God to move in our lives. YOURDISCONTENT
Young: "Poor in abundance, famished at a feast." This church is discontented with you not being what you could be. This pastor is discontented with not seeing more done for God. Thesesaints are discontented with their lives not being more like God. Haven't you had enough: • Frustrations • Troubles (Gen 1:3) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
This light was not the luminaries of the skies for they were not created until the fourth day. This must have been the field of energy, [electromagnetic radiation] that is a part of all life and force in the world. It appears that it is this light which is the source of the visible light, heat and electricity. We never actually see light, but we see becauseof light that is there. We see the flash of lightning, or the flame of fire becauselight is coming from these phenomena. After God created this light, He now lives in this light (1Ti_6:16). In fact, Jesussaid He was the light of the world (Joh_8:12). Colors are the parts of light as it breaks down and the various wave lengths are seen. When the scientist looks at anything with life he can discern what it is doing, but can never tell why it does it. He discovers a law of gravity and knows that everything is being pulled toward the earth at a rate of 32 feet per second. But the power behind that he does not even pretend to understand. It is my conviction that it is this something unseen and undiscoverable by the scientist that is here called light. On that day, God created what I would call the life-force behind all living matter and called it light. (2Co_4:6) Jesusis light (Joh_8:12; Joh_9:5) BACKDROPOFA DAY ORMANY DAYS (Gen_1:3-5) Dale Aaron; Ashland, Wis., 27Mar1968 If I were to take this piece of paper and place it against the backdrop of this book it would seem rather large; but if I were to take that same piece of paper and drop it out into the ocean then it would seem a very small and insignificant thing. So it is with the problems, trials, and temptations of this life. Our lives are like the little shelves that the postmaster usesdowntown; it is divided up into little sections called days. There are many of them. The postman stands there and sometimes I wonder how in the world he knows where that mail goes, and just as fast as he can he throws mail into the little slots. The Bible tells us a man's life is threescore and ten years, seventy years, and that is many, many days. If I were to hold my entire life up to one day, maybe a trial, maybe a problem, I would almost lose the victory. However, GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 11
when we brace it against the backdrop of not one, but many, many days, then the trial looks smaller, and smaller. Look at the Job_1:13-22. Here is a man whom God had blessed, who had prospered financially, who had fine children but the Bible says "there was a day..." Here we see Job's worse day. The sheep, oxen, goats, servants, and finally his children (ten of them), can you imagine what a massfuneral that would have been? The Bible says this happened in a day. This was the day in Job's life when everything went wrong. Everything was taken away. We question and wonder how in the world Job could keep from going insane; how did he keep from losing his mind, much less how did he keep walking with God? He must have had hold of something that would take him through. So in my life and yours there are days when we suffer as afflictions come into our lives. We may not see our children lying there but everyone of us have problems. Whether we are young or old there are trials that come into our lives. Job did not place the trials and problems against the backdrop of that day. Job reached back into his past and he began to think of those blessings that God had bestowed upon him. He began to think of the blessings of last year, of ten years ago, of last month and last week. God help us never to forget when we lay on the bed of affliction, when we have had a financial problems and God came to our rescue. Job drew strength and security from those past days. Not only did he look to the past, he reached forward and from his own lips, "Though the skinworms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." He borrowed from eternity. Somebody has said that if a sparrow were to fly around the earth every one hundred years (making a complete circle around the earth) and just the flutter of his wings as he went around would touch the earth, by the time he has the earth worn down to the size of a marble then eternity would be just begun. So thank God we can reach out and borrow a few hundred years if we need that to place our trials of today against the backdrop and when we do that they become smaller and smaller. Job was a man like you and I. He knew the pain of all his servants being slain, of every sheep and ox being destroyed, of the children lying there in GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 12
coffins. But he would not place that against the backdrop of that day alone (his burdens but he cast them out into the ocean of a lifetime and borrowed a few hundred years from eternity. Remember we are human and we have trials and difficulties. My heart is thrilled when I read in Revelation of the New Jerusalem coming down from God. The Bible promises no pain or sorrow or sickness. That place thrills my heart when I think about it. The Bible says there will be no need of the sun for the Son of Righteousnesswill be the light of it. We will ever be in the presence of the Lord. That makes my trials and heartaches seem so much smaller. I am not going to close them up in this one little compartment of today, there is another day, another week, another month which the Lord gave me. I remember the time I was lost in sin. I had no hope of heaven. You spoke to this heart, you took this old burden of sin, you changed my life and brought peace and joy and harmony so I will draw strength from that day. You promised to take care of us Lord. You said, "Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world." There must be some wonderful days ahead walking with God, being faithful to the Lord so I am going to gather them all together Lord and place them against this backdrop. I remember one time when our little girl was just beginning to crawl. I was home for lunch, sitting at the table, unaware that she had crawled up to the side of the chair at the edge of the table. Suddenly the telephone rang. I moved from my chair very rapidly and as I began to move from the chair I kicked the child over. She just lay back on the floor and with the momentum I had in getting up, and with her face turned to the side I stepped on that little baby's face. I picked the child up and she tried to cry but could not get her jaws open. All my wife and I could hear was a crackling from the jaws of that child. The more she strained the more we could hear the crackling of what I believe was the bones. I told my wife her jaw was shattered. I took her into the living room and I don't remember ever answering the phone, but we took that little child to the sofa in the living room and we began to pray. About five minutes later that child came out with a cry. She cried for about five minutes. We finally got her to hush crying and tried to move her jaws. We could not hear anything. That has been about seven and a GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 13
half years ago and that child has never had any trouble from her jaw. Those are the days to look back to when you are going through a trial. I am sure you could tell of some similar experience. God has helped us and we must not forget those days. I wonder how people could turn their heart away from God after He has done so much for them. Why didn't they draw from what God had done for them in the past. Simon was not expecting to bear a cross when he got to Jerusalem. When one of those unexpected crossescomes upon you, place it upon the backdrop of the days God has blessed you. Man on the road to Emmaeus • Looking at the events of the last three days • Jesuscame and showed it on the backdrop of eternity • John on Patmos (Gen 1:4) And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. God made this light to dispel darknessand it has always worked that way from then until now. Fill a room with darknessand a light brought in will dispel the dark. But fill a room with light and you cannot get the darkness to enter or in any way dispel the light. Light is positive and darknessis negative. God saw He had made something that was usable in every area of life and declared it to be good. Seven times God declares what He made here as good. OLDTESTAMENTSURVEY2Co_3:14 *A. CREATIONGen_1:4 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." With these simple but sublime words begins the history contained in the Old Testament. This teaches us that the universe did not exist from all eternity, but owed its origin to the creative act of God. This world had its origin with time and in time. It owes its beginning neither to chance, nor necessity, but the creative will of a personal God. This God is infinitely exalted above His creation. He is the Maker and
Sustainer of all things (Joh_1:1-3; Rom_11:36; 1Co_8:6; Col_1:15-16; Heb_1:2-3). This first verse in the Bible has no parallel for sublimity and comprehensiveness. In scope it is declarative, not demonstrative; affirmative, not argumentative; and historical, not philosophical. There is not any attempt to prove the being of God. He is the unprovable fact upon which all else is built, and only the "fool" will say, "There is no God." *(1) ORDEROFCREATIONGen_1:4 The beginning of the history of this earth corresponds with the spiritual history of the believer. What occurred in connection with the world of old finds its counterpart in the regenerated man. (1) The first three days God separated • Day 1: Separated light from darkness • Day 2: Separated waters from waters • Day 3: Separated dry land from waters (2) The next three days God added • Day 4: Added lights • Day 5: Added sea and some land animals • Day 6: Added domestic animals (3) God worked until He saw His image (4) Then God rested Explain how God separated and added to creation until He saw His image God could not rest until He had seen His image in His creation. This is the same thing God is doing today. He has separated those things from us that are not conducive for our productivity. Those things God separated in the first creation were keeping the earth from being productive. Then He has added those things to our lives, which make us develop. When He is able
to see His image in us He can then rest (Rom_8:28-29; Col_3:10; 2Co_4:1011; 2Co_3:18; Gal_2:20; 2Pe_1:4) Gen_1:5 (Gen 1:5) And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. A name is important to God as you find when reading through the Bible, so He begins with giving names to His creation. He named this light Day. Later He brought the animals to Adam and allowed him to name them. Whatever name Adam gave was acceptable to God, but they had to be named. This also tells me that Adam had a full knowledge and vocabulary when he was created. He did not learn to speak over a long period of time. I am also convinced that he could read and write, but that is not provable. Men have tried to trace the alphabet back to certain nations of the past but when you read their proofs it is very sketchy. The reason the critics of the Bible want to find some later development of things in life is because they have bought into the evolution theory where everything human has been a slow gradual arrival to the human level of today. The opposite appears true. God created man in perfection and after his fall there has been a constant tendency to worsen instead of getting better. PARALLELISM IN GOD'S PLAN 1. Original creation (Gen_1:1) was perfect 2. Ruined by revolt (Gen_1:2; Isa_45:18) 3. Six creative days, then cursed because of man's sin (Gen_3:17) 4. Man dealt with as a whole from Adam to Abram (Gen_1:1-11) 5. Chosen nation called and blessed (Gen_12:1) 6. Christ's first appearing (Heb_9:26) 7. Church taken out of the world (Act_15:14) When the Church is completed (Eph_3:21) and Christ returns for the restitution of all things (Act_3:21), then the reverse order will be followed. 7. Church will be taken up to be with Christ (1Th_4:13-18) 6. Christ's second appearance on earth (Heb_9:28; Zec_14:4) 5. Chosen nation blessed (Rom_11:25; Act_15:16) 4. Man dealt with as a whole (Act_15:17) 3. Curse removed and earth re-created in beauty (Amo_9:13-15 Isa_35:1 Psa_67:7) 2. Satan's final rebellion (Rev_20:7-10) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 16
1. New heavens and a new earth (Rev_21:1) OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY 2Co_3:14 *(2) Creative days Gen_1:5 The first thing we always want to do in studying the Old Testament is look for Jesus. We do not have to go far to find Him in Genesis. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” We have found Him already. A. FIRST DAY OF CREATION: Coming of a Redeemer CREATION: (1) There was a work of the Spirit (Gen_1:2). The Spirit moved upon (brooded upon) the water. CHRIST: (1) Concerning Mary, the mother of Jesus. “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee” (Luk_1:35) CREATION: (2) The Word issued forth as light CHRIST: (2) When Jesus was born, "The Glory of the Lord shone round about" the shepherds (Luk_2:9). When he was presented to the Temple it was said, "A light to lighten the Gentiles." CREATION: (3) The light was approved of God CHRIST: (3) Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (Luk_2:52). The first words of God to the humanity of Christ Jesus were "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." CREATION: (4) The light was separated from the darkness (Gen_1:4) CHRIST: (4) The light of Christ was divided from the darkness of this world (fallen humanity). "For such a High Priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners" (Heb_7:26) CREATION: (5) The light was named by God (Gen_1:5) “And God called the light day.” CHRIST: (5) It was not left to Joseph and Mary to name the Christ-child. "Thou shalt call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins" (Mat_1:21) B. SECOND DAY OF CREATION SHOWS THE CROSS OF CHRIST C. THIRD DAY OF CREATION SHOWS THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST D. FOURTH DAY OF CREATION SHOWS THE LORD ASCENDING (SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS)
Dead state Eph_2:1b, 5a
Holy Spirit sent Joh_16:7-9
Light Joh_8:12
Key Word Key Verse Light 2Co_4:6 2. Second day—A day of division (Gen_1:6-7) Key Word Key Verse Separation 2Co_6:16-17 3. Third day—A day of fruitbearing (Gen_1:9-12) When the earth became separated from the water, it bore fruit. It is only when we become separated from the world, the flesh, and the devil that we bear the fruit of the Spirit (1Jo_2:15-17). Key Word Key Verse Fruitfulness Joh_15:5, Joh_15:16 4. Fourth day—Letting our light shine (Gen_1:14-19) The sun: Christ is our light, the "Sun" of Righteousness with healing in His wings (Joh_9:5; Mal_4:2). The moon: In reflecting the light of the sun—the church, who gets her light from Christ. When the world passes between the sun and the moon, there is GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 18
an eclipse of the moon. When the world gets between Christ and the Church, her light is obscured. The individual stars: Individual believers who let their light shine for the glory of God (Mat_5:16). Key Word Key Verse Lightened Psa_34:5 5. Fifth day—Victory and progress (Gen_1:20-23) This day includes moving creatures in the waters, in the air, and on the earth. It suggests that we, as new creatures in Christ, should be on the move for God (Phi_3:8-14; 1Co_9:24-27). Key Word Key Verse Self-discipline Rom_6:11; Rom_12:1-2 6. Sixth day—Purpose of man's creation (Gen_1:24-31) Companionship with God (Gen_1:26 with 1Jo_1:7) Co-laborer with God (Gen_1:28 with 1Co_3:9) Co-rulers with God (Gen_1:26-28 with Rev_1:5-6; Rev_5:10) Key Word Key Verse Dominion 1Pe_2:5 7. Seventh day—Rest (Gen_2:1-3) The believer has many rests: • The rest of salvation—given (Mat_11:28) • The rest of yieldedness—found (Mat_11:29) • The rest of heaven—remaining (Heb_4:9-10) Key Word Key Verse Rest Mat_11:28-30 TEN COMMANDMENTS OF CREATION (1) Let there be light (Gen_1:3 (2) Let there be a firmament to divide (Gen_1:6) (3) Let the waters be gathered and dry land appear (Gen_1:9) (4) Let the earth bring forth grass (Gen_1:11) (5) Let the lights be for signs and lights (Gen_1:14) (6) Let the waters bring forth (Gen_1:20) (7) Let the fowl multiply (Gen_1:22) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 19
(8) Let the earth bring forth living things (Gen_1:24) (9) Let us make man (Gen_1:26) (10) Let man have dominion over all (Gen_1:26-28) Gen_1:26 (Gen 1:6) And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. The waters up in the first heaven, or atmosphere above the earth are today in clouds. It is possible that it was the same when God created it, but it is also possible that there was a canopy of water, very thick, that gave way in the days of Noah, and was the causeof sudden freezing at the north and south poles which caused animals to suddenly die with fresh vegetation in their mouths. The waters on the earth would then be divided from those above so that an atmosphere is formed. SEVENTHEPERFECTNUMBER In the Hebrew there are just seven words in the opening verse of Genesis 1, and these are composed of twenty-eight letters, which is 7 multiplied by 4. Seven is the number of perfection, and four of creation, hence, we learn that the primary creation was perfect as it left its Maker’s hands. It is equally significant that there were seven distinct stagesin God’s work of restoring the earth: First, there was the activity of the Holy Spirit (Gen_1:2); Second, the calling of light into existence (Gen_1:3); Third, the making of the firmament (Gen_1:6-9); Fourth, the clothing of the earth with vegetation (Gen_1:11); Fifth, the making and arranging of the heavenly bodies (Gen_1:14-18); Sixth, the storing of the waters (Gen_1:2021); Seventh, the stocking of the earth (Gen_1:24). The perfection of God’s handiwork is further made to appear in the seven times the word "good" occurs here —Gen_1:4, Gen_1:10, Gen_1:12, Gen_1:18, Gen_1:21, Gen_1:25, Gen_1:31 —also the word "made" is found seven times in this section — Gen_1:7, Gen_1:16, Gen_1:25, Gen_1:26, Gen_1:31; Gen_2:2, Gen_2:3. Seven times "heaven" is mentioned in this chapter — Gen_1:1, Gen_1:8, Gen_1:9, Gen_1:14, Gen_1:15, Gen_1:17, Gen_1:20. And, it may be added, that "God" Himself is referred to in this opening section (Gen. 1:1-2:4) thirty-five times, which is 7 multiplied by 5. Thus the seal of perfection is stamped upon everything God here did and made. (Pink) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 20
(Gen 1:7) And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. Some of this water under the firmament, is underground. In fact there are very likely veritable seas beneath the earth. These were also loosened in the days of Noah so that water came from above and below to cover the entire earth in forty days. OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY 2Co_3:14 II. GENESIS Gen_1:7 a) GENESIS reveals God (1) He is the Creator-God (Elohim) (2) He is the Covenant-God (3) He is the Almighty God (4) He is the "Most High" God (5) He is the Possessor of heaven and earth (6) He is Jehovah - the Redeemer of men (7) He is the I AM b) GENESIS exhibits Man (1) The creature of God's hands (2) The fallen and sinful being (3) The one brought back to God (4) The one who finds grace in His sight (Gen_6:8) (5) The one who walks with God (Gen_6:9) (6) The one who becomes a "Friend" of God (Jam_2:23) c) GENESIS exposes the wiles of the devil (1) We are not ignorant of his devices (2) He only operates in three areas (1Co_10:13) —Lust of the flesh —Lust of the eye —Pride of life (3) He calls in question the Word of God (4) He casts doubt on its integrity (5) He denies its veracity
d) GENESIS exhibits the callings of God (1) God singled out Abraham from an idolatrous people (2) He made him a father of the chosen nation (3) He passed over Ishmael and called Isaac (4) He passed over Manasseh and called Ephraim e) GENESIS displays our salvation (1) God clothed our fallen parents Himself (2) He clothed them with skins of animals (3) Death had to come in (4) Blood had to be shed (5) The innocent was slain in the stead of the guilty (6) Only then could man's shame be covered (7) Only thus could the sinner be fitted to stand before the Holy God f) GENESIS illustrates security (1) The flood descended upon the wicked earth (2) It swallowed up the guilty inhabitants (3) Judgment came upon all evil (4) Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (5) God safely preserved the ark (6) God shut him in g) GENESIS speaks of separation (1) Enoch's lot was cast in the days when evil abounded (2) He lived apart from the world (3) He walked with God (4) Abraham was separated from idolatry (5) He stepped out on the promises of God (6) Lot was unequally yoked with unbelievers (7) He had fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness h) GENESIS portrays God's disciplinary chastisement (1) Jacob shows what happens to those who walk after the flesh. (2) Esau shows the sensual and profane (3) God's grace triumphs over human frailty i) GENESIS shows the value of prayer (1) Abraham prayed and Abimelech's life was spared (2) Abraham's servant prayed and obtained a wife for Isaac GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 22
(3) Jacob prayed and became a prince with God. j) GENESIS portrays the rapture (1) Enoch walked with God and "was not" for God translated him. (2) He did not pass through the portals of death (3) He was suddenly removed from these scenes of sin and suffering (4) He was transported into the realm of glory without seeing death k) GENESIS declares the incarnation (1) The coming One would be supernaturally begotten (2) He would be the son of man without a human father (3) He would be bruised by the serpent (4) He would bruise the serpent's head l) GENESIS foreshadowed the death and resurrection of Jesus (1) The ark preserved Noah and his family (2) It brought them safely through the flood of death on to the new earth (3) Isaac was laid upon the altar (4) Abraham received him back as a figure from the dead m) GENESIS teaches the Savior’s coming exaltation (1) Joseph went through humiliation and suffering (2) He was tempted and brought to grief (3) He was exalted as prince over all the kingdom (4) He shows the sufferings of Christ and the glory that is to follow (1Pe_1:11) (5) Jacob said, "unto Him shall the gathering of the people be" n) GENESIS announces the antichrist (1) The seed of the serpent was to come (2) Foreshadowed by Nimrod, the rebel against God (3) Head of the first great federation in open opposition to God o) GENESIS announces the importance of Israel (1) Unto thy seed will I give this land (2) I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth p) GENESIS makes known God's judgment (1) Cain confessed his punishment was greater than he could bear (2) The flood swept a world of ungodly away GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 23
(3) Fire and brimstone descended upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (4) Lot's wife turned to salt for one disobedient look BACK TO ABI OUTLINE *II. THE BOOK OF GENESIS The word Genesis comes from the Hebrew word Bereshith, which means "In the beginning." The Hebrews often used the first words of a book as its title. In this case it is very appropriate for it is the book of the beginning of everything but God. It begins the drama of redemption. Included in the book is the beginning of— Creation Home City life Man Work Country life Woman Childbearing False worship Sabbath Sin Languages Marriage Murder Israel Heaven Sacrifice Types Earth Races Judgment Prophecy Grace Name of God Redemption Trade Fellowship Death Agriculture Satanic operation 1. THE SEED PLOT OF THE BIBLE Genesis contains, in germ form, almost all of the great doctrines that are afterwards fully developed in other Bible books. What is begun in Genesis is a seed for a development in the later drama of redemption. Its typical aspects contain only the germ of the truth to later be fully manifested in the antitype. All that is in the acorn will some day be in the large oak tree. (1) The beginning of CREATION leads to a new creation (2Co_5:17) What is creation looking forward to? (2) The beginning of ADAM leads to a second Adam (1Co_15:45) (3) The beginning of MARRIAGE leads to Marriage Supper (Rev_19:9) (4) The beginning of WOMAN leads to the Church GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 24
(5) The beginning of SABBATH leads to Eternal Rest (6) The beginning of HOME leads to Heaven (7) The beginning of CHILDBEARING leads to Eternal Life (8) The beginning of SIN leads to Eternal Fire (9) The beginning of MURDER leads to Antichrist (10) The beginning of SACRIFICE leads to the Death of Christ (11) The beginning of GRACE leads to the Millennium (12) The beginning of TRADE leads to World Subjection (13) The beginning of AGRICULTURE leads to the Millennium (14) The beginning of CITY LIFE leads to the Holy City (15) The beginning of RURAL LIFE leads to Millennium (16) The beginning of RACES leads to The Bringing together of all things (17) The beginning of LANGUAGES leads to One Universal language (18) The beginning of CHOSEN PEOPLE leads to God's Special Treasure (19) The beginning of SATAN'S WORK leads to satan's destruction (20) The beginning of SATAN'S SEED leads to Antichrist (21) The beginning of the FALL leads to the Restoration (22) The beginning of the FLOOD leads to the Salvation of Man (23) The beginning of DEATH leads to Victory over death (24) The beginning of TRANSLATION leads to the Rapture (25) The beginning of the DOVE'S WORK leads to the work of Spirit of God (26) The beginning of CIVILIZATION leads to Ultimate (Millennial) Civilization (27) The beginning of HUMAN RELIGION leads to the Harlot Church (28) The beginning of COATS OF SKIN leads to being Clothed with His Righteousness (redemption) (29) The beginning of ANGEL MINISTRY leads to Ministry to the Heirs of Salvation (30) The beginning of BURNING OF CITIES leads to Eternal Fire EXERCISE #2 1. Write these words in the time line chart where they belong: Exodus Isaiah Abraham Goliath Malachi Abel Noah (Birth) Flood Elisha Daniel David Ruth 2. What are the two events God prophesied about in Gen_3:15 and why are these events so important in understanding the Bible. GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 25
3. What are the prophecies that have to be fulfilled in order for Gen_3:15 to be complete? 4. How are the order of books in the Bible and the development of man's life similar? 5. What is the pattern of salvation in the Bible? Give examples 6. How did God's dwelling places (Altars) progressively get better? 7. Why did God always reject the first birth and accept the second birth? 8. How does Genesis reveal God? 9. How does Genesis exhibit man? 10. How does Genesis expose the wiles of the devil? 1. OUTLINE OF GENESIS A. FOUR EVENTS (1) Creation (2) Fall (3) Flood (4) Tower of Babel B. FOUR PEOPLE (1) Abraham (2) Isaac (3) Jacob (4) Joseph What is the outline of Genesis? NOTICE that the book is divided into two divisions. The first (from chapter one through chapter 11) is a record of four events. The second (from chapter 12 through chapter 50) is a record of four people. It is the easiest book in the Bible to outline. Gen_1:4
(Gen 1:8) And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. The atmosphere above the earth is what the Bible refers to here as Heaven. That would be the first heaven, where the birds can fly and the clouds accumulate. The second heaven would be where the stars are visible, and the third heaven is above that where the throne of God is. The third heaven is where Paul said he went to (2Co_12:1). OLD TESTAMENT 2Co_3:14 NOT IN ABI OUTLI NE p. 58-66 REFUTATIONOFFALSEDOCTRINESGen_1:8 Gen_1:1refutes all false doctrines, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” a)
It denies the eternality of matter
"In the beginning." There was, then, a commencement; "the heavens and the earth" had a "beginning;" they are not eternal. The antiquity of the universe is beyond human computation; but there was a time when it did not exist. b)
It denies atheism
The Atheist says there is no God, but the Bible begins by declaring His Being. Geology and astronomy may claim a hundred million years for the existence of the universe, but whenever it began God was there; He did not begin; He eternally is. Atheism creates a crop of problems, and solves none. c)
It denies polytheism
If creation were the work of many gods, the unity of the universe would have to be accounted for, and it can be accounted for only on the hypothesis that God, the One Eternal Mind, created it all. "God created!" d)
It denies pantheism
This teaches that God and nature are the same, and so fails to distinguish between mind and matter, right and wrong, good and bad, and utterly confusesthings which lie far apart. But this pernicious error finds its answer here: God created the heavens and the earth, and as He could not create Himself, He, and the "heavens and the earth," cannot be the same. e)
It denies agnosticism
This affirms that it cannot be known whether there is a God or not. But the universe is an effect, and must have had a sufficient Cause;this building must have had an Architect; this design must have had a Designer; this Kingdom must have a King; and this family must have a Father. God said man was without excuse (Rom_1:20) f)
It denies fatalism
Reason is against fate and chance. This wonderful universe could not just "happen." God has acted in the freedom of His eternal Being, and according to His infinite Word and Mind, and what He wills was and is, and can be nothing else, unless He should will it. g)
It denies evolution
This man-made system has gained ground until now the majority of the educated world accepts it as fact instead of theory. Yet the Bible begins by refuting such notions of the intellectuals; Man did not evolve. He came from the hand of the One who "made of one blood all nations." GENESISIN THENEWTESTAMENT a) Creation (Gen_1:1with Joh_1:3; Heb_11:3) b) Genealogy of Christ (Genesis 1-38 with Mat_1:1-3; Luk_3:34-38) c) Marriage and divorce (Gen_1:27; Gen_2:23-24 with Mat_19:4-5) d) Eve beguiled (Gen_3:4with 2Co_11:3) e) Adam's disobedience (Gen_3:6with 1Ti_2:14) f) Promised Messiah (Gen_3:15with Gal_4:4-5) g) Abel's accepted offering (Gen_4:4with j) h) Cain's way (Gen_4:3-16 with Jud_1:11) i) First murder (Gen_4:8with 1Jo_3:12) j) Translation of Enoch (Gen_5:24with Heb_11:5) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 28
k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z)
Deliverance of Noah (Gen_6:8-13 with 1Pe_3:20) Noah prepared an ark (Gen_6:14with Heb_11:7) Flood (Gen_7:4with Mat_24:37-39) Abraham's call (Gen_12:1with Heb_11:8) Melchizedek's priesthood (Gen_14:18with Heb_7:1) Abraham's faith counted for righteousness(Gen_15:6with Rom_4:4; Jam_2:23) Hagar and Ishmael (Gen_16:15with Gal_4:22) Abraham's lordship (Gen_18:12with 1Pe_3:6) Days of Lot (Gen_19:1-29 with Luk_17:28-29) Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen_19:25with Mat_10:15; Mat_11:13-24) Remember Lot's wife (Gen_19:26with Luk_17:32) Offering of Isaac (Gen_22:1-10 with Heb_11:17; Jam_2:21) Esausold his birthright (Gen_25:33with Heb_12:16) Jacob blessed Joseph's sons (Gen_48:15with Heb_11:21) Christ the King (Gen_49:10with Mat_2:6; Luk_1:32-33) Joseph's dying request (Gen_50:24-25 with Heb_11:22)
THETWOADAMS First Adam Introduced Second Adam dealt with it Death (Gen_2:17) Servitude Pain Separation Curse Sorrow Thorns Sweat Sword
(Heb_2:9) (Phi_2:7) (Act_2:24) (Mar_15:34) (Gal_3:13) (Isa_53:3) (Joh_19:5) (Luk_22:44) (Joh_19:34)
Creation was the foreshadowing of many things. One of them was the coming of the Redeemer into the world to save the lost. When He came His life showed the same elements as in the creation: COVENANTRELATIONSHIP God began at creation to enter into covenant relationship with man. These covenants contain elements of unconditional truth. Yet to the individual, they are usually conditional. EXAMPLE: Man was promised dominion of
all creation in the Edenic covenant. However, Adam lost it and it will not become a reality until the "ages to come." a) Edenic (Gen_1:26-28)—Creative. b) Adamic (Gen_3:14-19)—Disciplinary c) Noahic (Gen_8:20—9:6)—Human government d) Abrahamic (Gen_12:1-3)—Promise e) Palestinian (Gen_15:18-21)—Designation of land NAMESOFGOD a) Elohim: Relationship of creation and authority (Gen_1:1; Gen_2:7-24; Gen_3:8-24) b) Lord God: God in self-existence, ever living, never dying reality (Gen_2:4, Gen_2:7) c) Most High God: Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen_14:18) d) Lord God: Master of life (Gen_15:2) e) Lord: A God who seesus (Gen_16:13) f) Almighty God: The God who is strong, all-sufficient, comforting, satisfying, nourishing, and enriching (Gen_17:1; Gen_48:3) g) Judge: Final court of appeals for the whole earth (Gen_18:25) h) Everlasting God: The forever existing One, the God over everlasting things (Gen_21:33) i) Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord who provides (Gen_22:13-14; Psa_23:1; Phi_4:19) SEVENGOODTHINGSIN GENESIS a) Light (Gen_1:4) b) Dry land and water (Gen_1:10) c) Herbs for food (Gen_1:12) d) Light to rule the day and night (Gen_1:18) e) Water creatures and fowl (Gen_1:21) f) Earthly beasts (Gen_1:25) g) Everything made (Gen_1:31) SEVENSTAGESOFWORK a) Activity of the Spirit (Gen_1:2) b) Light called into existence (Gen_1:3) c) Making of a firmament (Gen_1:6-9) d) Clothing the earth with vegetation (Gen_1:11) e) Making and arranging of heavenly bodies (Gen_1:14-18) f) Storing waters (Gen_1:20-21) g) Stocking the earth (Gen_1:24) GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 30
(Gen 1:9) And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. Up to this point in creation nothing could be productive on the landmass of this earth. Thus, in order to prepare the vegetation, God now separated the water, which would stunt or kill off the plant life, from the land where it could grow. All this preparation was for man to have a place of habitation, a place to produce the food he would need to live by. It must have been relatively flat for the flood only went up fifteen cubits (Gen_7:20). The flood would have very likely been instrumental in the formation of the mountain ranges. (Gen 1:10) And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. It appears to me that these seaswere all fresh water at this time and the salt of the oceans was caused later, probably after the flood, becausewere it all salty then it would appear you could not have vast fresh water lakes like we find in the upper mid-western part of the United States. God saw that what He had done was good for He rejoices in His works (Psa_104:31). (Gen 1:11) And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. The operation so far has been the gradual development toward this very moment, when life could be produced from the earth. Apparently at this point God put seedsin this newly formed earth which began to grow profusely. Without any curse upon the earth it very likely grew beyond what we could imagine today for the scientists have determined that the coal layers in Pennsylvania were formed by a five hundred feet thick layer of vegetation. (Gen 1:12) And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Each of these plants were according to a certain species and continued to be that way until men only recently have begun to make hybrid plants for his own use. As long as plants remain undisturbed by man, they continue to grow after their kind. There will come a day when righteousnesswill spring from the earth in a similar way that the plants do now (Isa_61:11). (Gen 1:13) And the evening and the morning were the third day. God’s way of reckoning time was from evening to evening, rather than midnight to midnight. The Hebrews continue to use this method which has proved confusing at times, especially with trying to determine dates, such as when Jesusdied. The whole idea goes back to the creation when God had to start with nothing as in the evening, and then produce something which would be represented more by the morning. [evening and morning were the third day ] God usesthat pattern continually through history. (Psa_30:5; 1Pe_1:11;Php_2:7-9) (Gen 1:14) And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Now God began to add to His creation. He had been separating for the first three days, and now He would divide and separate for the next three days. The only thing He added earlier was the seed on the third day, and it may have already been in the earth but unable to produce until dry land appeared. After three days of adding and three days of separating He could then form a man in His image so that for the first time He had seen Himself in His creation. (Gen 1:15) And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. If the light of the first day was shining upon the earth already, then these verses would be meaningless. Therefore, we conclude that now we have visible light whereas the light before was something different. Thesetwo lights were given their orders from the first. Their major responsibility was to give light to the earth. There are many other advantagesof these lights included in their shining on the earth.
(Gen 1:16) And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. The typical aspect of these two lights become very interesting. The sun is a primary light and shines upon the moon as Christ is the primary light that shines upon His Church. Jesussaid for us to let our light shine (Mat_5:15), but that is not a light from our own source. It is a light from Him. When the moon allows the world to get between itself and the sun it cannot shine. A full moon shines best. It is constantly drawing the world to itself, yet forever separated from it. The moon forever keeps in sync with the sun, never getting ahead or behind. The moon never shows the dark side. Special clothes must be worn to stay on the moon. [SEE MOON OF WHICH HE IS SUN Son_6:10]
Notice how little is made of the stars. “He made the stars also.” Only five words for so vast a work, yet when He came to the life of Joseph, He stopped and spent thirteen chapters to show how He prepared to build Israel into a nation. God shows interest in things that are part of the drama of redemption. He shows no interest in many things that are of humanistic importance. OLDTESTAMENTSURVEY2Co_3:14 *4. DIVISIONSOFTHEOLDTESTAMENTGen_1:16 *A. LAW: Theseare the first five books of the Bible written by Moses. It is also called the Pentateuch. *B. HISTORY: Theseare the books that contain the story of Israel's history from Joshua through Esther. *C. WRITINGS: Theseare poetic, philosophical, and proverbial writings, including Job through the Song of Solomon. *D. MAJORPROPHETS: The prophetic authors from Isaiah through Daniel wrote a larger volume of prophecies than the other prophets and were thus distinguished from the Minor Prophets by calling them Major Prophets. *E.MINORPROPHETS: The twelve prophets who wrote less than the Major Prophets and whose writings are now supplementary. Describe for me the divisions of the Old Testament GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 33
The great foundation stones of the Pentateuch appear first. Then the undulating plains of Bible history can be seen. Next come the limpid lakes and rich pastures of Hebrew poetry. And behind these tower the beetling crags of the prophetic ranges. Theseare the mighty Himalayas of God's Word, challenging the vigorous student to come and plant his feet on higher ground. Beyond Mount Malachi is a dark valley lying between two testaments. Then the Gospels appear, familiar territory to most, leading on into the great metropolis of the Book of Acts. Next comes the fertile fields of the epistles, the fragrant letter-lands of the New Testament. Then, once again, and for the last time, the country slopes upward by way of mysterious Mount Revelation until finally, high and lifted up, we see the golden streets of the celestial city, the New Jerusalem. (John Phillips: Exploring the Scriptures) A certain copy of the Book of John was once executed in superb penmanship by the hand of an artist. In some places the words are all cramped together, while in other places they are spaced far apart. Looking at the manuscript closely, there seemsto be little reason for such a spacing of the words. Standing back, however, and looking at the production from a distance, the artist's purpose becomesclear. He not only wrote the Book of John, but also portrayed the face of JesusChrist, his cramped and spaced-out words forming the lights and shadows on the page. Thus it is with the Bible. The creation of the stars is covered in Genesis chapter 1 in five short words: "He made the stars also." Yet the story of the tabernacle is spread over some fifty chapters of the Bible. The story of Adam would all fit on one page, but the life of Joseph covers 13 chapters. All we know of the life of Jesusbetween His birth and His baptism is covered in a single page of Scripture. Yet page after page is devoted to genealogies which perhaps appear endlessand pointless to us. We ask, "Why such an uneven choice of subject matter?" The answer becomes clear when we take a survey look at the Bible. Woven into all the Scripture is the perfect portrait of JesusChrist. Why would God spend fifty chapters on the Tabernacle, and only one sentence on the creation of the stars?
EXERCISE#1 SEEDISPENSATIONSEph_1:10 Deu_10:12 (Gen 1:17) And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, Notice God set them there. They were not the accidental results of a big bang. They were placed exactly where they should be so that when they shined there would be perfect cycles that all clocks could be judged by (Job_38:12). Later He set His bow in the heavens for a sign that He would not destroy the world again with a flood (Gen_9:13;Isa_54:9). He set a door in the side of the ark (Gen_6:16)
(Gen 1:18) And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. Theselights have a further responsibility beyond governing our day. They determine when it is winter and summer. They determine when to plant and when to sow. They give a pattern we can follow with our seven day weeks, our months and our years. In the sun we have the most worthy emblem that the visible universe presents of Him, who, with the word of His power, kindled up its glories, and with the strength of His right hand established it in the heavens. And the analogies between the sun of nature and the Sun of Righteousnessare both striking and instructive (Mal_4:2).
(H. W. Morris) (Gen 1:19) And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Four has become the universal number, and here with the placing of Sun and moon, we have the finalizing of the positions of the universe. There are four seasonsof the year. There are four directions in the earth. There are four directions of the cross Four Gospels represent the earthly life of Christ. There are four winds of heaven (Dan_7:2-3). There were four faces of the Cherubim (Eze_1:5-6; Eze_1:1,Eze_10:11, Eze_10:14,Eze_10:20-21). GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 35
There were four soils in the parable of the sower. There were four curtains in the tabernacle. The Holiest Place is foursquare. There were four horns on the brazen altar and the golden altar. There were four pillars to the entrance to the Holiest Place. There were four spices used in the incense. (Gen 1:20) And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. The evolutionist takes the creation from another view. They have the sea first and out of it the sea creatures are produced somehow without any outside influence, and later the vegetation, but God says He created the plant life on the third day and the fish in the seaand birds in the air on the fifth day. While he manifests his wisdom and his power, he is making a permanent provision for the sustenance of man through all his generations.
(Clarke) (Gen 1:21) And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Somefeel that this vast amount of animal life in the sea continued to expand abundantly until the seaswere literally filled with animal life as was the earth with animals and that this is the source of all the oil in the earth. One thing is certain, there has been a lot of oil placed beneath the earth that mankind has been using for over a hundred years, with a multiplied volume each year and yet there is still a lot remaining. If all of the oil is from animals and all the coal from vegetation, then there was a profuse growth in both areas at some time. (Gen 1:22) And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. [God blessed them] Even His creation cannot survive without His blessing.
[saying] This implies that God spoke to these creatures. It does not say how He would have done it, or exactly what this statement means. However they were given their orders and that has been their function to this day. Animals in land and sea appear to have no other goal in life than to reproduce, grow and multiply. This is another sign that man lives by the Word of God (Deu_8:3). (Gen 1:23) And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. Each of the statements about the day closeswith the statement that the evening and morning made up the day. This is a pattern and unison that makes it appear that there is a similarity to the days. It appears their length were comparatively equal. Yet each day is gradually building up to a culmination. Each day is built on the last. Never is a day self-sufficient. They are looking forward to a fulfillment wherein they will fulfill their purpose. (Gen 1:24) And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. Now on this last day of creation, we come to the end of God’s addition. In the first three days He separated. In these last three days He is added. Yet He was not satisfied with it for He had not yet seen Himself in His creation. His whole purpose was to progressively work toward a creature made in His own image. That will finalize His creative work. (Gen 1:25) And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Everything was good so far, yet God had not finished with creation. We know today that this was the last day He would create, but His creation at that time did not know it. Up to this point the entire creation could be selfsufficient. Let it alone and it would continue forever. Yet all of this was only the scaffolding for the building. It was the preparation for man to dominate God's creation.
(Gen 1:26) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. This verse has been used by Trinitarians since the days of Justin Martyr about 153 AD to show that the Father was speaking to the Son when He said, “Let us make man in our image.” The Trinitarian doctrine was newly forming and they were searching the scripture to find evidence for their doctrine. It is obvious they ignored Hebrew grammar rules when they came up with that explanation. One very good answer to their argument is made by F. W. Robertson in his Notes on Genesis page 4: We are told that the language in which that creation is spoken of (i.e. “Let us make man”) implies the doctrine of a plurality of persons in the Deity. In other words, the author, of whose avowed object it was to teach the unity of God, so far forgot himself as to teach the contrary. We are told again that we are to found on this account the doctrine of the Trinity. There is no reason, only ignorance in such a view. The Hebrew, when he wanted to speak of something majestic, spoke in the plural, not in the singular. He spoke of “heavens” not heaven {of waters, not water). In the same way he spoke of Gods,yet meaning only one God. When you recognize that Robertson was himself a Trinitarian, but believed it was a later development after the Christian Church began, you have to acknowledge that this statement is not from some Onenesspreacher trying to prove his Onenessmessage.[SEE Gen_1:27 FOR VARIOUS VIEWS OF THIS VERSE]
Anyone who studies the Hebrew language knows this is true and that the entire Old Testament clearly shows only one God, sometimes mentioned with the singular name, Jehovah, and at other times in the plural form, Elohim. It is the plural form speaking here, translated God in our King JamesVersion of the Bible. There is also a regular mention that these are not two Godsbut that Jehovah is Elohim. Psa_100:3states, for example: “Know ye that Jehovah, He is Elohim.” Deu_6:4Here O Israel, Jehovah our Elohim is one Jehovah
Justin Martyr who became Christian 133ADand wrote his apology 153 AD is the first to use this verse to prove a trinity doctrine. OLDTESTAMENTSURVEY2Co_3:14 BACKTO ABI OUTLINE *(3) LET USMAKEMAN Gen_1:26 [SEEABOVE] Why is it impossible for the Hebrew to use Gen_1:26to speak of more than one God? *(4) GOD’SIMAGE(Gen_1:26-27) In our image tseh-lem (phantom, shadow) model, figure After our likeness dem-ooth (resemblance) model, shape Eph_1:11God does all things after the counsel of His own will If God made us in His likenessand He is three persons, then we would have to be. I am body, soul and spirit but not three persons. What is a person? God made light, sun, and they were very good God made the seasand mountains and they were very good. Fishes, birds, and beasts and they were very good Great lights (Sun, stars and moon)—very good But when they were counted they were not enough There was something still to be made which should be greater which should be more wonderful which should be better than all these • They declared the glory of God, but not His likeness! • They displayed the handiwork of God, but did not share in His Spirit! Then God said, "Let us make man." The Psalmist said man is crowned with glory and honor. Glory has to do with what you are Honor has to do with what is bestowed on you
Thus your greatest glory is to be in God’s image. Your greatest honor is to have dominion over His creation. What is man’s greatest glory—honor? Christ is the image (Heb_1:3) Expressimage of His person. (ILL with stamp and paper) SEEWORDWASMADEFLESH(Joh_1:14) God created man in His own "image" (tselem), after His "likeness" (demuth). The two ideas denote the same thing—resemblance to God. The like conception of man, tacit or avowed, underlies all revelation. It is given in <Gen_9:6> as the ground of the prohibition of the shedding of man's blood; is echoed in <Psa_8:3-8>; is reiterated frequently in the New Testament <1Co_11:7; Eph_4:24; Col_3:10; Isa_3:9 It lies in the nature of the casethat the "image" does not consist in bodily form; it can only reside in spiritual qualities, in man's mental and moral attributes as a self-conscious, rational, personal agent, capable of selfdetermination and obedience to moral law. This gives man his position of lordship in creation, and invests his being with the sanctity of personality. The image of God, defaced, but not entirely lost through sin, is restored in yet more perfect form in the redemption of Christ. (International Standard Bible Encylopaedia) That image marks the distinction between man and animals 1. God is just and pure and good Deaf man does not understand hearing Blind man does not understand light so to talk of God as good and just and pure implies that there is goodness,justice, purity in the mind of man. 2. We find in man the senseof the infinite As God is boundless, the soul of man is boundless Something boundless • in the senseof justice • in the senseof truth • in the power of self-sacrifice 3. In the creative power there is a resemblance to God He has filled the world with His inventions
a. b. c. d.
Forced the lightning to be his messenger Put a girdle around the earth Climbed up to the clouds and onto the moon Penetrated down to the depths of the sea and earth
Likenessis not only physical likeness: In man's spiritual nature and spiritual endowments. Freedom of will, self-consciousness,reasoning power, capacity for knowing God and holding communion with Him. God is total eye, total ear. IMAGEWASNOT COMPLETELYLOST! "And Adam...begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.." • As Adam was created in the image, Seth inherited it. Murder is a kind of sacrilege • To kill a man is to destroy the life of a creature created in the Divine image. • Punished by death THEPARTSOFTHEIMAGE a. Reason Man is, like God, a creator. Where God is a creator, man is an inventor. Radio, television, tape recorders, jets, spacecraft, body transplants Bird is an artisan of her nest Beeis an artisan of his cell Beaver is an artisan of his hut BUT ARTISANSONLY! Work by the rule furnished them They are producers, not creators Never make a variation b. Self-consciousness Not only conscious, but SELF-CONSCIOUS! Mind reflects back on himself GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 41
Apprehends himself Speaksof himself as "I" No Brute has this power! Man complains and rebels Beeworks his life away without consciousnessof sacrifice c. Recognition of right and wrong Distinction between these belong to man alone Animal may be taught not to do certain things but it is becausethese things are contrary to his master's wish, NOT BECAUSEIT IS WRONG! d. Communion with God "They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (Gen_3:8). e. Capacity for redemption • Becauseit is God's image, God undertook redemption. • Becauseimage was not totally destroyed God could do it Man was endowed with a body, soul, and spirit. He was to combine intellectual power with liberty of will, and the faculty of conscience. He was created higher than any other earthly creature. The only creature greater in rank than they were the angels. He was to have universal dominion "over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." As God's agent and ambassador, man was to exercise lordship over nature, and guide it toward its destined perfection (Gen_1:26). Though man was endued with such high prerogatives, he was not able to attain the end for which he was created. His fall postponed his dominion until the "ages to come" when he will be raised above the angels and have complete dominion as promised in the beginning (Psalm 8 and Hebrews 2). Genesis shows us what springs from man. Different forms of life that grow from the root of old Adam (Leviticus 1). In seeing how Adam behaved, we know how our old Adam behaves. We see the ungodly and the godly races that come from him—sin and grace, life and death, good and evil, love and hate, prayerfulness and cursing—all come from this one man.
[SEEBRIDEFORADAM Gen_2:18] [REFUTATIONOFFALSEDOCTRINEGen_1:8] Gen_3:7 (Gen 1:27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Further proof to me, and that which should clinch the argument is that the scriptures go on to say, “So Elohim created man in HIS own image, in the image of Eloheim created He him; male and female created He them.” It does not say, “Elohim created man in their own images.” To a Hebrew scholar it is obvious what Moseswas saying. It is a language problem, and not a problem of the substance of the God creating. The image of God is not the physical likenessof the man for many animals have a similar skeletal system, or other similar features. It is not the spirit part of man becauseeven the angels are spirits, and if they had been in God’s image there would be no purpose in this creature. The image of God in man are the attributes of what make God what He is that are also in man. The image is composed of honesty, faith, truth, justice, etc. that every man, whether he be atheist or Christians knows has a reason to be that way. Darwin described it as an “ought.” He said, there are some things that we should do and be that is recognized by all people, everywhere. If we never had a law that said man should not steal there is something natural in us that says we should not take another man’s property. A conscience is also a part of us that acts as a policeman over these attributes, and again whether you be atheist or Christian, that conscience still works and was not a learned ingredient of life. GOD'SSEARCHFORHIS IMAGE(Gen_1:27) Eze_9:4 1Co_2:16 Rom_12:1-2 2Co_4:10 Gal_2:20 His likeness 1Jo_2:6 Mat_5:48 1Pe_1:16 GRIFFIN COMMENTS GEN 1—PAGE 43
• Old and new 2Co_3:18Rom_8:29 Col_3:10; Eph_4:22 • Psa_50:14Why He wants one in His image • 1Ch_28:4 ORDEROFCREATION First three days God separated. 1. Light from darkness 2. Waters from water 3. Dry land from water Next three days separating 4. Lights 5. Fowl in the air and fish in the sea 6. Land animals God continued to work until He saw His image--He made man then he rested. God can only rest when He seesHis image in us. Various efforts have been made to verify exactly who Elohim was speaking to when He said "Let us make man." Jewswould say He was speaking to Himself becauseof the way the language refers to anything majestic. Paul implies the same (Eph_1:11) when he said He does everything after the counsel of His own will. The Jewswould admit the inclusion of the seven spirits of the One God (Isa_11:1-2). This view is what Robertson referred to, as we recorded in Gen_1:26. Justin Martyr, around 140 AD claimed it was the Father speaking to the Son, and trinitarians have held that view ever since, adding the Holy Ghost as a third party to whom He spake. (for 1854 years in 2007) He became a Christian in 133 AD and wrote his apology in 153 AD, so it was from that latter time it was officially taught. Bro. S. G. Norris claimed it was prophetic, speaking of the body (Heb_10:5) He would come in later. This would answer some scripture references and could be shown by (Rev_13:8) the fact Jesuswas slain before the foundation
of the world, that the Word was made flesh (Joh_1:1-3; Joh_1:14) and that Jesusis the image of the invisible God (Heb_1:1-3; Col_1:16-18). Bro. Ralph Reynolds advocated that it was angels. This can be shown by the times Jehovah appeared and when He spoke it could include angels (Gen_11:7). When Jehovah [the angel of the Lord] appeared to Abraham, two angels appeared with Him and all looked like men. Then Jehovah remained behind to speak to Abraham while two angels went to Sodom. Jehovah is alone with Abraham in Genesis 18 and the two angels appear in Sodom in Genesis 19. Then Isaiah saw (Isa_6:1-6; Isa_6:7-12) Jehovah on the throne [angel of the Lord that always represented a form for Jehovah] and serephim filling the room. Adonai asked, "Whom shall I send and who will go for us (Isa_6:8)?" The only ones there were angels and Jehovah, so there could not be anyone else He was referring to at the time. (Joh_12:36-41). [Isaiah saw Adonai sitting upon the throne (Isa_6:1). Then he said, "I have seen the King, Jehovah of hosts (Isa_6:5). Thus Jehovah and Adonai are the same. Then John said the one he was seeing was JesusJoh_12:41] (Gen 1:28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Another language problem arises in this verse that has often caused problems. Our English form is “replenish” the earth. The Hebrew [ male maw-lay] is simply to fill up, but in translating to English they used replenish which would not give the same idea in Hebrew as in English. We are to put back into the earth what we have taken out of it. This dominion was never accomplished, or for only a little while, and yet, Psa_8:4-8 promises that man was given such dominion and it was not taken away. Paul usesthis argument in Hebrews 2 to show that the church will eventually obtain that place though, “we see not yet all things, subject unto him.” (Heb_2:5-8) (Gen 1:29) And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
As God spoke to the animal and plant part of creation, He now spoke to the man He had created. We do not know what language He used for either, but we know that with man it was a human language. He supplied the food for man in this part of creation, but there is no mention of meat. However, after the flood meat is mentioned as part of man's diet. (Gen 1:30) And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. God treats the man differently from the beasts. To them He says, “I have given you this to eat and live off of.” To man He says, “Keep these trees and dress them (Gen_2:15).” In other words, God told the man he was to be responsible to take care of the creation and it is implied when he does, the creation will take care of him. This principle was taught by Paul and Jesus in the New Testament (Phi_2:4; 1Co_10:24, 1Co_10:33). We give and it will be given to us. Man became a steward of God's possessions. God's gifts to us are to be used (1Pe_4:10), to be multiplied (Mat_25:15). (Gen 1:31) And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Everything was good up to this point, but now that there was a creature in God’s image, it was called very good. That is becauseeverything had been building up to this point. God cannot stop working until He seesHis image, His likenessin the creation. Thus you see three days of separation and five days of addition, until the last day which results in a creature in the likenessof God, then He can rest. He cannot rest until He seesHimself in His creation. The same is true in the New Testament. That is why all things work together (Rom_8:28-29) so that the Christian can be conformed to His image. That is why we focus on Him (2Co_3:18), so that we gradually become like Him. That is His goal for us now (Col_3:10).